Oral suction circumcision allowed to continue , unbelievable


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
(what kind of parent can sit and watch a grown man such on this baby's boys penis? I thought this was going to be against the law but nope. This needs to end, this is sickening.)

New York City says it has reached an agreement with members of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community over a tradition known as oral suction circumcision.

Health officials have linked the practice to 17 cases of infant herpes since 2000 as a result of men performing the ritual by sucking blood from the wounds on the infants' penises. HSV-1, which while rare, can lead to serious brain damage or death.

Models are the people who perform circumcisions. Mayor Bill de Blasio's administration says they'll no longer be required to obtain signed consent forms before the rites. Instead, the Health Department will ask hospitals and doctors to distribute information to the ultra-Orthodox community about possible health risks associated with oral suction. If an infant is found to have herpes afterward, a rabbinical coalition will identify the mohel and he'll undergo DNA testing.

City Takes New Tack Regulating Ultra-Orthodox Circumcision - WNYC
It's been done for over 3,000 years. I doubt if democrats can now say "no you can't".
It's been done for over 3,000 years. I doubt if democrats can now say "no you can't".
Over 3,000 years ????

It's been done for over 3,000 years. I doubt if democrats can now say "no you can't".

Duh, we have what is called hospitals and doctors who do that now. Its a

SICK, FILTHY, DISGUSTING, MADE UP RITUAL THAT APPARENTLY THE RABBIS LOOK FORWARD TOO. A grown man sucking an infant's penis, you'd have to be crazy to allow this to happen today. No wonder there are so many pedophile rabbis.
Oral suction circumcisions first came under scrutiny during Mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration, which required consent forms. The city reports that since the regulation went into effect, there were six cases in New York City, including four in 2014. A signed consent form was provided by the mohel in only one of these six cases.

from your article
Oral suction circumcisions first came under scrutiny during Mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration, which required consent forms. The city reports that since the regulation went into effect, there were six cases in New York City, including four in 2014. A signed consent form was provided by the mohel in only one of these six cases.

from your article

I read the article, your point?
It's been done for over 3,000 years. I doubt if democrats can now say "no you can't".

I want to reply to you again.

1. what does this have to do with democrats?
2. are jews above the law?
3. I'm sure every state in the USA has laws against grown men sucking on infants penises. They get prison time.
It's been done for over 3,000 years. I doubt if democrats can now say "no you can't".

Duh, we have what is called hospitals and doctors who do that now. Its a

SICK, FILTHY, DISGUSTING, MADE UP RITUAL THAT APPARENTLY THE RABBIS LOOK FORWARD TOO. A grown man sucking an infant's penis, you'd have to be crazy to allow this to happen today. No wonder there are so many pedophile rabbis.

to discover who the depraved are----visit a public health facility -----STD division-----packed full of sluts just like you -----dragged in ----in handcuffs

Any parent who allows this is "depraved" . I hope they do not let their children watch this pornographic activity.
It's been done for over 3,000 years. I doubt if democrats can now say "no you can't".

Duh, we have what is called hospitals and doctors who do that now. Its a

SICK, FILTHY, DISGUSTING, MADE UP RITUAL THAT APPARENTLY THE RABBIS LOOK FORWARD TOO. A grown man sucking an infant's penis, you'd have to be crazy to allow this to happen today. No wonder there are so many pedophile rabbis.

to discover who the depraved are----visit a public health facility -----STD division-----packed full of sluts just like you -----dragged in ----in handcuffs

Any parent who allows this is "depraved" . I hope they do not let their children watch this pornographic activity.

there is noting pornographic about it except in the minds of depraved whores like you-------far more HERPES SIMPLEX infections have been transmitted by catholic dentists. and far, far, far more by catholic whores who spread their legs in the gutter------like you ...... you forgot to tell me in what branch of medicine you specialize Obviously you know nothing about surgery
It's been done for over 3,000 years. I doubt if democrats can now say "no you can't".

Duh, we have what is called hospitals and doctors who do that now. Its a

SICK, FILTHY, DISGUSTING, MADE UP RITUAL THAT APPARENTLY THE RABBIS LOOK FORWARD TOO. A grown man sucking an infant's penis, you'd have to be crazy to allow this to happen today. No wonder there are so many pedophile rabbis.

to discover who the depraved are----visit a public health facility -----STD division-----packed full of sluts just like you -----dragged in ----in handcuffs

Any parent who allows this is "depraved" . I hope they do not let their children watch this pornographic activity.

children generally do not watch circumcisions-----For those wondering what Penelope is all about-----she cannot be in the presence of a male organ without
shoving it in her mouth and sucking for at least 20 minutes------she cannot imagine just using ones lips to attain hemostasis at the site of and on the surgical wound of a circumcision-------she would not be able to restrain her NEED. Oral suction of surgical wounds is the -----Old fashioned way to attain hemostatsis-------and in the case of circumcisions it is momentary------it is not the depraved episode that Penelope favors. The method has been very successful in avoiding hemorrhage, wound infection and successful scar formation for thousands of years. In very rare instances it allows the transmission of HERPES VIRUS----there is no case of AIDS virus transmitted by this method. Herpes virus transmission is not extremely rare. It has been recorded as a problem that
dentists face------simply by the HANDS IN THE MOUTH method or by contaminated instruments. MOST CASES of herpes simplex encephalitis
in infants is via CHILD BIRTH-----the virus is transmitted to the infant in the birth canal. -----especially vulnerable are infants born of white trash like Penelope who often manifest active genital herpes lesions
They come up with any excuse to perform this sick act. It just makes me sick.

What do they do for little girl jew Irosie? Probably can't tell us on here, or do female jews not need a soul.

A holy genital and a holy mouth, the mouth representative of the female. (like sex)

So a jews semen is holy semen. This is madness. At the end he says men only see women as a "sexual object", this is sickness at its worst, he needs to be locked up.
(what kind of parent can sit and watch a grown man such on this baby's boys penis? I thought this was going to be against the law but nope. This needs to end, this is sickening.)

New York City says it has reached an agreement with members of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community over a tradition known as oral suction circumcision.

Health officials have linked the practice to 17 cases of infant herpes since 2000 as a result of men performing the ritual by sucking blood from the wounds on the infants' penises. HSV-1, which while rare, can lead to serious brain damage or death.

Models are the people who perform circumcisions. Mayor Bill de Blasio's administration says they'll no longer be required to obtain signed consent forms before the rites. Instead, the Health Department will ask hospitals and doctors to distribute information to the ultra-Orthodox community about possible health risks associated with oral suction. If an infant is found to have herpes afterward, a rabbinical coalition will identify the mohel and he'll undergo DNA testing.

City Takes New Tack Regulating Ultra-Orthodox Circumcision - WNYC

I had not heard of this before because this is not taught in the Bible. It comes from the Talmud which has nothing to do with the Torah or Bible Scripture. It's a man made teaching that is tied to Kabbalah (which I already posted information about Kabbalah being a cult that worships Lucifer - although many may not be aware of it - otherwise they would have nothing to do with it) Here is the technical info on it:

The Talmud (Mishnah Shabbat 19:2) mentions a third step, metzitzah, translated as suction, as one of the steps involved in the circumcision rite. The Talmud writes that a "Mohel (Circumciser) who does not suck, should be dismissed from practice".

Brit milah - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Please note the practice did not come from the bible but rather the Talmud...

Please note this quote from link cited below it - as this practice involves the Kabbalah...

In Kabbalah, the concept of metzitzah b’peh plays a very important and significant role. In the Tikunei Zohar it states that the strong correspondence between the actual bris milah and the metzitzah b’peh which follows is rooted in the very gematriya of the word milah, which is 85 or פה-peh-the mouth. Rav Chaim Vital writes that the gematriya of Hashem’s name, אלו-הים, is 86, and he expounds deeply on the correlation and the significance of that number.

As I stated earlier, Kabbalah is satanic - the numerology, practices such blood sucking circumcision - this is of Satan - and the Jews should have nothing to do with it. God says my people perish for lack of knowledge. God's people are to follow the Torah which is the Word of God. Not the oral Torah which is the writings of men and not God's Word - nor the Talmud which is the writings of men and not God's Word.

I did read a news article that reports that children are dying as a result of this procedure which would be clear evidence that G-d is condemning this practice and sending a warning to parents not to give their babies over to this Kabbalah style circumcision.

The bible is clear on how circumcision is to be done and there is no direction given to suck the blood of the male infant - which is what this ritual includes - in fact - the eating, drinking of blood is forbidden in the Torah and those who do it are committing sin against God. The consequences of sin is death.

See Leviticus 17:14

For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.
Leviticus 17:14

Infant dies after contracting herpes during blood-sucking Jewish circumcision ritual at hospital - NaturalNews.com

A two-week old boy died recently at Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn, New York, after undergoing a rarely-practiced, and highly controversial, Jewish circumcision ritual known as metzitzah b'peh. According to the New York Daily News (NYDN), the unidentified young boy contracted herpes simplex virus Type 1 from the Rockland County rabbi that performed the ritual on him, and died shortly thereafter.

The practice, which involves a rabbi literally sucking the blood from the circumcised boy's "wound" with his mouth after the circumcision has been performed, has long been considered by many, including those in the public health sector, as extremely high risk -- some even attribute it to child abuse. And in this particular case, the boy, who is not the first to have died during a metzitzah b'peh ritual, contracted oral herpes from an unidentified, infected rabbi.

Note first it is stated to be "highly rare" (does not happen in mainstream Judaism) that it is the Kabbalah ritual from Talmud - it is not of God - it is satanic and goes against God's law which says do not eat blood, drink blood - this would include the sucking of blood - it is not to be done. Children are dying. This is the curse of sin - death - parents should not have anything to do with such rituals.
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(what kind of parent can sit and watch a grown man such on this baby's boys penis? I thought this was going to be against the law but nope. This needs to end, this is sickening.)

New York City says it has reached an agreement with members of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community over a tradition known as oral suction circumcision.

Health officials have linked the practice to 17 cases of infant herpes since 2000 as a result of men performing the ritual by sucking blood from the wounds on the infants' penises. HSV-1, which while rare, can lead to serious brain damage or death.

Models are the people who perform circumcisions. Mayor Bill de Blasio's administration says they'll no longer be required to obtain signed consent forms before the rites. Instead, the Health Department will ask hospitals and doctors to distribute information to the ultra-Orthodox community about possible health risks associated with oral suction. If an infant is found to have herpes afterward, a rabbinical coalition will identify the mohel and he'll undergo DNA testing.

City Takes New Tack Regulating Ultra-Orthodox Circumcision - WNYC

17 cases in the entire United States should tell you something, Penelope. It is not the way the Jews circumcise their children! This is a ritual out of the Talmud (which is not the Bible nor is it the Torah!) and out of the teachings of Kabbalah! (another cult that has nothing to do with the Torah teachings and Bible - in fact it's teachings are diametrically opposed to the teachings of the Written Torah and the Bible) So with that said, realize that there have also been 3 infants that have died - reported in the news the deaths were related to this oral suction procedure - and with that?

You can be sure that parents are waking up to the reality that this is not of God! What can we do? Pray for the parents that God will open their eyes to see the truth - that Kabbalah is a cult and they need to get out of there as fast as they can run!

When people are in a cult they cannot see. Their eyes are blinded to the truth and do not realize what they are doing is forbidden in the Torah! It is against the law of God! The Rabbis involved are sinning against the Law of God - it is written:

For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.
Leviticus 17:14

That includes the sucking of blood! It is not to be going into our bodies! Who partakes in the drinking of blood, eating of flesh, Penelope? Lucifer worshippers. That is who. These parents are naively involved in something they do not realize brought a curse upon them and their children (even death). God said in His Word - My people perish for lack of knowledge.

The oral Torah is not of God - it was written by man.
The Talmud is not of God - it was written by man.
The Kabbalah is not of God - it was created out of the occult and by occultists.

Satan is a deceiver. Pray that the eyes of these people be opened!

Ask Statistikhengst, he is a cocksucking Jew, he should know.

It is not from the Torah and Jews who follow Judaism and the Torah do the same circumcision that was done in the Bible.

This form of blood sucking circumcision is not followed my Jewish people unless they are into Kabbalah and the teachings of the Talmud, NLT. As stated in the news article above about a baby dying - (and there are 2 more babies also who have been reported to have died from disease related deaths after this procedure of blood sucking was done on them) this is very, very rare. This does not happen often. It is a ritual of Kabbalah - which is satanic and a teaching from the Talmud which is an equally Satanic book that teaches the Jews to spit at the name of Jesus Christ. It is not of God and no where to be found in the Torah or the Bible. There is an Oral Torah and that has nothing to do with the written Torah. The Oral Torah and the Talmud are the inventions of men. Not the inspired Word of God.

What the Talmud (and Kabbalah) requires these Rabbis to do is against the Law of God. The Torah forbids the eating of blood, drinking of blood (that would include the sucking of blood) It is a very serious offense - a sin against God. The penalty of sin is death.

For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.
Leviticus 17:14

you have a citation for your allegation that oral suction of blood is from the KABALLAH? it is mentioned in the Talmud ----with specific instructions that the mouth (ie of the sucker) be carefully cleaned and rinsed with "strong wine"-----I think that means distillled wine----ie BOOOZE There really is virtually no blood in a circumcision----just a drop. It is no more drinking blood than shoving ones finger in the mouth when you get a paper cut------I do it all the time. ----and when you get a snake bite----it is a very good idea to SUCK the WOUND right away and remember DO NOT RUN. You guys are making a mountain out of a molehill-----there is nothing satanic about the kabbalah I do not even remember a mention of "Lucifer" but I may be wrong------it is considered a bit too MYSTICAL for average consumption but then -----so is the book of DANIEL ------if the book of "revelations" were tanach-----you can be sure that one would be off limits to minors (for jews a minor is anyone under age 40 and not married) too. SHEEEEEESH

I just quoted it for you, Rosie. Oral suction is part of Kaballah. It is taught in the Talmud which is an equally satanic book and has nothing to do with the Torah. For that matter - neither does the oral Torah. See my thread on Kabbalah is the Worship of Lucifer. It is what it is. God has given HIS PEOPLE - the Jews - the Written Torah and the Written Tanach - so follow that and do what it says and there won't be any more infant deaths from this ritual that is NOT OF G-D!

It is written:

For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.
Leviticus 17:14

The Talmud is teaching some Jews to do what is not in the Written Torah - in fact it is teaching Jews to do what is in defiance of God's law. The end result? Being cut off.

It's a serious sin. Do not suck blood, do not eat blood, do not make excuses. Obey God and damn the consequences.

If everyone else wants to march off to hell following Kabbalah what is that to you? You follow G-d, Rosie! YOU follow G-d!
The Talmud is commentary on the torah (ie tanach) suction is the traditional way
to accomplish hemostasis in the OLD TIME MEDICAL PRACTICE IN THE WORLD -----------b'peh means by mouth. always remember to suck on that snake bite----also the old way to do things. MOST cases of neonatal herpes encephalitis is contracted in the birth canal of the MOMMY at birth-------I have seen several cases-----they were not jewish babies. The diagnosis is often made -----by autopsy.

the diagnosis is not all that rare. it happens-------it happens so much that the EEG findings in such cases ARE IN EVERY Med. TEXTBOOK-----Penelope should know that ----she claims to be a health care worker-------Penelope---how is herpes encephalitis treated? ---oh------you don't know. As to the satmar chassidim who like to attribute MYSTICAL justification to everything they do----well----that is just them. Penelope ----review neonatal herpes encephalitis-----obviously you are CLUELESS. You probably missed lots of cases over there in that primitive place you clean the toilets
Ask Statistikhengst, he is a cocksucking Jew, he should know.

It is not from the Torah and Jews who follow Judaism and the Torah do the same circumcision that was done in the Bible.

This form of blood sucking circumcision is not followed my Jewish people unless they are into Kabbalah and the teachings of the Talmud, NLT. As stated in the news article above about a baby dying - (and there are 2 more babies also who have been reported to have died from disease related deaths after this procedure of blood sucking was done on them) this is very, very rare. This does not happen often. It is a ritual of Kabbalah - which is satanic and a teaching from the Talmud which is an equally Satanic book that teaches the Jews to spit at the name of Jesus Christ. It is not of God and no where to be found in the Torah or the Bible. There is an Oral Torah and that has nothing to do with the written Torah. The Oral Torah and the Talmud are the inventions of men. Not the inspired Word of God.

What the Talmud (and Kabbalah) requires these Rabbis to do is against the Law of God. The Torah forbids the eating of blood, drinking of blood (that would include the sucking of blood) It is a very serious offense - a sin against God. The penalty of sin is death.

For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.
Leviticus 17:14

you have a citation for your allegation that oral suction of blood is from the KABALLAH? it is mentioned in the Talmud ----with specific instructions that the mouth (ie of the sucker) be carefully cleaned and rinsed with "strong wine"-----I think that means distillled wine----ie BOOOZE There really is virtually no blood in a circumcision----just a drop. It is no more drinking blood than shoving ones finger in the mouth when you get a paper cut------I do it all the time. ----and when you get a snake bite----it is a very good idea to SUCK the WOUND right away and remember DO NOT RUN. You guys are making a mountain out of a molehill-----there is nothing satanic about the kabbalah I do not even remember a mention of "Lucifer" but I may be wrong------it is considered a bit too MYSTICAL for average consumption but then -----so is the book of DANIEL ------if the book of "revelations" were tanach-----you can be sure that one would be off limits to minors (for jews a minor is anyone under age 40 and not married) too. SHEEEEEESH

I just quoted it for you, Rosie. Oral suction is part of Kaballah. It is taught in the Talmud which is an equally satanic book and has nothing to do with the Torah. For that matter - neither does the oral Torah. See my thread on Kabbalah is the Worship of Lucifer. It is what it is. God has given HIS PEOPLE - the Jews - the Written Torah and the Written Tanach - so follow that and do what it says and there won't be any more infant deaths from this ritual that is NOT OF G-D!

It is written:

For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.
Leviticus 17:14

The Talmud is teaching some Jews to do what is not in the Written Torah - in fact it is teaching Jews to do what is in defiance of God's law. The end result? Being cut off.

It's a serious sin. Do not suck blood, do not eat blood, do not make excuses. Obey God and damn the consequences.

If everyone else wants to march off to hell following Kabbalah what is that to you? You follow G-d, Rosie! YOU follow G-d!

your discussion of the Talmud and kaballah is idiotic, Jeri. ------when Jesus was circumcised-----he was probably SUCKED------btw-----according to the NT------JESUS QUOTES THE TALMUD quite incessantly-----sheeeeeesh if you do not know a bit of the language and content of the Talmud------you cannot read the NT with any level of understanding. I do believe that lots of that which Jesus is said to have said -----in the NT----is reliable. I do not recall his saying I HATE THE TALMUD------in fact he quotes it. If jesus was anti-Talmud----he certainly kept that fact a BIG SECRET-------
The Talmud is commentary on the torah (ie tanach) suction is the traditional way
to accomplish hemostasis in the OLD TIME MEDICAL PRACTICE IN THE WORLD -----------b'peh means by mouth. always remember to suck on that snake bite----also the old way to do things. MOST cases of neonatal herpes encephalitis is contracted in the birth canal of the MOMMY at birth-------I have seen several cases-----they were not jewish babies. The diagnosis is often made -----by autopsy.

the diagnosis is not all that rare. it happens-------it happens so much that the EEG findings in such cases ARE IN EVERY Med. TEXTBOOK-----Penelope should know that ----she claims to be a health care worker-------Penelope---how is herpes encephalitis treated? ---oh------you don't know. As to the satmar chassidim who like to attribute MYSTICAL justification to everything they do----well----that is just them. Penelope ----review neonatal herpes encephalitis-----obviously you are CLUELESS. You probably missed lots of cases over there in that primitive place you clean the toilets

The Talmud is NOT SCRIPTURE. It is not the Written Torah and it is not the Written Tanach and it is NOT SCRIPTURE. It is a book written by men and not inspired of God - as for being a commentary? It's the opinions of men who hated Jesus Christ and said to spit whenever his name is mentioned. Jesus Christ is God, Rosie. How much more satanic can this book called the Talmud get! Seriously!

Is it any wonder HaShev is in the state he's in believing this trash?! I feel compassion for the man (AND for Shimon), truly he has been taught a pack of lies and believes it is God's will for him to continue on in a way that is leading him down the path of destruction. What can anyone do but pray for him? For both of them!

Again! The Written Torah and the Tanach and the New Testament are the Books we need to read and believe.

Not the Talmud.
Ask Statistikhengst, he is a cocksucking Jew, he should know.

It is not from the Torah and Jews who follow Judaism and the Torah do the same circumcision that was done in the Bible.

This form of blood sucking circumcision is not followed my Jewish people unless they are into Kabbalah and the teachings of the Talmud, NLT. As stated in the news article above about a baby dying - (and there are 2 more babies also who have been reported to have died from disease related deaths after this procedure of blood sucking was done on them) this is very, very rare. This does not happen often. It is a ritual of Kabbalah - which is satanic and a teaching from the Talmud which is an equally Satanic book that teaches the Jews to spit at the name of Jesus Christ. It is not of God and no where to be found in the Torah or the Bible. There is an Oral Torah and that has nothing to do with the written Torah. The Oral Torah and the Talmud are the inventions of men. Not the inspired Word of God.

What the Talmud (and Kabbalah) requires these Rabbis to do is against the Law of God. The Torah forbids the eating of blood, drinking of blood (that would include the sucking of blood) It is a very serious offense - a sin against God. The penalty of sin is death.

For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.
Leviticus 17:14

you have a citation for your allegation that oral suction of blood is from the KABALLAH? it is mentioned in the Talmud ----with specific instructions that the mouth (ie of the sucker) be carefully cleaned and rinsed with "strong wine"-----I think that means distillled wine----ie BOOOZE There really is virtually no blood in a circumcision----just a drop. It is no more drinking blood than shoving ones finger in the mouth when you get a paper cut------I do it all the time. ----and when you get a snake bite----it is a very good idea to SUCK the WOUND right away and remember DO NOT RUN. You guys are making a mountain out of a molehill-----there is nothing satanic about the kabbalah I do not even remember a mention of "Lucifer" but I may be wrong------it is considered a bit too MYSTICAL for average consumption but then -----so is the book of DANIEL ------if the book of "revelations" were tanach-----you can be sure that one would be off limits to minors (for jews a minor is anyone under age 40 and not married) too. SHEEEEEESH

This is what is sad. You know this is wrong and yet you defend it. Let me say , there is nothing mystical about Judaism, its a man made religion. There are no mystics and nothing mystical in your religion. I understand what he said perfectly well, and its hogwash. Just like transubstantiation is, nothing happens to the host, superstition. I deal with reality, not superstition.

The Torah is not mystical. The Torah is to be taken literally and believed as it is the Written Word of God - so is the Tanach and the New Testament. The Torah is not in question - it stands as the Word of God and the Jews are Gods people he chose from the beginning - let us be clear on that - what we have here are a few Jews who went off the reservation after some teachings in the Talmud that conveniently line up with the hogwash of Kaballah! Neither Kaballah nor the Talmud are of God - not inspired of God - cannot find God through either - it is a lie from the pits of hell.

The Word God gave his people came from Moses - not the occultists who founded Kaballah nor the sages who wrote the Talmud!

Time to get back to the Written Word of God - the Torah - the Tanach and the New Testament - it's called the King James Bible. We can trust it to be the pure Word of God. If we do what it says? We'll find the will of God for our lives. If we don't? We're going to be in trouble.

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