Oregon standoff protestor arrested after driving federal vehicle into town for more snacks

It makes sense. Why couldn't the radical federal cops have arrested David Koresch while he was shopping in a freaking 7-11 instead of incinerating 80 people with tanks and poison gas at Waco?

Or jogging / walking as excercise as he normally done ?

Shadow 355
but unfortunately the left is pressuring them to do something and sooner or later there's going to be violence unless you liberal morons do not back off.


I live here in Oregon, and I come across letters to the editor here in our papers, as well as reading comments online where libs want these people removed.
Don't try to deny it.

So....no evidence to support your claim.

Liberals want them kicked out.

I'm surprised the cops didn't....what's the liberals favorite phrase now...."Shoot first ask questions later" and kill him (by the way libs....that's just a cheesy quote from movies. Never in police history has 'shoot first ask questions later' been an actual policy on practice).

Oh wait...you say he didn't resist or attack the cops? Ooooooooooh. That's why he wasn't harmed.

Want to try that again? What you write isn't English.

It does sound pretty crazy though
should starve these rightwing crackers out

Although the militia men and women occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge have been given a free pass to come and go as they please, law enforcement are drawing the line at them driving stolen federally-owned vehicles into the local Safeway for supplies. From the Harney County Sheriff's office:

Oregon standoff protestor arrested after driving federal vehicle into town for more snacks
Y'all Kayda lol

Based on all the snack they've been getting, I think it's pronounced Yall gay*EE*duh

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