OWS protesters branded as terrorists by our lovely government


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
FOIA documents "reveal that from its inception, the FBI treated the Occupy movement as a potential criminal and terrorist threat."

It did so "even though the agency acknowledges in documents that organizers explicitly called for peaceful protest and did 'not condone the use of violence' at occupy protests."

FBI surveillance is standard practice. PCJF called information received "just the tip of the iceberg." It reflects longstanding policy.

It treats peaceful protests against massive financial fraud and related malfeasance as "potential criminal and terrorist activity."

Documents show FBI, Homeland Security, and other federal agencies function "as de facto intelligence arm(s) of Wall Street and corporate America."

Heavily redacted material shows federal authorities concealed more than they revealed. PCJF is appealing for full disclosure.

What's known divulges police state harshness. In October 2011, Obama lied. Doing so comes easy to him.

He alleged OWS support. He told ABC News:

"The most important thing we can do right now is those of us in leadership letting people know that we understand their struggles and we are on their side, and that we want to set up a system in which hard work, responsibility, doing what you're supposed to do, is rewarded."

"And that people who are irresponsible, who are reckless, who don't feel a sense of obligation to their communities and their companies and their workers that those folks aren't rewarded."

His key words were "we are on their side."

At the same time, FBI, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Secret Service agents were working cooperatively with state and local authorities.

They still do. They actively engage in infiltrating, disrupting, subverting, and destroying OWS in cities and communities nationwide.

Peaceful protests, marches, public speeches, picketing, sit-ins, camp-outs, leafleting, banner and placard displays, as well as other constitutionally protected activities are targeted.

Various Supreme Court cases affirmed that First Amendment protections are wide-ranging. They're not limited to speech and assembly. They include conduct intended to convey vital messages.

OWS activists put their bodies on the line for justice. They want Wall Street crooks held accountable. They're criminalized for doing the right thing.

It bears repeating. Tyranny in America approaches full-blown. Freedom hangs by a thread. Activism is called terrorism. Constitutional protections are null and void.

Some of America's best are called enemies of the state. Indefinite detentions threaten them. So does military tribunal justice. Perhaps targeted assassinations come next.

Police state harshness reflects official policy. No one anywhere is safe. Rogue governance takes precedence.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at [email protected].

His new book is titled "How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War"

HOW WALL STREET FLEECES AMERICA: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War

Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

Progressive Radio News Hour
This disgusting term 'terrorist' is being thrown around way too much today and is almost applied to any crime by some people. I knew it would turn out this way.
Loitering, trespassing, public nudity, public intoxication, drug use, rape, destruction of public property, vandalism, etc., etc., etc., are all CRIMES.

These are just some of the MANY crimes that these OWS losers committed in cities around the country, and their illegal activities were ALLOWED to continue for weeks and months by the liberal politicians in the cities where these protesters/squatters/junkies/prostitutes/losers parked their lazy asses.

Anybody who supports '60s-style anarchy, not-so-cleverly disguised as "peaceful protests", is an IDIOT.
OWS forgot one basic tenet.

If you want to be taken seriously, then act like it.

They paraded around like a bunch of hobos. Take a shower, get a shave, put on some clean clothes and I'll listen.

MLK KNEW that he had to convince White America of the worthiness of his fight, or nothing of any consequence would change Carrying guns and screaming 'Kill Whitey" would have had the opposite effect. So they went the route of non-violence and made the southern crackers look like the bad guys. It worked.

OWS looked like a bunch of dirty losers, and without the support of the bulk of the middle class, was doomed from the get-go.

Doesn't matter what the government has "classified" them as. Most of America dismissed them very quickly.

Their message is sound (money has too much power), but it was delivered improperly.
According tot he US Gov't Returning Veterans are Terrorists too.

So guess what? Any organization that opposes what the Gov't wants to do will be labeled a Terrorist.

Will Americans stop watching TV long enough to take action?
Loitering, trespassing, public nudity, public intoxication, drug use, rape, destruction of public property, vandalism, etc., etc., etc., are all CRIMES.

These are just some of the MANY crimes that these OWS losers committed in cities around the country, and their illegal activities were ALLOWED to continue for weeks and months by the liberal politicians in the cities where these protesters/squatters/junkies/prostitutes/losers parked their lazy asses.

Anybody who supports '60s-style anarchy, not-so-cleverly disguised as "peaceful protests", is an IDIOT.

Let's not forget taking a dump in public.
According tot he US Gov't Returning Veterans are Terrorists too.

So guess what? Any organization that opposes what the Gov't wants to do will be labeled a Terrorist.

Will Americans stop watching TV long enough to take action?

That's what happens when radicalized liberals are "elected" to office.
That's what happens when radicalized liberals are "elected" to office.
Obama's not a liberal!

He doesn't have liberal policies and there's not a single liberal in his Cabinet!

You're fuckin' nuts! And your lack of outrage on this issue, shows you're also anti-American.
According tot he US Gov't Returning Veterans are Terrorists too.

So guess what? Any organization that opposes what the Gov't wants to do will be labeled a Terrorist.

Will Americans stop watching TV long enough to take action?
And give up watching syndicated shows of Walker, Texas Ranger?

No fuckin' way!
OWS forgot one basic tenet.

If you want to be taken seriously, then act like it.

They paraded around like a bunch of hobos. Take a shower, get a shave, put on some clean clothes and I'll listen.

MLK KNEW that he had to convince White America of the worthiness of his fight, or nothing of any consequence would change Carrying guns and screaming 'Kill Whitey" would have had the opposite effect. So they went the route of non-violence and made the southern crackers look like the bad guys. It worked.

OWS looked like a bunch of dirty losers, and without the support of the bulk of the middle class, was doomed from the get-go.

Doesn't matter what the government has "classified" them as. Most of America dismissed them very quickly.

Their message is sound (money has too much power), but it was delivered improperly.

They are a bunch of losers. They're liberals.
I wouldn't call the OWS idiots "terrorist threats". "Major criminal threats" perhaps, but not terrorist threats.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a30oDh4PBY]Occupy Movement Infiltrated by Spies - YouTube[/ame]
That's what happens when radicalized liberals are "elected" to office.
Obama's not a liberal!

He doesn't have liberal policies and there's not a single liberal in his Cabinet!

You're fuckin' nuts! And your lack of outrage on this issue, shows you're also anti-American.

obama takes the side of the socialists and commies almost every chance he gets. He IS a liberal. Just because he doens't go as far left as you would like him to doesn't mean he isn't a liberal. Wake up before it's too late....
obama takes the side of the socialists and commies almost every chance he gets. He IS a liberal. Just because he doens't go as far left as you would like him to doesn't mean he isn't a liberal. Wake up before it's too late....
Name one liberal policy decision he has made in this Administration.
obama takes the side of the socialists and commies almost every chance he gets. He IS a liberal. Just because he doens't go as far left as you would like him to doesn't mean he isn't a liberal. Wake up before it's too late....
Name one liberal policy decision he has made in this Administration.

Look it up yourself......there are a ton of them.
That's what happens when radicalized liberals are "elected" to office.
Obama's not a liberal!

He doesn't have liberal policies and there's not a single liberal in his Cabinet!

You're fuckin' nuts! And your lack of outrage on this issue, shows you're also anti-American.
Were you similarly outraged when Christian veteran gun-owning, small-government-supporting conservatives were labeled "potential domestic terrorists" by this Administration?


Then feel free to eat shit.

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