Palestinians Massing At The Israeli Border


Needs a whole thread.
I think taking back Gaza is inevitable at later stage for a number of reasons.
Targeted assassinations of Jihadi gang leaders could be a good tactic, by default, for any kind of attack, to create real deterrence for the fat billionaires.
[ Every four years or so Hamas starts a war because it wants something in order to survive. What did it get last time?
Where is the pledge from Israel that it was not going to allow this to happen again? That there would be consequences.
Stay tuned. That is all we can do right now.
My thoughts are with the population of Israel, Jews and non Jews, who have to put up with this 7th century Barbarians ]

After firing 450 rockets in a day, Gaza terror groups threaten to increase range

Gearing up for days of fighting, IDF sends tank reinforcements to Gaza border

IDF attacks terrorists' homes hiding weapons

Watch: Damage from rocket fire at Sderot kindergarten
Palestinians want peace then they need to stop the violence, stop the riots at the border and there will be peace.
[ Hamas forgets what the Israeli government decided after 2014 ]

Israeli journalist and military editor and senior defense analyst for Walla, Amir Bohbot, on Sunday afternoon tweeted: “Hamas and the Islamic Jihad have taken out of storage the most advanced Kornet missiles, and are threatening the main traffic arteries in the western Negev next to the Gaza Strip. This is a serious threat.
All of which suggests that Hamas and the Jihad are preparing for a final encounter with the IDF, which has begun to mobilize its armored corps into the Gaza theater.

(full article online)

Report: In Preparation for Invasion, Hamas, Jihad, Deploying Portable Russian Kornet Anti-Tank Guided Missiles
[ Just say NO. Surrender and nothing else. ]

Israel has yet to respond to Hamas’ offer.

The request for a ceasefire comes following a series of targeted assassinations of Hamas officials in Gaza, including Hamed Ahmed Abed Khudari, who had been the spear-head of Iranian fundraising efforts in the coastal enclave, smuggling large quantities of cash from Iran into Gaza.

A total of 13 Gazans have been killed since terror groups in the Strip began their attacks on Israel Saturday, firing more than 600 rockets and missiles at Israel.

(full article online)

Hamas offers ceasefire

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