Our local radio station is beside themselves with fear and is blaming Trump.

Guess the OP got a glimpse of what America is thinking.
That was a glimpse of two dumbass liberals who have cush job TALKING for a living.
No concept of hard work or self accountability

jealous much?

Perhaps you should keep that in mind for Hannity (the former actor) and Limbaugh and Trump while you're at it.

Oh but wait; you agree with them so their circumstances are different.
Our morning show is two nitwit liberals. Afternoon is a libertarian and a Democrat.

All morning this morning they are expressing deep concern for their safety because of yesterdays shooting. They have gone on and on about how trump has made their careers dangerous (paraphrasing) and that he is responsible for the violence we are seeing against the media.

No acknowledgement that the shooter had a PERSONAL VENDETA against this particular outlet. Ignoring the lawsuit he filed in their discussions. Ignoring the threats he made after losing his civil case. Just continues on and on with TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT......

It is alarming to think that the age of personal accountability may truly be coming to an end thanks to the hyper partisans and media.

This man is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries he caused.
Everything is Trump's fault, even if it happened before Trump won the election.

Yeah. People really need to start putting the blame where it really belongs. That is, on Obama, Clinton, Carter, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, etc.

You left off George Soros. He controls everything dontchaknow?
Our morning show is two nitwit liberals. Afternoon is a libertarian and a Democrat.

All morning this morning they are expressing deep concern for their safety because of yesterdays shooting. They have gone on and on about how trump has made their careers dangerous (paraphrasing) and that he is responsible for the violence we are seeing against the media.

No acknowledgement that the shooter had a PERSONAL VENDETA against this particular outlet. Ignoring the lawsuit he filed in their discussions. Ignoring the threats he made after losing his civil case. Just continues on and on with TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT......

It is alarming to think that the age of personal accountability may truly be coming to an end thanks to the hyper partisans and media.

This man is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries he caused.
Everything is Trump's fault, even if it happened before Trump won the election.

Yeah. People really need to start putting the blame where it really belongs. That is, on Obama, Clinton, Carter, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, etc.

You left off George Soros. He controls everything dontchaknow?
Granpaw always soils his pants listening to trump bs
Our morning show is two nitwit liberals. Afternoon is a libertarian and a Democrat.

All morning this morning they are expressing deep concern for their safety because of yesterdays shooting. They have gone on and on about how trump has made their careers dangerous (paraphrasing) and that he is responsible for the violence we are seeing against the media.

No acknowledgement that the shooter had a PERSONAL VENDETA against this particular outlet. Ignoring the lawsuit he filed in their discussions. Ignoring the threats he made after losing his civil case. Just continues on and on with TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT......

It is alarming to think that the age of personal accountability may truly be coming to an end thanks to the hyper partisans and media.

This man is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries he caused.

Right, Lying Trump isn't responsible for anything anywhere at any time to his cult.

View attachment 201888

Why would he be responsible for a crazy guy carrying out a vendetta he has had since years before Trump considered running?
Our morning show is two nitwit liberals. Afternoon is a libertarian and a Democrat.

All morning this morning they are expressing deep concern for their safety because of yesterdays shooting. They have gone on and on about how trump has made their careers dangerous (paraphrasing) and that he is responsible for the violence we are seeing against the media.

No acknowledgement that the shooter had a PERSONAL VENDETA against this particular outlet. Ignoring the lawsuit he filed in their discussions. Ignoring the threats he made after losing his civil case. Just continues on and on with TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT......

It is alarming to think that the age of personal accountability may truly be coming to an end thanks to the hyper partisans and media.

This man is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries he caused.

Right, Lying Trump isn't responsible for anything anywhere at any time to his cult.

View attachment 201888

Why would he be responsible for a crazy guy carrying out a vendetta he has had since years before Trump considered running?

Read up on the Gabby Giffords shooting and how Sarah Palin figured into that.
Our morning show is two nitwit liberals. Afternoon is a libertarian and a Democrat.

All morning this morning they are expressing deep concern for their safety because of yesterdays shooting. They have gone on and on about how trump has made their careers dangerous (paraphrasing) and that he is responsible for the violence we are seeing against the media.

No acknowledgement that the shooter had a PERSONAL VENDETA against this particular outlet. Ignoring the lawsuit he filed in their discussions. Ignoring the threats he made after losing his civil case. Just continues on and on with TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT......

It is alarming to think that the age of personal accountability may truly be coming to an end thanks to the hyper partisans and media.

This man is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries he caused.
Everything is Trump's fault, even if it happened before Trump won the election.

Yeah. People really need to start putting the blame where it really belongs. That is, on Obama, Clinton, Carter, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, etc.

The blame is on Democrats and Republicans.
Our morning show is two nitwit liberals. Afternoon is a libertarian and a Democrat.

All morning this morning they are expressing deep concern for their safety because of yesterdays shooting. They have gone on and on about how trump has made their careers dangerous (paraphrasing) and that he is responsible for the violence we are seeing against the media.

No acknowledgement that the shooter had a PERSONAL VENDETA against this particular outlet. Ignoring the lawsuit he filed in their discussions. Ignoring the threats he made after losing his civil case. Just continues on and on with TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT......

It is alarming to think that the age of personal accountability may truly be coming to an end thanks to the hyper partisans and media.

This man is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries he caused.

Right, Lying Trump isn't responsible for anything anywhere at any time to his cult.

View attachment 201888

Why would he be responsible for a crazy guy carrying out a vendetta he has had since years before Trump considered running?

Read up on the Gabby Giffords shooting and how Sarah Palin figured into that.

She didn’t. So your saying Trump is responsible because he had nothing to do with it like Sarah pal in had nothing to do with giffords?
Our morning show is two nitwit liberals. Afternoon is a libertarian and a Democrat.

All morning this morning they are expressing deep concern for their safety because of yesterdays shooting. They have gone on and on about how trump has made their careers dangerous (paraphrasing) and that he is responsible for the violence we are seeing against the media.

No acknowledgement that the shooter had a PERSONAL VENDETA against this particular outlet. Ignoring the lawsuit he filed in their discussions. Ignoring the threats he made after losing his civil case. Just continues on and on with TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT......

It is alarming to think that the age of personal accountability may truly be coming to an end thanks to the hyper partisans and media.

This man is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries he caused.
Lol, that shit didn't happen in a bubble, kid. Trump's hateful antagonistic rhetoric is at the base of it for sure.
Our morning show is two nitwit liberals. Afternoon is a libertarian and a Democrat.

All morning this morning they are expressing deep concern for their safety because of yesterdays shooting. They have gone on and on about how trump has made their careers dangerous (paraphrasing) and that he is responsible for the violence we are seeing against the media.

No acknowledgement that the shooter had a PERSONAL VENDETA against this particular outlet. Ignoring the lawsuit he filed in their discussions. Ignoring the threats he made after losing his civil case. Just continues on and on with TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT......

It is alarming to think that the age of personal accountability may truly be coming to an end thanks to the hyper partisans and media.

This man is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries he caused.
Everything is Trump's fault, even if it happened before Trump won the election.

Yeah. People really need to start putting the blame where it really belongs. That is, on Obama, Clinton, Carter, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, etc.

The blame is on Democrats and Republicans.

Or, we could just blame the shooter
Our morning show is two nitwit liberals. Afternoon is a libertarian and a Democrat.

All morning this morning they are expressing deep concern for their safety because of yesterdays shooting. They have gone on and on about how trump has made their careers dangerous (paraphrasing) and that he is responsible for the violence we are seeing against the media.

No acknowledgement that the shooter had a PERSONAL VENDETA against this particular outlet. Ignoring the lawsuit he filed in their discussions. Ignoring the threats he made after losing his civil case. Just continues on and on with TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT......

It is alarming to think that the age of personal accountability may truly be coming to an end thanks to the hyper partisans and media.

This man is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries he caused.

Right, Lying Trump isn't responsible for anything anywhere at any time to his cult.

View attachment 201888

Why would he be responsible for a crazy guy carrying out a vendetta he has had since years before Trump considered running?

Read up on the Gabby Giffords shooting and how Sarah Palin figured into that.

She didn’t. So your saying Trump is responsible because he had nothing to do with it like Sarah pal in had nothing to do with giffords?

Oh you're a cult member. Nevermind, look a butterfly! ---------->
Our morning show is two nitwit liberals. Afternoon is a libertarian and a Democrat.

All morning this morning they are expressing deep concern for their safety because of yesterdays shooting. They have gone on and on about how trump has made their careers dangerous (paraphrasing) and that he is responsible for the violence we are seeing against the media.

No acknowledgement that the shooter had a PERSONAL VENDETA against this particular outlet. Ignoring the lawsuit he filed in their discussions. Ignoring the threats he made after losing his civil case. Just continues on and on with TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT......

It is alarming to think that the age of personal accountability may truly be coming to an end thanks to the hyper partisans and media.

This man is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries he caused.

Right, Lying Trump isn't responsible for anything anywhere at any time to his cult.

View attachment 201888

Why would he be responsible for a crazy guy carrying out a vendetta he has had since years before Trump considered running?

Read up on the Gabby Giffords shooting and how Sarah Palin figured into that.

She didn’t. So your saying Trump is responsible because he had nothing to do with it like Sarah pal in had nothing to do with giffords?

Oh you're a cult member. Nevermind, look a butterfly! ---------->

Got it. You are just saying stuff. You have no intention of even trying to back it up.
Our morning show is two nitwit liberals. Afternoon is a libertarian and a Democrat.

All morning this morning they are expressing deep concern for their safety because of yesterdays shooting. They have gone on and on about how trump has made their careers dangerous (paraphrasing) and that he is responsible for the violence we are seeing against the media.

No acknowledgement that the shooter had a PERSONAL VENDETA against this particular outlet. Ignoring the lawsuit he filed in their discussions. Ignoring the threats he made after losing his civil case. Just continues on and on with TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT......

It is alarming to think that the age of personal accountability may truly be coming to an end thanks to the hyper partisans and media.

This man is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries he caused.

Right, Lying Trump isn't responsible for anything anywhere at any time to his cult.

View attachment 201888

Why would he be responsible for a crazy guy carrying out a vendetta he has had since years before Trump considered running?

Read up on the Gabby Giffords shooting and how Sarah Palin figured into that.

Yep, more BS, nice try on the spin. The guy shot Giffords because he was a nut, he was an independent that disliked Giffords because she had authority, he also disliked government, he disliked religion, he backed conspiracy theories about 9-11.

You nut jobs are just that, nut jobs that keep escalating with your stupid BS.
Right, Lying Trump isn't responsible for anything anywhere at any time to his cult.

View attachment 201888

Why would he be responsible for a crazy guy carrying out a vendetta he has had since years before Trump considered running?

Read up on the Gabby Giffords shooting and how Sarah Palin figured into that.

She didn’t. So your saying Trump is responsible because he had nothing to do with it like Sarah pal in had nothing to do with giffords?

Oh you're a cult member. Nevermind, look a butterfly! ---------->

Got it. You are just saying stuff. You have no intention of even trying to back it up.

Read your posts on Maxine Waters peck. Your hypocrisy oozes from your gums.
Our morning show is two nitwit liberals. Afternoon is a libertarian and a Democrat.

All morning this morning they are expressing deep concern for their safety because of yesterdays shooting. They have gone on and on about how trump has made their careers dangerous (paraphrasing) and that he is responsible for the violence we are seeing against the media.

No acknowledgement that the shooter had a PERSONAL VENDETA against this particular outlet. Ignoring the lawsuit he filed in their discussions. Ignoring the threats he made after losing his civil case. Just continues on and on with TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT......

It is alarming to think that the age of personal accountability may truly be coming to an end thanks to the hyper partisans and media.

This man is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries he caused.

North Korea is expanding their nuclear facilities, and Trump says the media is our countries biggest enemy. You really don't think his rhetoric is pushing crazies over the line? Even you can't be dumb enough to really believe that.
Our morning show is two nitwit liberals. Afternoon is a libertarian and a Democrat.

All morning this morning they are expressing deep concern for their safety because of yesterdays shooting. They have gone on and on about how trump has made their careers dangerous (paraphrasing) and that he is responsible for the violence we are seeing against the media.

No acknowledgement that the shooter had a PERSONAL VENDETA against this particular outlet. Ignoring the lawsuit he filed in their discussions. Ignoring the threats he made after losing his civil case. Just continues on and on with TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT......

It is alarming to think that the age of personal accountability may truly be coming to an end thanks to the hyper partisans and media.

This man is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries he caused.
Everything is Trump's fault, even if it happened before Trump won the election.

Yeah. People really need to start putting the blame where it really belongs. That is, on Obama, Clinton, Carter, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, etc.

The blame is on Democrats and Republicans.

Or, we could just blame the shooter

We need to blame the gun but blame others is so much more unproductive.
Our morning show is two nitwit liberals. Afternoon is a libertarian and a Democrat.

All morning this morning they are expressing deep concern for their safety because of yesterdays shooting. They have gone on and on about how trump has made their careers dangerous (paraphrasing) and that he is responsible for the violence we are seeing against the media.

No acknowledgement that the shooter had a PERSONAL VENDETA against this particular outlet. Ignoring the lawsuit he filed in their discussions. Ignoring the threats he made after losing his civil case. Just continues on and on with TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT......

It is alarming to think that the age of personal accountability may truly be coming to an end thanks to the hyper partisans and media.

This man is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries he caused.
Lol, that shit didn't happen in a bubble, kid. Trump's hateful antagonistic rhetoric is at the base of it for sure.

Thank you for proving me move and more right with every post.
Our morning show is two nitwit liberals. Afternoon is a libertarian and a Democrat.

All morning this morning they are expressing deep concern for their safety because of yesterdays shooting. They have gone on and on about how trump has made their careers dangerous (paraphrasing) and that he is responsible for the violence we are seeing against the media.

No acknowledgement that the shooter had a PERSONAL VENDETA against this particular outlet. Ignoring the lawsuit he filed in their discussions. Ignoring the threats he made after losing his civil case. Just continues on and on with TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT, TRUMPS FAULT......

It is alarming to think that the age of personal accountability may truly be coming to an end thanks to the hyper partisans and media.

This man is SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for the deaths and injuries he caused.

Right, Lying Trump isn't responsible for anything anywhere at any time to his cult.

View attachment 201888

Why would he be responsible for a crazy guy carrying out a vendetta he has had since years before Trump considered running?

Read up on the Gabby Giffords shooting and how Sarah Palin figured into that.

Yeah, we're still laughing about that.

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