Opinion: Liberals Should Welcome DeSantis rise: If Trump is a unique threat to democracy, they should be happy to see a GOP alternative to replace him

If you really want the Republican party to succeed again they need to stop attacking people and come up with real solutions that work in the modern world, with an eye on the future.

Under trump the message was clear

Protect the border, oppose china, honor our flag and the country it represents, honor our family and our faith, aboid foreign wars and much more
Under trump the message was clear

Protect the border, oppose china, honor our flag and the country it represents, honor our family and our faith, aboid foreign wars and much more
It looks like trump didn't follow his own agenda. His immigration policy was a sham. Most of the merchandise that bears his name is made in China. He Dishonored the flag and the country when he put himself above it. The man is a Christian in name only. And he ended the Afghan war by signing a pact with the enemy Taliban that gave them everything they wanted. I don't think any of that is very patriotic, in fact it's anti-American and unpatriotic.
It was never his immigration policy on the ground

Congress failed to do its job
He did not have an immigration policy. He did sabotage the immigration courts by not funding them. And they are the key to immigration policy. Everything simply backlogged during his administration. If you check the current records Biden is making progress on immigration.
He did not have an immigration policy. He did sabotage the immigration courts by not funding them. And they are the key to immigration policy. Everything simply backlogged during his administration. If you check the current records Biden is making progress on immigration.
Trump implemented “expedited removal” in an effort to deport as many unwanted aliens as possible

And yes, he reduced finding in order to increase the backlog of applicants

Which I strongly approve of

Whether you like it or not that was a policy and a good one
Trump implemented “expedited removal” in an effort to deport as many unwanted aliens as possible

And yes, he reduced finding in order to increase the backlog of applicants

Which I strongly approve of

Whether you like it or not that was a policy and a good one
Not only was it probably unconstitutional, it was all probably illegal. America's immigration policies conform with international standards. Meaning you cannot just throw out undocumented immigrants, they have to have their day in court, immigration Court, which Trump basically defunded, making immigration issues even more impossible to resolve.
Because DeSantis is just as bad as Trump. But he's smarter. Not prone to riffing things.

DeSantis reminds me of Martin Sheen's character in "The Dead Zone". :)
Our own little Stilson..right there in Florida.
I live in Florida and have for half a century. DeSantis is the best Governor during that time by far and that includes Bush the Brother.
Not only was it probably unconstitutional, it was all probably illegal. America's immigration policies conform with international standards. Meaning you cannot just throw out undocumented immigrants, they have to have their day in court, immigration Court, which Trump basically defunded, making immigration issues even more impossible to resolve.
I understand that there are international agreements that influence US refugee policy

But bleeding hearts are abusing the intent of the policy

This all starts with the Jews in 1930’s Germany and the 6 million who were killed by the Nazis

Many of them sought asylum in western countries but were denied

The shame of that shaped the asylum polocy we have today

But few refugees are fleeing genocide

They merely want a better life
If you really want the Republican party to succeed again they need to stop attacking people and come up with real solutions that work in the modern world, with an eye on the future.
You mean cave in and kowtow to the Communist Left? Hard pass on that. Republicans need to remember the Democrats are the enemy. And there is no compromise with the enemy.
I understand that there are international agreements that influence US refugee policy

But bleeding hearts are abusing the intent of the policy

This all starts with the Jews in 1930’s Germany and the 6 million who were killed by the Nazis

Many of them sought asylum in western countries but were denied

The shame of that shaped the asylum polocy we have today

But few refugees are fleeing genocide

They merely want a better life
And who's going to decide which ones are actually fleeing for their lives from oppression, and the ones who aren't. That's why it has to go through the courts. You can't condemn the innocent because of a few bad apples.
And who's going to decide which ones are actually fleeing for their lives from oppression, and the ones who aren't. That's why it has to go through the courts. You can't condemn the innocent because of a few bad apples.
Its an informed decision

News services not to mention intelligence services document events on other countries

There are a few isolated pockets of inhumanity where one tribe of savages is trying to wipe out a rival tribe

But most refugees do not qualify as that

And if they do they ste as likely to be in one tribe as the other
Its an informed decision

News services not to mention intelligence services document events on other countries

There are a few isolated pockets of inhumanity where one tribe of savages is trying to wipe out a rival tribe

But most refugees do not qualify as that

And if they do they ste as likely to be in one tribe as the other
Informed decision with no bias one way or the other. That's what the immigration courts are for.
Informed decision with no bias one way or the other. That's what the immigration courts are for.
I have already explained the decision that should be made in 99% of the cases - no entry

We cannot take in all the world’s poor people who lead unhappy lives back home
I have already explained the decision that should be made in 99% of the cases - no entry

We cannot take in all the world’s poor people who lead unhappy lives back home
And I believe your opinion is very biased. Just like when trump said, " I prefer my immigrants to be educated white ones. " Or when he said they were all criminals and murderers and rapists. Sure there's no prejudice there. And you say 99% should be rejected that's unheard of. It's usually the opposite, no less than 90 to 95% are accepted. Anything less than that would indicate significant problems with our immigration process. We are a nation of immigrants. Immigrants built this country. We are who we are because of immigrants.
And I believe your opinion is very biased. Just like when trump said, " I prefer my immigrants to be educated white ones. " Or when he said they were all criminals and murderers and rapists. Sure there's no prejudice there. And you say 99% should be rejected that's unheard of. It's usually the opposite, no less than 90 to 95% are accepted. Anything less than that would indicate significant problems with our immigration process. We are a nation of immigrants. Immigrants built this country. We are who we are because of immigrants.
Biased only in the sense that I put the best interests of Americans ahead of migrants from poor countries

I guess libs only hear what they want to hear because trump made it clear that not all illegal aliens are criminals

But many are

And whether honest or criminal America has too many poor people already and does not need any more
Biased only in the sense that I put the best interests of Americans ahead of migrants from poor countries

I guess libs only hear what they want to hear because trump made it clear that not all illegal aliens are criminals

But many are

And whether honest or criminal America has too many poor people already and does not need any more
You know why we have the current workers shortages. It's because we had four years of abnormal immigration under trump. The population of the United States is older white population. It is not replacing itself. Has not been replacing itself since 1998. If we do not have immigrants coming into this country we have negative population growth, couple that with the aging white population and you don't have enough workers. Sometimes thinking you are protecting something is not protecting yet at all.
You know why we have the current workers shortages. It's because we had four years of abnormal immigration under trump. The population of the United States is older white population. It is not replacing itself. Has not been replacing itself since 1998. If we do not have immigrants coming into this country we have negative population growth, couple that with the aging white population and you don't have enough workers. Sometimes thinking you are protecting something is not protecting yet at all.
We have able bodied Americans who can do all those jobs

Stop sending checks to welfare bums
We have able bodied Americans who can do all those jobs

Stop sending checks to welfare bums
U.S. Chamber of Commerce>understanding America's labor shortage: the most impacted... Actually we do not have enough skilled workers or enough workers period. Even if all the unemployed were employed we'd still be short 2 million workers. Those are the facts, not my opinion.

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