OWS, Tea Party and Liberals


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
The Tea party has been vilianized since its inception. Liberals claimed it was racist with absolutely no evidence to date. They claimed it was violent, with absolutely no violent action done to date. The Tea party obeys the law and uses the POLITICAL System as per our laws and Constitution to seek change through the election process. And Liberals attack them.

OWS uses violence, breaks the law and demands Government hand outs, forgiveness of legal debts and illegally occupies public property. And Liberals love them.

Go figure.
The Tea party has been vilianized since its inception. Liberals claimed it was racist with absolutely no evidence to date. They claimed it was violent, with absolutely no violent action done to date. The Tea party obeys the law and uses the POLITICAL System as per our laws and Constitution to seek change through the election process. And Liberals attack them.

OWS uses violence, breaks the law and demands Government hand outs, forgiveness of legal debts and illegally occupies public property. And Liberals love them.

Go figure.

You're full of shit. How do you sleep at night?
The Tea party has been vilianized since its inception. Liberals claimed it was racist with absolutely no evidence to date. They claimed it was violent, with absolutely no violent action done to date. The Tea party obeys the law and uses the POLITICAL System as per our laws and Constitution to seek change through the election process. And Liberals attack them.

OWS uses violence, breaks the law and demands Government hand outs, forgiveness of legal debts and illegally occupies public property. And Liberals love them.

Go figure.

You're full of shit. How do you sleep at night?

Yeah, which part is he wrong about?

Cant say can you?
Google "tea party violence"...

Google "tea party signs"...

Google "tea party racist signs"...

Google "tea party threats"...
The Tea party has been vilianized since its inception. Liberals claimed it was racist with absolutely no evidence to date. They claimed it was violent, with absolutely no violent action done to date. The Tea party obeys the law and uses the POLITICAL System as per our laws and Constitution to seek change through the election process. And Liberals attack them.

OWS uses violence, breaks the law and demands Government hand outs, forgiveness of legal debts and illegally occupies public property. And Liberals love them.

Go figure.

You're full of shit. How do you sleep at night?

Yeah, which part is he wrong about?

Cant say can you?

The evidence of racism part. Aside from the signs, the yelling and tons of other shit, the NY Times did a study of a group of people that entered the Tea Party. They found them "soft" on their like of blacks and immigrants.
You're full of shit. How do you sleep at night?

Yeah, which part is he wrong about?

Cant say can you?

The evidence of racism part. Aside from the signs, the yelling and tons of other shit, the NY Times did a study of a group of people that entered the Tea Party. They found them "soft" on their like of blacks and immigrants.

The evidence of racism is non-existant. Quite the opposite there is evidence of the tea parties chasing racists from among them. They weren't wanted, period.

OWS on the other hand.... Well, David Duke joining them and endorsing the movement really doesnt help that argument. American Nazis...

But no it's the Tea Parties. The people who want the government to treat everyone equally and actually follow the Constitution that are the problem.

must be nice to live in a fantasy world.
the Pee Party is mostly a bunch of morons that want socialism, and death to capitalism, while all the while enjoying the fruits of what they want destroyed.

seriously, anyone that supports them is a moran, at best.

The violence they have caused, the racism they spew, the laws that they actually do break is growing and is accepted by the liberal media as A OK.

It's sad to see what liberals accept from their own.
Yeah, which part is he wrong about?

Cant say can you?

The evidence of racism part. Aside from the signs, the yelling and tons of other shit, the NY Times did a study of a group of people that entered the Tea Party. They found them "soft" on their like of blacks and immigrants.

The evidence of racism is non-existant. Quite the opposite there is evidence of the tea parties chasing racists from among them. They weren't wanted, period.

OWS on the other hand.... Well, David Duke joining them and endorsing the movement really doesnt help that argument. American Nazis...

But no it's the Tea Parties. The people who want the government to treat everyone equally and actually follow the Constitution that are the problem.

must be nice to live in a fantasy world.

Since David Duke supported the Tea Parties as well as Occupy Wall Street, attempting to damn OWS by association kinda backfires.
The Tea party has been vilianized since its inception. Liberals claimed it was racist with absolutely no evidence to date. They claimed it was violent, with absolutely no violent action done to date. The Tea party obeys the law and uses the POLITICAL System as per our laws and Constitution to seek change through the election process. And Liberals attack them.

OWS uses violence, breaks the law and demands Government hand outs, forgiveness of legal debts and illegally occupies public property. And Liberals love them.

Go figure.

Sorry, Retarded Grungy Shithead.............the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil known as Palin has already said she's not gonna run.

You don't have to keep sending her talking points anymore.
Liberals claimed it was racist with absolutely no evidence to date.

Numerous signs at Tea Party protests say you are lying.

They claimed it was violent, with absolutely no violent action done to date.

The woman who got her head stomped by a Tea Partier says you are lying.

The Tea party obeys the law and uses the POLITICAL System as per our laws and Constitution to seek change through the election process. And Liberals attack them.

OWS uses violence, breaks the law and demands Government hand outs, forgiveness of legal debts and illegally occupies public property. And Liberals love them.

Go figure.

The Tea Partiers are a bunch of pussies, apparently.
The Tea party has been vilianized since its inception. Liberals claimed it was racist with absolutely no evidence to date. They claimed it was violent, with absolutely no violent action done to date. The Tea party obeys the law and uses the POLITICAL System as per our laws and Constitution to seek change through the election process. And Liberals attack them.

OWS uses violence, breaks the law and demands Government hand outs, forgiveness of legal debts and illegally occupies public property. And Liberals love them.

Go figure.

Yup all the liberals busy defending criminals, anarchists and fools. Of course when I ask a poll question on who actually supported them none of you answered it.

You don't give a shit what you support as long as it opposes the Republicans and you call US the bots.

Violent clashes with police. Criminal activity. Illegal seizing of public property. Demanding their debts be paid. Demanding hand outs. Demanding Jobs. Demanding ridiculous pay devoid of reality.

IF you actually support that you are a bigger fool then I thought.

And what is sad is these fools WILL turn on you as well. You are creating a force you can not control all for political purposes. Morons.
You're full of shit. How do you sleep at night?

Yeah, which part is he wrong about?

Cant say can you?

The evidence of racism part. Aside from the signs, the yelling and tons of other shit, the NY Times did a study of a group of people that entered the Tea Party. They found them "soft" on their like of blacks and immigrants.

And yet the Tea Party is getting solidly behind Herman Cain? Gee, isn't he black? Kind of blows the NY Times narrative that the Tea Partiers are racists right out the window...doesn't it? Duh?
Supporting and voting for Herman Cain just PROVES how racist the Tea Party is. Doncha understand libspeak by now?

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