On The Seven Republican Senators Who Just Betrayed Us In Moscow


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

Trump and the GOP want to hold onto their control of the U.S. Senate more than anything in the world. They want it so bad they were willing to go to Moscow and telegraph their new quarterback, Vladimir Putin, to run the same play he ran in 2016, the one where Russian Internet trolls carpet-bombed Facebook and Twitter, spreading nasty smears about Hillary Clinton and thereby allowing Donald Trump to slither into office.

Hell, all Trump had to do for this gesture of friendship was launder a hundred million or so in dirty Russian money and make a few minor foreign policy adjustments. Oh, and find a workaround to those pesky sanctions, too.

You can’t argue with that kind of success. The GOP knows that its base only wants a win, and as Trump demonstrated, it doesn’t matter much to those folks in the heartland how you get there. Besides, their constituents are now practically lining up in red states to learn Russian.

So they needed to send a message that would be heard loud and clear by Vladimir Putin, even though the optics of meeting him directly weren’t really feasible. For that they carefully picked a special day, America’s most solemn holiday, to send that message.

A day when most Americans wave flags and celebrate the fact that we, unlike places like Russia, still have free elections. They picked Independence Day because they wanted to send an unmistakeable signal to the Russians just how far they’d be willing to bend over backwards to get what they wanted.

That they were ready and willing to sell us all down the river if the price was right--whether it was lucrative oil deals or campaign contributions funneled through organizations like the NRA. They’d betray their country’s founding principles if necessary. Just put up that cash and start with the Troll and ‘Bot Facebook posts already.

On The Seven Republican Senators Who Just Betrayed Us In Moscow

This was Treason plain an simple. Of which there are no statute of limitations on the criminal prosecution of.
What about Hillarys reset button with Russia?

Don't remember liberals saying Hillary was trying to sell us out to the Russians.

Had Russia invaded our ally and sabotaged our election at that point? Nope, traitor.

Proof they sabotaged our election.

And they took Crimea under Obama's watch. If it was so bad, why didn't Obama take care of business? Who sat on their ass while Russia invaded the Ukraine? It wasn't Trump.
DailyKos? LOL

You need to find better sources.

Not worth reading. I want a refund for my lost time. I thought it was a legit article. It's biased liberal crap.

Daily Kos - Media Bias/Fact Check

The story was carried by all of the major networks. The seven Senators from the appropriations committee actually went to Russia, and met with Russians under US sanctions.

You are so fucking stupid that it defies logic. But you are a Trump cock sucker, so that goes without saying. What you think is irrelevant.

This was posted for real Americans, that are not traitors to their country, or Trump cock suckers.

You may put the cock back in your mouth now.
DailyKos? LOL

You need to find better sources.

Not worth reading. I want a refund for my lost time. I thought it was a legit article. It's biased liberal crap.

Daily Kos - Media Bias/Fact Check

The story was carried by all of the major networks. The seven Senators from the appropriations committee actually went to Russia, and met with Russians under US sanctions.

You are so fucking stupid that it defies logic. But you are a Trump cock sucker, so that goes without saying. What you think is irrelevant.

This was posted for real Americans, that are not traitors to their country, or Trump cock suckers.

You may put the cock back in your mouth now.

You fucking idiot.

The bias isn't that they met with Russia, it's that they "betrayed us in Moscow." It's hilarious that you don't see the difference in the reporting of those two things.

That's the fucking bias, you liberal dumbshit. That's called twisting the story to a liberal bias. You need to learn what the fuck it means, because you dumb shit liberals are getting your asses handed to you in elections and pretending it was Russias fault.

You know what, keep believing that. Keep playing that card. PLEASE play that card in November!!
What about Hillarys reset button with Russia?

Don't remember liberals saying Hillary was trying to sell us out to the Russians.

Had Russia invaded our ally and sabotaged our election at that point? Nope, traitor.

Nobody "sabotaged" your election. You morons sabotaged your own election.

You still haven't figured that out, have you?
Unanimous agreement from every single group or organization that has investigated it, but you’re so braindead you still deny it.
LWNJ's still wonder why hiLIARy lost. They still wonder why they lost thousands of seats in congress and statehouses across the country. They wonder how they lost so much so quickly. They still have no clue, so they blame "THE RUSSIANS".


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