Oops, Trump wants DACA 'legalized'.

The only thing I want, is the COTUS followed.

Either Congress passes a bill and the POTUS signs it into law, or deport them.

It really is that simple.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 9h9 hours ago

"Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

5:38 PM - 5 Sep 2017

...of course who can believe Trump one moment to the next...

Which is what he has been saying all along. Are you really that stupid? Oh....wait. It's you.....so...yeah, yeah you are that dumb.

I see you're still hurting. lol.

Tell us why you Trumptards thought he wanted DACA ended then.

Because DACA is against the law dipshit. For all of your whining about trump going to be a dictator it was your hero obummer who was acting like the dictator. He overstepped his authority by enacting DACA. All of the pundits claim that there is widespread support, from both sides of the aisle for the idea of DACA. So great, let them get off of their collective asses and DO something positive for the DACA recipients.

It is a problem that Congress can fix quite easily. Trump has said, "give me a Bill and I'll sign it", so he has done exactly what he promised to do which is get rid of an illegal program. Now, it is up to Congress to put their money where their mouths are.

It truly is that simple. So why can't you understand that?

DACA is not against the law. A President can make decisions on who will be deported. If he chooses not to deport a individual or group, he has the discretion.

Clearly you have never taken a Civics class. The LEGISLATIVE BRANCH makes laws. The EXECUTIVE BRANCH sets policy.

Go back to school.

The executive branch has prosecutorial discretion. The judicial branch also makes law, as in case law.
All these rants about the rule of law from the same crowd that last week was effusively praising Joe Arpaio for defying the law from his position in law enforcement.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 9h9 hours ago

"Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

5:38 PM - 5 Sep 2017

...of course who can believe Trump one moment to the next...

This one may sink the trumpster. He is basically backing off the other issue that got him elected. Turning out that all trump really is is a aJudge selector. That's fine but if all of a sudden he is for amnesty then he will end up spanked in 18-20.
Oh, and while we're on the subject of RW devotion to the rule of law,

anyone else remember a few years back when the RW crowd here was giving a standing ovation to certain sheriffs around the country who were vowing not to enforce certain gun LAWS?????
Oh, and while we're on the subject of RW devotion to the rule of law,

anyone else remember a few years back when the RW crowd here was giving a standing ovation to certain sheriffs around the country who were vowing not to enforce certain gun LAWS?????

Which laws? Specifically?
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 9h9 hours ago

"Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

5:38 PM - 5 Sep 2017

...of course who can believe Trump one moment to the next...
Yes, he wants it to be legalized. But under one condition. And that is to come up with a way to secure our borders. But congress rather see them Mexican deported back into their country, rather than preventing drugs from being smuggled into our country. I wonder why? Maybe it is because the drugs that are being smuggled into this country, belongs to them.. And the wall will put a major dent in their pocket book.

What this shows, and I am sure it is making the left gag, is that Trump supports the COTUS. Very unlike the dictator in chief that stated DACA. The whole issue is for the legislative branch to decide, it is not a dictate from the people like Obama who have no regard for the COTUS. Good for Trump, MAKE congress do their job. Restore the constitutional republic, just as he said he would.
Clearly you have never taken a Civics class. The LEGISLATIVE BRANCH makes laws. The EXECUTIVE BRANCH sets policy.

Go back to school.

No, nitwit..........
IF, " the Executive Branch [JUST] sets policy"......THEN, Executive Orders would NOT exist.
All these rants about the rule of law from the same crowd that last week was effusively praising Joe Arpaio for defying the law from his position in law enforcement.

What law did Joe break exactly?

Obviously, you right wing nitwits ONLY acknowledge the existence of the 2nd amendment...but are clueless about the 4th amendment.
Why are y'all still talking about this?

It's settled.

The dems will get to keep DACA in exchange for the Wall.

That's how the dems will be forced to compromise. There
won't be any hurricanes in December when the idea of
shutting down the gov't pops up again.

Ideally, DACA will be maintained thru legislative law. If
not Trump will write his own EO, in exchange for the wall.

He paraded the Gal Senator from No Dakota on his stage
the other day, basically putting her on notice..."I can help you
keep your job or I can get you ousted...how you vote from here
on out will determine which option I use." Manchin from WV got
the message and so will the others in States won heavily by Trump.

Trump just had to remind all of them.

Any EO only has merit thru the current President's term of office.
The next guy can get rid of it, or Congress can enact law continuing
it. But any EO is only temporary for the term of office of the President
who issued it. That's Civics 101.

Trump is so far ahead of the dems on this stuff it's becoming hysterical.

That wall isn't funded, you can kiss those 800K Dreamers goodbye.
I could care less what the polls say. The folks in the 30 States that
Trump carried are not going to base their vote on a bunch of illegal
Beaners. They've got more important concerns for themselves and
their families.

A "vote" is determined at a kitchen table when the family is setting
their household budget. Not on whether 28-year old Jose, who swam
across the Rio Grande with his illegal parents, gets to stay or not.
Is it a coincidence that the same senators who will have to make a public vote on this issue, are also the same senators who are staunchly opposing the presidents, and therefore the peoples agenda? I think not. Now; if these Republican senators go against the will of their constituency, they put their re-election at risk. This could be nothing less than an ingenious move by Trump to eliminate the opposition within the party. I eagerly look forward to seeing how this pans out.
deporting DREAMers is not the "people's agenda". The people don't support 100% of the things the President supports. Be smart.
When I say the "people"; I'm referring to the ones that actually matter. The Republican voters who put Trump in office. The Republican voters who have seized control of both houses, and the white house. The leftists opinion on this matter will be a moot point.
When I say the "people"; I'm referring to the ones that actually matter. The Republican voters who put Trump in office. The Republican voters who have seized control of both houses, and the white house. The leftists opinion on this matter will be a moot point.

54% of "the people" don't matter?

They don't. The only ones that will really matter, are those registered as republican; who will be deciding the fate of the incumbents. That's just how it is....
Don't think that most of us have forgotten how much we mattered for the previous 8 years. Paybacks a bitch. We'll let you come along for the ride. But you'll have to sit in the back...
Republicans won't have a party when Donnie is done with them.....
Republicans won't have a party when Donnie is done with them.....

What the Trumpster has done in wrecking/dividing the GOP, NO democrat could ever have aspired to do......What we have now is a 1/3 of the country's voters as a Trump Cult.
Last edited:
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 9h9 hours ago

"Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

5:38 PM - 5 Sep 2017

...of course who can believe Trump one moment to the next...
Yes, he wants it to be legalized. But under one condition. And that is to come up with a way to secure our borders. But congress rather see them Mexican deported back into their country, rather than preventing drugs from being smuggled into our country. I wonder why? Maybe it is because the drugs that are being smuggled into this country, belongs to them.. And the wall will put a major dent in their pocket book.

That's not what Trump said. He is getting everyone ready for amnesty under another name.
Is it a coincidence that the same senators who will have to make a public vote on this issue, are also the same senators who are staunchly opposing the presidents, and therefore the peoples agenda? I think not. Now; if these Republican senators go against the will of their constituency, they put their re-election at risk. This could be nothing less than an ingenious move by Trump to eliminate the opposition within the party. I eagerly look forward to seeing how this pans out.
deporting DREAMers is not the "people's agenda". The people don't support 100% of the things the President supports. Be smart.
When I say the "people"; I'm referring to the ones that actually matter. The Republican voters who put Trump in office. The Republican voters who have seized control of both houses, and the white house. The leftists opinion on this matter will be a moot point.
When I say the "people"; I'm referring to the ones that actually matter. The Republican voters who put Trump in office. The Republican voters who have seized control of both houses, and the white house. The leftists opinion on this matter will be a moot point.

54% of "the people" don't matter?

They don't. The only ones that will really matter, are those registered as republican; who will be deciding the fate of the incumbents. That's just how it is....
Don't think that most of us have forgotten how much we mattered for the previous 8 years. Paybacks a bitch. We'll let you come along for the ride. But you'll have to sit in the back...
Republicans won't have a party when Donnie is done with them.....

This is a good thing. Democrats as they are and have been we're done in 2008. We just need all of us old ones to hurry up and die. Doesn't McCan live in a legal suicide state? Anyone call him?
All these rants about the rule of law from the same crowd that last week was effusively praising Joe Arpaio for defying the law from his position in law enforcement.

What law did Joe break exactly?

Obviously, you right wing nitwits ONLY acknowledge the existence of the 2nd amendment...but are clueless about the 4th amendment.

What law again? Oh yeah, contempt of court. That's about three rings under an Liss violation in severity. Trump was an idiot to even acknowledge the charges. Just made an issue where there was none.you suckers fell for it on both sides.

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