Women can be bad too, sometimes much worse than men, so an ad that says men are the problem in this world is unjust.

I agree. Women engage is some pretty bad behavior. I watched an episode of the Bachelor recently, and thought, 'Get some dignity, ladies!"

That said, women don't have the institutional power men have.
------------------------- tough for the 'femi nazis' , and as i don't know your age i can't really Predict but if you are , i don't know , in your 20s , thirties or loosely i'd say that the best thing to do is to hold on to the most that you can hang on too . Its why i think you guys are crazy to advocate the importation of third worlders JoeB .
------------------------- tough for the 'femi nazis' , and as i don't know your age i can't really Predict but if you are , i don't know , in your 20s , thirties or loosely i'd say that the best thing to do is to hold on to the most that you can hang on too . Its why i think you guys are crazy to advocate the importation of third worlders JoeB

Actually, I'm well into my 50's... so you'd be wrong again... but you are usually wrong.

I'm just old enough to remember when we had a bunch of immigrants from Poland, and the same kinds of bigoted arguments were made about how the "Polocks" were going to take all of our jobs, and they circulated books of Polish Jokes.

America has always been a nation of immigrants... immigration makes us stronger and better by bringing in new blood.
Instead of having a discussion about “toxic masculinity”—which every sane person knows is complete bullshit—perhaps we need to be having a discussion about toxic liberalism.

Hey, guy, you support a president who brags about grabbing women by the pussy...

You want to turn women into involuntary baby making machines...

Nope, there's no toxic masculinity here... your cult defines it.
------------------------- tough for the 'femi nazis' , and as i don't know your age i can't really Predict but if you are , i don't know , in your 20s , thirties or loosely i'd say that the best thing to do is to hold on to the most that you can hang on too . Its why i think you guys are crazy to advocate the importation of third worlders JoeB

Actually, I'm well into my 50's... so you'd be wrong again... but you are usually wrong.

I'm just old enough to remember when we had a bunch of immigrants from Poland, and the same kinds of bigoted arguments were made about how the "Polocks" were going to take all of our jobs, and they circulated books of Polish Jokes.

America has always been a nation of immigrants... immigration makes us stronger and better by bringing in new blood.
---------------------------------- Polish were different , mostly Christian and Western in Culture , Tradition and as 'immigrants' they were normal Western Oriented immigrants and they came to the USA to be Americans and thats the difference . And as far as Polish jokes , heck , i grew up in an area where the Butt of the Joke were Finlanders and that was in the 50s and it continues to this day JoeB . Anyway , Finlanders and Polocks fit right into the USA as normal people living in America as Americans and the Finlanders with a love for Saunas and Hunting and fishing Camps on Lake Superior . They didn't come into the USA with the desire to build 'barrios' and gangs in 'van nuys' and downtown 'los angeles' like third worlders have done for the last 50 - 60 years JoeB .
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Women have plenty of power. They are not weak and helpless like the feminist left likes to portray them. More than half of college graduates are women.

Okay, and what percentage of CEO's are women?
Members of Congress?
------------------------------------------- WOT , women are Unelectable as 'reps' and and are Unsuitable for Hire as 'ceo' and as 'representitives' eh JoeB ??
No surprise, it's just more of the war on men in today's culture.

Gillette chastises men in a new commercial highlighting the #MeToo movement — and some are furious

  • Gillette released a commercial on Monday called "We Believe," asking men to change their behavior in light of the #MeToo movement.
  • The commercial encourages men to be the "best" by holding one another accountable and eliminating excuses for bad behavior.
  • Some have heavily criticized the ad online.

Gillette is calling on men to step it up.

A new ad, called "We Believe" and lasting a minute and a half, encourages men to change their behavior. It directly invokes the #MeToo movement to confront America's culture.

"Gillette believes in the best in men — that by holding each other accountable, eliminating excuses for bad behavior, and supporting a new generation working toward their personal 'best,' we can deliver positive change that will matter for years to come," Gary Coombe, the president of the Gillette parent Procter & Gamble's global grooming business, said in a statement about the ad.

The ad opens with audio of news anchors covering a simulated reporting on a #MeToo-related movement. A narrator then asks: "Is this the best a man can get? Is it?"

Gillette chastises men in a new commercial highlighting the #MeToo movement — and some are furious
Good for Gillette! Why are men furious?
Why should blacks shouldn’t steal be offensive?

Why should Muslims shouldn’t murder be offensive?
man is the most despicable species. he worships an invisible God and destroys a visible nature. unaware that this nature he's destroying is this God he's worshipping

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