Only Beck Could Possibly Be So Brazen As To Put Religious Figure in A V

Can't think of a more appropriate thing to do with a Maobama bubblehead, glub, glub, glub.

About Beck being an idiot, he's got 20+ best selling books, remind me again how many Maobama has.

Beckalso owns a cable TV station. Oh, I know MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, CNN, and CBS are all in the tank for Oblamer just as Huppo, DailyKos, NY Slimes, WAPO and a slew of other yellow news rags populated by Journ0lists. But you have to give Beck credit for making you look and see the ridiculous. I noticed that no one on you side made a peep when so-called artists used feces to decorate the crucifix. Just as someone here has crucified a poor frog. Hmm, was it plastic like the one Beck used? You decide.

Retarded NaziCons keep showering Beck with money. Keep it flowing, while he laughs at you on his way to the bank.

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