oops...cain is pro choice

Too bad THC doesn't cause abortions.

that's pretty stupid. but why would that be? are you so pathetically brain dead that you think only "lefties" get high? (i don't get high btw... was never my thing.. before you think it appropriate to go there and make yourself look even more stupid than you already have).
Too bad THC doesn't cause abortions.

that's pretty stupid. but why would that be? are you so pathetically brain dead that you think only "lefties" get high? (i don't get high btw... was never my thing.. before you think it appropriate to go there and make yourself look even more stupid than you already have).

I am all for respecting your right to cull. I see it elsewhere in nature as necessary for species managment.

If you could combine the marvelous medicinal qualities of THC for embryonic culling as means to facilitate reproductive freedom in a smokeable medium.....all upside.
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You are the worst type of racist.

Of course, Blacks can't think for themselves.

Fucking racist.

So you agree that Cain is a racist.
You are the worst type of racist.

Of course, Blacks can't think for themselves.

Fucking racist.

So you agree that Cain is a racist.

Lakota is a racist.

It posts its racism regularly.

From the cartoon he posted you extrapolated that he's a racist.

This is what Herman Cain said:

"African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view"

Fox Link

So based on the standard you just set, Cain is a racist.
So you agree that Cain is a racist.

Lakota is a racist.

It posts its racism regularly.

From the cartoon he posted you extrapolated that he's a racist.

This is what Herman Cain said:

"African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view"

Fox Link

So based on the standard you just set, Cain is a racist.
Actually, from many other if it's vile racist posts I KNOW it's a racist. It's in the same league as USARetarded.
So you agree that Cain is a racist.

Lakota is a racist.

It posts its racism regularly.

From the cartoon he posted you extrapolated that he's a racist.

This is what Herman Cain said:

"African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view"

Fox Link

So based on the standard you just set, Cain is a racist.

That's different! Somehow.

Lakota is a racist.

It posts its racism regularly.

From the cartoon he posted you extrapolated that he's a racist.

This is what Herman Cain said:

"African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view"

Fox Link

So based on the standard you just set, Cain is a racist.

That's different! Somehow.
Actually, it's a vile racist and I base that on several vile racist posts it makes. It is in the same league as USAR.

But, nice to see you and others defend that sort of racism.
From the cartoon he posted you extrapolated that he's a racist.

This is what Herman Cain said:

"African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view"

Fox Link

So based on the standard you just set, Cain is a racist.

That's different! Somehow.
Actually, it's a vile racist and I base that on several vile racist posts it makes. It is in the same league as USAR.

But, nice to see you and others defend that sort of racism.
You called Lahkota a racist for posting that cartoon when the cartoon was merely a dig at Cain for saying blacks are brainwashed.

But you won't call Cain a racist.

I am not surprised.
From the cartoon he posted you extrapolated that he's a racist.

This is what Herman Cain said:

"African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view"

Fox Link

So based on the standard you just set, Cain is a racist.

That's different! Somehow.
Actually, it's a vile racist and I base that on several vile racist posts it makes. It is in the same league as USAR.

But, nice to see you and others defend that sort of racism.

You know what I find fascinating about USMB? That I see right wingers call out other right wingers on their racism almost daily. But I never see the left calling their own racists out. In fact, I see them positively encouraging it. Is that this 'white guilt' we hear so much about?

*Edit: Except Jillian. Jillian has, more than once, called it from the left. But she is a liberal, not a lefty. The rest of them, meh, just a bunch of borg.
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That's different! Somehow.
Actually, it's a vile racist and I base that on several vile racist posts it makes. It is in the same league as USAR.

But, nice to see you and others defend that sort of racism.
You called Lahkota a racist for posting that cartoon when the cartoon was merely a dig at Cain for saying blacks are brainwashed.

But you won't call Cain a racist.

I am not surprised.
No, I won't call Cain a racist.

And, nice to see you giving a vile racist such as Lakota a pass.

You really should review its posts, just even from yesterday.

But, you give it a pass.
so herman cain said he doesn't think government has a role in telling a woman what to do with her body.


man are the rightwingnuts gonna be ticked.

He's right. They don't. But wait.... I'm supposed to be one of those 'rightwingnuts' that you speak of. Oops. My bad. I guess we don't all fit in the box that the left keep trying to keep the lid on, huh?
From the cartoon he posted you extrapolated that he's a racist.

This is what Herman Cain said:

"African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view"

Fox Link

So based on the standard you just set, Cain is a racist.

That's different! Somehow.
Actually, it's a vile racist and I base that on several vile racist posts it makes. It is in the same league as USAR.

But, nice to see you and others defend that sort of racism.


The post again and your reaction to it.

You are the worst type of racist.

Of course, Blacks can't think for themselves.

Fucking racist.

You are clearly accusing him of being a racist based off that post claiming that by posting it he is saying "blacks can't think for themselves". It's right there.

Moving on...

In comes Herman Cain ACTUALLY SAYING what you accused Lakota of implying.... you know, that's blacks are brainwashed and can't think for themselves.

Now, do you want to just admit that by that standard Cain is a racist or would you prefer to try and twist and turn some more?
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Actually, it's a vile racist and I base that on several vile racist posts it makes. It is in the same league as USAR.

But, nice to see you and others defend that sort of racism.
You called Lahkota a racist for posting that cartoon when the cartoon was merely a dig at Cain for saying blacks are brainwashed.

But you won't call Cain a racist.

I am not surprised.
No, I won't call Cain a racist.

And, nice to see you giving a vile racist such as Lakota a pass.

You really should review its posts, just even from yesterday.

But, you give it a pass.

It's funny that you accuse Ravi of giving Lakhota a pass while saying you wont call Cain a racist.
he's not a serious candidate. people should stop treating him like he is. that's the fact.

He's obviously said and done enough to have you (and the rest of your party) concerned enough to try to diminish his viability..........


Not only diminish his viability but trash him, belittle him, destroy him. Already we are seeing thread after thread that sure look to me like they are intended to create distrust, animosity, and opposition to him.

He must have them reaaaaaallly worried. :)

My thoughts exactly. MSNBC is now painting him as "dumb".
On Friday, Martin Bashir asked one of his liberal guests, "Do you think Herman Cain can spell the word 'Iraq?'" (video follows with commentary):

For the record, Cain received a Masters degree in computer science from Purdue while working full-time for the Department of the Navy as a ballistics analyst. He went on to be CEO of Godfather's Pizza, CEO of the National Restaurants Association, chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve, and has served on the Board of Directors for major companies including Nabisco and Whirlpool.

Read more: Bashir Asks Liberal Guest 'Do You Think Herman Cain Can Spell the Word "Iraq?"' | NewsBusters.org

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