over 60 percent of white republicans think obama was not born in US

Suuuurrrrree... he was born in America... tell me another good one...




Prove all your crap is true..

Go ahead, prove it.

No, not Britbart/fox etc shit. I mean, real proof.

You can't.
There's already more proof in my post he was born in Kenya than you'll ever find that odumbo was born in America.

So go ahead, prove he was born in America. I mean real proof. Verifiable proof.

You can't. IT'S ALL HIDDEN... WHY?

Dumbass pea brain odumbobot fuck.
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Funny that for Obama to steal the Senate race sealed divorce papers were released, yet Obama's stay sealed.

Hey, I never said he was born in Kenya, but he sure did, he's the first of the birthers. Too funny.
It amazes me that Barack and Michelle tell people Barack was not born in the U.S., but their own followers deny it.
It amazes me the level of skepticism towards the birthplace of a "black" President you have, but accept at face value, the statement from a "white" President from Texas, telling you a country of goat herders, with barely any running water or electricity, 9000 miles away with no navy, was a threat to a country that has the most technologically advanced military in the world.

And it amazes me that WMD's in Iraq have been widely reported from everyone from MSNBC (the propaganda arm of the dumbocrats) to returning military personnel.
It amazes me that whenever anyone reported the opposite, you immediately dismissed it as bullshit.

If the facts don't fit the agenda, the left will just hammer away relentlessly with lies and hope they can convince someone to listen to them. Unfortunately for them, technology has stripped them of that tactic that used to work so well for them.
You expect people to believe the facts that the US would spend over $3 trillion dollars, over 4000 American lives, trash our American heritage, economy and reputation around the world, just to remove one man from office, on the other side of the planet, just because he was a bad guy, which we happened to have known 20 years earlier, when we were selling him arms to fight the Iranians?

You expect us to believe THAT, as a fact?

What we know as fact is that Obama lied about being born in Kenya, for a very long time. Until it no longer served him. What we know as fact is that Saddam killed his own people using WMD. What we know as fact is that he did threaten our interests when he threatens the neighbors to Iraq. What we know as fact is that no matter how many times it is shown that Obama has lied the left will use the excuse that he is not better then Bush. That is so damn funny.
Back when Obama was born, newspapers were required to publish X amount of space that was devoted to what was known in TV as PSA's. It was done as a public service and they were not paid for the space. They fulfilled that requirement by publishing births, deaths, marriages. Now they publish only deaths.

The newspapers got that info from the local health department, hospitals and from the couples who got married.

Hey, it's OK we believe he was born in Hawaii, no problem. Now tell us why he lied about it for so long.
Conspiracies such as this one merely power the unintelligent to continue conversations on matters that are easy to discuss, allowing them to avoid difficult ones. We have a fiscal cliff looming, 16 trillion in debt and rising, a healthcare bill that is going through, unemployment at 8 percent and the list goes on, yet we are sitting around actually entertaining the notion that the government of the United States is knowingly covering up the greatest fraud to ever hit these shores. By believing this, all you are doing is giving liberals the power to say, "You have people in your party who don’t even think our President is American, how can you classify yourself with them?" Then I have to go into this long explanation on how i am a fiscal conservative blah blah blah. Do the evil Republican establishment a favor and just stop. For the love of God, please stop.
Conspiracies such as this one merely power the unintelligent to continue conversations on matters that are easy to discuss, allowing them to avoid difficult ones. We have a fiscal cliff looming, 16 trillion in debt and rising, a healthcare bill that is going through, unemployment at 8 percent and the list goes on, yet we are sitting around actually entertaining the notion that the government of the United States is knowingly covering up the greatest fraud to ever hit these shores. By believing this, all you are doing is giving liberals the power to say, "You have people in your party who don’t even think our President is American, how can you classify yourself with them?" Then I have to go into this long explanation on how i am a fiscal conservative blah blah blah. Do the evil Republican establishment a favor and just stop. For the love of God, please stop.
I'm a liberal (but not a democrat) and have been saying for some time now, the first thing the republican party needs to do, is take back control from the fanatical lunatics that keep setting the partys' agenda. This country really does need the William F. Buckley republican's to find their voice again and speak out against what has corrupted that party in recent times.

The dems got their work to do to. They need to purge the Pelosi's and Leiberman's from their party. Maybe after both party's clean house, we can get back to what we expect the government to be doing in the first place, which is taking care of the health and welfare of the country.

I almost forgot, "Welcome to the Forum!"
Daily Kos: 63% of Republicans Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, 64% Obama Born in Kenya

White republicans are simply amazing. White republicans have the greatest racist talent to ever live. I really wonder what make white republicans soooooooo talented at being racist. The majority blacks think republicans are racist sums and evidence is all over America.
Nobody has ever accused the Republican/Tea Party "base" of being a group of "deep thinkers - anyone who would climb into Mitt Romney's "dog house" strapped to the roof of his car deserve to be "taken for a ride!"
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What we know as fact is that Obama lied about being born in Kenya, for a very long time. Until it no longer served him.
That's a ridiculous opinion, not a fact.

What we know as fact is that Saddam killed his own people using WMD.
Although we sold him the gas to do it, examination of the body's, showed that it was Iranian gas that killed them. No one's saying Hussein wasn't a bad guy, it's just not a legal reason to invade.

What we know as fact is that he did threaten our interests when he threatens the neighbors to Iraq.
How is re-installing a tyrannical dictator (Sabah family) our interests? And he (Saddam) told us through our ambassador to that country, he was planning on attacking Kuwait, because they were slant drilling into the Iraqi reserves from across the border. Bush41 sent a message back saying, "We don't get involved in border skirmishes or frontier incidents"

BTW, at the time of the attack, he all his troops were on Iraqi soil and he wasn't threatening anyone.

What we know as fact is that no matter how many times it is shown that Obama has lied the left will use the excuse that he is not better then Bush. That is so damn funny.
In some cases he is, in some cases he's not. On the subject of expanding warrantless wiretaps, he's worse. On the subject of lying, he's not. It is worth noting, that when Obama does things that are not good for the country, liberals waste no time voicing their displeasure for his policies. In contrast, those on the right, didn't say shit about Bush until he was a lame duck.
ROVE: This is a White House strategy. They love this.

O'REILLY: How do you know it's the White House strategy?

ROVE: Look, the President could come out and say, 'Here are the documents.' They are happy to have this controversy continue because every moment the conservatives talk about this they marginalize themselves and diminish themselves in the minds of independent voters. And every moment we spend talking about this controversy is a moment we can't spend talking about the failed stimulus bill, the reckless spending, Obamacare, his failures in foreign policy and his failure to live up to the promises that he made in the 2008 election.

Look, he was born in Hawaii. If he was born in Kenya, then there must have been some massive conspiracy that said this guy being born in Kenya --

Karl Rove warned conservatives that these kind of unsubstantiated assertions would "marginalize themselves and diminish themselves in the minds of independent voters."

He also warned them that "... every moment we spend talking about this controversy is a moment we can't spend talking about the failed stimulus bill, the reckless spending, Obamacare, his failures in foreign policy and his failure to live up to the promises that he made in the 2008 election."

The "birthers," in their infinite wisdom, helped seal the fate of the 2012 Presidential Election in favor of the Democrats.
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It amazes me that Barack and Michelle tell people Barack was not born in the U.S., but their own followers deny it.
It amazes me the level of skepticism towards the birthplace of a "black" President you have, but accept at face value, the statement from a "white" President from Texas, telling you a country of goat herders, with barely any running water or electricity, 9000 miles away with no navy, was a threat to a country that has the most technologically advanced military in the world.

You're actually bashing me for believing exactly what the "black" president and his "black" wife have told us themselves for years. Seriously folks, only a liberal can accuse you of racism for believing exactly what a black man said (incidentally, what is the obsession you liberals have with skin color? Can't you just say president without adding "black" in front of it?)

And it amazes me that WMD's in Iraq have been widely reported from everyone from MSNBC (the propaganda arm of the dumbocrats) to returning military personnel.
It amazes me that whenever anyone reported the opposite, you immediately dismissed it as bullshit.

No, I didn't it. Not at all. Have no idea where you pulled this lie from as you don't even know me, but you're rapidly destroying any credibility you had with this nonsense.

If the facts don't fit the agenda, the left will just hammer away relentlessly with lies and hope they can convince someone to listen to them. Unfortunately for them, technology has stripped them of that tactic that used to work so well for them.
You expect people to believe the facts that the US would spend over $3 trillion dollars, over 4000 American lives, trash our American heritage, economy and reputation around the world, just to remove one man from office, on the other side of the planet, just because he was a bad guy, which we happened to have known 20 years earlier, when we were selling him arms to fight the Iranians?

Now you're just ranting like a lunatic. What does "on the other side of the planet" have to do with anything? Perhaps you could leave the 1800's and come join us in the 21st century? ICBM's can hit any target around the world. Cyber attacks can cause major disruptions anywhere in the world, all without leaving your desk. And biological weapons can be released in your own backyard and wipe out an entire nation any where in the world due to the rate of international travel these days.

You expect us to believe THAT, as a fact?

Question: why is it when faced with facts/evidence that make you liberals really uncomfortable, you immediately bring up GWB and/or Iraq when they have nothing to do with the conversation at hand? There is simply no correlation between where Barack Obama was born and Iraq.

Can we assume based on your avoidance of the issue that you acknowledge Barack Obama was not born in the U.S.? And if so, why can't you just be mature enough to say so? If not, why can't you bring some rational thoughts to the issue instead of desperately trying to change the topic to Iraq?
So after every last piece of shit "evidence" has been debunked, what do we have left?

A publisher's leaflet and a newspaper headline written by a Kenyan journalist. Did you notice the Kenyan misspelled Obama's first name? Stellar journalism, right there.

Wow! That's some powerful evidence!

Meanwhile, back in the real world, there is no evidence Obama's mother visited Kenya. Ever. Her entire life.

Considering that Obama's father had another wife back there, this is not surprising. The last thing he wanted was for his two wives to learn of each other, I'm sure.

And the last I checked the way the whole birth thing works, for Obama to have been born in Kenya his mother would have to have been there for that unholy event.


Sooooo let me get this straight. You ignore/disregard actual, tangible evidence (literary agency, websites, Barack and Michelle's own words on record, etc.) for (and I quote here) "no evidence"???

Wow... I mean, seriously, just wow. I have no words for this type of lack of thinking. What kind of nation have we morphed into when we reject tangible evidence in favor of no evidence that doesn't exist?
What we know as fact is that Obama lied about being born in Kenya, for a very long time. Until it no longer served him.
That's a ridiculous opinion, not a fact.

How can you post such outrageous lies in a thread literally filled with tangible evidence that the Obama's themselves have claimed over and over that Barack was born in Kenya? You're just coming across as a brainwashed partisan hack not worth discussing anything with. This is NOT "opinion" and the evidence proves it. Either Barack Obama was born in Kenya or he worked the system for decades lying to everyone that he was born there. Either way it's time for you to grow up, put your big boy pants on, and acknowledge reality for what it is...




[ame=http://youtu.be/dBJihJBePcs]Michelle says Barack's Home country is Kenya - full statement - YouTube[/ame]
He was born in Kenya. His grandmother said so and she was there when he was born. I believe her. Plus the fact he went to school here as a dule citizen. He was never eligible to be President and still isn't. There is enough out there to tell you all this.

Even if he was born in Kenya, he's still eligible to be President because he was born to an American mother. That makes him a "natural born American", not an illegal alien or someone who isn't qualified to be President.

Where did Obama's grandmother say he was born in Kenya? And then there's the doctor who delivered him in Hawaii - he swore an affidavit that he was there. And his birth certificate, which was registered in Hawaii.

If I was pregnant and due to deliver, I wouldn't go to a remote village in Africa to give birth with no guarantee of quality medical care. I don't want give birth amongst strangers or people who don't speak my language. I'd go home to my family where I know the doctors and I know that my child and I would get the care and support we need. That's what Obama's mother did.
He was born in Kenya. His grandmother said so and she was there when he was born. I believe her. Plus the fact he went to school here as a dule citizen. He was never eligible to be President and still isn't. There is enough out there to tell you all this.

Exactly right, Obama was born in Kenya, he’s an illegal alien living in the US – and ICE has no idea where to find him.

Amazing, isn't it?
Conspiracies such as this one merely power the unintelligent to continue conversations on matters that are easy to discuss, allowing them to avoid difficult ones. We have a fiscal cliff looming, 16 trillion in debt and rising, a healthcare bill that is going through, unemployment at 8 percent and the list goes on, yet we are sitting around actually entertaining the notion that the government of the United States is knowingly covering up the greatest fraud to ever hit these shores. By believing this, all you are doing is giving liberals the power to say, "You have people in your party who don’t even think our President is American, how can you classify yourself with them?" Then I have to go into this long explanation on how i am a fiscal conservative blah blah blah. Do the evil Republican establishment a favor and just stop. For the love of God, please stop.
I'm a liberal (but not a democrat) and have been saying for some time now, the first thing the republican party needs to do, is take back control from the fanatical lunatics that keep setting the partys' agenda. This country really does need the William F. Buckley republican's to find their voice again and speak out against what has corrupted that party in recent times.

The dems got their work to do to. They need to purge the Pelosi's and Leiberman's from their party. Maybe after both party's clean house, we can get back to what we expect the government to be doing in the first place, which is taking care of the health and welfare of the country.

I almost forgot, "Welcome to the Forum!"

See you believe the liberal storyline. The Republican party has nothing to do with Obama saying he was born in Kenya for so long. The whole thing was started by a Democrat. Democrats, liberals, keep bring up the subject as if the RNC is driving this, they are not. There are some that see the evidence and believe that Obama is lying one way or the other because he has to be lying but it is not part of the Republican parties platform. It is just a great piece of DNC propaganda that keeps bring up the subject and assigning it to Republicans.
What we know as fact is that Obama lied about being born in Kenya, for a very long time. Until it no longer served him.
That's a ridiculous opinion, not a fact.

What we know as fact is that Saddam killed his own people using WMD.
Although we sold him the gas to do it, examination of the body's, showed that it was Iranian gas that killed them. No one's saying Hussein wasn't a bad guy, it's just not a legal reason to invade.

What we know as fact is that he did threaten our interests when he threatens the neighbors to Iraq.
How is re-installing a tyrannical dictator (Sabah family) our interests? And he (Saddam) told us through our ambassador to that country, he was planning on attacking Kuwait, because they were slant drilling into the Iraqi reserves from across the border. Bush41 sent a message back saying, "We don't get involved in border skirmishes or frontier incidents"

BTW, at the time of the attack, he all his troops were on Iraqi soil and he wasn't threatening anyone.

What we know as fact is that no matter how many times it is shown that Obama has lied the left will use the excuse that he is not better then Bush. That is so damn funny.
In some cases he is, in some cases he's not. On the subject of expanding warrantless wiretaps, he's worse. On the subject of lying, he's not. It is worth noting, that when Obama does things that are not good for the country, liberals waste no time voicing their displeasure for his policies. In contrast, those on the right, didn't say shit about Bush until he was a lame duck.

So the press release that stood for 12 years is not enough? The newspaper account that says he was born in Kenya isn't enough? Michelle Obama calling Kenya Obama's homeland is not enough? Obama himself saying he was born in Kenya is not enough? (video provided on request)

Here is a link to a story about Saddam and his use of WMD.

BBC News | Saddam's Iraq: Key events

there was a vote on action in Iraq which was supported by a bipartisan majority.

The liberals showing displeasure, that is just too funny. If they did he wouldn't have won.
He was born in Kenya. His grandmother said so and she was there when he was born. I believe her. Plus the fact he went to school here as a dule citizen. He was never eligible to be President and still isn't. There is enough out there to tell you all this.

Even if he was born in Kenya, he's still eligible to be President because he was born to an American mother. That makes him a "natural born American", not an illegal alien or someone who isn't qualified to be President.

Where did Obama's grandmother say he was born in Kenya? And then there's the doctor who delivered him in Hawaii - he swore an affidavit that he was there. And his birth certificate, which was registered in Hawaii.

If I was pregnant and due to deliver, I wouldn't go to a remote village in Africa to give birth with no guarantee of quality medical care. I don't want give birth amongst strangers or people who don't speak my language. I'd go home to my family where I know the doctors and I know that my child and I would get the care and support we need. That's what Obama's mother did.

There were hospitals in Kenya.

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