One, And Only One, Major GOP Donor Dares Challenge The Conservatives’ Love For Guns


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
It has been well established that the vast majority of conservatives love their guns far more than they love their children. It is the opinion of these gun nuts that their dead children are easily replaced, but once the Second Amendment is jeopardized, the slippery slope to confiscation of all firearms will begin.

Real estate developer and prominent Republican donor Al Hoffman Jr. said, “he's cutting off support to any candidates or groups who don't endorse renewing the ban on assault weapons, the kind of firearms employed in almost every recent mass shooting.”

This is a gutsy move by Hoffman, as the Republican voter base is overwhelmingly pro-gun, and alienating this large group is not in his best financial interest. Neither is it in the best financial interests of those other major Republican donors he is attempting to recruit for his one-(Republican) man campaign to infringe on the constitutional right conservatives hold most dear.

The love affair conservatives have with weapons designed to kill massive numbers of their fellow citizens is long standing. And the GOP has spent decades exploiting the right-wingers’ paranoia that there could come a day when the Second Amendment is no more. Therefore, the gun nuts oppose any responsible and rational regulations proposed to provide background checks or that keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill.

Given the evident instability of most conservatives, it is understandable why they fear such regulations. Most would be unable to buy firearms should these regulations become law. And it could lead to law enforcement impounding the weapons conservatives already own, until tests are run to judge the conservatives’ capability to store and use them in a responsible manner.

Yes, our children would be considerably safer with the passage of these commonsense regulations. But, over the many years these mass killings have occurred, Al Hoffman Jr. and his other fat cat cronies have been aware the deaths were the fault of the GOP’s pandering to the gun nuts. However, until now the fat cats have looked upon these mass shootings and children’s deaths as an acceptable part of keeping their pro-business/anti-worker Republican puppets in office.

How many of his fat cat cronies will be willing to take the gamble Hoffman is proposing is unknown. The conservatives’ collective voting record indicates any GOP candidate caving to Hoffman’s threats will force that candidate’s potential constituents to stay home on election day.

While it’s true devoted Republican voters will vote for no one but a member of their Party, there would be a sizable number of GOP politicians who need Hoffman’s contributions so would be quick to do as he tells them. To protest this betrayal by their beloved Republicans politicians, the conservatives’ only option will be to avoid going to the polls in 2018 and the years beyond. This will be true until Republican candidates grow some balls and stand up for billionaires like the Koch Brothers, and not capitulate to the likes of Al Hoffman Jr.

The Republican establishment spent decades brainwashing their loyal voter base, with the threat of the Democrats’ repeal of the Second Amendment. In reality this has never been considered by the Democrats, as it would be impossible to get such an unpopular movement off the ground. But, the majority of Americans, responsible gun owners, and collectors have long supported commonsense gun regulations.

Unfortunately, the unreasonable opposition by reactionaries in the NRA and GOP's base, make it possible for these mass killings to continue.

It is highly likely Hoffman will find his thousands of letters to fellow fat cat GOP contributors to join him go unanswered, and those responses he does receive will be a loud and resounding “NO!” As stated above, the fat cats have looked upon these mass shootings and children’s deaths as an acceptable part of keeping their pro-business/anti-worker Republican puppets in office. And though Al Hoffman Jr.'s conscience may be bothering him, as we've learned, rich conservatives don't become wealthy enough and fear they will not remain rich beyond their desires, if they possess a conscience or feel empathy.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. non-sequiturs, transference, ratings, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time. Not to mention, how often certain conservatives on these message boards prove by the rating they give, that they find the deaths of children to be funny. You know who you are, and you’re sick.

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The vast majority of legal gun owners never shoot or kill anyone. FACT. Your gun control measures have FAILED miserably. Since they have been in effect, things have just gotten worse and worse and worse. Obviously your plans to "control" crazy people through gun laws have been a big FAT failure. Time to try something new.
conservatives love their guns far more than they love their children

No ... but I do love MY children far more than I love yours. I'm hoping, for their sake, you feel the same about your children.
Love of The Constitution. I know it's hard for a Liberal to belive someone could possibly love the document that makes this country unique in the world.
It's not the guns Republicans love.

It's the killing. Make them breathe hard and get moist and oh so excited.

Oh, and the fetus. The born? Not so much.
The very first sentence is a lie, why bother reading any further?
It's the killing. Make them breathe hard and get moist and oh so excited.

Love of The Constitution. I know it's hard for a Liberal to belive someone could possibly love the document that makes this country unique in the world.
Well, you just keep right on loving inanimate objects. One of these or these may be one for which you may care to trade someone in your life for it'll have of you no expectations regarding ethics or reason, requiring instead that you only desire, act and think only insofar as to appease your own conceits. For my part, I'll stick with caring for and loving people and humanity.
Love of The Constitution. I know it's hard for a Liberal to belive someone could possibly love the document that makes this country unique in the world.
Well, you just keep right on loving inanimate objects. One of these or these may be one for which you may care to trade someone in your life for it'll have of you no expectations regarding ethics or reason, requiring instead that you only desire, act and think only insofar as to appease your own conceits. For my part, I'll stick with caring for and loving people and humanity.

Nah I have a 9mm, a .45, an AR15, a few shotguns ,and various other lower caliber weapons that say I can protect the ones I love not to mention the firearms they have anyone who comes after me or mine is truly fucked. I also live in a state that believes firearm ownership is a good thing so there will likely be a good guy with a gun close by.

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