Oprah Plays the Race Card

Yanno.....................myself personally, I have no use for Doper Windbag (aka Oprah Winfrey).

However...................I do think that the reason that so many of the GOP are against Obama is because they don't like having a black man in the White House.

I mean.......................if the Republicans come up with an idea and say it's good, and Obama decides that it's good as well and supports it, the GOP then switches positions and goes against the very thing they'd proposed in the first place.
Obama got A LOT of votes the first go round. And it wasn't because he was black. He IS half white too, ya know. He got the presidency of the USA. Oprah was thrilled. She was thrilled the second go round. But now we all know he SUCKS as president. And it damn sure isn't because he is black. Even most sane blacks see him for what he is...just another politician lying his way into the highest office.
Bush = Slammed
Obama = slammed

Nothing to do with race. The oppossion just opposes the other side this way in this country!

Yeah............but when Clinton and Jr. were slammed, they were outvoted by a majority, and not some rabid minority like the Tea Baggers.

Sorry, but Obama is being slammed by racists who get others to believe as they do.

Quick question.............why does Boehner continually cave into the tea bagger platform, even when more responsible Republicans tell him he's wrong?

I'm guessing there is payola happening, as well as the fact that Boehner no longer has a spine. It's been dissolved by the cash he's raking in.
If it is a race issue, why was he voted IN two times? Because he is black? And now that he is such a fuck up, nobody that voted him IN wants him there anymore because he is black? Which is it?
Yanno.....................myself personally, I have no use for Doper Windbag (aka Oprah Winfrey).

However...................I do think that the reason that so many of the GOP are against Obama is because they don't like having a black man in the White House.

I mean.......................if the Republicans come up with an idea and say it's good, and Obama decides that it's good as well and supports it, the GOP then switches positions and goes against the very thing they'd proposed in the first place.

If it wasn't for all those damn stupid whiteys you would never have had you half in the White House.

Lets lay it on the line here.

Blacks cannot have elected Obama. Whiteys did. You fucking deal with it will you?
You can not under any circumstance tell me that blacks got Obama in.
Does anyone on this fucking planet know the statistics?
I'm just wondering if there's anything I can do or say these days without being accused of being a racist?
I figured the race card expired 5 years ago..........
White lesbians? I'm sorry Ellen but you do not make up a voting base.

Why is it Republicans have to cave?
I'm just wondering if there's anything I can do or say these days without being accused of being a racist?
I figured the race card expired 5 years ago..........

Oh you're toast if you even try to explain what is happening today.

The funniest thing though, all white all the time on every network but bitching about maybe even there might be a problem.
If it is a race issue, why was he voted IN two times? Because he is black? And now that he is such a fuck up, nobody that voted him IN wants him there anymore because he is black? Which is it?

Obama was voted in 2 times because he had a decent vision for how this country should go, and lots of people believed (and still believe) in him.

However....................the GOP has considered him a fuck up and have voted against every thing he's proposed, even when it was something that the GOP suggested in the first place.

Obama could say the sky was blue, and the GOP would insist that it's red, even if they'd declared it was blue 6 months ago.
You can not under any circumstance tell me that blacks got Obama in.
Does anyone on this fucking planet know the statistics?

You may wish to re-check your stats, because even the GOP has said that they have to expand their outreach to those who are considered minorities.

Only problem is.....................they know what the problem is, yet they choose to act against the very problem they've identified, and work to push their agenda on them, rather than try to understand where they're coming from.
If it is a race issue, why was he voted IN two times? Because he is black? And now that he is such a fuck up, nobody that voted him IN wants him there anymore because he is black? Which is it?

Obama was voted in 2 times because he had a decent vision for how this country should go, and lots of people believed (and still believe) in him.

However....................the GOP has considered him a fuck up and have voted against every thing he's proposed, even when it was something that the GOP suggested in the first place.

Obama could say the sky was blue, and the GOP would insist that it's red, even if they'd declared it was blue 6 months ago.

The GOP did not vote Obama IN OFFICE. WE did. Or those like me that were fooled beacuse we so much wanted to believe this guy. TWICE. But now we don't want him in because he is BLACK?? Come on. Really?:eusa_hand:
If it is a race issue, why was he voted IN two times? Because he is black? And now that he is such a fuck up, nobody that voted him IN wants him there anymore because he is black? Which is it?

Obama was voted in 2 times because he had a decent vision for how this country should go, and lots of people believed (and still believe) in him.

However....................the GOP has considered him a fuck up and have voted against every thing he's proposed, even when it was something that the GOP suggested in the first place.

Obama could say the sky was blue, and the GOP would insist that it's red, even if they'd declared it was blue 6 months ago.

The GOP did not vote Obama IN OFFICE. WE did. Or those like me that were fooled beacuse we so much wanted to believe this guy. TWICE. But now we don't want him in because he is BLACK?? Come on. Really?:eusa_hand:

You're right.................the GOP did not vote Obama in office twice, we the people did, and it was because we liked what he had to say, as well as liked the vision he had for this country.

However.....................Mitch McConnell and his followers said that they wanted to make him a one term President, and voted against almost every thing he proposed or did.

Why? It's because there are a lot of racist assholes who are in the GOP (the party of the South) who don't like the fact that there is a black man in the White House.

Even when they were for something, as soon as Obama said it was a good idea, they voted against it.

Google it sometime...............it may be enlightening for you.

I mean shit..................Mittens RobMe was for healthcare in MA until Obama saw that it was a good idea and tried to expand it to the whole country.

Know how many people signed up for MA healthcare in the first month? 123. Know how many people signed up for Obamacare the first month? Over 3 times that amount. Interestingly enough, MA heathcare (supported by Mittens RobMe) had a few glitches and problems.

Guess what? The state legislature decided to solve the problems rather than tout how much they failed.

Know what is going on now? They've got around a 98 percent enrollment, even though it took a couple of years, but that's because the representatives were willing to work together to solve the problem.

If only we could get the GOP in the federal government to do the same, but they won't, because they're scared that if it succeeds, they will lose their seats for being against it.

I hope everyone who is against the ACA loses their seat. It's time for new blood anyway, because the nation has changed significantly since Lindsey Graham took office.

Or Boehner or the Tea Baggers.
You can not under any circumstance tell me that blacks got Obama in.
Does anyone on this fucking planet know the statistics?

You may wish to re-check your stats, because even the GOP has said that they have to expand their outreach to those who are considered minorities.

Only problem is.....................they know what the problem is, yet they choose to act against the very problem they've identified, and work to push their agenda on them, rather than try to understand where they're coming from.

Oh yeah blacks only blacks all of the time.

Whites don't exist it appears.

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