Overloading future generations with debt


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Student debt is forcing millennials to delay life milestones

Not only is the national debt exponentially exploding, kids today are weighed down by college debt like never before.

So not only are 1 in 5 girls who attend these Progressive utopias of higher learning sexually assaulted, if they graduate they will spend most of their lives paying down the debt for those unwelcomed sexual encounters.

It would be nice if kids were taught about money, but alas, they are taught everything but that.
This has been a worry of mine since the Reagan recovery. I was told Reagan's debt was acceptable.
The more student loans the government doles out the higher tuition costs get. Politicians don't understand the basic laws of economics. We don't need more people in college. We need less.
We don't need more people in college. We need less.
So you think the dumbing-down of our country is the way forward?
Is this the plan to get more rubes to vote for people like Trump?

What we really need is more Government investment in education, so we don't fall behind even more.
We don't need more people in college. We need less.
So you think the dumbing-down of our country is the way forward?
Is this the plan to get more rubes to vote for people like Trump?

What we really need is more Government investment in education, so we don't fall behind even more.

Actually, I kinda think that DTMB is correct. We really don't need more college graduates, we need more people going to trade schools, because those are the jobs that need filling the most.

You can get a job just about anywhere if you already have a useful trade skill. Better prospects than most degrees anyway.
Student debt is forcing millennials to delay life milestones

Not only is the national debt exponentially exploding, kids today are weighed down by college debt like never before.

So not only are 1 in 5 girls who attend these Progressive utopias of higher learning sexually assaulted, if they graduate they will spend most of their lives paying down the debt for those unwelcomed sexual encounters.

It would be nice if kids were taught about money, but alas, they are taught everything but that.

Student debt is a problem caused by.......you guessed it the Federal Government. When the government decided to guarantee these loans they essential made higher education (debt) available to all.

Look what has occurred. Skyrocketing tuition caused by supply and demand. More students graduating with useless degrees, some of them 100s of thousands in debt.

My engineering degree cost under $12k, including room, board, books and tuition (in state tuition at a school dedicated to engineering degrees). I graduated in the early 80’s, and my first job paid nearly double per year of the entire cost of the degree. That same degree today would cost 10 times, actually $132,000, but the entry level job would only pay around $60,000/yr. So the cost goes up 10 times yet the salary only goes up 2.5 times.
Student debt is forcing millennials to delay life milestones

Not only is the national debt exponentially exploding, kids today are weighed down by college debt like never before.

So not only are 1 in 5 girls who attend these Progressive utopias of higher learning sexually assaulted, if they graduate they will spend most of their lives paying down the debt for those unwelcomed sexual encounters.

It would be nice if kids were taught about money, but alas, they are taught everything but that.
The GOP's plan is to stop kids from going to college. Why? Because they believe college is bad for America.

The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)

If only minorities go to college, then it's minorities who will be the bosses of Republicans who have no education and no skills. Hilarious!

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