Open season on our elections

Trump has sent an open invitation to all foreign governments to spy on his opposition and report back to him
Did you have that letter? Or a quote of the invitation??
The invitation was given by word of mouth by the AH in our WH You didn't hear the schmuck yesterday say he'd take info and not tell FBI?
Here is his quote “ I would do both call the fbi and listen” are you saying listing is wrong? Lol HES THE PRESIDENT haha

That isn't what he said. He said he WOULDN'T CALL THE FBI. He said he's seen lots of stuff in his life and he's never called the FBI.
He said he would do “both” what did he mean by both??
Wonder why this got anyone upset? Who wouldn't want to know if Americans running for office is corrupt, rapist, killers?

Trump says he would 'want to hear' dirt on 2020 rivals from foreign governments, suggests he wouldn't contact FBI

Trump says he would 'want to hear' dirt on 2020 rivals from foreign governments, suggests he wouldn't contact FBI

Many Democrats reacted with outrage. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., a 2020 candidate for president, tweeted in response: "It's time for Congress to begin impeachment hearings."


It's against the law.

That's why people are so upset about it. Add to that real Americans don't want any foreign influence on our elections.

Real Americans don't break the law and don't use foreign nations to win elections.

Do you realize Hillary and the DNC paid for the foreign steel dossier for dirt on Trump?
Many politicians use operation research companies to get dirt on each other.
How do politicians gather opposition research on other candidates?

Do you understand that in paying for research it is a distinction with a difference? Paying for opposition research is legal. Getting stolen information given to you by a foreign adversary is not.

Their tiny little minds cannot wrap themselves around the concept of "arm's length third party". The concept is far too complicated for right wing brains. That Hillary never spoke to anyone from the research firm, and had no idea who they hired, and Steele didn't now who the client was. They see no difference between the Steele Dossier and the Trump Tower meeting.

Yes and they do this without looking at the facts, of course.
There is no indication that the Clinton campaign or the DNC were ever actually in posession of the completed dossier. We do know that Steele himself offered his research to the FBI in the summer of 16. It could be that the dossier was deemed "too hot" for the campaign who decided it needed to be in the hands of the FBI instead.
Trump admits he'd take info from foreign countries to help him win elections Now, did he take help, the dirt, from Russia ?? No morals No ethics The man is a walking slime bag Defends son for not calling fbi on russian meeting

Some Germans allied with other countries to defeat the Nazi's. Oh yes I did go there. :auiqs.jpg:
Are you saying that what trump said was fine?? Just would like to know before call you a corrup traitor like
Trump admits he'd take info from foreign countries to help him win elections Now, did he take help, the dirt, from Russia ?? No morals No ethics The man is a walking slime bag Defends son for not calling fbi on russian meeting

Some Germans allied with other countries to defeat the Nazi's. Oh yes I did go there. :auiqs.jpg:
Are you telling me you agree with the scumbag taking info from foreigners to win an election? Just like to know before I call you a traitor and scumbag like trump is
Unless you have some facts, shut up.
Trump has sent an open invitation to all foreign governments to spy on his opposition and report back to him
Did you have that letter? Or a quote of the invitation??
The invitation was given by word of mouth by the AH in our WH You didn't hear the schmuck yesterday say he'd take info and not tell FBI?
Here is his quote “ I would do both call the fbi and listen” are you saying listing is wrong? Lol HES THE PRESIDENT haha

That isn't what he said. He said he WOULDN'T CALL THE FBI. He said he's seen lots of stuff in his life and he's never called the FBI.
He said he would do “both” what did he mean by both??
Think he said maybe or he might, and that he never ever called FBI
Did you have that letter? Or a quote of the invitation??
The invitation was given by word of mouth by the AH in our WH You didn't hear the schmuck yesterday say he'd take info and not tell FBI?
Here is his quote “ I would do both call the fbi and listen” are you saying listing is wrong? Lol HES THE PRESIDENT haha

That isn't what he said. He said he WOULDN'T CALL THE FBI. He said he's seen lots of stuff in his life and he's never called the FBI.
He said he would do “both” what did he mean by both??
Think he said maybe or he might, and that he never ever called FBI
What did “both” mean?
Trump has put a ....For Sale sign on his presidency

If you have anything on my opponent, give me a call
I will be grateful.....wink, wink
Didn’t Hillary hire a foreigner for Opposition research ??
Hillary's campaign directed their legal counsel to procure oppo research from a firm that contacted them with an offer, and the research firm used its appropriate "specialist" on Russian business contacts. Quite a leap to what you said.
And the information came from a “foreigner” yes or no?
As I pointed out HILLARY didn't hire anybody. What is wrong with a company that conducts international research hiring people who live outside the United States?
She funneled money to a law firm to get the research! Lol her money empowered the foreign agent lol .. Trump said he would LISTEN then call the fbi. He’s the president I hope he would listen..

Hillary funneled money to a law firm to give to a foreign agent
Trump has put a ....For Sale sign on his presidency

If you have anything on my opponent, give me a call
I will be grateful.....wink, wink
Didn’t Hillary hire a foreigner for Opposition research ??
Hillary's campaign directed their legal counsel to procure oppo research from a firm that contacted them with an offer, and the research firm used its appropriate "specialist" on Russian business contacts. Quite a leap to what you said.
And the information came from a “foreigner” yes or no?
As I pointed out HILLARY didn't hire anybody. What is wrong with a company that conducts international research hiring people who live outside the United States?
Who did Trump hire?
I wasn't talking about Trump. I don't know.
Wonder why this got anyone upset? Who wouldn't want to know if Americans running for office is corrupt, rapist, killers?

Trump says he would 'want to hear' dirt on 2020 rivals from foreign governments, suggests he wouldn't contact FBI

Trump says he would 'want to hear' dirt on 2020 rivals from foreign governments, suggests he wouldn't contact FBI

Many Democrats reacted with outrage. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., a 2020 candidate for president, tweeted in response: "It's time for Congress to begin impeachment hearings."


It's against the law.

That's why people are so upset about it. Add to that real Americans don't want any foreign influence on our elections.

Real Americans don't break the law and don't use foreign nations to win elections.

Do you realize Hillary and the DNC paid for the foreign steel dossier for dirt on Trump?
Many politicians use operation research companies to get dirt on each other.
How do politicians gather opposition research on other candidates?

Do you understand that in paying for research it is a distinction with a difference? Paying for opposition research is legal. Getting stolen information given to you by a foreign adversary is not.

Their tiny little minds cannot wrap themselves around the concept of "arm's length third party". The concept is far too complicated for right wing brains. That Hillary never spoke to anyone from the research firm, and had no idea who they hired, and Steele didn't now who the client was. They see no difference between the Steele Dossier and the Trump Tower meeting.

Yes and they do this without looking at the facts, of course.
There is no indication that the Clinton campaign or the DNC were ever actually in posession of the completed dossier. We do know that Steele himself offered his research to the FBI in the summer of 16. It could be that the dossier was deemed "too hot" for the campaign who decided it needed to be in the hands of the FBI instead.

The Dossier was given to John McCain, who gave it to the FBI - one more reason why Trump hates McCain.
Trump has sent an open invitation to all foreign governments to spy on his opposition and report back to him
Says the Pole Smoking Cum Guzzler who sucked Putin's Cock for FAKE Dirt on Trump from Russia.
Nothing like foreign countries killing our voting
rights. How patriotic.
And what's worse is the punk republicans in congress who SHOULD know better stay silent

Why shouldn't the Republicans stay silent?

The facts are that Hillary and the Deep State actually DID take foreign help from Christopher Steele, Stefan Halper, various officials in Ukraine and Australia, the Russians, when they were looking to destroy Donald J. Trump.

President Trump was offering the liberals a chance to actually cut themselves a break, they should take it.

Trump didn't admit to doing anything in his discussion with the leftard Stephanopoulos.
And what's worse is the punk republicans in congress who SHOULD know better stay silent

Why shouldn't the Republicans stay silent?

The facts are that Hillary and the Deep State actually DID take foreign help from Christopher Steele, Stefan Halper, various officials in Ukraine and Australia, the Russians, when they were looking to destroy Donald J. Trump.

President Trump was offering the liberals a chance to actually cut themselves a break, they should take it.

Trump didn't admit to doing anything in his discussion with the leftard Stephanopoulos.
Why you schmuck,,?? because he's sinking America into the same cesspool he's always been in Knowing you for 15 or more years you were in a cesspool too
Yeah, Trump wants to hear dirt on those looking to unseat him. Think Joe Biden doesn't want dirt on Trump's sex life from the French?

Also it might be against campaign laws for the NSA or whoever to work for Trump's reelection directly. Not that I don't think a sitting President has an advantage just happening to have his man in charge of the CIA or whatever. But still, I suspect there are limits.

I am going to have to read the entire article , I thought it was just Trump not telling the FBI if someone told him.


Maybe that pop up and noisy ad should stay away and allow any of us to read it all.

Well if the laws say Trump has to tell the FBI about his contacts with foreign officials he should or he should push to change the laws. Can't go to amateur politician jail.

Honestly while I might investigate it on my own to prove the validity, I'd probably take information from the Taliban on my rivals......then I'd wonder why the Taliban or whatever scum were helping me. I'd take it though.
Well let's play out the scenario to illustrate one of the reasons you shouldn't. You take the information from the talliban or Russia for that matter and you get elected. After you are in office, someone from the talliban, or Russia gets into contact and tells you. "Give me this consession, or I blow the lid on the help I gave you and your willingness to accept it". They call it being compromised and it's not a good thing.
You mean like Britain, Australia, Ukraine, and Italian officials have just done outing Obama and Hillary for doing this?
First. I would like a source to back up these claims. Secondly. Their is an insane difference, between hiring a law firm to do opposition research. Contracts that stipulate that the law firm do their do diligence on checking the sources. The difference being that the law firm NOT the incumbent is responsible for the information. And the incumbent can as such not be compromised. Thirdly you just tried to compare Australia with the Taliban and Russia..... you don't see a problem with that?

You left one out.

Contracting with a private company isn't working with the government of a foreign nation.

trump worked with the Russian government. He said he would do it again.
Nothing like foreign countries killing our voting
rights. How patriotic.

Oh, the drama.

"Someone in Russia posted a picture of Hillary with horns on her head and I was so traumatized I couldn't vote."
And you are so stupid you want Russia determining our elections. Countries won’t offer dirt for nothing. You want politicians owing Russia?
Wonder why this got anyone upset? Who wouldn't want to know if Americans running for office is corrupt, rapist, killers?

Trump says he would 'want to hear' dirt on 2020 rivals from foreign governments, suggests he wouldn't contact FBI

Trump says he would 'want to hear' dirt on 2020 rivals from foreign governments, suggests he wouldn't contact FBI

Many Democrats reacted with outrage. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., a 2020 candidate for president, tweeted in response: "It's time for Congress to begin impeachment hearings."

It's against the law.

That's why people are so upset about it. Add to that real Americans don't want any foreign influence on our elections.

Real Americans don't break the law and don't use foreign nations to win elections.
No, it is not against the law, jackass.

Childishly calling me a name isn't going to make you less wrong.

It's against the law. Just because you're too stupid and lazy to do the research to find out the law doesn't mean you aren't wrong.

I admit it's fun to make a total fool of you to all of cyberspace and it's hilarious that you're too lazy to do a simple search before you post and make a total fool of yourself but aren't you getting tired of me making a fool of you? Or are you a masochist?

Whatever it is, thanks for the opportunity to have fun making a total fool of you. You really should make it a challenge. This is just way too easy.

52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a)ProhibitionIt shall be unlawful for—
foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;
(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or
(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]

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