Only Beck Could Possibly Be So Brazen As To Put Religious Figure in A V

All this because Glenn Beck immersed the bobblehead of the god Obama in a vat of 'urine'. How stupid you people of the Left are. You can't see the forest for the trees. You don't even blink if it's a figure of Christ but get all discombobbled over the same thing happening to Obama. It's really sick on your part. Of course it's not art in either case. But it is freedom of speech. Get over it. Your ire is misdirected.
It wasn't even urine, it was beer.

All this because Glenn Beck immersed the bobblehead of the god Obama in a vat of 'urine'. How stupid you people of the Left are. You can't see the forest for the trees. You don't even blink if it's a figure of Christ but get all discombobbled over the same thing happening to Obama. It's really sick on your part. Of course it's not art in either case. But it is freedom of speech. Get over it. Your ire is misdirected.
Can't think of a more appropriate thing to do with a Maobama bubblehead, glub, glub, glub.

About Beck being an idiot, he's got 20+ best selling books, remind me again how many Maobama has.
The boy king had two, count'em TWO autobiographies before he had ever done a damn thing...yes he is a legend in his own mind.

Can't think of a more appropriate thing to do with a Maobama bubblehead, glub, glub, glub.

About Beck being an idiot, he's got 20+ best selling books, remind me again how many Maobama has.
he didn't write it

i know you're not the sharpest bulb on the tree, but you do know how to click on a link, yes?

Are you saying that somebody hacked Kurtz's Twitter account? Was it the same person that hacked Weiner's?

no, the idiot OP's link shows kurtz' twitter and it doesn't say what the idiot op says it says.


It doesn't say "Only Glenn Beck would make art out of urine?"
maybe an obama doll is a religious figure to you, burt most people with an iq in the room temperature range know better.

oh, wait, you listen to beck

sorry :lol:

Anyone with an IQ above the freezing point of Helium would get that the title is to point out how dumb Kurtz really is.

and anyone but a hack like you would realize that the thread title is a lie and has nothing to do with pointing out how dumb kurtz is.

but you can keep telling yourself that; if nothing else, you have an infinite capacity for self delusion

The thread title is hyperbole, learn the difference.
Are you saying that somebody hacked Kurtz's Twitter account? Was it the same person that hacked Weiner's?

no, the idiot OP's link shows kurtz' twitter and it doesn't say what the idiot op says it says.


It doesn't say "Only Glenn Beck would make art out of urine?"

no, it doesn't

neither does the thread title.

you're not usually quite this stupid

are you posting from a well ventilated area?
How could the sheeple of Beck be so stupit as to semi worship tis guy?
He is a pathetic attention whore who got rich off of fools parting with their money.
Beck is capable of anything. I once saw him boil live baby frogs. Sad...

Gee Lakhota, I didn't know that plastic frogs were live frogs. But then again if you're an Obamafile, you're as gullible as any easily led, lemming like liberal.

Many of you have seen the video above where it appears that Glenn Beck boiled a live frog on national TV. Horrid blog stories and YouTube postings have been going around about this. Unfortunately, most people did not do the research necessary. Glenn Beck did NOT boil a live frog. It was a special effects piece in which he was filmed beforehand reaching for a live frog, then the camera pulls away to show Mr. Beck apparently holding the frog and putting the cute little frog in the boiling water. But, it was done by special effects.
Glenn Beck did NOT boil a frog | OrthoCuban

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