The quest for snacks continues in Oregon

Burns tells the Bundy's to get out. That is what almost all of the people there want.

The Governor of Oregon is appalled at how the Federal Government has coddled these armed thugs and criminals for over two week without blockading them and cutting off power to make them give up...they have to be put on trial and given heavy sentences to deter more Right wing thuggery......

Oregon Governor Angry With How Feds Have Handled Standoff

SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Oregon's governor expressed anger Wednesday over federal authorities' handling of the occupation of a national wildlife refuge by an armed group and said she intends to bill the U.S. government for what the occupation is costing state taxpayers.
Gov. Kate Brown said federal officials "must move quickly to end the occupation and hold all of the wrongdoers accountable."
"The residents of Harney County have been overlooked and underserved by federal officials' response thus far. I have conveyed these very grave concerns directly to our leaders at the highest levels of our government: the U.S. Department of Justice and the White House," she said at a news conference.
Every adult that has taken part in that travesty should spend at least ten years in the Federal Penitentiary. It is long past time to crack down on these idiots that seek to intimidate the rest of us with their guns and attitude.
Harney County has told them to get out in no uncertain terms at that meeting. The only people that the miscreants represent is themselves. Harney County residents don't want them there, the residents of Oregon don't want them there, and the citizens of the US don't want them there. They occupied property belonging to all the citizens of the US with firearms and the threat of violence. They are terrorists and criminals, nothing more.
Harney County has told them to get out in no uncertain terms at that meeting. The only people that the miscreants represent is themselves. Harney County residents don't want them there, the residents of Oregon don't want them there, and the citizens of the US don't want them there. They occupied property belonging to all the citizens of the US with firearms and the threat of violence. They are terrorists and criminals, nothing more.
Report: Armed Oregon Protestor Was Once Convicted Of Murder

Oregon standoff: One of protesters has murder conviction
By Rebecca Woolington | The Oregonian/OregonLive
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on January 20, 2016 at 6:38 PM, updated January 20, 2016 at 11:03 PM

One of the protesters taking part in the armed occupation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is a 68-year-old former woodworker and, according to court records and authorities, a convicted killer.

Neil Sigurd Wampler drove to Oregon from his home on the California coast earlier this month to join those protesting the arson convictions of father and son ranchers outside Burns.

In August 1977, Wampler, who was 29, was convicted of second-degree murder in the killing of his father, Forey Edward Wampler, in Lake County, California, according to the district attorney's office there and police reports.

During an interview with The Oregonian/OregonLive, Wampler denied he is the same man.

Read more: Oregon standoff: One of protesters has murder conviction
Every adult that has taken part in that travesty should spend at least ten years in the Federal Penitentiary. It is long past time to crack down on these idiots that seek to intimidate the rest of us with their guns and attitude.
They have coddled these armed bullies...the worst thing one can do with Bullies is to fail to confront them....bullies will back off from confrontations because even if they win they really do not want to have to fight they want to win by intimidation.....the Feds should have cordoned off the area ...cut off water ...prevent anyone from going to the site and pick them off if they come to town like they did yesterday.........its amazing how much the white Right wing ass gets kissed even as our society guns down twelve year old Black kids in a park because they deemed the kid DANGEROUS

I do not want by the way one hair on the heads of those occupiers to be sir not one hair harmed because the Martyr posturing if that happens it will be"Epic puke inducing"......They do not have to be harmed to confront and end the occupation......blockade the site....cut off water...cut off electricity...cut off all access ....check points in place and if they come strutting into town have armed Police ready to arrest.........
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