The quest for snacks continues in Oregon

Digging a Bit Deeper on This


The majority of subsidies for caring for foster children comes ultimately from the Social Security administration, with the rest chipped in by state and local governments. So LaVoy Finicum, top Freedomer and radical individualist actually lives off federal government subsidies. But what about the kids in his care? Here are two emails I got following up on my weekend post.


Just some quick comments on the fostering situation for the Oregon standoff guy. I have been a foster parent for a couple of years (the last one as a single parent). I am in the process of adopting a little boy that has been in my home for almost two years. I am doing this through the foster system in Washington state, but I am familiar with federal funding, particularly through Social Security and Medicaid (redacted: mention of place of employment).

All of the states utilize federal funding in the support of their foster care programs. The money originates with Social Security and Medicaid programs. I believe the 50 states average somewhere around 50% of the funding for their foster care programs originating from the federal government. Some states receive as high as in the upper 70's regarding the percentage of federal funds in the system. I do not know what Arizona's system is, but it is likely a significant portion.

So...the monthly subsidies Finicium received for fostering the children was actually federal money, or significantly so (in WA the adoption subsidy, if one is received, is entirely from Social Security funds). Seems quite an odd situation for someone so opposed to the federal government's intrusion into our lives to receive the bulk of his income from federal subsidies.

Also, on your point regarding fostering as the primary (or even sole) source of income, I can't speak to Arizona's policies, but I can comment on similar policies in Washington state. Here, you are not allowed to foster children unless you can demonstrate to the state during the licensing process that you can support the child(ren) without any support from the state. In other words, you need to have a livable source of income before taking in a child. And you are required to inform the state licenser if there is any change in your income status while a foster parent. The state does provide significant support, but you need to show you can do it regardless. This is to prevent just such situations as Finicum seems to have had: the family living off the resources provided for the children. That said, I have met a number of families, even here in WA, that lived off the subsides and benefits of fostering children. It goes back to your comments about the difficulty of identifying and maintaining a pool of foster homes to meet the needs of the state. But even looking the other way in such situations, the state is still usually short of the necessary foster homes for the number of children in the system.

Thanks for the great coverage of the Oregon standoff, as well as the usual outstanding work you all do.


I may be way off base, but when I read the story about the 4 foster children, all boys, taken away from the Arizona rancher participating in the Oregon standoff I immediately thought of my best friend’s son and his childhood best friend; a foster child living with a farm family who basically used him, from the age of 10 through most of his adolescence, when he rebelled, as unpaid, hired help. Ranching and farming are labor intensive. Young adolescents who you get paid to care for, while they provide valuable labor, is a pretty good deal. My much younger son and my friend’s younger children, played together. As our children were growing up, I had several opportunities to see and interact a little with this young man. He was always so sad, and harried -- nothing was allowed to take priority over his extensive list of chores. Not even school work. He shared a passion for fishing with my friend’s son, and with what little time he had free, that was what they would do.

MisterBeale asked me "Why do you now wish them harm? Do you actually even know the history of why they are even there in protest? Or is your anger just partisan rage looking for a target to hate".

First, I don't necessarily wish them harm but I do believe they should have to pay their own bills instead of living off welfare ranching tax subsidies. I believe they should not be treated like heroes for stealing private and public property.

RWNJs want to believe these armed thugs are working for some high falutin set of honorable ideals when the facts prove its anything BUT honorable.
Well, probably not, the progressives love to throw bombs and actually try and hurt people. Nope, you're right, these clowns are just that. Clowns..
You are one of the biggest clowns on the entire USMB Bozo boy....

No the wing nuts never ever ever kill or hurt folks why butter does not melt in their mouths :



...we even had a right wing nut bag who apparently participated at USMB killing people LOL

No, he was a leftwinger if you would bother to read what he actually wrote (all three posts IIRC), and who he supported. He was a big SPLC guy....

Talk about dumb. How does it feel to be dumber than the dumbest person on USMB?
No, he was a leftwinger if you would bother to read what he actually wrote (all three posts IIRC), and who he supported. He was a big SPLC guy....

Talk about dumb. How does it feel to be dumber than the dumbest person on USMB?
...wing nut ...the only ones who are organized for killings and have actually carried out killings are Right wingers ...your fellow travelers...the Homeland Security report warns on Right wing douche bags that you admire and support wholeheartedly these two.... I bet those two pictured below are at least as big a Climate expert as you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

No, he was a leftwinger if you would bother to read what he actually wrote (all three posts IIRC), and who he supported. He was a big SPLC guy....

Talk about dumb. How does it feel to be dumber than the dumbest person on USMB?
...wing nut ...the only ones who are organized for killings and have actually carried out killings are Right wingers ...your fellow travelers...the Homeland Security report warns on Right wing douche bags that you admire and support wholeheartedly these two.... I bet those two pictured below are at least as big a Climate expert as you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Dude, that's funny. The Colorado Movie shooter was a leftwinger, the asshole that shot Gabby Giffords was a left winger, the clown that crashed his plane into the IRS building, yup lefty, how about that slimy bitch who killed her colleagues in Alabama? Yup, she was a huge obama supporter. In other words you are full of crap.
Oregon Standoff Member Arrested Sneaking Out To Buy Snacks in Stolen Federal Truck

Unfortunately for Medenbach, this is not his first brush with law enforcement. He had been previously convicted in 1995 for squatting on federal lands and booby-trapping his camp, and had a warrant out for a similar crime in 2015. He is deemed a danger to other for his “intimidation” tactics and willingness to use violence:
“Medenbach had attempted to protect his forest campsite with fifty to a hundred pounds of the explosive ammonium sulfate, a pellet gun, and what appeared to be a hand grenade with trip wires. The government also proffered evidence that Medenbach had warned Forest Service officers of potential armed resistance to the federal government’s continued control of the forest lands in question.”


UPDATE: Protester ordered not to occupy federal property as condition of his release from federal charges now pending in Medford.

BURNS – Oregon State Police on Friday arrested one of the protesters occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge after he drove into town, accusing him of having a stolen vehicle.


This just gets funnier every day.

I think it's very interesting that these conservatives are sponging off other people.

They have been begging for money, food and supplies.

Doesn't any of them have a job or any sort of income?

Why do they think it's ok to sponge off other people while they're breaking the law on federal land?

So much for standing on your own and personal responsibility.
Dude, that's funny. The Colorado Movie shooter was a leftwinger, t
Yeah he was a real left winger shit for brains LOL
John Houser: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Houser’s profile on
Houser, going by the name Rusty Houser, posted often on several online political message boards.
He also had a Facebook profile under the name Rusty Houser, where he was a member of a group called “I hate liberals!”
Dude, that's funny. The Colorado Movie shooter was a leftwinger, t
Yeah he was a real left winger shit for brains LOL
John Houser: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Houser’s profile on
Houser, going by the name Rusty Houser, posted often on several online political message boards.
He also had a Facebook profile under the name Rusty Houser, where he was a member of a group called “I hate liberals!”

Yes, he hated liberals but loved progressive governments. Kind of a psycho, reminds me of you...
the clown that crashed his plane into the IRS building, yup lefty, In other words you are full of crap.

On February 23, 2010, Robert Wright, writing for the
Times' Opinionator blog, looked at "The First Tea Party Terrorist?" His column on the Andrew Joseph Stack incident is chilling in retrospect

Joseph Andrew Stack, the nut job who
plane into
the Austin
... The average poster seems to have extreme
right wing
view and see him as a hero
but loved progressive governments. Kind of a psycho, reminds me of you...

sounds like a mixed up goof and ignoramus that was not you was it ?......
The Cathy Gifford shooter was liberal too...LOL a liberal who would shoot a liberal Congress person ??

The director of research on hate groups for the Southern Poverty Law Center noted that Loughner's political positions were a "hallmark of the far right and the militia movement." [43] In the aftermath of the shooting, the Anti-Defamation League reviewed messages by Loughner, and concluded that there was a "disjointed theme that runs through Loughner's writings", which was a "distrust for and dislike of the government." It "manifested itself in various ways" – for instance, in the belief that the government used the control of language and grammar to brainwash people, the notion that the government was creating "infinite currency" without the backing of gold and silver, or the assertion that NASA was faking spaceflights.
the clown that crashed his plane into the IRS building, yup lefty, In other words you are full of crap.

On February 23, 2010, Robert Wright, writing for the
Times' Opinionator blog, looked at "The First Tea Party Terrorist?" His column on the Andrew Joseph Stack incident is chilling in retrospect

Joseph Andrew Stack, the nut job who
plane into
the Austin
... The average poster seems to have extreme
right wing

view and see him as a hero

"A family source said Bishop, a mother of four children - the youngest a third-grade boy - was a far-left political extremist who was "obsessed" with President Obama to the point of being off-putting."--Boston Herald, February 15, 2010
A former professor was sentenced on Monday to life in prison without parole for fatally shooting three colleagues and wounding three others at the University of Alabama, Huntsville, in 2010. The professor, Amy Bishop, pleaded guilty to avoid the death penalty. Jury deliberations — which state law requires in capital cases, even in plea deals — lasted for 20 minutes on Monday. Ms. Bishop opened fire during a meeting after being denied tenure.

she killed folks for a specific personal grievance at work ......
I told you they were "blowhards"
The ragtag group of militia members has for weeks posted videos online calling for like-minded, Constitution-loving Americans to report to Oregon to join their cause.

In the latest video, posted on Facebook by Blaine Cooper, two men with vastly unmatched lung capacities blow their horns in a callout to "CHRISTIANS."

Oregon standoff leader attends meeting, hears chants of 'go'

Source: Associated Press

Oregon standoff leader attends meeting, hears chants of 'go'

Lisa Baumann, Associated Press

Wednesday, January 20, 2016



The leader of an armed group who took over a national wildlife refuge in southeastern Oregon weeks ago joined hundreds of area residents at a tense community meeting — listening quietly as many loudly chanted at him to "go."

Ammon Bundy, who has been trying to drum up support for his cause, didn't speak at Tuesday night's meeting in Burns where residents discussed the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge which began earlier this month.

Some of the several hundred community members spoke to Bundy directly. One woman thanked him for raising awareness around issues of public lands, but told him it's time to go home to his family.

. . .

Other speakers were less congenial and at times angry and emotional in comments directed at the armed group as well as at local government officials and federal government, in part for not doing more to end the occupation.

Read more: Oregon standoff leader attends meeting, hears chants of 'go'
Dude, that's funny. The Colorado Movie shooter was a leftwinger, t
Yeah he was a real left winger shit for brains LOL
John Houser: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Houser’s profile on
Houser, going by the name Rusty Houser, posted often on several online political message boards.
He also had a Facebook profile under the name Rusty Houser, where he was a member of a group called “I hate liberals!”

Yes, he hated liberals but loved progressive governments. Kind of a psycho, reminds me of you...
Stretching...really stretching......

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