'Palestine, Oh. You're NOT 'Special'. You"re Just 1 of 1,000", Says Buttigieg

Oh absolutely. I have already brought up who owns this rail line...

...but the thread topic is NOT about what private company / owner owns the rail line, is it?

No, its about Buttigieg and his failed response / comments.

Please keep up, and stay on topic.

You're an unabashed political hack. The company is already looking for ways to shed financial responsibility. This starts with the government coming in and taking over their half-assed recovery efforts and then chasing the company in court for 20 years.
How about quoting what Buttigeg actually said.

"I continue to be concerned about the impacts of the Feb 3 train derailment near East Palestine, OH, and the effects on families in the ten days since their lives were upended through no fault of their own. It’s important that families have access to useful & accurate information," Buttigieg tweeted. "USDOT has been supporting the investigation led by The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). Our Federal Rail Administration and Pipelines and Hazardous Materials teams were onsite within hours of the initial incident and continue to be actively engaged.
"We will look to these investigation results & based on them, use all relevant authorities to ensure accountability and continue to support safety," the former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, added, before noting that anyone looking to request a screening can do so by calling call 330-849-3919 or visiting the EPA's website.

People don't want to just hear about Petey's "concern", they want to hear about his real solutions to stop this and why they weren't taken in Palestine.

And what the craziest thing is , is that Petey actually wants HIGH SPEED rail instituted, when he can't handle the lower speed trains.

Time to abandon that idea until this is made safe.
Instead of FEMA assistsnce, or much help at all for that matter, from the Biden Administration, Sect of Transportation Buttigieg gave the people of Palestine, Oh a dose of Tough Love and a taste of how much Biden and his administration really care about them and their disaster:

'Palestine, Oh...you may have gotten a lot of press coverage lately, but you're not 'special'. You're just 1 of 1,000 train derailments that happen each year.'


"Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Thursday downplayed the Ohio train derailment and toxic disaster.'

“While this horrible situation has gotten a particularly high amount of attention, there are roughly 1,000 cases a year of a train derailing.

FEMA is helping.
People don't want to just hear about Petey's "concern", they want to hear about his real solutions to stop this and why they weren't taken in Palestine.

And what the craziest thing is , is that Petey actually wants HIGH SPEED rail instituted, when he can't handle the lower speed trains.

Time to abandon that idea until this is made safe.
Congress is the entity that regulates trains, not Pete.
What I see is a railroad industry that has fought hard against safety regulations and paying their employees a fair wage with decent amounts of downtime.

And Buttigieg and predecessors have obviously allowed them to get away with it, wth the millionaires who own them 'greasing the tracks' by lining politicians' pockets, no doubt.
Actually, you are just plain wrong on this. Congress passes legislation, but the executive departments actually write the regulations to implement those laws.
Most industrial regulations are written by the industry being regulated. Most of the time this works OK until someone gets greedy or careless.
Have I DEFENDED him?


Now tell me, what's his actual job as a FEDERAL government agent, to protect the LOCAL citizens of this unfortunate Ohio town?
That's been discussed in other threads, already, along with what the requirements are to be eligible for FEMA Aid, which - according to FEMA's own regs - Palestine, Oh does qualify for
You're an unabashed political hack.

Wow, ouch...I value your partisan liberal snowflake opinion SO much your attempted ignorant insult cut me to the quick ... whatever shall I do now?!

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Wow, ouch...I value your partisan liberal snowflake opinion SO much your atempted ignorant insult cut me to the quick ... whatever shall I do now?!

You know what you are. If my statement of fact insults you that's a problem with you.

Sure, this happens 1,000 times per year!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Mayor Pete should resign. Anyone defending them should drink the poison plume floating down the Ohio River.
The company is already looking for ways to shed financial responsibility. This starts with the government coming in and taking over their half-assed recovery efforts and then chasing the company in court for 20 years.

The owners of the railway line are reportedly sending out $1,000 checks to everyone in the affected zip code - the scheme being once someone cashes the check the railway no longer owes them anything in the future.

Thank goodness these people are as stupid as Buttigieg - its also being reported the railway company accidently sent the documents informing people that if they 'cashed' the checks they can no longer hold the railway responsible for further damages ('cashing the check is your agreement to this') BEFORE sending out the checks.

They intended to do so AFTER.

Now the citizens of Palestine reaize how the railway company just attempted to screw them over a 2nd time.

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