Once And For All, J6 Is The Result Of Democrat, Big Govt, Federal/Local Capitol Police Failure.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats and snowflakes continue to wage a never-ending mis-information / propaganda campain to blame Former President Trump for the J6 violent protest and breach of the Capitol.


J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

Despite having MONTHS to act and more than enough Intel, all those listed above FAILED to prevent J6 and protect tbe Capitol.

Instead, they spent MONTHS recruiting, infiltrating, spying, planning, training, and executing a series of plans and operations that completely FAILED.


Within 72 HOURS, not over a period of months, 1.7 miles of security fencing - that was available prior to J6 - was erected around the WH after J6.

This security fencing had been used successfully to protect the WH and USSC building in the past.

It was available for use MONTHS prior to J6, when Democrats, the DOJ, FBI, etc... WERE instead wasting time and money recruiting informants, infiltrating numerous groups, planning 'Entrapment' Ops, planning for more than 30 undercover agents dressed as Trump supporters to be at the Capitol the night prior to and on J6.

They rejected the use of this simple but proven effective tool / deterent.

Had this incompetent 'clown posse' erected the security fence around the Capitol prior to J6 there would have been no J6, no J6 violent protest, no political prisoners, & no need for a J6 committee.

Enough of the Democrat / snowflake bullshit blaming of Trump.

US AG Garland tried to prove Trump's involvement and failed. He was left with nothing to do except BEG judges to allow Trump to be sued despite his FAILURE to prove Trump's involvement.

The J6 committee attempted to do the same thing. Their partisan, Trump-obsessed focus on 'Get Trump' & taking and mistreatnent of political prisoners have been exposed, leaving the US govt / Biden administration looking like a corrupt 3rd-world govt, being mocked by leaders like the President of El Salvador.

Again...J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

Democrats and snowflakes continue to wage a never-ending mis-information / propaganda campain to blame Former President Trump for the J6 violent protest and breach of the Capitol.


J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

Despite having MONTHS to act and more than enough Intel, all those listed above FAILED to prevent J6 and protect tbe Capitol.

Instead, they spent MONTHS recruiting, infiltrating, spying, planning, training, and executing a series of plans and operations that completely FAILED.

View attachment 765360

Within 72 HOURS, not over a period of months, 1.7 miles of security fencing - that was available prior to J6 - was erected around the WH after J6.

This security fencing had been used successfully to protect the WH and USSC building in the past.

It was available for use MONTHS prior to J6, when Democrats, the DOJ, FBI, etc... WERE instead wasting time and money recruiting informants, infiltrating numerous groups, planning 'Entrapment' Ops, planning for more than 30 undercover agents dressed as Trump supporters to be at the Capitol the night prior to and on J6.

They rejected the use of this simple but proven effective tool / deterent.

Had this incompetent 'clown posse' erected the security fence around the Capitol prior to J6 there would have been no J6, no J6 violent protest, no political prisoners, & no need for a J6 committee.

Enough of the Democrat / snowflake bullshit blaming of Trump.

US AG Garland tried to prove Trump's involvement and failed. He was left with nothing to do except BEG judges to allow Trump to be sued despite his FAILURE to prove Trump's involvement.

The J6 committee attempted to do the same thing. Their partisan, Trump-obsessed focus on 'Get Trump' & taking and mistreatnent of political prisoners have been exposed, leaving the US govt / Biden administration looking like a corrupt 3rd-world govt, being mocked by leaders like the President of El Salvador.

Again...J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

So, your opinion is, those people were not responsible for their actions?
I can't buy it and never could, never will.
J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!


They should have realized how violent Republicans can be and how little respect they have for our country
Democrats and snowflakes continue to wage a never-ending mis-information / propaganda campain to blame Former President Trump for the J6 violent protest and breach of the Capitol.


J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

Despite having MONTHS to act and more than enough Intel, all those listed above FAILED to prevent J6 and protect tbe Capitol.

Instead, they spent MONTHS recruiting, infiltrating, spying, planning, training, and executing a series of plans and operations that completely FAILED.

View attachment 765360

Within 72 HOURS, not over a period of months, 1.7 miles of security fencing - that was available prior to J6 - was erected around the WH after J6.

This security fencing had been used successfully to protect the WH and USSC building in the past.

It was available for use MONTHS prior to J6, when Democrats, the DOJ, FBI, etc... WERE instead wasting time and money recruiting informants, infiltrating numerous groups, planning 'Entrapment' Ops, planning for more than 30 undercover agents dressed as Trump supporters to be at the Capitol the night prior to and on J6.

They rejected the use of this simple but proven effective tool / deterent.

Had this incompetent 'clown posse' erected the security fence around the Capitol prior to J6 there would have been no J6, no J6 violent protest, no political prisoners, & no need for a J6 committee.

Enough of the Democrat / snowflake bullshit blaming of Trump.

US AG Garland tried to prove Trump's involvement and failed. He was left with nothing to do except BEG judges to allow Trump to be sued despite his FAILURE to prove Trump's involvement.

The J6 committee attempted to do the same thing. Their partisan, Trump-obsessed focus on 'Get Trump' & taking and mistreatnent of political prisoners have been exposed, leaving the US govt / Biden administration looking like a corrupt 3rd-world govt, being mocked by leaders like the President of El Salvador.

Again...J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

Good job !!!!
Welp....I guess you set em straight there !!!!!
All settled then.
Case closed. The Left will now drop the case and pay for all the harm they caused.

The Patriots will all be released from jail and home for dinner tonight....right?

Boy those McCauley Caulkin faces you make day in and day out sure are effective !!!
Democrats and snowflakes continue to wage a never-ending mis-information / propaganda campain to blame Former President Trump for the J6 violent protest and breach of the Capitol.


J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

Despite having MONTHS to act and more than enough Intel, all those listed above FAILED to prevent J6 and protect tbe Capitol.

Instead, they spent MONTHS recruiting, infiltrating, spying, planning, training, and executing a series of plans and operations that completely FAILED.

View attachment 765360

Within 72 HOURS, not over a period of months, 1.7 miles of security fencing - that was available prior to J6 - was erected around the WH after J6.

This security fencing had been used successfully to protect the WH and USSC building in the past.

It was available for use MONTHS prior to J6, when Democrats, the DOJ, FBI, etc... WERE instead wasting time and money recruiting informants, infiltrating numerous groups, planning 'Entrapment' Ops, planning for more than 30 undercover agents dressed as Trump supporters to be at the Capitol the night prior to and on J6.

They rejected the use of this simple but proven effective tool / deterent.

Had this incompetent 'clown posse' erected the security fence around the Capitol prior to J6 there would have been no J6, no J6 violent protest, no political prisoners, & no need for a J6 committee.

Enough of the Democrat / snowflake bullshit blaming of Trump.

US AG Garland tried to prove Trump's involvement and failed. He was left with nothing to do except BEG judges to allow Trump to be sued despite his FAILURE to prove Trump's involvement.

The J6 committee attempted to do the same thing. Their partisan, Trump-obsessed focus on 'Get Trump' & taking and mistreatnent of political prisoners have been exposed, leaving the US govt / Biden administration looking like a corrupt 3rd-world govt, being mocked by leaders like the President of El Salvador.

Again...J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

I am tired of this stupid shit. Should of, could of, would of, absolutely meaningless. And who the hell are you kidding. Had that fence went up you Trumptards would have screamed like stuck pigs. See how that could of, should of, would of works?

And hell, what you are really saying is that steps should have been taken before hand because the Trumptards are FLIPPIN CRAZY. Thanks for the admission. And hell, there it is again, "should of, would of, could of". So hell, I am going to play the damn game, what SHOULD of happened is Trump SHOULD have hired the most competent people, not the people that sucked his microdick. Trump SHOULD have listened to the people he appointed instead of believing he is the smartest person in the damn world and firing anyone that disagrees with him. I mean hell, why have staff if you know everything? Someone, anyone, SHOULD have stood up to the fatass bully and told him to man up, concede the election, and move on.

I mean this stolen election claim has had a worldwide impact. Holy shit, are you paying attention to Israel right now? What about Brazil? France? Oh hell know, you got your head so far up your ass that you can't see past yesterday. And Lake's shit in Arizona is just laughably stupid.

Look, do this nation and all of us a favor, take up knitting or something. This whole posting shit ain't working out too well. Cash your damn disability check, paid for by all of us that actually work for a living, and buy some freaking yarn. Quit wasting bandwidth with your stupid shit.
The surface plans failed but the deeper plan worked just the way they wanted it to.
They needed an emergency to suspend the ordinary rules for motions & go for the straight vote while providing cover so the RINOs that promised to stand for election integrity could side with the coup with MSM cover.
The motions of investigation some members were going to present wasn't going to be allowed at any cost so the fedsurrection was set in motion to provide an emergency situation color of law & the BS about saving our democracy.

It was a coup & the security failures were done on purpose.
Like that CPD officer said on video, they set the cops up along with the protestors.

Nobody believes that "insurrection" BS except the bed wetters & dim witted
The surface plans failed but the deeper plan worked just the way they wanted it to.
They needed an emergency to suspend the ordinary rules for motions & go for the straight vote while providing cover so the RINOs that promised to stand for election integrity could side with the coup with MSM cover.
The motions of investigation some members were going to present wasn't going to be allowed at any cost so the fedsurrection was set in motion to provide an emergency situation color of law & the BS about saving our democracy.

It was a coup & the security failures were done on purpose.
Like that CPD officer said on video, they set the cops up along with the protestors.

Nobody believes that "insurrection" BS except the bed wetters & dim witted
Damn, but the stupid in this thread is mind blowing. What motions were suppressed? Motions to contest the electors from at least two states were entered. I mean where do you morons get this shit? I mean if what you say is true, the Trump got played, what a damn dumbass. I mean do you even think this shit through? Here is what you are saying.

The election was stolen. Yep, sure bud was. And the Democrats, they knew it was stolen. They also knew Trump would pitch a hissy fit. They purposely did not set up a defense of the capital knowing full well that the Trumptards would come running, and when they did, they would give them the pretext to stifle attempts at stopping the certification. I mean holy shit, GENIUS. I mean Trump was a total dumbass, falling right into their trap. And the Trumptards, dumbasses just as well. I mean had they stayed home instead of going to the capital, well not only would they have saved the money for the cost of the trip, and avoided sitting in the DC jail, but hell, their elected representatives would have fought the good fight and stopped it cold. Good God Almighty, but the stupid within your likes is unbelievable.
Democrats and snowflakes continue to wage a never-ending mis-information / propaganda campain to blame Former President Trump for the J6 violent protest and breach of the Capitol.


J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

Despite having MONTHS to act and more than enough Intel, all those listed above FAILED to prevent J6 and protect tbe Capitol.

Instead, they spent MONTHS recruiting, infiltrating, spying, planning, training, and executing a series of plans and operations that completely FAILED.

View attachment 765360

Within 72 HOURS, not over a period of months, 1.7 miles of security fencing - that was available prior to J6 - was erected around the WH after J6.

This security fencing had been used successfully to protect the WH and USSC building in the past.

It was available for use MONTHS prior to J6, when Democrats, the DOJ, FBI, etc... WERE instead wasting time and money recruiting informants, infiltrating numerous groups, planning 'Entrapment' Ops, planning for more than 30 undercover agents dressed as Trump supporters to be at the Capitol the night prior to and on J6.

They rejected the use of this simple but proven effective tool / deterent.

Had this incompetent 'clown posse' erected the security fence around the Capitol prior to J6 there would have been no J6, no J6 violent protest, no political prisoners, & no need for a J6 committee.

Enough of the Democrat / snowflake bullshit blaming of Trump.

US AG Garland tried to prove Trump's involvement and failed. He was left with nothing to do except BEG judges to allow Trump to be sued despite his FAILURE to prove Trump's involvement.

The J6 committee attempted to do the same thing. Their partisan, Trump-obsessed focus on 'Get Trump' & taking and mistreatnent of political prisoners have been exposed, leaving the US govt / Biden administration looking like a corrupt 3rd-world govt, being mocked by leaders like the President of El Salvador.

Again...J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

Any failures by the defenders on the day don't exonerate the insurrectionists, most of whom have pled guilty. People of conviction don't admit that what they did was a crime.
They sure are putting a shitload of effort into whitewashing this thing, aren't they?


What was Pelosi thinking?

Everyone knows how violent Republicans are and that they hate America
She should have known an attack was coming and ordered Capitol Police to Stand Their Ground and shoot to kill
Democrats and snowflakes continue to wage a never-ending mis-information / propaganda campain to blame Former President Trump for the J6 violent protest and breach of the Capitol.


J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

Despite having MONTHS to act and more than enough Intel, all those listed above FAILED to prevent J6 and protect tbe Capitol.

Instead, they spent MONTHS recruiting, infiltrating, spying, planning, training, and executing a series of plans and operations that completely FAILED.

View attachment 765360

Within 72 HOURS, not over a period of months, 1.7 miles of security fencing - that was available prior to J6 - was erected around the WH after J6.

This security fencing had been used successfully to protect the WH and USSC building in the past.

It was available for use MONTHS prior to J6, when Democrats, the DOJ, FBI, etc... WERE instead wasting time and money recruiting informants, infiltrating numerous groups, planning 'Entrapment' Ops, planning for more than 30 undercover agents dressed as Trump supporters to be at the Capitol the night prior to and on J6.

They rejected the use of this simple but proven effective tool / deterent.

Had this incompetent 'clown posse' erected the security fence around the Capitol prior to J6 there would have been no J6, no J6 violent protest, no political prisoners, & no need for a J6 committee.

Enough of the Democrat / snowflake bullshit blaming of Trump.

US AG Garland tried to prove Trump's involvement and failed. He was left with nothing to do except BEG judges to allow Trump to be sued despite his FAILURE to prove Trump's involvement.

The J6 committee attempted to do the same thing. Their partisan, Trump-obsessed focus on 'Get Trump' & taking and mistreatnent of political prisoners have been exposed, leaving the US govt / Biden administration looking like a corrupt 3rd-world govt, being mocked by leaders like the President of El Salvador.

Again...J6 was a complete and utter failure by Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of the House and Senate, the DC Mayor, the DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS, and federal / local / Capitol Police to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol!

There was plenty of failure to go around. And it wouldn't surprise me to discover that Dems deliberately dialed back security, to see how far the Trumpsters would.

But if you're trying to say Trump has no responsibility for the fiasco, it's pretty much impossible to take you seriously.

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