One car wreck kills Sheriff in AZ .. Sheriff Larry Dever dies

i am not one for conspiracies so we'll call this what it is a sad accident and leave it at that. the law is being enforced and arizona is getting some return on their hard work. Kudos to them.
He was in favor of the immigration laws that the GOV Brewer and was a harsh critic of Obama . .I am wondering if this was a "real accident" Or our GOV trying to shut up the outspoken Sheriff up. Better watch out Sheriff Joe Arpaio you are probably next ..Arizona sheriff Larry Dever, 60, dies in one-car wreck | Fox News

It's amazing how many critics of this evil obamaregime end up dead. Odd this happened the same day the Fast and Furious report was released.
He was in favor of the immigration laws that the GOV Brewer and was a harsh critic of Obama . .I am wondering if this was a "real accident" Or our GOV trying to shut up the outspoken Sheriff up. Better watch out Sheriff Joe Arpaio you are probably next ..Arizona sheriff Larry Dever, 60, dies in one-car wreck | Fox News

It's amazing how many critics of this evil obamaregime end up dead. Odd this happened the same day the Fast and Furious report was released.

And you call paul supporters looney....
Sometimes and accident is just an accident. My condolences to the family.
This just in: President Obama has ordered a hit on some guy in Arizona no one has ever heard of.

Actually, Obama doesn't get the credit. The Navy SEALS do.

Who's next? There's a rich guy in Wisconsin using roads and bridges. That's a real burr in the saddle. We better deal with that.

Make it look like an accident.

Doncha think Obama supporters would have taken out Brewer herself, instead?


That would kinda sorta make sense.

Regards from Rosie
He was in favor of the immigration laws that the GOV Brewer and was a harsh critic of Obama . .I am wondering if this was a "real accident" Or our GOV trying to shut up the outspoken Sheriff up. Better watch out Sheriff Joe Arpaio you are probably next ..Arizona sheriff Larry Dever, 60, dies in one-car wreck | Fox News

Yes. DHS agents shot out the car's tires with one of the 450 million hollow point bullets that DHS is currently hoarding in order to herd Republicans into fema concentration camps after the election.

You've totally identified an all-too-real conspiracy. The government now knows you're onto them and your cover is blown. Pack up everything you can carry, remove the GPS tracker and license plate from your car, and using cash only, flee for your life.

I can hear the black helicopters in the distance.
:death: Update :death:

Chatter on federale channels indicates that Lovebears is now being targeted by socialistic FEMA goons bent on capturing her and taking her to an unrevealed location deep in FEMA country, where she will be forced to live in a single-wide and attend re-education classes.

Lovebears, please contact me so I can put you in touch with the underground failroad.

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