Our Thirty Year Experiment

Hmmm...Obama spent more than that on the failed Stimulus Package alone.


Reagan increased the debt how much?
below is a list of presidents ans how much the gross national debt increased or decreased during their terms.

Roosevelt/Truman D 1945–1949 -24.4%
Truman Harry Truman D 1949–1953 -21.7%
Eisenhower1 Dwight Eisenhower R 1953–1957 -11.0%
Eisenhower2 Dwight Eisenhower R 1957–1961 -5.2%
Kennedy/Johnson D 1961–1965 -8.3%
Johnson Lyndon Johnson D 1965–1969 -8.3%
Nixon1 Richard Nixon R 1969–1973 -3.0%
Nixon2 Nixon/Ford R 1973–1977 +0.2%
Carter Jimmy Carter D 1977–1981 -3.3%
Reagan1 Ronald Reagan R 1981–1985 +11.3%
Reagan2 Ronald Reagan R 1985–1989 +9.3%
Bush GHW George H. W. Bush R 1989–1993 +15.0%
Clinton1 Bill Clinton D 1993–1997 -0.7%
Clinton2 Bill Clinton D 1997–2001 -9.0%
Bush GW1 George W. Bush R 2001–2005 +7.1%
Bush GW2 George W. Bush R 2005–2009 +20.0%

for full details and a nice chart go to:

National debt by U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
iamwhatiseem's point is spot on. Far too many of us have bought into the something for nothing notion. Say what you will, but you can't have nearly half the nation paying no income taxes, tax the other half into the poor house and then promise free ______ (fill in the blanks) to everybody.

It ain't gonna happen.
Absolute nonsense.

We began building a structural deficit when politicians figured out they could play budget games by buying votes now and pushing off the bill for those votes to future generations.
Hmmm...Obama spent more than that on the failed Stimulus Package alone.


Reagan increased the debt how much?
below is a list of presidents ans how much the gross national debt increased or decreased during their terms.

Roosevelt/Truman D 1945–1949 -24.4%
Truman Harry Truman D 1949–1953 -21.7%
Eisenhower1 Dwight Eisenhower R 1953–1957 -11.0%
Eisenhower2 Dwight Eisenhower R 1957–1961 -5.2%
Kennedy/Johnson D 1961–1965 -8.3%
Johnson Lyndon Johnson D 1965–1969 -8.3%
Nixon1 Richard Nixon R 1969–1973 -3.0%
Nixon2 Nixon/Ford R 1973–1977 +0.2%
Carter Jimmy Carter D 1977–1981 -3.3%
Reagan1 Ronald Reagan R 1981–1985 +11.3%
Reagan2 Ronald Reagan R 1985–1989 +9.3%
Bush GHW George H. W. Bush R 1989–1993 +15.0%
Clinton1 Bill Clinton D 1993–1997 -0.7%
Clinton2 Bill Clinton D 1997–2001 -9.0%
Bush GW1 George W. Bush R 2001–2005 +7.1%
Bush GW2 George W. Bush R 2005–2009 +20.0%

for full details and a nice chart go to:

National debt by U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dems good, Repubs bad. Got it.
Hmmm...Obama spent more than that on the failed Stimulus Package alone.


Reagan increased the debt how much?
below is a list of presidents ans how much the gross national debt increased or decreased during their terms.

Roosevelt/Truman D 1945–1949 -24.4%
Truman Harry Truman D 1949–1953 -21.7%
Eisenhower1 Dwight Eisenhower R 1953–1957 -11.0%
Eisenhower2 Dwight Eisenhower R 1957–1961 -5.2%
Kennedy/Johnson D 1961–1965 -8.3%
Johnson Lyndon Johnson D 1965–1969 -8.3%
Nixon1 Richard Nixon R 1969–1973 -3.0%
Nixon2 Nixon/Ford R 1973–1977 +0.2%
Carter Jimmy Carter D 1977–1981 -3.3%
Reagan1 Ronald Reagan R 1981–1985 +11.3%
Reagan2 Ronald Reagan R 1985–1989 +9.3%
Bush GHW George H. W. Bush R 1989–1993 +15.0%
Clinton1 Bill Clinton D 1993–1997 -0.7%
Clinton2 Bill Clinton D 1997–2001 -9.0%
Bush GW1 George W. Bush R 2001–2005 +7.1%
Bush GW2 George W. Bush R 2005–2009 +20.0%

for full details and a nice chart go to:

National debt by U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dems good, Repubs bad. Got it.

On spending like drunken sailors? Yes that much is clear.
Last time I checked 13T was "over 12T"

If you are going to quote economic statistics, at least quote them accurately.

The debt has increased 30% under Obama, and is on its way to doubling before long. You can't blame that on BOOOOOSHHHHHHHHHH or Reagan or the EVUL GOP.
Well, it's been thirty years now. Thirty years since "Reaganomics" was begun and what has been the result? For many at this site I suspect that this time frame may exceed their memories (they may not be old enough). Some of us though do remember a time before soaring budget deficits, wild military spending and destructive un-restrained greed.

There was a time when one worker could support a family. Typically mom could stay home to raise the children and nurture productive citizens. Now it takes two or even three incomes just to keep a family in a home.

Middle class families could expect to send their children to college, save for retirement, go to the doctor and even have two weeks of paid vacation. Not any more. Now more and more people are slipping into a "new" class of American citizens, that being the "working class", those who work low paying jobs which provide no benifits and leave people living pay check to pay check. AKA the working poor.

Before "supply siders" began setting national policy America was the greatest producer of finished goods in the world.

While that is all true it isn't true that reaganomics or supply siders are the full cause of our declining living standards.

The women's lib movement, globalization, dropping the gold standard, a world wide trend toward service sector economies as well as Wall Street gone to the wolves each had as much to do with our declining fortunes as did reagonomics.

And just for shits and grins the economic state just before Reagan took office was as bad or worse than it is today.

Are you old enough to remember 13.58% annual inflation?


How bout 10.8% unemployment?

I might add that Fed policy alone has been more disasterous than Reaganomics.

But FWIW the architect of Reaganomics is on record calling for ALL of the Bush tax cuts to be allowed to expire. Not just hose that effect the top 2%.
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The politicians started fooling everyone when they claimed they could cut taxes, increase military spending and balance the budget.

Those politicians? Reagan and the Repubs.
What's your solution soggy?

Let me guess, more tax cuts?

I think not raising taxes next year would be a great start, coupled with getting the 40%+ not paying taxes to start paying their fair share, aboloshing the capital gains tax, the inheritance tax, the IRS, going to a flat tax, cutting spending dramatically, trashing Obamacare, the U.S. Dept of Education, the U.S. Department of Energy, etc., etc. as well as dramatically reducing entitlements, SSI payments for stumping one's toe....

Say what you will, if you confiscated 100% of the wealth held by every man, woman and child and company in the U.S., you'd still be only half way there to fulfilling all that has been promised. Time to get real. This utopian "make him pay" bullshit is nonsense.
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Last time I checked 13T was "over 12T"

If you are going to quote economic statistics, at least quote them accurately.

The debt has increased 30% under Obama, and is on its way to doubling before long. You can't blame that on BOOOOOSHHHHHHHHHH or Reagan or the EVUL GOP.

Yah Obama sucks. However that does not diminish the sucky spending Of Reagan and both Bush's.

Based on the debt figures, Clintonnomics is much better than Reagan or Bushnomics.
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Yes loose cannon I'm old enough to remember the inflation that hit this copuntry as a result of Vietnam spending. Why do you ask?
well iamwhatiseem

I'm trying to understand what you think is a solution to our problems, you don't think it's Reaganomics but I don't know what you attribute our problems to. Do you have a solution?

I just told you what the problems are.
Hell you are surrounded by it everyday - you need to be told?

I'll make it simple:

1) A huge percentage of our population gave themselves to debts waaaaay beyond their means. (Did you know in 2010, on average, 6,400 Americans file bankruptcy...everyday?)
2) The government created two extraordinarily massive sudo corporations called Fannie and Freddie that bought up mortgages with absolutely no care whatsoever if the mortgagee had a proper ability to repay it, thereby creating an uber-corrupt mortgage system where bad loans were knowingly given out.
3) Mortgage bubble created by above that burst.
4) Republicans, eager to please their pals, removed regulations on the markets beyond reason, thereby creating an uber-corrupt financial system where an incredible small number of people made massive profits on the backs of everyone else.
5) The entire legislative branch on both sides that are both corrupt equally.
7) Dropped tarrifs
8) Corrupt officials allowing China to continue to dump markets as long as they continue to buy our insatiable debt.

THis could take all day...
Last time I checked 13T was "over 12T"

If you are going to quote economic statistics, at least quote them accurately.

The debt has increased 30% under Obama, and is on its way to doubling before long. You can't blame that on BOOOOOSHHHHHHHHHH or Reagan or the EVUL GOP.

Yah Obama sucks. However that does not diminish the sucky spending Of Reagan and both Bush's.

Based on the debt figures, Clintonnomics is much better than Reagan or Bushnomics.

Yeah. Bubbles always feel great until they burst.

Time to get the right wing talking points out of your head.

So when you've cut your expences to the necessities and you're still having a hard time keeping up with your bills the right thing to do is ask for a pay cut?

Yeah, let's cut taxes for Warren Buffet, he really needs it!

You just keep repeating what you see as our problems, what would you do?
I'm just trying to get you to focus on solutions, you don't seem to have any.

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