Over two billion will die in ww111 and prophecy say it starts in the mid-east soon!

The Bible yells you a few things about the event:
1. Don't worry about it
2. it will occur when you least expect it.
I've never been sure that Revelation should have been included in the Bible. We would have fewer problems in our nation, if those calling themselves Fundamentalist Christians find out what Christianity is all about before you make plans. (Ref Isaiah 13:12) If you spent the time in the NT rather than the Old you would know that that many expecting the best will be disappointed when they hears the words, "I don't know you?"
Start with both the Sermon on the Mount and the Sermon on the Plains they will tell you about attitudes. What are the possibilities of all "Be Attitudes" applying to each follower.
I think each should ask themselves, "Did I become a Christian for what I would get out of it?"
Here's a poster living in the 21st century, taking his cues from three thousand year old "prophet" fables. :lmao:

Hard to believe, Harry...

Anyway "Ww111" is 109 World Wars off in the future, so it's not like this is an urgent thing...
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Mr. H
Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose. I like Ramblin Jack Elliott's version best.
Having been made in the image of God, who in His Biblical edition is a savagely brutal tyrant with a penchant for burning people alive, drowning them in floods, infecting them with fatal disease and granting no pardon even to innocent children, Man has implemented His design parameters with lethal efficiency.

Butler me some tea and croissants, bitch. And make it snappy.

my resignation letter that I left propped against that last bottle of Extra Añejo I left at your elbow as you were slumped in your chair fairly three sheets to the wind. Viva la revolucion.
The bible says man does not know God's time. You have no idea when the war will start nor when Jesus will return. You can NOT know if you believe in the Bible.

your ignorance is showing!!!==========OVER 2 BILLION WILL DIE!

The question is not, “Is there going to be a World War III?” It is in your Bible. There is not a one tenth of one percent chance that it is not going to happen. Another world war is coming, and it will be the biggest world war ever. According to the Bible, one out of three people on the earth will die in this war of all wars! The prophecy is found in Revelation chapter nine, verse 15: “And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.”

The “third part of men” would be over two billion people! Other translations read “one-third of the human race”, “one-third of all the people on earth”, “one-third of humanity”. They all say the same thing. A war is just ahead that will wipe out over two billion human beings!
The War of All Wars

Prior to the 20th Century, there had never been a war with one million fatalities. Then came World War I in 1914, with 8.2 million dead. They called it “The Great War.” With the founding of the League of Nations, we had hoped that this type of carnage would never happen again. Twenty years later, 52 million people died in World War II. As if something had come unhinged in the human soul, we cried out, “How can we ever stop this?” With the founding of the United Nations we had hoped that the solution to world peace was at hand. I have the dreadful assignment of telling you, it is not fixed. There is another war coming. There will neither be 8 million dead nor 52 million dead. This war that is coming will kill 2.2 billion, forty times World War II. It will be the worst war ever.

I can’t tell you exactly when this is going to happen, but the Bible tells us where World War III will originate. The “Sixth Trumpet” prophecy is found in Revelation 9: 14-15:

Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.

These angels were bound in the Euphrates River, which flows through Turkey, Syria, and Iraq, and empties into the Persian Gulf. War has been raging up and down the Euphrates River since 2003 when the U.S. invaded Iraq. When they are loosed, these evil angels will carry out their assignment to kill one-third of mankind.

Out of the chaos and destruction, a strong leader will rise to promise peace and security. The Antichrist will step onto the world scene at just the right moment. He will provide firm direction but he will also demand absolute obedience.

Four Major Prophecies

There are four prophetic developments occurring right now that demonstrate how close we are to the Euphrates River War, otherwise known as World War III.

Peace Plan for the Middle East

In Genesis 15:18, God entered into a covenant with Abraham, affirming that the Promised Land would be given to his descendants. The Antichrist, according to Daniel 9: 27 will confirm this covenant with many for seven years. A peace agreement which confirms the covenant will establish Israel’s right to exist in the Holy Land and will mark the beginning of the final seven years to Armageddon. U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry has set the goal of April 29, 2014 to reach just such a peace agreement between Palestinians and Israelis. “A viable two-state solution is the only way this conflict can end,” he said, “and there is not much time to achieve it, and there is no other alternative.”

Halfway through the final seven years, the Antichrist will order the stopping of animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount, which will have been resumed by then. He will then stand in the temple claiming to be God.

Construction of Israel’s Third Temple

II Thessalonians 2:3-4 and Revelation 11:1-2 describe a temple standing on the Temple Mount three and one-half years before Armageddon. Israel has been subsidizing nonprofit organizations that advocate the building of the Third Temple atop Jerusalem’s holiest site. The Temple Institute is dedicated to the vision of the Temple’s rebuilding, and has already recreated several items to be used when services are resumed on the Temple Mount.

Preparing for the Mark of the Beast

Revelation 13:16-17 describes the control system which will be implemented during the reign of the Antichrist. During the Great Tribulation, every person on earth will be coerced into pledging allegiance to the Antichrist. Those who do so will be given a unique identification mark or number permitting them to participate in the world economy. Those who refuse will be denied the “privilege” of buying and selling.

The REAL ID Act mandates that Americans produce federally approved identification upon demand. Although it has repeatedly postponed implementation penalties, the Department of Homeland Security has announced a gradual rollout for enforcing the law, beginning in April, 2014. The Affordable Care Act, often referred to as “Obamacare,” implements a national ID system disguised within a “data hub,” and a “unique patient identifier” to verify eligibility. Concurrently making its way through Congress, as part of an immigration reform bill, is “E-Verify,” a mandated universal biometric ID required for federal approval for employment.

A War that Originates from the Euphrates River
Middle East unrest continues to boil in Libya, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan. Syria is on the brink of expanding to a full-scale war that could involve the major world powers. Analysts believe Syria may soon become a flashpoint that would divide the region along a battle lines drawn between Shia and Sunni Muslims. Iran is one of America’s and Israel’s foremost enemies and the Islamic Republic has become one of the most serious threats to stability in the Middle East. As Iran is rapidly achieving nuclear capability, the region will become far more dangerous as the number of countries engaged in nuclear activities grows. The Deputy Commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard has threatened that Tehran is able to “destroy every spot” in Israel. Germany views Iran as a potential threat not just to Israel, but also to European countries.
Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist
“WWIII – Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist” details how this war is going to come out of the Euphrates River area, resulting in the killing of one-third of the human race. It is going to happen and it will affect us, our families, our nation, our world, everything. And it looks like it is coming sooner, rather than later.

You said soon. You can not know that. God stated man can not know God's mind or time. Claiming the second coming is soon or that world war III is soon is hubris on your part. You are claiming to know God's mind and his time.
The bible says man does not know God's time. You have no idea when the war will start nor when Jesus will return. You can NOT know if you believe in the Bible.

your ignorance is showing!!!==========OVER 2 BILLION WILL DIE!

The question is not, “Is there going to be a World War III?” It is in your Bible. There is not a one tenth of one percent chance that it is not going to happen. Another world war is coming, and it will be the biggest world war ever. According to the Bible, one out of three people on the earth will die in this war of all wars! The prophecy is found in Revelation chapter nine, verse 15: “And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.”

The “third part of men” would be over two billion people! Other translations read “one-third of the human race”, “one-third of all the people on earth”, “one-third of humanity”. They all say the same thing. A war is just ahead that will wipe out over two billion human beings!
The War of All Wars

Prior to the 20th Century, there had never been a war with one million fatalities. Then came World War I in 1914, with 8.2 million dead. They called it “The Great War.” With the founding of the League of Nations, we had hoped that this type of carnage would never happen again. Twenty years later, 52 million people died in World War II. As if something had come unhinged in the human soul, we cried out, “How can we ever stop this?” With the founding of the United Nations we had hoped that the solution to world peace was at hand. I have the dreadful assignment of telling you, it is not fixed. There is another war coming. There will neither be 8 million dead nor 52 million dead. This war that is coming will kill 2.2 billion, forty times World War II. It will be the worst war ever.

I can’t tell you exactly when this is going to happen, but the Bible tells us where World War III will originate. The “Sixth Trumpet” prophecy is found in Revelation 9: 14-15:

Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.

These angels were bound in the Euphrates River, which flows through Turkey, Syria, and Iraq, and empties into the Persian Gulf. War has been raging up and down the Euphrates River since 2003 when the U.S. invaded Iraq. When they are loosed, these evil angels will carry out their assignment to kill one-third of mankind.

Out of the chaos and destruction, a strong leader will rise to promise peace and security. The Antichrist will step onto the world scene at just the right moment. He will provide firm direction but he will also demand absolute obedience.

Four Major Prophecies

There are four prophetic developments occurring right now that demonstrate how close we are to the Euphrates River War, otherwise known as World War III.

Peace Plan for the Middle East

In Genesis 15:18, God entered into a covenant with Abraham, affirming that the Promised Land would be given to his descendants. The Antichrist, according to Daniel 9: 27 will confirm this covenant with many for seven years. A peace agreement which confirms the covenant will establish Israel’s right to exist in the Holy Land and will mark the beginning of the final seven years to Armageddon. U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry has set the goal of April 29, 2014 to reach just such a peace agreement between Palestinians and Israelis. “A viable two-state solution is the only way this conflict can end,” he said, “and there is not much time to achieve it, and there is no other alternative.”

Halfway through the final seven years, the Antichrist will order the stopping of animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount, which will have been resumed by then. He will then stand in the temple claiming to be God.

Construction of Israel’s Third Temple

II Thessalonians 2:3-4 and Revelation 11:1-2 describe a temple standing on the Temple Mount three and one-half years before Armageddon. Israel has been subsidizing nonprofit organizations that advocate the building of the Third Temple atop Jerusalem’s holiest site. The Temple Institute is dedicated to the vision of the Temple’s rebuilding, and has already recreated several items to be used when services are resumed on the Temple Mount.

Preparing for the Mark of the Beast

Revelation 13:16-17 describes the control system which will be implemented during the reign of the Antichrist. During the Great Tribulation, every person on earth will be coerced into pledging allegiance to the Antichrist. Those who do so will be given a unique identification mark or number permitting them to participate in the world economy. Those who refuse will be denied the “privilege” of buying and selling.

The REAL ID Act mandates that Americans produce federally approved identification upon demand. Although it has repeatedly postponed implementation penalties, the Department of Homeland Security has announced a gradual rollout for enforcing the law, beginning in April, 2014. The Affordable Care Act, often referred to as “Obamacare,” implements a national ID system disguised within a “data hub,” and a “unique patient identifier” to verify eligibility. Concurrently making its way through Congress, as part of an immigration reform bill, is “E-Verify,” a mandated universal biometric ID required for federal approval for employment.

A War that Originates from the Euphrates River
Middle East unrest continues to boil in Libya, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan. Syria is on the brink of expanding to a full-scale war that could involve the major world powers. Analysts believe Syria may soon become a flashpoint that would divide the region along a battle lines drawn between Shia and Sunni Muslims. Iran is one of America’s and Israel’s foremost enemies and the Islamic Republic has become one of the most serious threats to stability in the Middle East. As Iran is rapidly achieving nuclear capability, the region will become far more dangerous as the number of countries engaged in nuclear activities grows. The Deputy Commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard has threatened that Tehran is able to “destroy every spot” in Israel. Germany views Iran as a potential threat not just to Israel, but also to European countries.
Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist
“WWIII – Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist” details how this war is going to come out of the Euphrates River area, resulting in the killing of one-third of the human race. It is going to happen and it will affect us, our families, our nation, our world, everything. And it looks like it is coming sooner, rather than later.

You said soon. You can not know that. God stated man can not know God's mind or time. Claiming the second coming is soon or that world war III is soon is hubris on your part. You are claiming to know God's mind and his time.

GOD gave believers bible prophecy and the signs to look for so we would know when JESUS is at the door readyto return,jesus "commands" us to know the time!!!

I will make men so small in number, that a man will be harder to get than gold, even the best gold of Ophir.

You still haven't accounted for the remaining 3.5 billion after God hath done His wrath.

Could you expound on this?

That sounds very exciting, but what about believers like you who vanish or float up into the sky before anything scary happens?

If Jesus is coming to set up his kingdom on earth what will become of you floating around in the clouds?
Ww111 starts in the mid-east over 2 billion will die!



The prophecy is found in Revelation chapter nine, verse 15: “And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.”

The “third part of men” would be over two billion people! Other translations read “one-third of the human race”, “one-third of all the people on earth”, “one-third of humanity”. They all say the same thing. A war is just ahead that will wipe out over two billion human beings!

Perhaps the four angels represent the four gospels?

Jesus did say that he came to bring a sword and he did command his disciples to preach the gospel throughout the entire world......

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

According to my calculations there are about 2 billion Christians world wide who worship a human being which scripture clearly teaches results in death, 1/3 of humanity, who have already died as scripture clearly states that all the fish in the sea will die, fish, a known metaphor for a believer.

"I see dead people. Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're dead. They,re everywhere." The Sixth Sense (1999)
Ww111 starts in the mid-east over 2 billion will die!



The prophecy is found in Revelation chapter nine, verse 15: “And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.”

The “third part of men” would be over two billion people! Other translations read “one-third of the human race”, “one-third of all the people on earth”, “one-third of humanity”. They all say the same thing. A war is just ahead that will wipe out over two billion human beings!

Perhaps the four angels represent the four gospels?

Jesus did say that he came to bring a sword and he did command his disciples to preach the gospel throughout the entire world......

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

According to my calculations there are about 2 billion Christians world wide who worship a human being which scripture clearly teaches results in death, 1/3 of humanity, who have already died as scripture clearly states that all the fish in the sea will die, fish, a known metaphor for a believer.

"I see dead people. Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're dead. They,re everywhere." The Sixth Sense (1999)

Riiiiiiight, becuase the silly evil ideas of cult lesaders from three thousand years ago are so much more .... current.
Ww111 starts in the mid-east over 2 billion will die!



The prophecy is found in Revelation chapter nine, verse 15: “And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.”

The “third part of men” would be over two billion people! Other translations read “one-third of the human race”, “one-third of all the people on earth”, “one-third of humanity”. They all say the same thing. A war is just ahead that will wipe out over two billion human beings!

Perhaps the four angels represent the four gospels?

Jesus did say that he came to bring a sword and he did command his disciples to preach the gospel throughout the entire world......

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

According to my calculations there are about 2 billion Christians world wide who worship a human being which scripture clearly teaches results in death, 1/3 of humanity, who have already died as scripture clearly states that all the fish in the sea will die, fish, a known metaphor for a believer.

"I see dead people. Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're dead. They,re everywhere." The Sixth Sense (1999)


But I do.

I read Gods word, "Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them." Jeremiah 25:15, have a conversation with you, and then I believe.
Ww111 starts in the mid-east over 2 billion will die!



The question is not, “Is there going to be a World War III?” It is in your Bible. There is not a one tenth of one percent chance that it is not going to happen. Another world war is coming, and it will be the biggest world war ever. According to the Bible, one out of three people on the earth will die in this war of all wars! The prophecy is found in Revelation chapter nine, verse 15: “And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.”

The “third part of men” would be over two billion people! Other translations read “one-third of the human race”, “one-third of all the people on earth”, “one-third of humanity”. They all say the same thing. A war is just ahead that will wipe out over two billion human beings!

The War of All Wars

Prior to the 20th Century, there had never been a war with one million fatalities. Then came World War I in 1914, with 8.2 million dead. They called it “The Great War.” With the founding of the League of Nations, we had hoped that this type of carnage would never happen again. Twenty years later, 52 million people died in World War II. As if something had come unhinged in the human soul, we cried out, “How can we ever stop this?” With the founding of the United Nations we had hoped that the solution to world peace was at hand. I have the dreadful assignment of telling you, it is not fixed. There is another war coming. There will neither be 8 million dead nor 52 million dead. This war that is coming will kill 2.2 billion, forty times World War II. It will be the worst war ever.

I can’t tell you exactly when this is going to happen, but the Bible tells us where World War III will originate. The “Sixth Trumpet” prophecy is found in Revelation 9: 14-15:

Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.

These angels were bound in the Euphrates River, which flows through Turkey, Syria, and Iraq, and empties into the Persian Gulf. War has been raging up and down the Euphrates River since 2003 when the U.S. invaded Iraq. When they are loosed, these evil angels will carry out their assignment to kill one-third of mankind.

Out of the chaos and destruction, a strong leader will rise to promise peace and security. The Antichrist will step onto the world scene at just the right moment. He will provide firm direction but he will also demand absolute obedience.

Four Major Prophecies

There are four prophetic developments occurring right now that demonstrate how close we are to the Euphrates River War, otherwise known as World War III.
Peace Plan for the Middle East

In Genesis 15:18, God entered into a covenant with Abraham, affirming that the Promised Land would be given to his descendants. The Antichrist, according to Daniel 9: 27 will confirm this covenant with many for seven years. A peace agreement which confirms the covenant will establish Israel’s right to exist in the Holy Land and will mark the beginning of the final seven years to Armageddon. U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry has set the goal of April 29, 2014 to reach just such a peace agreement between Palestinians and Israelis. “A viable two-state solution is the only way this conflict can end,” he said, “and there is not much time to achieve it, and there is no other alternative.”

Halfway through the final seven years, the Antichrist will order the stopping of animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount, which will have been resumed by then. He will then stand in the temple claiming to be God.

Construction of Israel’s Third Temple

II Thessalonians 2:3-4 and Revelation 11:1-2 describe a temple standing on the Temple Mount three and one-half years before Armageddon. Israel has been subsidizing nonprofit organizations that advocate the building of the Third Temple atop Jerusalem’s holiest site. The Temple Institute is dedicated to the vision of the Temple’s rebuilding, and has already recreated several items to be used when services are resumed on the Temple Mount.

Preparing for the Mark of the Beast

Revelation 13:16-17 describes the control system which will be implemented during the reign of the Antichrist. During the Great Tribulation, every person on earth will be coerced into pledging allegiance to the Antichrist. Those who do so will be given a unique identification mark or number permitting them to participate in the world economy. Those who refuse will be denied the “privilege” of buying and selling.

The REAL ID Act mandates that Americans produce federally approved identification upon demand. Although it has repeatedly postponed implementation penalties, the Department of Homeland Security has announced a gradual rollout for enforcing the law, beginning in April, 2014. The Affordable Care Act, often referred to as “Obamacare,” implements a national ID system disguised within a “data hub,” and a “unique patient identifier” to verify eligibility. Concurrently making its way through Congress, as part of an immigration reform bill, is “E-Verify,” a mandated universal biometric ID required for federal approval for employment.

A War that Originates from the Euphrates River

Middle East unrest continues to boil in Libya, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan. Syria is on the brink of expanding to a full-scale war that could involve the major world powers. Analysts believe Syria may soon become a flashpoint that would divide the region along a battle lines drawn between Shia and Sunni Muslims. Iran is one of America’s and Israel’s foremost enemies and the Islamic Republic has become one of the most serious threats to stability in the Middle East. As Iran is rapidly achieving nuclear capability, the region will become far more dangerous as the number of countries engaged in nuclear activities grows. The Deputy Commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard has threatened that Tehran is able to “destroy every spot” in Israel. Germany views Iran as a potential threat not just to Israel, but also to European countries.

Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist

“WWIII – Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist” details how this war is going to come out of the Euphrates River area, resulting in the killing of one-third of the human race. It is going to happen and it will affect us, our families, our nation, our world, everything. And it looks like it is coming sooner, rather than later.

Oh My Fucking God I was just watching a bible thumper the other day said it was going to start in Europe. So I've heard bible thumpers say its going to happen in America, Europe, the Middle East and Russia.

You guys are like those people who can communicate with the dead. Is there someone in the audience who was related to someone name Mary or Larry or Jerry? :lol:
Ww111 starts in the mid-east over 2 billion will die!



The question is not, “Is there going to be a World War III?” It is in your Bible. There is not a one tenth of one percent chance that it is not going to happen. Another world war is coming, and it will be the biggest world war ever. According to the Bible, one out of three people on the earth will die in this war of all wars! The prophecy is found in Revelation chapter nine, verse 15: “And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.”

The “third part of men” would be over two billion people! Other translations read “one-third of the human race”, “one-third of all the people on earth”, “one-third of humanity”. They all say the same thing. A war is just ahead that will wipe out over two billion human beings!

The War of All Wars

Prior to the 20th Century, there had never been a war with one million fatalities. Then came World War I in 1914, with 8.2 million dead. They called it “The Great War.” With the founding of the League of Nations, we had hoped that this type of carnage would never happen again. Twenty years later, 52 million people died in World War II. As if something had come unhinged in the human soul, we cried out, “How can we ever stop this?” With the founding of the United Nations we had hoped that the solution to world peace was at hand. I have the dreadful assignment of telling you, it is not fixed. There is another war coming. There will neither be 8 million dead nor 52 million dead. This war that is coming will kill 2.2 billion, forty times World War II. It will be the worst war ever.

I can’t tell you exactly when this is going to happen, but the Bible tells us where World War III will originate. The “Sixth Trumpet” prophecy is found in Revelation 9: 14-15:

Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.

These angels were bound in the Euphrates River, which flows through Turkey, Syria, and Iraq, and empties into the Persian Gulf. War has been raging up and down the Euphrates River since 2003 when the U.S. invaded Iraq. When they are loosed, these evil angels will carry out their assignment to kill one-third of mankind.

Out of the chaos and destruction, a strong leader will rise to promise peace and security. The Antichrist will step onto the world scene at just the right moment. He will provide firm direction but he will also demand absolute obedience.

Four Major Prophecies

There are four prophetic developments occurring right now that demonstrate how close we are to the Euphrates River War, otherwise known as World War III.
Peace Plan for the Middle East

In Genesis 15:18, God entered into a covenant with Abraham, affirming that the Promised Land would be given to his descendants. The Antichrist, according to Daniel 9: 27 will confirm this covenant with many for seven years. A peace agreement which confirms the covenant will establish Israel’s right to exist in the Holy Land and will mark the beginning of the final seven years to Armageddon. U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry has set the goal of April 29, 2014 to reach just such a peace agreement between Palestinians and Israelis. “A viable two-state solution is the only way this conflict can end,” he said, “and there is not much time to achieve it, and there is no other alternative.”

Halfway through the final seven years, the Antichrist will order the stopping of animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount, which will have been resumed by then. He will then stand in the temple claiming to be God.

Construction of Israel’s Third Temple

II Thessalonians 2:3-4 and Revelation 11:1-2 describe a temple standing on the Temple Mount three and one-half years before Armageddon. Israel has been subsidizing nonprofit organizations that advocate the building of the Third Temple atop Jerusalem’s holiest site. The Temple Institute is dedicated to the vision of the Temple’s rebuilding, and has already recreated several items to be used when services are resumed on the Temple Mount.

Preparing for the Mark of the Beast

Revelation 13:16-17 describes the control system which will be implemented during the reign of the Antichrist. During the Great Tribulation, every person on earth will be coerced into pledging allegiance to the Antichrist. Those who do so will be given a unique identification mark or number permitting them to participate in the world economy. Those who refuse will be denied the “privilege” of buying and selling.

The REAL ID Act mandates that Americans produce federally approved identification upon demand. Although it has repeatedly postponed implementation penalties, the Department of Homeland Security has announced a gradual rollout for enforcing the law, beginning in April, 2014. The Affordable Care Act, often referred to as “Obamacare,” implements a national ID system disguised within a “data hub,” and a “unique patient identifier” to verify eligibility. Concurrently making its way through Congress, as part of an immigration reform bill, is “E-Verify,” a mandated universal biometric ID required for federal approval for employment.

A War that Originates from the Euphrates River

Middle East unrest continues to boil in Libya, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan. Syria is on the brink of expanding to a full-scale war that could involve the major world powers. Analysts believe Syria may soon become a flashpoint that would divide the region along a battle lines drawn between Shia and Sunni Muslims. Iran is one of America’s and Israel’s foremost enemies and the Islamic Republic has become one of the most serious threats to stability in the Middle East. As Iran is rapidly achieving nuclear capability, the region will become far more dangerous as the number of countries engaged in nuclear activities grows. The Deputy Commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard has threatened that Tehran is able to “destroy every spot” in Israel. Germany views Iran as a potential threat not just to Israel, but also to European countries.

Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist

“WWIII – Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist” details how this war is going to come out of the Euphrates River area, resulting in the killing of one-third of the human race. It is going to happen and it will affect us, our families, our nation, our world, everything. And it looks like it is coming sooner, rather than later.

Oh My Fucking God I was just watching a bible thumper the other day said it was going to start in Europe. So I've heard bible thumpers say its going to happen in America, Europe, the Middle East and Russia.

You guys are like those people who can communicate with the dead. Is there someone in the audience who was related to someone name Mary or Larry or Jerry? :lol:

Ww111 starts in the mid-east over 2 billion will die!



The question is not, “Is there going to be a World War III?” It is in your Bible. There is not a one tenth of one percent chance that it is not going to happen. Another world war is coming, and it will be the biggest world war ever. According to the Bible, one out of three people on the earth will die in this war of all wars! The prophecy is found in Revelation chapter nine, verse 15: “And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.”

The “third part of men” would be over two billion people! Other translations read “one-third of the human race”, “one-third of all the people on earth”, “one-third of humanity”. They all say the same thing. A war is just ahead that will wipe out over two billion human beings!

The War of All Wars

Prior to the 20th Century, there had never been a war with one million fatalities. Then came World War I in 1914, with 8.2 million dead. They called it “The Great War.” With the founding of the League of Nations, we had hoped that this type of carnage would never happen again. Twenty years later, 52 million people died in World War II. As if something had come unhinged in the human soul, we cried out, “How can we ever stop this?” With the founding of the United Nations we had hoped that the solution to world peace was at hand. I have the dreadful assignment of telling you, it is not fixed. There is another war coming. There will neither be 8 million dead nor 52 million dead. This war that is coming will kill 2.2 billion, forty times World War II. It will be the worst war ever.

I can’t tell you exactly when this is going to happen, but the Bible tells us where World War III will originate. The “Sixth Trumpet” prophecy is found in Revelation 9: 14-15:

Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.

These angels were bound in the Euphrates River, which flows through Turkey, Syria, and Iraq, and empties into the Persian Gulf. War has been raging up and down the Euphrates River since 2003 when the U.S. invaded Iraq. When they are loosed, these evil angels will carry out their assignment to kill one-third of mankind.

Out of the chaos and destruction, a strong leader will rise to promise peace and security. The Antichrist will step onto the world scene at just the right moment. He will provide firm direction but he will also demand absolute obedience.

Four Major Prophecies

There are four prophetic developments occurring right now that demonstrate how close we are to the Euphrates River War, otherwise known as World War III.
Peace Plan for the Middle East

In Genesis 15:18, God entered into a covenant with Abraham, affirming that the Promised Land would be given to his descendants. The Antichrist, according to Daniel 9: 27 will confirm this covenant with many for seven years. A peace agreement which confirms the covenant will establish Israel’s right to exist in the Holy Land and will mark the beginning of the final seven years to Armageddon. U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry has set the goal of April 29, 2014 to reach just such a peace agreement between Palestinians and Israelis. “A viable two-state solution is the only way this conflict can end,” he said, “and there is not much time to achieve it, and there is no other alternative.”

Halfway through the final seven years, the Antichrist will order the stopping of animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount, which will have been resumed by then. He will then stand in the temple claiming to be God.

Construction of Israel’s Third Temple

II Thessalonians 2:3-4 and Revelation 11:1-2 describe a temple standing on the Temple Mount three and one-half years before Armageddon. Israel has been subsidizing nonprofit organizations that advocate the building of the Third Temple atop Jerusalem’s holiest site. The Temple Institute is dedicated to the vision of the Temple’s rebuilding, and has already recreated several items to be used when services are resumed on the Temple Mount.

Preparing for the Mark of the Beast

Revelation 13:16-17 describes the control system which will be implemented during the reign of the Antichrist. During the Great Tribulation, every person on earth will be coerced into pledging allegiance to the Antichrist. Those who do so will be given a unique identification mark or number permitting them to participate in the world economy. Those who refuse will be denied the “privilege” of buying and selling.

The REAL ID Act mandates that Americans produce federally approved identification upon demand. Although it has repeatedly postponed implementation penalties, the Department of Homeland Security has announced a gradual rollout for enforcing the law, beginning in April, 2014. The Affordable Care Act, often referred to as “Obamacare,” implements a national ID system disguised within a “data hub,” and a “unique patient identifier” to verify eligibility. Concurrently making its way through Congress, as part of an immigration reform bill, is “E-Verify,” a mandated universal biometric ID required for federal approval for employment.

A War that Originates from the Euphrates River

Middle East unrest continues to boil in Libya, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan. Syria is on the brink of expanding to a full-scale war that could involve the major world powers. Analysts believe Syria may soon become a flashpoint that would divide the region along a battle lines drawn between Shia and Sunni Muslims. Iran is one of America’s and Israel’s foremost enemies and the Islamic Republic has become one of the most serious threats to stability in the Middle East. As Iran is rapidly achieving nuclear capability, the region will become far more dangerous as the number of countries engaged in nuclear activities grows. The Deputy Commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard has threatened that Tehran is able to “destroy every spot” in Israel. Germany views Iran as a potential threat not just to Israel, but also to European countries.

Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist

“WWIII – Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist” details how this war is going to come out of the Euphrates River area, resulting in the killing of one-third of the human race. It is going to happen and it will affect us, our families, our nation, our world, everything. And it looks like it is coming sooner, rather than later.

Oh My Fucking God I was just watching a bible thumper the other day said it was going to start in Europe. So I've heard bible thumpers say its going to happen in America, Europe, the Middle East and Russia.

You guys are like those people who can communicate with the dead. Is there someone in the audience who was related to someone name Mary or Larry or Jerry? :lol:


Man can not know when the last days are. so says God and the Bible. Yet you claim to know.
Oh My Fucking God I was just watching a bible thumper the other day said it was going to start in Europe. So I've heard bible thumpers say its going to happen in America, Europe, the Middle East and Russia.

You guys are like those people who can communicate with the dead. Is there someone in the audience who was related to someone name Mary or Larry or Jerry? :lol:


Man can not know when the last days are. so says God and the Bible. Yet you claim to know.

GOD'S WORD SAYS==It is written in scripture that true believers will know the general time of His return. "But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that this day should overtake you as a thief"(1Th 5:4).
You still haven't accounted for the remaining 3.5 billion after God hath done His wrath.

Could you expound on this?

That sounds very exciting, but what about believers like you who vanish or float up into the sky before anything scary happens?

If Jesus is coming to set up his kingdom on earth what will become of you floating around in the clouds?

Zacklee my question.

Is this Ww111 gonna happen before or after that whole rapture thing?

See, cuz, who am I gonna hide behind if all of the gismos are already gone?

Man can not know when the last days are. so says God and the Bible. Yet you claim to know.

GOD'S WORD SAYS==It is written in scripture that true believers will know the general time of His return. "But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that this day should overtake you as a thief"(1Th 5:4).

Gullible's Travels (1:1)
Man can not know when the last days are. so says God and the Bible. Yet you claim to know.

GOD'S WORD SAYS==It is written in scripture that true believers will know the general time of His return. "But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that this day should overtake you as a thief"(1Th 5:4).

Gullible's Travels (1:1)


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