Palestinian animals blow up civilian bus in Jerusalem

What is flame baiting about asking why you expect the Palestinians to behave differently than other groups that found themselves in similar circumstances? I don't get it.

What is bothering you about a fairly simple question.

Simplifying the question:

Is there something that caused you to expect a different reaction from the Palestinians than the reaction of those other groups to being ruled by a group they did not want to be ruled by?

Stop your nonsense.

What is nonsensical about a simple question that addresses expectations. I am truly curious to understand if and why the supporters of Israel believed that the Palestinians would behave differently than other groups under similar conditions. I truly can't understand why the question is so difficult to answer.

Because you are not asking a question.

Did/do supporters of Israel believe that the Palestinians would behave differently than similarly situated people such as the Irish Catholics, the Algerians, the non-white South South Africans, the Tamils etc.?

That is question 1.

It didn't even cross their minds.
Well, a lot of ranting but no answer to the question.
No one expects anything from the Palestinians.

And the IRA have nothing to do with this issue.

Is there an issue?

Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.
Those "other", non-islamist groups are not / were not in the same position. Can you explain why?

Well, no. They, including the FLN who were Muslim, are in exactly the same position as the Palestinians vis-a-vis their rulers.
Actually, the various non-islamists were not in the same position as the Islamic terrorist 'Pal'istanians. There's a common theme that connects the Islamic fascists. Can you guess what it is?

One of the first rules in the maintenance of totalitarianism is to invent an external enemy to deflect scrutiny and criticism of the real enemy: the internal islamist oppressor(s). We see this with a of the Islamist terrorist fear societies.

Isn't it odd how we see all these islamist "victims" running around with automatic weapons, complaining of discrimination, whining about being unfairly accused of terrorist bombings, and warning the infidel of the innocent civilians that will be killed in a military reprisal? They justify their murderous acts by claiming to be oppressed by non-Moslems. But if they were truly fighting oppression, they would surely lash out at their own oppressive governments first. On the contrary; they seem to be doing their oppressive government's bidding. When islamics are given the chance to run their own governments, the first thing they do is lock down the society, remove all human rights, and oppress everyone within their borders with intolerable religious laws and ruthless enforcement.

You are becoming addled. Are you discussing the Palestinians, the PLO or some other Palestinian political faction?

In any case, there is hardly any difference.

You are trying to present the Palestinians as somehow different than other groups. But, there is no difference. You would like there to be a difference but it just doesn't exist.

The IRA justified their murderous attacks by claiming to be oppressed by non-Catholics. How is that different?

The ANC justified their murderous attacks by claiming to be oppressed by whites.

ZANU (Rhodesia) justified their murderous attacks by claiming to be oppressed by whites.

The Tamils (Hindus) justified their murderous attacks by claiming to be oppressed by non-Hindus

The FLN justified their murderous attacks by claiming to be oppressed by non-Muslims.

The Selussi (Libya) under Omar Mukhtar justified their murderous attacks by claiming to be oppressed by non-Muslims.

The Palestinians are no different than other people that are led by savages and Islamic terrorist animals such as ISIS, Taliban, Al Queda, Boko Haram, etc.
Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.
Those "other", non-islamist groups are not / were not in the same position. Can you explain why?

Well, no. They, including the FLN who were Muslim, are in exactly the same position as the Palestinians vis-a-vis their rulers.
Actually, the various non-islamists were not in the same position as the Islamic terrorist 'Pal'istanians. There's a common theme that connects the Islamic fascists. Can you guess what it is?

One of the first rules in the maintenance of totalitarianism is to invent an external enemy to deflect scrutiny and criticism of the real enemy: the internal islamist oppressor(s). We see this with a of the Islamist terrorist fear societies.

Isn't it odd how we see all these islamist "victims" running around with automatic weapons, complaining of discrimination, whining about being unfairly accused of terrorist bombings, and warning the infidel of the innocent civilians that will be killed in a military reprisal? They justify their murderous acts by claiming to be oppressed by non-Moslems. But if they were truly fighting oppression, they would surely lash out at their own oppressive governments first. On the contrary; they seem to be doing their oppressive government's bidding. When islamics are given the chance to run their own governments, the first thing they do is lock down the society, remove all human rights, and oppress everyone within their borders with intolerable religious laws and ruthless enforcement.
Those poor Palestinian "resistance fighters" have no choice but to kill innocent women and children in order to achieve this noble goal of creating an oppressive barbaric Islamic Caliphate of Palestine. What the world really needs now, more than anything else, is yet another Islamic failed state run by mass murdering terrorist Neanderthals.

Did the IRA have no choice but to kill innocent women and children too?

Did the FLN?

Did the ANC


What is your point?

The question remains, why do you expect the Palestinians to behave any differently than those other groups?
Why do you want the Palestinians to be judged different than other groups led by Islamic terrorist animals such as ISIS that go around targeting innocent women and children because of some warped ideology to create a medieval terroristic Islamic Kingdom?

There is no difference between Hamas and ISIS.

I beg your pardon? Did you say something?

Or you could refer to the Birmingham UK pub bombings.

Yes, and again the question is why would anyone expect that the Palestinians would behave differently than other people under the same conditions. Just a simple question.

You should apply that to the Israeli Jews.

It's a false comparison. The French did not bomb Arab residential areas with fighter bombers of La Casbah in Algiers and the British did not bomb residential areas of Derry where Catholics lived.

The question is simple, why would anyone expect that the Palestinians would behave differently towards the Jews than the Catholics in Ireland towards the British and the Algerians towards the French.

There must be a reason why we have people railing at the Palestinians calling them animals while few called the Catholics in Ireland "animals" when they did the same things. In fact, I recall many Americans supported the actions of the IRA. And, only the French railed against the Algerians, the rest of the world, including much of Europe, saw the Algerians as freedom fighters.
Why should the Terrorist Palestine's be treated any different that we treated the terrorist Algerians? We kill them until they stop terrorising. It is that simple.

I am not discussing the behavior of the Israelis, I am asking why does anyone expect that the Palestinians would behave any differently than other people under the same conditions have behaved in the past as the Irish against the British and the Algerians against the French.

By the way, the Algerians never stopped killing the French until they defeated them and expelled them from Algeria.
You dont justify a wrong by pointing out historical wrongs. The ira shouldve been shot on sight for their activities.
What is flame baiting about asking why you expect the Palestinians to behave differently than other groups that found themselves in similar circumstances? I don't get it.

What is bothering you about a fairly simple question.

Simplifying the question:

Is there something that caused you to expect a different reaction from the Palestinians than the reaction of those other groups to being ruled by a group they did not want to be ruled by?

is there something that caused you to judge the Pslestinian animals that blew up that bus any different than other groups led by Islamic terrorist animals such as ISIS that go around targeting innocent women and children because of some warped ideology to create a medieval terroristic Islamic Kingdom?

There is no difference between Hamas and ISIS.
You should apply that to the Israeli Jews.

It's a false comparison. The French did not bomb Arab residential areas with fighter bombers of La Casbah in Algiers and the British did not bomb residential areas of Derry where Catholics lived.

The question is simple, why would anyone expect that the Palestinians would behave differently towards the Jews than the Catholics in Ireland towards the British and the Algerians towards the French.

There must be a reason why we have people railing at the Palestinians calling them animals while few called the Catholics in Ireland "animals" when they did the same things. In fact, I recall many Americans supported the actions of the IRA. And, only the French railed against the Algerians, the rest of the world, including much of Europe, saw the Algerians as freedom fighters.
Why should the Terrorist Palestine's be treated any different that we treated the terrorist Algerians? We kill them until they stop terrorising. It is that simple.

I am not discussing the behavior of the Israelis, I am asking why does anyone expect that the Palestinians would behave any differently than other people under the same conditions have behaved in the past as the Irish against the British and the Algerians against the French.

By the way, the Algerians never stopped killing the French until they defeated them and expelled them from Algeria.
Actually, you are discussing the Israelis. Why would you expect the Israelis not to respond with force to acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists?

The Israelis have every right to respond to acts of violent resistance to their rule. That's not my question or point.

My question is why would anyone expect the Palestinians to behave any differently than the Irish Catholics via-a-vis the British, the Algerians vis-a-vis the French, the non-white South Africans vis-a-vis the Boers etc.
Because they were all wrong for what they were doing and should all be destroyed for their terroristic activities.
Hamas just officially stated: The 19 year old Palestinian terrorist from Jerusalem bus attack is our man.

Name: Abed Alhamid Muhammad Abu-Srur, from Bethlehem

Died in Hadassah hospital from burn injuries.

Aha, and if Israel would have taken the animal out, it would be blamed for "killing children".
Joint Arab List leader and MK Ayman Odeh "utterly condemned" the Jerusalem attack. Odeh called civilian casualties unacceptable, saying that they are detrimental to the just Palestinian struggle aimed at ending the occupation.

Hamas welcomed the attack in Jerusalem as a "natural response to the crimes of occupation," but it did not claim responsibility.

Islamic Jihad welcomes the attack as "proof of the failure of security coordination" between Israel and the Palestinian Authority

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said it "welcomes the operation as a positive and important development of the intifada."

From Haaretz.

So what should Israel's response be to this attack, and what should the punishments be ?

How about closing the al aqsa for 10 years and using is as a public latrine ?

Oh yes, let's offend and attack the faith millions of innocent Muslims by group punishment and inflame (justifiably) the situation.

Response is simple law enforcement - get the ones who did it, and the ones who conspired or provided assistance. Put them on trial, and if convicted, face whatever punishment Israeli law mandates. Anything else depends on what is uncovered in the investigation - it's senseless to conjecture with that information.

While they refuse to alter the way the koran is taught, and insist on it all being valid then they are all culpable. The Jews no longer follow the more vile teachings in the Torah, the Christians have removed much of the nasty parts from bible lessons. But the muslims say that they will not alter their religious teachings because god said that couldn't on pain of death.

It doesn't matter. Not if you place value on law.

And that id where they fall down again as they only subscribe to Islamic law. This is why their first shout when being arrested is " THIS IS RACIST "

Bull shit.
I am not discussing the behavior of the Israelis, I am asking why does anyone expect that the Palestinians would behave any differently than other people under the same conditions have behaved in the past as the Irish against the British and the Algerians against the French.

By the way, the Algerians never stopped killing the French until they defeated them and expelled them from Algeria.

Because the Jewish people are NOT colonizers, and more important than the actual fact that the Jewish people are not colonizers is the deep belief system of the Jewish people that Israel is our homeland and that our safety and security and existence DEPENDS on living in a homeland of our own. The Jewish people are not going to be expelled because it is no longer economically advantageous to be there, or because we need a port or a trade route or because the crops are especially good. The Jewish people are not like the British or the French. The Jewish people are not fighting for a colonial enterprise, for resources, for anything tangible. And there is no safe haven or homeland to return to if things go bad.

The Jewish people are fighting for our self-determination, our dignity, our survival as a people. We are fighting for the lands where our ancestors lived and worked and built homes and administrative centres and palaces. We are fighting for our holy places and our Temple.

And THAT is why the Palestinians CANNOT expect that if things get "bad enough" the Jewish people will just leave. Never going to happen.

Well if you believe differently than the Zionist leaders who asserted that they were colonizers, that's your business. It is not relevant to my question.

The question was if the Jews and their supporters believed that the Muslims and Christians would behave differently than other people who have suffered the same fate of succumbing to foreign rule like the Irish Catholics, the Algerians, the non-white South Africans, the Tamils etc.
Well if you believe any differently than Palestinian Hamas leaders who asserted they are all essentially Egyptians who invaded from Egypt in the 20 century, that's your business.

There is no reason to judge the Palestinians any different than other Islamic terrorist animals such as ISIS who target civilians.
Oh yes, let's offend and attack the faith millions of innocent Muslims by group punishment and inflame (justifiably) the situation.
They need a safe space, to be free of microaggressions, so easily offendable are they, aren't they?
I think Jews would be "offended" and enraged if one of their holiest shrines were turned into a public toilet. In fact, I think the civilized world would be.
Oh, the Joseph's tomb had been burned several times, of course. Does that mean palistanians are civilized?

Nope. Who said it was? So you punish the entire Muslim world then?

No just those that support and defend such actions

Turning it into a latrine would punish everyone.
Yes, and again the question is why would anyone expect that the Palestinians would behave differently than other people under the same conditions. Just a simple question.

You should apply that to the Israeli Jews.

It's a false comparison. The French did not bomb Arab residential areas with fighter bombers of La Casbah in Algiers and the British did not bomb residential areas of Derry where Catholics lived.

The question is simple, why would anyone expect that the Palestinians would behave differently towards the Jews than the Catholics in Ireland towards the British and the Algerians towards the French.

There must be a reason why we have people railing at the Palestinians calling them animals while few called the Catholics in Ireland "animals" when they did the same things. In fact, I recall many Americans supported the actions of the IRA. And, only the French railed against the Algerians, the rest of the world, including much of Europe, saw the Algerians as freedom fighters.
Why should the Terrorist Palestine's be treated any different that we treated the terrorist Algerians? We kill them until they stop terrorising. It is that simple.

I am not discussing the behavior of the Israelis, I am asking why does anyone expect that the Palestinians would behave any differently than other people under the same conditions have behaved in the past as the Irish against the British and the Algerians against the French.

By the way, the Algerians never stopped killing the French until they defeated them and expelled them from Algeria.
You dont justify a wrong by pointing out historical wrongs. The ira shouldve been shot on sight for their activities.

I am not justifying anything. I am asking a simple question. Do the supporters of Israel believe that the Palestinians would behave differently than the other groups under similar circumstances. And, if yes, why.
It's a false comparison. The French did not bomb Arab residential areas with fighter bombers of La Casbah in Algiers and the British did not bomb residential areas of Derry where Catholics lived.

The question is simple, why would anyone expect that the Palestinians would behave differently towards the Jews than the Catholics in Ireland towards the British and the Algerians towards the French.

There must be a reason why we have people railing at the Palestinians calling them animals while few called the Catholics in Ireland "animals" when they did the same things. In fact, I recall many Americans supported the actions of the IRA. And, only the French railed against the Algerians, the rest of the world, including much of Europe, saw the Algerians as freedom fighters.
Why should the Terrorist Palestine's be treated any different that we treated the terrorist Algerians? We kill them until they stop terrorising. It is that simple.

I am not discussing the behavior of the Israelis, I am asking why does anyone expect that the Palestinians would behave any differently than other people under the same conditions have behaved in the past as the Irish against the British and the Algerians against the French.

By the way, the Algerians never stopped killing the French until they defeated them and expelled them from Algeria.
Actually, you are discussing the Israelis. Why would you expect the Israelis not to respond with force to acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists?

The Israelis have every right to respond to acts of violent resistance to their rule. That's not my question or point.

My question is why would anyone expect the Palestinians to behave any differently than the Irish Catholics via-a-vis the British, the Algerians vis-a-vis the French, the non-white South Africans vis-a-vis the Boers etc.
Because they were all wrong for what they were doing and should all be destroyed for their terroristic activities.

But that isn't an answer to the question. I am simply asking if there was a thought that the Palestinians would behave any differently than other groups that are/were in a similar situation. If yes, I am wondering why there was that thought.
You haven't a clue. You are so brainwashed it is hilarious.

Hahahaha bawahahaha! You're so brainwashed you have not a single clue.

And you even think you're clever when you try your subtle deflections and feeble arguments based on cherry picked half truths. I can see you when you post those half truths, you snicker and think hahaha in your secret little place of your dark and hateful mind, meanwhile out here in the daylight, the rest of us laugh at your futility.

What is hateful about asking a simple question. I denounce the Palestinian attacks on civilians.

But, I still would like to know if supporters of Israel believe that there was something particular about the Palestinians that would lead the supporters of Israel to believe that the Palestinians would behave any differently than other groups that were/are in a similar situation. It's not a trick question, but no one has an answer.
What is flame baiting about asking why you expect the Palestinians to behave differently than other groups that found themselves in similar circumstances? I don't get it.

What is bothering you about a fairly simple question.

Simplifying the question:

Is there something that caused you to expect a different reaction from the Palestinians than the reaction of those other groups to being ruled by a group they did not want to be ruled by?

Stop your nonsense.

What is nonsensical about a simple question that addresses expectations. I am truly curious to understand if and why the supporters of Israel believed that the Palestinians would behave differently than other groups under similar conditions. I truly can't understand why the question is so difficult to answer.

Because you are not asking a question.

Did/do supporters of Israel believe that the Palestinians would behave differently than similarly situated people such as the Irish Catholics, the Algerians, the non-white South South Africans, the Tamils etc.?

That is question 1.

It didn't even cross their minds.

So, the violence is/was expected. That is what I was getting at.
You haven't a clue. You are so brainwashed it is hilarious.

Hahahaha bawahahaha! You're so brainwashed you have not a single clue.

And you even think you're clever when you try your subtle deflections and feeble arguments based on cherry picked half truths. I can see you when you post those half truths, you snicker and think hahaha in your secret little place of your dark and hateful mind, meanwhile out here in the daylight, the rest of us laugh at your futility.

What is hateful about asking a simple question. I denounce the Palestinian attacks on civilians.

But, I still would like to know if supporters of Israel believe that there was something particular about the Palestinians that would lead the supporters of Israel to believe that the Palestinians would behave any differently than other groups that were/are in a similar situation. It's not a trick question, but no one has an answer.
For the multiple times you have cut and pasted the above across multiple threads, it can only be an effort to spam multiple threads as this has been addressed.

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