Our local radio station is beside themselves with fear and is blaming Trump.

Our morning show is two nitwit liberals. Afternoon is a libertarian and a Democrat.

All morning this morning they are expressing deep concern for their safety because of yesterdays shooting. They have gone on and on about how trump has made their careers dangerous (paraphrasing) and that he is responsible for the violence we are seeing against the media.

No acknowledgement that the shooter had a PERSONAL VENDETA against this particular outlet. Ignoring the lawsuit he filed in their discussions. Ignoring the threats he made after losing his civil case. Just continues on and on with TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT......

It is alarming to think that the age of personal accountability may truly be coming to an end thanks to the hyper partisans and media.

This man is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries he caused.

I'm happy their sick shit is now coming back on to them, they're screwing with their own heads now, and they're now frightened of their own bullshit, like the dope-addled morans they and their audiences are. Hopefully it drives them to suicide or self-deporting.

Yeah but we all know how frightened animals can react.

Yes, but we're talking about STUPID animals here, not sane or smart ones, so their reactions are usually self-defeating, so no worries.
he was a nut, he was an independent that disliked Giffords because she had authority, he also disliked government, he disliked religion, he backed conspiracy theories about 9-11.

You nut jobs are just that, nut jobs that keep escalating with your stupid BS.

Just like Isaac, that is what I find so ridiculous, the left is hyping just like Trump, the extreme left and the extreme right are both the same.

This guy though and the Giffords shooter are plain mental cases and Trump, Palin had nothing to do with them, they would of happened anyway.
Blaming Trump is the natural consequence of abdicating the responsibility to protect ourselves to someone else.

If people started understanding and exercising their second amendment rights, there would be no reason to fear

:eusa_think: Sig's check, Colt AR15 check, Ruger .338 Win Mag check, no fear check!
And you are allowed to brandish all of those "checks" in to your job workplace???
Why would he be responsible for a crazy guy carrying out a vendetta he has had since years before Trump considered running?

Read up on the Gabby Giffords shooting and how Sarah Palin figured into that.

She didn’t. So your saying Trump is responsible because he had nothing to do with it like Sarah pal in had nothing to do with giffords?

Oh you're a cult member. Nevermind, look a butterfly! ---------->

Got it. You are just saying stuff. You have no intention of even trying to back it up.

Read your posts on Maxine Waters peck. Your hypocrisy oozes from your gums.

so Maxine waters for violence and you're alright with that.
Donald Trump doesn't and he should be held responsible..

I don't think you know what hypocrisy means
Blaming Trump is the natural consequence of abdicating the responsibility to protect ourselves to someone else.

If people started understanding and exercising their second amendment rights, there would be no reason to fear

:eusa_think: Sig's check, Colt AR15 check, Ruger .338 Win Mag check, no fear check!
And you are allowed to brandish all of those "checks" in to your job workplace???

They are not 10 feet from my office chair lib. Liberal wise crack backfires :auiqs.jpg:
Blaming Trump is the natural consequence of abdicating the responsibility to protect ourselves to someone else.

If people started understanding and exercising their second amendment rights, there would be no reason to fear

:eusa_think: Sig's check, Colt AR15 check, Ruger .338 Win Mag check, no fear check!
And you are allowed to brandish all of those "checks" in to your job workplace???

They are not 10 feet from my office chair lib. Liberal wise crack backfires :auiqs.jpg:
and your coworkers, are they too, in close proximity to their guns as well? I don't know what you do for a living, so forgive me, if my questions are silly....?

Where I have worked, no one had a gun, that I know of, other than the security guards and the guy at the front entrance reception desk....never saw anyone of my coworkers with a gun, but who knows? I do not remember if it was against the Corporation's rules?

We had a lot of armed security though....the front glass entrance was bullet proof glass, we, the employees, had security passes to enter, (which they made us get new ones, every month) guests or vendors had to be on the schedule for an appointment, or the reception guy would not give the guard outside the approval to let the person in....and several other armed guards that roamed the different divisional office floors...I always felt safe and actually thought all of their security was an overkill, back then!!! Now a days....seems like it is more needed!

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