Once again, another active shooter.

And looks like 6 officers shot. Officers shot is really rare in countries with strong gun control. Hope they decide they don't want to constantly be shot and fight for gun control soon.
----------------------------------- lots of different jobs out there for the taking in American Society nowadays Brian .
and POLICE generally support Gun Rights if i am not mistaken . And what Police ever thought that there aren't guns and gunowners and criminals and crime in USA Society Brian ??
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Once again, folks going about their own business went to work with their tuna sandwich, just dreaming of 5 o'clock and once again, for that simple act of doing a decent's day work, they're dead. Innocent people. If this country weren't so damned flooded with guns, criminals like that shooter wouldn't find it so damned easy to buy one illegally. Yesterday I saw a bunch of you bitching about a bill that would require background checks on private sales. Would that have prevented this? Perhaps. Those who legally and responsibly own guns need to be responsible for where they go next. If your gun is stolen, report it. I think the last legal owner needs to be held responsible for any crime committed with a gun if it was not transferred legally or reported stolen at the time. These aren't toys, folks. You can't just hand them around like a set of screwdrivers.
I am surprised. I thought the draconian anti-gun laws of Illinois were supposed to prevent such things.

No, you're confused, gun laws do not prevent such events, no more than speed limits prevent speeding. If you need to have someone explain 1) why speed laws do not prevent speeders, and 2) why we need speed limits please ask.

So, what is it you are proposing, Wry? 90 million weapons already exist and in the hands of the people. Why do propose as to what must be done???

I've proposed sensible gun control laws ad nausea; and the response, the only response - I get is "shall not be infringed", along with the usual push of the funny button and the more common ad hominem.

How many more acts, statutes, codes and ordinances need to be put in place along with the hundreds of others already in place? My right to protect me and mine doesn't come from a corporate entity that believes that it can bestow "privileges" on it's debt slaves. Many of these "mass shootings" are orchestrated events in order to sway the uneducated masses into accepting more draconian rules and many of us can see right through it.
Aurora Colorado. . . . . Aurora Illinois. . . ????


what are the odds? :tinfoil:
Perhaps the Progressive Socialist Communists will have a convention at an Aurora Hotel named complex.
No, you're confused, gun laws do not prevent such events, no more than speed limits prevent speeding. If you need to have someone explain 1) why speed laws do not prevent speeders, and 2) why we need speed limits please ask.

So, what is it you are proposing, Wry? 90 million weapons already exist and in the hands of the people. Why do propose as to what must be done???

I've proposed sensible gun control laws ad nausea; and the response, the only response - I get is "shall not be infringed", along with the usual push of the funny button and the more common ad hominem.

How many more acts, statutes, codes and ordinances need to be put in place along with the hundreds of others already in place? My right to protect me and mine doesn't come from a corporate entity that believes that it can bestow "privileges" on it's debt slaves. Many of these "mass shootings" are orchestrated events in order to sway the uneducated masses into accepting more draconian rules and many of us can see right through it.
Aurora Colorado. . . . . Aurora Illinois. . . ????


what are the odds? :tinfoil:
Perhaps the Progressive Socialist Communists will have a convention at an Aurora Hotel named complex.
Why? Because of this recent mass shooting?

They have literally dozens of other mass shooting locations to choose from in just the past year --- and by the time there is any kind of "Progressive Socialist Communist" convention (which is a party that only dumb people like you believe exist) -- there will be a few more mass shootings that will happen...
I am surprised. I thought the draconian anti-gun laws of Illinois were supposed to prevent such things.

No, you're confused, gun laws do not prevent such events, no more than speed limits prevent speeding. If you need to have someone explain 1) why speed laws do not prevent speeders, and 2) why we need speed limits please ask.

So, what is it you are proposing, Wry? 90 million weapons already exist and in the hands of the people. Why do propose as to what must be done???

I've proposed sensible gun control laws ad nausea; and the response, the only response - I get is "shall not be infringed", along with the usual push of the funny button and the more common ad hominem.
Further confirmation of the fact that most conservatives are stupid and ignorant.

We see that stupidity manifest with the right’s slippery slope fallacy about ‘gun control’ leading to ‘confiscation’ – or some other such idiocy.

Indeed, the issue of gun crime and violence can be addressed absent additional firearm regulatory measures.

It's not a fallacy.....first they said they just want to ban magazines that hold 10 bullets...now they are calling for magazines that hold more than 5...that is a fact......now, the new play is to call for a ban on any semi-auto pistol that merely has the ability to accept a magazine that holds more than 10...knowing that a magazine can be made to hold any number of bullets they want.....so that means all semi-auto pistols can be banned...including shotguns and other tube guns because they want any tube magazine that holds more than 10....which means any shot gun or .22 rifle because they can hold short rounds that give them more than 10 round capacity...

So sell your baloney about there being no "slippery slope" to people who don't understand the issue...because there is a slope, and the anti-gunners will use it to ban antyhing they can.....
Yep, Any form of so-called “gun control” is all about confiscation in the end
And looks like 6 officers shot. Officers shot is really rare in countries with strong gun control. Hope they decide they don't want to constantly be shot and fight for gun control soon.
Other countries are irrelevant
What race is this shooter? His mother's name is "Tameka Martin."

He was convicted in 1994 of stabbing a woman....how did he get a gun and pass a background check with that conviction?

Another failure of the anti-gun god "Background checks."

6 dead in Aurora factory shooting; mom says gunman was laid off, 'stressed out'

Court records show that Martin was convicted of stabbing a woman in Mississippi in 1994.

He was a black guy......which means, in Illinois, he was likely a democrat.........

Workplace Shooter Identified As 45-Year-Old Employee Gary Martin Of Aurora

So...let us review why this story will now disappear...

--He did not use an AR-15 rifle

--He was black.

--He was likely a democrat/

--He was likely not a Trump supporter....

Sooooo....Never Mind...
Like I’ve always said we have no criminal control in this country, people like that guy should’ve been executed
Once again, folks going about their own business went to work with their tuna sandwich, just dreaming of 5 o'clock and once again, for that simple act of doing a decent's day work, they're dead. Innocent people. If this country weren't so damned flooded with guns, criminals like that shooter wouldn't find it so damned easy to buy one illegally. Yesterday I saw a bunch of you bitching about a bill that would require background checks on private sales. Would that have prevented this? Perhaps. Those who legally and responsibly own guns need to be responsible for where they go next. If your gun is stolen, report it. I think the last legal owner needs to be held responsible for any crime committed with a gun if it was not transferred legally or reported stolen at the time. These aren't toys, folks. You can't just hand them around like a set of screwdrivers.
You have zero common sense, Firearm ownership by law abiding Citizen’s has nothing to do with criminal behavior.
There are probably over 400 million firearms in this country legally, what percentage of them are used in criminal activities… I’ll give you a hint such a small percentage it most likely can’t even be calculated.

You’re barking up the wrong tree, we need criminal control which we don’t have in this country. The vast majority of all violent criminal behavior is done by repeat offenders… Get rid of the repeat offenders you get rid of the crime.
The guy was being fired that day, and he went off. He was already a convicted felon, that laws didn’t matter to, and once again flaunted his disdain to the law by obtaining a gun illegally and illegally killing 5 and wounding others.
Anyone surprised? [Aurora, IL]

Anyone surprised? [Aurora, IL]

I am surprised. I thought the draconian anti-gun laws of Illinois were supposed to prevent such things.

No, you're confused, gun laws do not prevent such events, no more than speed limits prevent speeding. If you need to have someone explain 1) why speed laws do not prevent speeders, and 2) why we need speed limits please ask.

I am not confused. People like you say we have to get rid of firearms after such incidents, but this (and your response) shows even you know such laws DON'T accomplish what is claimed and will be totally ineffective. We have laws against murder that are very effective if enforced. Why not focus on them rather than gun "control", which will control nothing.
Funny how countries with strong gun control don’t have this problem...

Despite Gun Control Advocates' Claims, U.S. Isn't The Worst Country For Mass Shootings | Investor's Business Daily

LOL Gun control advocates don't make that claim, such hyperbole is beyond ridiculous - maybe one, or a couple of gun advocates might make such a claim, but no more than those who still believe the earth is flat.

Aurora workplace shooter was set to be fired by company, police chief says
No, you're confused, gun laws do not prevent such events, no more than speed limits prevent speeding. If you need to have someone explain 1) why speed laws do not prevent speeders, and 2) why we need speed limits please ask.

So, what is it you are proposing, Wry? 90 million weapons already exist and in the hands of the people. Why do propose as to what must be done???

I've proposed sensible gun control laws ad nausea; and the response, the only response - I get is "shall not be infringed", along with the usual push of the funny button and the more common ad hominem.
Further confirmation of the fact that most conservatives are stupid and ignorant.

We see that stupidity manifest with the right’s slippery slope fallacy about ‘gun control’ leading to ‘confiscation’ – or some other such idiocy.

Indeed, the issue of gun crime and violence can be addressed absent additional firearm regulatory measures.

It's not a fallacy.....first they said they just want to ban magazines that hold 10 bullets...now they are calling for magazines that hold more than 5...that is a fact......now, the new play is to call for a ban on any semi-auto pistol that merely has the ability to accept a magazine that holds more than 10...knowing that a magazine can be made to hold any number of bullets they want.....so that means all semi-auto pistols can be banned...including shotguns and other tube guns because they want any tube magazine that holds more than 10....which means any shot gun or .22 rifle because they can hold short rounds that give them more than 10 round capacity...

So sell your baloney about there being no "slippery slope" to people who don't understand the issue...because there is a slope, and the anti-gunners will use it to ban antyhing they can.....
Yep, Any form of so-called “gun control” is all about confiscation in the end

The gun control act of 1968 did not lead to confiscation, in fact is was allowed to sunset by the Republican Party. Too many lives have been lost by that political machination, but that reality does not impact callous conservatives whose selfishness and greed no know limit.

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