Out of Work, Sucks

People ARE saving more, and that's very good for the long term.

Maybe this country needs a little tough times. Maybe people in this country need to toughen up a bit. Quit eating so much, walk more, work harder, knuckle down and quite whining you want the government to hand everything to you on a silver platter.

I'm not coming down on you Zoom, your point was good. I'm just saying in general.

It's going to be hard to save money if you don't have a job bringing home income.
People ARE saving more, and that's very good for the long term.

Maybe this country needs a little tough times. Maybe people in this country need to toughen up a bit. Quit eating so much, walk more, work harder, knuckle down and quite whining you want the government to hand everything to you on a silver platter.

I'm not coming down on you Zoom, your point was good. I'm just saying in general.

It's going to be hard to save money if you don't have a job bringing home income.

According to Pelosi that is everyone, their children, the family dog and the illegal aliens in the US.
Hedge fund managers didn't steal your money Chris. Tell me what precisely if anything do you know about hedge funds.
CNN — LOU DOBBS TONIGHT — Aired February 3, 2009 - 19:00 ET

LOU DOBBS, CNN ANCHOR: There's rising opposition tonight to the president's choice to head up the Commerce Department. As a senator, Judd Gregg was a strong proponent and supporter of free trade at any costs, a proponent to bringing in more cheap foreign labor to compete with middle class workers in this country. Bill Tucker now reports on what the choice for commerce secretary may mean for American workers.


BILL TUCKER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Senator Judd Gregg is a controversial pick to lead the Commerce Department. Groups who believed President Obama would usher in a new trading policy are bitterly disappointed. Global Trade Watch responded saying quote, "Senator Gregg as commerce secretary certainly is not the change we can believe in." The U.S. Business and Industry Council representing 1,850 small and medium-sized businesses calls the appointment baffling.

ALAN TONELSON, U.S. BUSINESS & INDUSTRY COUNCIL: He is a free trade purist. Judd Gregg has never, ever met an outsourcing focus trade agreement that he hasn't loved. He's voted for all of them enthusiastically.

TUCKER: Our trade deficit through the end of November of last year $630 billion. Other groups are disturbed at Gregg's staunch support of more guest workers. In 2000 he voted to raise the cap on H-1B visas. Then in 2007 he authored legislation that would have more than doubled the size of the H-1B visa program to 150,000. Gregg is also a strong proponent of outsourcing and in the opinion of many worker activists it would be a serious mistake to ignore his stance on those issues.

RON HIRA, ROCHESTER INST. OF TECHNOLOGY: Commerce plays a very important role in all of these kinds of issues and is a big voice representing big business within the administration.

TUCKER: Gregg's trade and outsourcing views appear contrary to statements by President Obama, but Gregg's appointment is consistent with others made by the president. Ron Kirk, the trade representative and the president's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, are strong NAFTA supporters as is Larry Summers who leads the president's National Economic Council and Economic Council member Diana Farrell is an outspoken proponent of outsourcing.


TUCKER: It would be interesting to learn what President Obama meant this morning when he introduced Judd Gregg as his commerce secretary nominee by saying they have disagreements, because, Lou, it would appear that on many, many issues, in fact, Senator Judd Gregg is in alignment with President Obama and certainly his administrative picks so far.

DOBBS: Well this may be what we're going to see from the Obama administration. That's a shame, because it's intellectual dishonesty. It is absolute arrogance to continue to repeat the policies of the past. Larry Summers, all of these folks very capable people, that are absolutely part of the Rubin legacy.

It's devastating what's happening here. The millions of people, working men and women who worked and supported and voted for Barack Obama for change in the direction of trade policies have to be extraordinarily disappointed, but fundamentally, if there is no change on the part of our elected officials, on the top policy choices, on free trade, on outsourcing, and focusing on manufacturing, how to incentivize it and how to build our middle class, rather than destroy it, this administration will be remembered for something besides change and a disbelief in the change they brought, but rather the legacy will be further destruction of this economy, and that is intolerable to all of us. Bill Tucker, thank you very much.
CNN — LOU DOBBS TONIGHT — Aired February 3, 2009 - 19:00 ET

LOU DOBBS, CNN ANCHOR: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, as it calls itself, is waging an outright campaign of fear trying to block "Buy American" provisions in that so-called stimulus bill. Joining me now, two lawmakers leading a very important fight, trying to assure those buy American provisions are kept in the legislation. Congressman Dan Lipinski, Democrat of Illinois joins us, along with Congressman Don Manzullo, Republican, also of Illinois. Gentlemen, good to have you here.

What is the effect of the buy American provision that you've put forward?

REP. DAN LIPINSKI (D), ILLINOIS: Well, in the bill last week in the House, I wanted the Rules Committee to put a really strong buy American provision into the bill to bring it to the floor in amendment so that representatives would have a chance to vote on it, and unfortunately, that was not allowed by the leadership. Fortunately, the Senate has put some language in, but I'm not convinced that it's strong enough, and there's always a chance that it can be taken out.

REP. DON MANZULLO (R), ILLINOIS: I would be satisfied with enforcement of the present buy American laws. And what Congressman Lipinski and I are trying to do is to impose transparency, to give the American companies an opportunity to bid, to get the procurement officers on their toes to realize that they have to follow these buy American laws that are already on the books.

DOBBS: The Chamber of Commerce has written a letter to the congressional leadership, which has already disavowed your efforts, Speaker Pelosi naturally calling it, quote, "trade restrictive." They say — and I'd like to show this for all of our viewers, quote, "Without sales abroad and access to inputs, many U.S. workers would be out of a job," and now I think the Chamber of Commerce, gentlemen — well, rather than tell you what I think of them, you tell me what you think of that organization?

LIPINSKI: Well, the chamber certainly doesn't do what is best for middle-class Americans and American workers. We all know what their real purpose is, to help the multinational corporations. It is sad to see that they have as much influence — and we have seen editorials and newspapers, the elites really do not like this buy American provision. But I tell you, in my district, 90 percent of the people say "I don't understand why it would not be there."

DOBBS: Congressman Manzullo, your reaction to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce?

MANZULLO: I don't think they really understand what we are trying to do. Let me give you an example.

DOBBS: Sure, Congressman, Congressman, sure they do. They have been around. They bought a president for eight years, for crying out loud. They know what they're doing.

MANZULLO: When I chaired the Small Business Committee, I found out that the Army was violating U.S. law by buying berets for American soldiers from China. We held a hearing. We stopped that. That is the type of things that I want to see stopped. If we just enforce the present buy American laws that are on the books...

DOBBS: What does it say, gentlemen, what does it say about this country? If an organization that calls itself the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is opposed to the manufacturing of American products? Is opposed to putting money, stimulus money in the pockets of American workers and American businesses, particularly small business, which generates 80 percent of the jobs? What kind of — what in the world is going on in this country? Are we that far gone, Congressman?

LIPINSKI: I really think that for much too long, we have seen the middle class under assault in this country because the laws have been made to help the multinational corporations. The American people, it is time that they stood up. In this stimulus, we need to have strong buy American provisions. That's why Representative Manzullo and myself are sending a letter getting signatures. If you want to call your representative, please do that. Send a letter to Barack Obama who — his press secretary said...

DOBBS: How about Nancy Pelosi for crying out loud? She doesn't apparently know what country she is in.

MANZULLO: Lou, I have voted for every free trade agreement. I have been here — this is the beginning of my ninth term...

DOBBS: You and I are not going to get along well, Congressman, telling me that.

MANZULLO: Just a second. Dan Lipinski has voted against every free trade agreement. What we are saying here is that at the minimum; at least let's enforce the present buy American laws that are on the books. Let's — let's encourage the procurement officers at the state, local and federal level to buy American.
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We need to bring jobs back to America. My brother works for a automotive supplier. He tells me about all the grief that they get from foreign labor. He says it is getting to the point that jobs are going to start coming home.

I said, "bring back everything"! And he said, "you don't have to go that far, but they should do something like give a tax break to any company that 70% of the product is manufactured inside the USA.". And that is true. There is no realistic way to manufacture EVERYTHING here. But we have certainly gone too far.

You don't go to school to become an engineer if the country you live in doesn't manufacture anything. They are dumbing down the American people on purpose. We make too much. They'd rather get an F1 Visa and get an engineer from India.
If you are implying that the current economic problems are the fault of the new administration, your head is so far up your ass your teeth floss will be brown.

The stimulus package has money to start over 600,000 jobs. That's not some frigging tax cut mantra from the right, that is real jobs. It's also not four years off like the lying sobs keep saying.

Read the plan and quit listening to Bitch McConnel and McCain.

I hope that Obama soon realizes that the current Repub leaders don't know what bipartisan is. He needs to just get this bill through the Senate and tell them sorry if you can't work together your not in power anymore.

Tax cuts don't stimulate the economy. And tax cuts for the rich on stimulate the rich.

Sorry dude, "Bush Rules" apply. The MINUTE Obama said "I do," it's ALL HIS.

Why don't you try listening to the news? Savings are up, spending is down. People are socking their money away.

Your stimulus package isn't doing anything but bailing out the rich, and GMAFB on starting over 60,000 more jobs. You mean more government jobs because that fat tick of a bureaucracy ain't fat enough?

Then there's the fact that it's BEYOND hillarious you saying ANYONE doesn't know what bipartisan is. Your idea of bipartisan is your way every time.

Get a grip on some reality, huh?

Government jobs? You mean a government agency will be rebuilding bridges and building the new grid? Get real yourself. The government will provide the money and oversight, private contractors hiring trademen and laborers will provide the work.

As for the current economic downturn, as it gets worse, it will still be known as the Second Great Republican Depression. You fellows own this, lock, stock, and barrel. Just as you own the Iraq FUBAR. And now you own the title of obstructionist. But keep it up, keep the faith, a 70 Dem senate in 2010, and even a greater Dem majority in the house.
If you are implying that the current economic problems are the fault of the new administration, your head is so far up your ass your teeth floss will be brown.

The stimulus package has money to start over 600,000 jobs. That's not some frigging tax cut mantra from the right, that is real jobs. It's also not four years off like the lying sobs keep saying.

Read the plan and quit listening to Bitch McConnel and McCain.

I hope that Obama soon realizes that the current Repub leaders don't know what bipartisan is. He needs to just get this bill through the Senate and tell them sorry if you can't work together your not in power anymore.

Tax cuts don't stimulate the economy. And tax cuts for the rich on stimulate the rich.

Here is the problem many of us have with this bill. As you say, it will create 600,000 new jobs. That's great; the problem is that each of those jobs come at a cost of nearly $1.4 million. This is why conservatives get so frustrated with government spending. There is enough money in this package to create two million jobs and to pay for them for four years. Where is the rest of the money going? It's called pork, waste, garbage, whatever you want to call it.

If there is not a dollar for dollar return on this money, then it's not worth the cost, plain and simple.

A big part of the bill is not just new jobs, but preventing many existing jobs from going away. Right now, where I work, a steel mill, if the economy, or orders, do not pick up in the next 30 days, a couple of hundred people are going to be out of work. These are jobs that pay 50K to 125K. Consider just the impact of this one company on the economy of a small city like Portland, Oregon.

When the last Depression started, little was done at first, then, as it progressed, what was done was wrong. Only in 1932 did the right things begin to be done, though in retrospect, too timidly. Are we doing the right things this time? I don't know, but at least we are doing something. And we need to switch our energy base, irregardless of the economic conditions.
You and REd Dawn are both full of it. You quoted Zoonie as saying something that in fact Pale Rider said.. And, what Pale Rider said is the truth. AMericans better learn to stop living beyond their means. No one was picking on welfare moms. DUmmies! If you don't have the friggin money don't spend it..[/QUOTE]

Living beyond their means. Well, since Bank of America has recieved 45 billion of taxpayer dollars, their little super bowl party for the big wig execs, ten million plus, certainly was not beyond their means, now, was it. Talk about Cadillac Welfare Queens!
Where have I said I was smarter than you?

I have been right far more than you but some people dont use the brains they were given to stay with the facts. Some create a fantasy in which to live and cling to it instead of living in reality.

I dont know why bright people do this, tell me why you do?

shit lady you just listed a page full of facts you knew before anybody else did. and you didn't do jack shit about any of it. what the hell is the matter with you? you just sat there in front of Pandora's box and let the world go to hell! Sheeze! :lol::eusa_pray:

And where you at the time? Helping drive our nation straight to hell by supporting unconstitutional actions by an incompetant President. Supporting people like Gramm that set up the economic debacle. Many, many people saw the FUBAR in Iraq and the economic debacle coming and warned about them. And nobody on your side of the aisle listened. And a complacent and complicit bunch of Dems failed to do their jobs, also.

Now that is changing. You can be part of the solution, or you can be ran over by the people that will address the problems this nation faces. Should you choose the latter course, the results in the voting booths will not be to your liking, any more than the results of the last election were.
Seems to be a mantra many of us will bear. No, I've yet to lose my job, but could happen, likely to happen if nothing changes in the next year.

It's all part of the economic regression that, chances are, you voted for...

No way. I never voted for Bush or any of the modern know-nothing GOP.

That's a rather short-sighted view. It goes a LOT further than just the GOP. Maybe you better take a look and see if the congressman you voted for voted against the interests of the working folks in this country...


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I have not been the one being stupid.

I was warning about the sub prime market for years now.

I was warning that Iraq did not have AQ ties.

I was warning that It did not have WMDs.

I was warning you that Bush was having our military use banned weapons like White Phospherous on the Iraqi people.

I was warning that deregulating the securities markets was going to lead to a mess.

I was warning about our crumbling infrastructure.

I was warning that Bush was illegally torturing people.

I was warning that all the experts said tirture produces bad intell.

I was warning our voting machines were faulty and could produce bad elestion totals.

I was warning caging lists were being used to disenfranchise voters.

I was warning thne DOJ was being used as a political arm of the admin.

All this and much much more while you were buzy denying and excusing it all.

Now we have just the country you and your cohorts wanted.

It is just amazing how you continue to think any of your judgement should be taken for anything but a grain of salt considering just how WRONG you have been about EVERYTHING for years now.

Do you work for a newspaper, or CBS, or a lobbying firm? If not, you really should, or perhaps stand for office where your opinions could really be of benefit to us all.

There are probably only and handful of people in the whole world who could be so bang on with everything. I congratulate you.

Oh please, TB.

Truthmatters is right on the money.

He and millions of his fellow American had been telling us exactly the things we claimed to have been writing.

And for their truthful observations they were called communists, terrorist loves, socialists and so forth.

The Republican under Bush, with the HELP OF THE DEMS (in some cases) screwed the pooch on so many things.

We are coming off the most incompetently mangaged Presidential administration in my lifetime.

And a LOT, one fuck of a lot of us, saw it and were extremely vocal about it, too.
Gunny, please don't lecture me on bipartisan. You ain't. I will work with others to get the job done. I always have. My total dislike and disdain for Bush was much from the fact that he believed he was always right and never worked with the left unless he was forced to.

Obama is trying to talk to the opposition more than anything like Bush did in the past and they still think they are in charge. I hope he tells them to fuck off soon and gets some things done.

Sorry dude, "Bush Rules" apply. The MINUTE Obama said "I do," it's ALL HIS.

Sorry, Dude, it's Obama's problem, but it's still Bush's fault.

I love they way some of you on the right say that well it happened in the past, we just have move on unless the past mistake is a lefties'.

He doesn't need the republicans to do anything, so pretending that he's allowing them to hold him back is a lame arguement. It's time for the Democrats to put their money where their mouths are and take responsibility for what they are about to do. They screamed and bitched and pointed fingers for 8 years, so now it's time to man up cause the excuses are now all gone.
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I have not been the one being stupid.

I was warning about the sub prime market for years now.

I was warning that Iraq did not have AQ ties.

I was warning that It did not have WMDs.

I was warning you that Bush was having our military use banned weapons like White Phospherous on the Iraqi people.

I was warning that deregulating the securities markets was going to lead to a mess.

I was warning about our crumbling infrastructure.

I was warning that Bush was illegally torturing people.

I was warning that all the experts said tirture produces bad intell.

I was warning our voting machines were faulty and could produce bad elestion totals.

I was warning caging lists were being used to disenfranchise voters.

I was warning thne DOJ was being used as a political arm of the admin.

All this and much much more while you were buzy denying and excusing it all.

Now we have just the country you and your cohorts wanted.

It is just amazing how you continue to think any of your judgement should be taken for anything but a grain of salt considering just how WRONG you have been about EVERYTHING for years now.

Do you work for a newspaper, or CBS, or a lobbying firm? If not, you really should, or perhaps stand for office where your opinions could really be of benefit to us all.

There are probably only and handful of people in the whole world who could be so bang on with everything. I congratulate you.

Oh please, TB.

Truthmatters is right on the money.

He and millions of his fellow American had been telling us exactly the things we claimed to have been writing.

And for their truthful observations they were called communists, terrorist loves, socialists and so forth.

The Republican under Bush, with the HELP OF THE DEMS (in some cases) screwed the pooch on so many things.

We are coming off the most incompetently mangaged Presidential administration in my lifetime.

And a LOT, one fuck of a lot of us, saw it and were extremely vocal about it, too.



As I've pointed out before, a die-hard lefty starts pontificating about how much support they have, you can be certain they are members of a tiny minority.

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