Only 18% of voters think brexit is going "well"

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

And they must be on crack.
Not one part of the UK or its economy is actually performing. And remember that they still havent found an answer to the GFA yet. 5 years down the line. Where is your oven ready deal blojob ?
Too many globalists mucking things up...and a lack of EU cooperation in the exit has caused issues to arise...but I would like to see some globalist's in the UK try and go back...then you would see just how many brits still support Brexit...its just not being handled right....and sadly purposely...
Too many globalists mucking things up...and a lack of EU cooperation in the exit has caused issues to arise...but I would like to see some globalist's in the UK try and go back...then you would see just how many brits still support Brexit...its just not being handled right....and sadly purposely...
Nope. There was no plan to fuck up in the first place. It was all a pack of lies. You people use the word "globalist" like some sort of a catch all excuse but you couldnt explain what it means without inventing more bollox.
Nope. There was no plan to fuck up in the first place. It was all a pack of lies. You people use the word "globalist" like some sort of a catch all excuse but you couldnt explain what it means without inventing more bollox.
Stick with it Brexit supporters...don't let them push you away from national sovereignty for the UK....

And they must be on crack.
Not one part of the UK or its economy is actually performing. And remember that they still havent found an answer to the GFA yet. 5 years down the line. Where is your oven ready deal blojob ?
The whole reason why the European Union was formed, was to form a group of countries that would work together so they could compete with the United States in business practices. Unfortunately with the countries like Greece that is full of lazy ass progressives, their contribution to the EU, had put a strain on the Euro, so the United States, under the brown turd Obammy, bailed out the EU with billions of dollars. Until the worthless countries get off their progressives asses, the EU will continue to fail, and Britstain is smart to get out before they get dragged down the crapper with it..

Nope. There was no plan to fuck up in the first place. It was all a pack of lies. You people use the word "globalist" like some sort of a catch all excuse but you couldnt explain what it means without inventing more bollox.
To have a one world government that oversees the rest of the population that hasnt been exterminated, because there has to be some slaves to do the hard labor so those in charge can live in luxury but the rest live in squalor.

And they must be on crack.
Not one part of the UK or its economy is actually performing. And remember that they still havent found an answer to the GFA yet. 5 years down the line. Where is your oven ready deal blojob ?
I know, let's put that 18% in "reeducation camps". That should fix the problem..........
I know, let's put that 18% in "reeducation camps". That should fix the problem..........
Its not as bad as the number who would have trump back but it is still a concern. Something we can ponder on as we queue up for basics like petrol and milk.

And they must be on crack.
Not one part of the UK or its economy is actually performing. And remember that they still havent found an answer to the GFA yet. 5 years down the line. Where is your oven ready deal blojob ?

People who clearly live in another country, or who would say Brexit is going well no matter how bad it got.

Some people would never admit to being wrong.
People who clearly live in another country, or who would say Brexit is going well no matter how bad it got.

Some people would never admit to being wrong.
The thing is we havent reached bottom yet. They still havent resolved the Irish border. Probably because there is no answer to that question.
When the bombs start exploding they might wake up.
Maybe BREXIT was a bad idea.

Maybe The British People aren't ready for sovereignty.

Maybe it's better for England to be a vassal state of the EU.

Let's face it. Freedom is hard. It comes with consequences and a truly free people can only blame themselves for their failures.

Not every people have it in them to live free. They need the overseer.

And they must be on crack.
Not one part of the UK or its economy is actually performing. And remember that they still havent found an answer to the GFA yet. 5 years down the line. Where is your oven ready deal blojob ?
I'm sure the globalists are doing all they can to cause trouble...but on top of this, you have COVID, BIDEN AMERICANS which will fuck the brits and everyone else over, and slowing world economy also thanks large to shit for brains biden.
The thing is we havent reached bottom yet. They still havent resolved the Irish border. Probably because there is no answer to that question.
When the bombs start exploding they might wake up.

Problem with the bombs is they'll just do what they did before, and say they won't negotiate with terrorists and use it for nationalistic purposes. Nothing like having a good enemy to gain support.
Too many globalists mucking things up...and a lack of EU cooperation in the exit

A what? In June 2016 - 5 years ago - the Brits decided something 52:48 (~50:50) what was on a mysterious reason interpreted as the will of all Brits to leave the EU, although all Brits who had lived 15 years and longer not on the territory of Great Britain was taken their right to vote.

The Brits had 2 years time to leave the EU - they needed 4½ years to do so while the EU was - and is - unbelievable patient with GB.

has caused issues to arise...but I would like to see some globalist's in the UK try and go back...then you would see just how many brits still support Brexit...its just not being handled right....and sadly purposely...
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Brexit is suffering from the same thing Trump suffered from. Greedy globalists and elitists have sabotaged every move to derail anything that will jeopardize their ability to steal and rig anything they can use to gain money or power. Brexit, like Trump, puts the people first and the robber barons in the establishment hate that.

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