Our "Pass The Buck" .. President

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I'm thinking Obama has the record for excuses as President. I just don't recall Bush making any excuses, and Clinton just lied, bit his lip, then "felt your pain".


Harry S. Truman famously said of the presidency, “The buck stops here.” President Barack Obama might as well make his slogan: “Pass the Buck.”

Obama top 25 Excuses....:eusa_doh:

George W. Bush

Tax breaks

Arab Spring

Japanese earthquake


George W. Bush

Automation technologies

Eurozone crisis

Republican House

ATM usage

George W. Bush

The Weather

Bad luck

Super PAC ad spending

Lack of stimulus money

George W. Bush

The Tea Party

Unmanned airport ticket kiosks

Oil speculators

Underestimation of economic crisis

George W. Bush

Businesses not expanding

Americans being soft and lazy

Fox News

Energy companies not getting behind…algae

Top 25 Obama Excuses For a Failed Economy and High Unemployment
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I believe historians will look back on the Obama Presidency as the.. Excuse for a President..
I'm thinking Obama has the record for excuses as President. I just don't recall Bush making any excuses, and Clinton just lied, bit his lip, then "felt your pain".


Harry S. Truman famously said of the presidency, “The buck stops here.” President Barack Obama might as well make his slogan: “Pass the Buck.”

Obama top 25 Excuses....:eusa_doh:

George W. Bush

Tax breaks

Arab Spring

Japanese earthquake


George W. Bush

Automation technologies

Eurozone crisis

Republican House

ATM usage

George W. Bush

The Weather

Bad luck

Super PAC ad spending

Lack of stimulus money

George W. Bush

The Tea Party

Unmanned airport ticket kiosks

Oil speculators

Underestimation of economic crisis

George W. Bush

Businesses not expanding

Americans being soft and lazy

Fox News

Energy companies not getting behind…algae

Top 25 Obama Excuses For a Failed Economy and High Unemployment



(Images: EIB Network)​
I listened to some of his speech today.. absolutely pathetic... borderline childish actually.
A gentleman called into Mark Levin last night who really nailed it. He said that he dealt with personnel on a regular basis who would always complain about "what the other guy left behind".

He said his advice was always the same. "You wanted the job. You knew what you were getting into. Now stop complaining and whining and fix it."

Obama knew what he was getting into. He wanted the job. He owns "not fixing jack shit and making it worse".

(I wish I caught what profession he was in)
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So what’s left? Planetary alignments? The McBurglar? The 2012 Mayan doomsday prophecy?

Mr. President, the truth of the matter is, whether you want to admit it or not, more regulation and government bureaucracy does no produce confidence or certainty with the American public or job creators. Government cannot run an economy with public taxpayer dollars. Government should not be running every aspect of our system from health care to finance to education to energy.

Especially when taxpayers are dwindling. They could take all the 'evil rich' have and this Government would only run for a few months.

Deregulation, Tax Cuts, Government budget cuts are prescribed. President Oblame-o won't do ANY of it...so part of the prescription is he needs to be removed from office in November.
I listened to some of his speech today.. absolutely pathetic... borderline childish actually.

Many of the Cable outlets cut his speech short...could it be that the blame game of President Oblame-o is getting tiring, tedious?

I have no doubt that their legal departments have advised them that any "accidents due to severe intoxication " that resulted from their broadcasts of Obama's speeches and people participating in drinking games doing shots to "Bush" "inherited" "not our fault" "Congress is to blame", they would be libel for.

Hence his speeches are getting cut short. :D It's a legal thingy.
A gentleman called into Mark Levine last night who really nailed it. He said that he dealt with personnel on a regular basis who would always complain about "what the other guy left behind".

He said his advice was always the same. "You wanted the job. You knew what you were getting into. Now stop complaining and whining and fix it."

Obama knew what he was getting into. He wanted the job. He owns "not fixing jack shit and making it worse".

(I wish I caught what profession he was in)

And he hasn't stopped campaigning. Perhaps he forgets his 'one term proposition' pledge?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCN5-ovvFL0]FLASHBACK: Obama: My Presidency Will Be 'A One-Term Proposition' If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years - YouTube[/ame]

Apparently he doesn't really want the job except for the perks...that to me is evident. It's ALL now about him.
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Pass the buck?

You mean like the Rs are now lying about Fast and Furious? FACT is that bush started it uner the name of Gun Walker or some such, more than 1000 guns were sent into Mexico until Obama stopped it.

Now, the Rs are hoping they can hang Holder out to dry even though he has given them almost three times MORE documents and emails than they illegally demanded.

lushbo and fux are cranking out the lies and the gullible rw's are bllindly sucking it up.

Will the rw's EVER start looking and listening to what is in their own and their own CHILDREN's best interests? I doubt it. They can't because if they did, they would have to admit just how stupid they've been in the past.
I listened to some of his speech today.. absolutely pathetic... borderline childish actually.

Many of the Cable outlets cut his speech short...could it be that the blame game of President Oblame-o is getting tiring, tedious?

I have no doubt that their legal departments have advised them that any "accidents due to severe intoxication " that resulted from their broadcasts of Obama's speeches and people participating in drinking games doing shots to "Bush" "inherited" "not our fault" "Congress is to blame", they would be libel for.

Hence his speeches are getting cut short. :D It's a legal thingy.

As for President Obama's speech today ... I've made it a point for quite a while now, to check fux to see if they're also running the speech of THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

Then, after the speech, I go back to fux and sure nuff, they are showing only incomplete snippets, accompanied by their usual liars "opinions".

Oh, but they do run every lie Mittens utters, from start to finish.

Another example, today, sessions said the Ds want to add to the Food Stamp program to feed all those worthless druggies and bums. THAT is what fux broadcast.

FACT is, the Ds want to maintain the same amount that has been going to CHILDREN and the ELDERLY.

fux lied again. Guess which version the rw's will hear and believe?

Pass the buck?

You mean like the Rs are now lying about Fast and Furious? FACT is that bush started it uner the name of Gun Walker or some such, more than 1000 guns were sent into Mexico until Obama stopped it.

Now, the Rs are hoping they can hang Holder out to dry even though he has given them almost three times MORE documents and emails than they illegally demanded.

lushbo and fux are cranking out the lies and the gullible rw's are bllindly sucking it up.

Will the rw's EVER start looking and listening to what is in their own and their own CHILDREN's best interests? I doubt it. They can't because if they did, they would have to admit just how stupid they've been in the past.

Blame Bush yet again? It's seems strange even for Barry Hussein to stop the shipment of 1,000 guns to Mexico and then authorize 3,000 guns to be shipped to Mexico. The ATF has been out of control for decades but the cover up is always worse than the crime. What kind of lawyer can Holder be when he contradicted himself about the timeline and still claims he was unaware of the operation that had to be authorized by the A.G.? The only thing that is keeping him in office is the disinterest by the liberal media and the reluctance by democrats and Obama to force Holder to abide by the law.
If you listen carefully to the effing Rs, you'll hear them say it over and over - the real reason they're after Holder is the ILLEGAL voter suppression laws.

They don't dare leave any chance that the super pacs cannot buy the election. They must also do whatever they can to STEAL it.

Luckily for them, they have the rw voter to help them.
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