Palestinian child abuse reaches new low

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
in the forrest
Two kids, one 11, one 14 in a stabbing attack yesterday. The 11 year old was shot and is on a ventilator, but may survive.

Disgusting the parents sending their kids to die like this
Three kids in one day stabbing Israelis? They should be learning alternatives to violence if they want a state, especially that can stand on its own.
May each and every last pal arab fakestinian be wiped out, either exterminated or de-brainwashed, though given the actions of the arab muslim world in the last 20 years, I'm not sure if that is even possible.

Is promoting genocide allowed?
Two kids, one 11, one 14 in a stabbing attack yesterday. The 11 year old was shot and is on a ventilator, but may survive.

Disgusting the parents sending their kids to die like this
View attachment 54463

Do you think that the parents of the Jewish children that died fighting the Nazis sent their kids to die?

"When the Germans came in to clean out the ghetto, much to their surprise, they were met with resistance. Over 1,000 Jewish fighters, including children, used pistols and Molotov cocktails against the sophisticated Nazi weaponry. For weeks, they successfully repulsed the Germans."

Jewish Resistance & Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Two kids, one 11, one 14 in a stabbing attack yesterday. The 11 year old was shot and is on a ventilator, but may survive.

Disgusting the parents sending their kids to die like this
View attachment 54463

Do you think that the parents of the Jewish children that died fighting the Nazis sent their kids to die?

"When the Germans came in to clean out the ghetto, much to their surprise, they were met with resistance. Over 1,000 Jewish fighters, including children, used pistols and Molotov cocktails against the sophisticated Nazi weaponry. For weeks, they successfully repulsed the Germans."

Jewish Resistance & Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
That's an unexpected admission on your part that there are parallels to the Israelis fighting Nazi inspired Pal'istanians.
I am sure the Palestinians are aware of other freedom fighters and their tactics against a far more powerful oppressor. Thanks for coming around.
I am sure the Palestinians are aware of other freedom fighters and their tactics against a far more powerful oppressor. Thanks for coming around.
Unfortunately, life is cheap in the view of Pal'istanians. Children are a disposable commodity to be placed in service to further Jooooooo hatreds.

Really, sweetie, you muhammud (swish) worshippers are as much a danger to yourselves as you are to others.

Do you have a link to support your contention? Of course not. But I have one contradicting it.

"Homegrown Extremists Tied to Deadlier Toll Than Jihadists in U.S...."

nearly twice as many people have been killed by white supremacists, antigovernment fanatics and other non-Muslim extremists than by radical Muslims"
I am sure the Palestinians are aware of other freedom fighters and their tactics against a far more powerful oppressor. Thanks for coming around.
The Jews are the freedom fighters that are fighting the Arab Islamic Nazi scum.
That's like a bank robber saying gimme the money if you want to live. Typical Paleshitian terrorist mentality.
That's like a bank robber saying gimme the money if you want to live. Typical Paleshitian terrorist mentality.
No, it's not like that at all.

Here, I'll fix your scenario for you...

You don't negotiate with a bank robber so he will bring back a portion of the loot. In this case, the bank robber is Israel, since they stole the land. And you don't negotiate with them (since they are in violation of the law). What you do is take the land back, kick Israel's ass and force them to obey the law.

As long as Israel occupies Palestinian land, Israeli's deserve to be stabbed.
Two kids, one 11, one 14 in a stabbing attack yesterday. The 11 year old was shot and is on a ventilator, but may survive.

Disgusting the parents sending their kids to die like this
View attachment 54463
Palestinians have to be one of the most depraved, sick people on earth today.

I don't think so much depraved, but that they are sheep following the hate and depravity they are taught by their leaders. They need to question and think for themselves, not be obedient lemmings jumping off the cliff.
Too many think a part of a mass mob and not as individuals.

It is old world thinking and feudal mentality they learn from birth. Sadly simple common sense is greatly lacking. Calling for the extermination of Israel and wiping jews from the global history is not a reasonable goal for tomorrow, let alone today.

A long list if demands is not helpful. What is the least or smallest necessity needed now, today. Then you work step by sept as each need, not want, is fixed to some degree of satisfaction. Start at the bottom of the ladder and work one step at a time to go up.

Extermination is not a goal the world will agree to.

One of the first things I would need, would be hospitals in the WB so people don't have to wait to cross into Israel. Work some health insurance so people can get the basics locally.

Making a shared police force that works fairly and that will gradually step back from safe and secure areas of the WB and leave it just in palestinian hands. Now there are trouble spots that Israel has to enter and that the PA police are not capable of sweeping clean of weapons and incitement, against the PA government and Israel.

Strengthening the PA government so it can be self sufficient and not a crumbling corrupt disaster. That would take support from the arab and western world. No so much money as reorganizing and education. Help them create jobs for their own people. Help them to provide services. Help them collect weapons. Help them to make the palestinians happier in the PA, and not so angry or demanding of wiping Israel off the map.

Israel should not be the demon for everything. Palestinians need to build the best PA they can on the land they fully control now and them work gradually for more land when Israel feels secure with a friendly PA partner.

Right now even if Israel did disappear, a palestine would fail on their own as a state. They dont have what it takes to run a state that has to live in a global economy and abide by a set of lawful standards.

Gaza is a problem for everyone, not just the PA or Israel. That is several volumes of ideas just to begin with.

Start small and go just one foot in front of the others till everyone can reach a working compromise.
I don't think so much depraved, but that they are sheep following the hate and depravity they are taught by their leaders. They need to question and think for themselves, not be obedient lemmings jumping off the cliff.
Too many think a part of a mass mob and not as individuals.

It is old world thinking and feudal mentality they learn from birth. Sadly simple common sense is greatly lacking. Calling for the extermination of Israel and wiping jews from the global history is not a reasonable goal for tomorrow, let alone today.
This is the same mentality that kept the solid south solid from the neck up. They were too busy hating to do themselves any favors. only when large numbers of Republicans moved in in the 60's and 70s did the solid from the neck up south start thinking again. Hating on Begin and Ben Gurion is as stupid as hating Sherman and Grant.

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