Palestinians Will Be Palestinians

Palestinian mentality begins with the premise, when you're already in a hole --- keep digging.
Obama visits the Middle East to help re-start peace negotiations. And the Palestinians fire missiles into Israel. Praise be to Allah. Let the whole world see the Palestinian mentality Israel has to deal with.
Obama visits the Middle East to help re-start peace negotiations. And the Palestinians fire missiles into Israel. Praise be to Allah. Let the whole world see the Palestinian mentality Israel has to deal with.

Its a matter of culture----BIK seems to have indicated that he
thought that the little fire crackers were a polite gesture
Obama visits the Middle East to help re-start peace negotiations. And the Palestinians fire missiles into Israel. Praise be to Allah. Let the whole world see the Palestinian mentality Israel has to deal with.

Its a matter of culture----BIK seems to have indicated that he
thought that the little fire crackers were a polite gesture

The next time Palestinians launch rockets into Israel, BIK will claim that Gaza was having a fireworks show and some fireworks accidentally landed in Israel
The missiles into Israel is all Israel's fault. That's what Israel gets for granting the Palestinians their own Jew free Gaza. Gosh I wonder what the chances are now of Israel granting the Palestinians their request for part of Jerusalem?
Just throw shawarmas and samboosas instead, make the Israeli Soldiers fat and make friends.

GREAT IDEA!!! ----those flowers of the 60's just made lots of
people sneeze-----and then a squishy mess on the sidewalk.
Edible missiles solve SO MANY PROBLEMS, including clean-up.
Now that we have established that there is something called
"INTERNATIONAL LAW"-----we have the opportunity to make
USEFUL LAWS -------my first proposal is:
1) MISSILE LAUNCHERS---shall be restricted to
launching----well wrapped, one person sized
portioned, freshly made but NOT EXTREMELY
HOT (microwavable) shwarmas, samboosas,
sweet drinks in plastic bottles, small salads,
and a paper napkin.

Yes I think Iron Dome should be the first Missle Launchers to be retooled !!!
GREAT IDEA!!! ----those flowers of the 60's just made lots of
people sneeze-----and then a squishy mess on the sidewalk.
Edible missiles solve SO MANY PROBLEMS, including clean-up.
Now that we have established that there is something called
"INTERNATIONAL LAW"-----we have the opportunity to make
USEFUL LAWS -------my first proposal is:
1) MISSILE LAUNCHERS---shall be restricted to
launching----well wrapped, one person sized
portioned, freshly made but NOT EXTREMELY
HOT (microwavable) shwarmas, samboosas,
sweet drinks in plastic bottles, small salads,
and a paper napkin.

Yes I think Iron Dome should be the first Missle Launchers to be retooled !!!
Instead of even a need for the Iron Dome, wouldn't it be great if Israel could just invent something that when a missile or rocket is sent toward Israel, some kind of machinery is able to get that missile or rocket to just ricochet back to where it originated. I know Patrick would be all for that.

Yes I think Iron Dome should be the first Missle Launchers to be retooled !!!
Instead of even a need for the Iron Dome, wouldn't it be great if Israel could just invent something that when a missile or rocket is sent toward Israel, some kind of machinery is able to get that missile or rocket to just ricochet back to where it originated. I know Patrick would be all for that.

As long as you could do the same thing with all Zionist weaponery yes I would be for that !!!
Instead of even a need for the Iron Dome, wouldn't it be great if Israel could just invent something that when a missile or rocket is sent toward Israel, some kind of machinery is able to get that missile or rocket to just ricochet back to where it originated. I know Patrick would be all for that.

As long as you could do the same thing with all Zionist weaponery yes I would be for that !!!
Good, as the Zionist entity doesn't fire rockets or artillery into Gaza.
Can you imagine what would happen to the Palestinians if they ever had to live under self determination without having Israel to suck off of anymore?
Seal brought up a good point. While those Zionists delight in all of Israel's contributions to the world, let us not forget all the help Israel had from the Palestinians. Ya gotta love Seal. Heh Heh.

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