Palestinian child abuse reaches new low

If the Israelis enfranchised the Christians and Muslims, as the north did to southern whites we may get somewhere. Unfortunately, the Israeli Jews want a passive subjugated population of non-Jews to maintain their dominance over a majority. They will never enfranchise the non-Jews under their control.
Three kids in one day stabbing Israelis? They should be learning alternatives to violence if they want a state, especially that can stand on its own.
End the occupation and their won't be stabbings.
Read the Hamas Charter. There will always be Islamic terrorism.

Read the Likud Charter. There will always be Jewish terrorism.
I can understand your tender islamo-sensibilities are offended. That defines the majority of your pointless babble wherein you sidestep, backtrack and evade, but the Hamas Charter is just a reiteration of islamo-fascism. We can look across the entirety of the muhammedan Middle East, North Africa, parts of the European continent and Asia to see the results of retrogression that are embodied in islamo-fascism and written out in the Hamas Charter.
The Likud and Hamas charters are analogous in terms of Jew and Muslim domination, respectively. It is you who as a partisan fanatic can only express fanaticism.
Read the Hamas Charter. There will always be Islamic terrorism.
Shut up, troll. And fuck your racist hatred!

They don't even follow that Charter anymore, whore.
Read the Hamas Charter. There will always be Islamic terrorism.
Shut up, troll. And fuck your racist hatred!

They don't even follow that Charter anymore, whore.
Islamo-fascism knows no geographic borders or passage of time.

When has Pal'istanian become a "race"?
The Likud and Hamas charters are analogous in terms of Jew and Muslim domination, respectively. It is you who as a partisan fanatic can only express fanaticism.
That's really just an expression of your wounded islamo-sensibilities. We can look across the entirety of the muhammedan Middle East, North Africa, parts of the European continent and Asia to see the results of islamo-fascism embodied in the Hamas Charter. Islamic ideology as represented by Islamic terrorism is a worldwide plague.
I don't think so much depraved, but that they are sheep following the hate and depravity they are taught by their leaders. They need to question and think for themselves, not be obedient lemmings jumping off the cliff.
Too many think a part of a mass mob and not as individuals.

It is old world thinking and feudal mentality they learn from birth. Sadly simple common sense is greatly lacking. Calling for the extermination of Israel and wiping jews from the global history is not a reasonable goal for tomorrow, let alone today.
This is the same mentality that kept the solid south solid from the neck up. They were too busy hating to do themselves any favors. only when large numbers of Republicans moved in in the 60's and 70s did the solid from the neck up south start thinking again. Hating on Begin and Ben Gurion is as stupid as hating Sherman and Grant.

Weren't they called "carpetbaggers"?
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Two kids, one 11, one 14 in a stabbing attack yesterday. The 11 year old was shot and is on a ventilator, but may survive.

Disgusting the parents sending their kids to die like this
View attachment 54463

Whatever makes you think parents send their children out to get killed?It's a choice they make for themselves, more often than not; a stark decision, to die on their feet or live on their knees.
Two kids, one 11, one 14 in a stabbing attack yesterday. The 11 year old was shot and is on a ventilator, but may survive.

Disgusting the parents sending their kids to die like this
View attachment 54463

Whatever makes you think parents send their children out to get killed?It's a choice they make for themselves, more often than not; a stark decision, to die on their feet or live on their knees.
That's just pointless. These Pal'istanian terrorists-in-training are indoctrinated with Islamic ideology defined hate from the earliest age. Everything from cartoons on TV to school lessons are geared to instill hate for Joooooos and the kuffar. Retrograde Islamist ideology is a sickness that little Pal'istanian terrorists learn early.

Would you care for a tour through Pal'istanian Media Watch for lessons in the putrid bile force fed the junior terrorists?
PMW is one of the israeli propaganda outlets

They have access to Pal'istanian media and broadcasts.

The little Pal'istanian islamo-bots are victimized by retrogrades such as you.
Oh my word. Take it easy Billy boy. Don't let those Zionists so upset you. You'll give yourself a stroke or something. And we need you here for laughs.
WTF are you talking about?

I enjoy treating her that way!
You missed the joke. I enjoy leaving you so befuddled that you're left to launch yourself into those silly, saliva-slinging tirades that gives everyone a bit of comic relief.
It is a special type of cruelty to launch a 11 year old boy into a suicide mission like this.

The palies deserve a special place in hell
Quick response for a dimwit.
Such an angry response from the angry Islamist.

If you islamo-loons didn't spend your every waking minute whining about complaining about your self-created disasters, maybe the world wouldn't treat you like the petulant child who was sent to his room for a timeout.

I just find it stereotypical that you're unable to address the salient points raised in this thread and others because your tender islamo-sensibilities are offended when you're held accountable for the generations of hateful little islamo-bots you people create.

It's laughably ironic that islamo-loons are slaughtering islamo-loons across the islamo Middle East and not a peep, not a whimper from people like you. It just proves an adage that you muhammud (swish) worshipping death cultists are your own worst enemy.

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