Our system is broken, but can it be fixed?

Look at the composition of parties of elected officials in other countries. It often looks like this:


Ours looks like this:


We can start there if we want to fix this mess. I say we bring in ranked-choice voting.
Morons like you are so totally blinded by your partisan preconceptions that it doesn’t even dawn on you that we don’t think the way you imagine we do.

President Potato is a fucking wreck. His administration is a disaster. Why on Earth anyone supports that Alzheimer victim is a mystery. And why any thinking individual would approve of his desire to “finish” the shit he has started is also a puzzlement.

But vermin like you can go ahead and genuflect to the moron who thinks “Made in America” is two words.
Don't vote for Biden so that you vermin can put Trump back in, accused of rape by multiple women who's also a fucking corrupt lowlife conman?

Trump is afraid to debate because he knows that all the criminal charges he's under investigation for will be thrown in his face, that fucking coward.
We on the right have nothing in common with the left. It's time we go our separate ways. The left can go live their liberal dream in their own lands while we MAGA in ours.
You can have Alabama & North Dakota. Maybe Texas, if you keep Ted Cruz.
Can it be fixed?

Probably not. Far too many people care more about their party then the Republic. The Republic was built on multiple views working together for the betterment of the country.

Today that is seen as week and will get your primared by your own party.
I don’t completely agree with you. But I certainly recognize some validity in that point.

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