Only 2 unarmed blacks killed by cops in 2021 while 57 cops killed by lowlifes

To repeat, only 2 unarmed black men were killed by cops In the entire year, amazing when you consider that cops have 50 million encounters a year, many with drunk, drugged, belligerent, defiant thugs.
Sadly, an unusually high percentage of young gentlemen of ethnicity X are "belligerent, defiant [t---s]."

Just ask any cop, teacher, or manager of any business.
57 unarmed cops were killed last year? ... horsefeathers ... cops always pack heat on their hip ...

But I see your point ... roughly 750 black people thought to shoot at the cops this year ... no one's blaming the cops for shooting back ... on the other forepaw, if we use ratios then we can say 20 unarmed white people were gunned down in cold blood by the cops ... doesn't sound as innocent, now does it ...

Your "problem" is that you live in a community where all lives already matter, including black lives ... you police department is full of true professionals and folks who are fully dedicated to the 14th Amendment ... we're after the police departments who aren't professional, who don't care about constitutional rights ... there's not many of them, but we're looking and when we find them we're going to be making a racket ... Minneapolis is just the start ... rooting out police corruption is good for everyone ...
1) I didnā€™t say the cops were unarmed - they never are.

2) Iā€™ve come across ratios of unarmed whites shot - itā€™s 3:1. Still, thatā€˜s in line with the fact that blacks commit 50% of violent crime, so the ratio isnā€™t disturbing at all.

3) Letā€™s go with your white shootings. If itā€™s 3x as many, that means around 30 a year. Still quite impressive given that cops have 50 million encounters a year. Someone else can do the math, but that would mean that around 99.99% of police encounters, many with belligerent, defiant, and drunk criminals - ended without the criminal being killed.

4) Iā€™m not sure how you know about my community. You remember where I live??
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The number should be zero Lisa. Otherwise it sounds as if you're advocating and supporting the police shooting unarmed citizens even if they are black.
No that number should not be zero..

Criminals attacking cops should expect to be shot. Need to be shot to protect the public from the criminals. It is very hard to stop a druggy---they have almost inhuman strenght some are quit large and with affirmative action--small female cops and others have no chance to stop them without shooting them.
Yet you guys have no problem with the 1/6 insurrection attempt that killed one cop and injured 140 more....

Culters are going to cult...
There was no insurrection. YOU are the one who belongs to a cult if you think ONE riot by right-wingers negates or excuses the hundreds of riots by left-wingers, which btw, resulted in catastrophic loss - including 30 murders.
Sadly, an unusually high percentage of young gentlemen of ethnicity X are "belligerent, defiant [t---s]."

Just ask any cop, teacher, or manager of any business.

That's what happens when you routinely violate people's rights. The Founders understood this. It's what happens when you hassle people over an air freshener hanging from their rear view mirror. It's what happens when you decide to pull people over for having a "wide set nose".
You pointed visitors to your article to the "only" two black unarmed individuals yet you bitch when that's what I focused on?

You didn't give any information on how the officers died, for all I know a significant portion of them could have died in patrol vehicle accidents. And if they were on duty we can presume THEY were armed correct?

By the way, Kim Potter was just convicted for one of those two shootings of an unarmed black citizen. So your number went down, that should make you happy.

"drunk, drugged, belligerent, defiant thugs" who specifically are you describing here?
OMG. Trying to downplay the thugs who ambush cops - ā€maybe the cops dies in a traffic accidentā€ - while going back and focusing the the cop who killed an unarmed yet defiant black man.
57 unarmed cops were killed last year? ... horsefeathers ... cops always pack heat on their hip ...

But I see your point ... roughly 750 black people thought to shoot at the cops this year ... no one's blaming the cops for shooting back ... on the other forepaw, if we use ratios then we can say 20 unarmed white people were gunned down in cold blood by the cops ... doesn't sound as innocent, now does it ...

Your "problem" is that you live in a community where all lives already matter, including black lives ... you police department is full of true professionals and folks who are fully dedicated to the 14th Amendment ... we're after the police departments who aren't professional, who don't care about constitutional rights ... there's not many of them, but we're looking and when we find them we're going to be making a racket ... Minneapolis is just the start ... rooting out police corruption is good for everyone ...
What are you babbling about..I have a white brother in law who was unarmed and shot by a cop....several times. He had it coming. He had taken the cops flashlight after refusing to be arrested and took to hitting the cop with his own flashlight. There ain't no way any cop could have stopped his meth ass without shooting him. He was shot multiple times including the family jewels---he beat the shit out of the cop still and walked 3 miles home. Did BLM whine and carry on about him being shot--nope just his dumb ass mother.
There was no insurrection. YOU are the one who belongs to a cult if you think ONE riot by right-wingers negates or excuses the hundreds of riots by left-wingers, which btw, resulted in catastrophic loss - including 30 murders.

Right... you guys failed at your insurrection attempt. Remember when you guys were blaming the FBI for running the insurrection attempt? Are you now admitting it was your fellow cult members?
ā€¦.or put another way:

More cops have been killed in last year alone than the TOTAL number of unarmed blacks in the PAST 10 YEARS.

It truly exhibits the degree of restraint cops exhibit have with defiant criminals. The exception to this is rare, and when it occurs, it is leading news.
These assholes, with their tinted fucking windows, are out here driving reckless af, speeding, running red lights, driving drunk, illegally parking, blasting their stupid fucking music...because cops stopped policing and won't pull them over. And all of these low life assholes have guns in their autos.
You pointed visitors to your article to the "only" two black unarmed individuals yet you bitch when that's what I focused on?

You didn't give any information on how the officers died, for all I know a significant portion of them could have died in patrol vehicle accidents. And if they were on duty we can presume THEY were armed correct?

By the way, Kim Potter was just convicted for one of those two shootings of an unarmed black citizen. So your number went down, that should make you happy.

"drunk, drugged, belligerent, defiant thugs" who specifically are you describing here?
The thugs Iā€™m referring to as beligerant and defiant areā€¦duhā€¦.thugs being belligerent and defiant when given orders by cops. Whatā€™s so confusing?
Right... you guys failed at your insurrection attempt. Remember when you guys were blaming the FBI for running the insurrection attempt? Are you now admitting it was your fellow cult members?
Againā€¦.there was no insurrection attempt. Youā€™re just making yourself sound like a stupid leftist.

More concerning is the lawlessness committed by BLM barbarians, for months on end, in city after city, condoned by Democrats.
These numbers really put the lie to the claim used by leftists to divide the country (for the election) that cops are hunting down unarmed blacks. Itā€™s time the truth of this monstrous lie, which has led to cries of ā€œblack oppression,ā€ CRT influence in the schools, mass rioting and destruction and murder in the name of the racist BKM movement, and an unjustified favoritism toward blacks.

To repeat, only 2 unarmed black men were killed by cops In the entire year, amazing when you consider that cops have 50 million encounters a year, many with drunk, drugged, belligerent, defiant thugs.

Why is so much more made in the rare in the rare instance when blacks are killed - national news, televised trial - given that 25x as many cops were killed in the last year alone.

P.S. My mistake - the number of cops killed was 58. But another was killed last night, so the number is 59.

2019. Of these, 48 officers died

58 in 2020. 48 in 2019.

Looks like about 50 cops a year are murdered.


2011, 72 police died. 2012 only 27 died.
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57 unarmed cops were killed last year? ... horsefeathers ... cops always pack heat on their hip ...

But I see your point ... roughly 750 black people thought to shoot at the cops this year ... no one's blaming the cops for shooting back ... on the other forepaw, if we use ratios then we can say 20 unarmed white people were gunned down in cold blood by the cops ... doesn't sound as innocent, now does it ...

Your "problem" is that you live in a community where all lives already matter, including black lives ... you police department is full of true professionals and folks who are fully dedicated to the 14th Amendment ... we're after the police departments who aren't professional, who don't care about constitutional rights ... there's not many of them, but we're looking and when we find them we're going to be making a racket ... Minneapolis is just the start ... rooting out police corruption is good for everyone ...

Having a gun on you doesnt stop you from being ambushed which is what we're seeing a lot of these days.
These people are just walking up to cops sitting in their patrol car and shooting them in the head,carrying a gun wont stop that.

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