On the radio today in Canada, all the glowing remarks about McCain, wtf...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Every station, talking so glowingly about him, when just a few year ago they called him a racist and a war mongerer. All of this has to do with Canada being pissed that Trump isn't letting Canda get their way anymore

The most insulting one was one airhead radio jockey saying "McCain was the only one who stood up to Trump, he isn't afraid of Trump, he was a warrior!" This airhead forget to mention he sat for 35 years as a politician. His days of being a solider were loooooong past.

It almost literally made me sick listening to yet another low performer talk in a manner designed to influence the poorly informed Canadian listener.
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Every station, talking so glowingly about him, when just a few year ago they called him a racist and a war mongerer. All of this has to do with Canada being pissed that Trump isn't letting Canda get their way anymore

The most insulting one was one airhead radio jockey saying "McCain was the only one who stands up to Trump, he isn't afraid of Trump, he was a warrior!" This airhead forget to mention he sat for 35 years as a politician. It almost literally made me sick listening to yet another low performer.

So, what you are saying is that the rest of Canada is not as hate filled as you are...glad to hear it.
The Democrats just keep on losing. Now they have lost McCain. Must be depressing.
Every station, talking so glowingly about him, when just a few year ago they called him a racist and a war mongerer. All of this has to do with Canada being pissed that Trump isn't letting Canda get their way anymore

The most insulting one was one airhead radio jockey saying "McCain was the only one who stands up to Trump, he isn't afraid of Trump, he was a warrior!" This airhead forget to mention he sat for 35 years as a politician. It almost literally made me sick listening to yet another low performer.

Count your blessings. At least you're not hearing "Mueller...
Mueller...Mueller...Mueller...Mueller..." this week. :biggrin:
Every station, talking so glowingly about him, when just a few year ago they called him a racist and a war mongerer. All of this has to do with Canada being pissed that Trump isn't letting Canda get their way anymore

The most insulting one was one airhead radio jockey saying "McCain was the only one who stood up to Trump, he isn't afraid of Trump, he was a warrior!" This airhead forget to mention he sat for 35 years as a politician. His days of being a solider were loooooong past.

It almost literally made me sick listening to yet another low performer talk in a manner designed to influence the poorly informed Canadian listener.
Why doesn’t Canada mind it’s own business?
Every station, talking so glowingly about him, when just a few year ago they called him a racist and a war mongerer. All of this has to do with Canada being pissed that Trump isn't letting Canda get their way anymore

The most insulting one was one airhead radio jockey saying "McCain was the only one who stood up to Trump, he isn't afraid of Trump, he was a warrior!" This airhead forget to mention he sat for 35 years as a politician. His days of being a solider were loooooong past.

It almost literally made me sick listening to yet another low performer talk in a manner designed to influence the poorly informed Canadian listener.
Why doesn’t Canada mind it’s own business?

I would guess that Canada's media is every bit as loony and to the left as our own media outlets like MSNBC or CNN.
Every station, talking so glowingly about him, when just a few year ago they called him a racist and a war mongerer. All of this has to do with Canada being pissed that Trump isn't letting Canda get their way anymore

The most insulting one was one airhead radio jockey saying "McCain was the only one who stood up to Trump, he isn't afraid of Trump, he was a warrior!" This airhead forget to mention he sat for 35 years as a politician. His days of being a solider were loooooong past.

It almost literally made me sick listening to yet another low performer talk in a manner designed to influence the poorly informed Canadian listener.
Why doesn’t Canada mind it’s own business?
Every station, talking so glowingly about him, when just a few year ago they called him a racist and a war mongerer. All of this has to do with Canada being pissed that Trump isn't letting Canda get their way anymore

The most insulting one was one airhead radio jockey saying "McCain was the only one who stands up to Trump, he isn't afraid of Trump, he was a warrior!" This airhead forget to mention he sat for 35 years as a politician. It almost literally made me sick listening to yet another low performer.

Count your blessings. At least you're not hearing "Mueller...
Mueller...Mueller...Mueller...Mueller..." this week. :biggrin:

Actually we DID. CBC was driving me insane with attacks on Trump, claiming Russian BS etc. omce their Big Brother at CNN switched to Stormy, Stormy, they did the same. It became worse for CBC once Trump called out NAFTA abuses. CBC lost their heads.

We constantly hear attacks on Trump on the radio and TV. I've spoken to a few who just casually attack Trump, I calmly remind them of how much America sacrifices and how much Canada gets a GREAT deal stealing jobs and U.S taxpayer revenue.

I've had a few reasonable conversations that were balanced, but most are complete drones. It's really unfortunate. There was one guy who made strong points against Trump and I gave him a nod that at least he thought it out and knew the facts, something I try to do. Most are just "Trump is a(n) _______"

They have no objective perspective about Canadas role in abuses. These are the same people who care little about my rights being crushed, as long as they are not bothered.

It's cowardice. It's very Canadian let me tell you...
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Every station, talking so glowingly about him, when just a few year ago they called him a racist and a war mongerer. All of this has to do with Canada being pissed that Trump isn't letting Canda get their way anymore

The most insulting one was one airhead radio jockey saying "McCain was the only one who stood up to Trump, he isn't afraid of Trump, he was a warrior!" This airhead forget to mention he sat for 35 years as a politician. His days of being a solider were loooooong past.

It almost literally made me sick listening to yet another low performer talk in a manner designed to influence the poorly informed Canadian listener.
Why doesn’t Canada mind it’s own business?
Every station, talking so glowingly about him, when just a few year ago they called him a racist and a war mongerer. All of this has to do with Canada being pissed that Trump isn't letting Canda get their way anymore

The most insulting one was one airhead radio jockey saying "McCain was the only one who stands up to Trump, he isn't afraid of Trump, he was a warrior!" This airhead forget to mention he sat for 35 years as a politician. It almost literally made me sick listening to yet another low performer.

Count your blessings. At least you're not hearing "Mueller...
Mueller...Mueller...Mueller...Mueller..." this week. :biggrin:

Actually we DID. CBC was driving me insane with attacks on Trump, claiming Russian BS etc. Once Trump started hitting them with NAFTA and their Big Brother at CNN switched to Stormy, Stormy, they did the same.

We constantly hear attacks on Trump on the radio and TV. I've spoken to a few who just casually attack Trump, I calmly remind them of how much America sacrifices and how much Canada gets a GREAT deal stealing jobs and U.S taxpayer revenue.

I've had a few reasonable conversations that were balanced, but most are complete drones. It's really unfortunate. There was one guy who made strong points against Trump and I gave him a nod that at least he thought it out and knew the facts, something I try to do. Most are just "Trump is a(n) _______"

They have no objective perspective about Canadas role in abuses. These are the same people who care little about my rights being crushed, as long as they are not bothered.

It's cowardice. It's very Canadian let me tell you...
Wise Canadians
People around the world knew and respected McCain.
People around the world know Trump but have zero respect for Trump. They recognized how incompetent Trump is, long before Jong Un and Putin made him look like a fool.

Trump is "incompetent" now? Don't get out of your mom's and dad's basement much, do you?

Do you really have no idea of what Trump has accomplished in the short period of two years?
Every station, talking so glowingly about him, when just a few year ago they called him a racist and a war mongerer. All of this has to do with Canada being pissed that Trump isn't letting Canda get their way anymore

The most insulting one was one airhead radio jockey saying "McCain was the only one who stood up to Trump, he isn't afraid of Trump, he was a warrior!" This airhead forget to mention he sat for 35 years as a politician. His days of being a solider were loooooong past.

It almost literally made me sick listening to yet another low performer talk in a manner designed to influence the poorly informed Canadian listener.
Attacking a Republican president is the surest way to get media approval.
People around the world knew and respected McCain.
People around the world know Trump but have zero respect for Trump. They recognized how incompetent Trump is, long before Jong Un and Putin made him look like a fool.

Trump is "incompetent" now? Don't get out of your mom's and dad's basement much, do you?

Do you really have no idea of what Trump has accomplished in the short period of two years?

The response to Trump’s incompetence was loud and clear today. I wonder how many of his advisors it took to get Mr Incompetent to finally “get it”.
Yeah Trump has a great job according to his easily manipulated tools.
But, a huge majority of economists acknowledge that Trump inherited a growing economy. But you no- minds just suck up the bullshit.
God! Thank you so much, I am not JGalt
People around the world knew and respected McCain.
People around the world know Trump but have zero respect for Trump. They recognized how incompetent Trump is, long before Jong Un and Putin made him look like a fool.
All the people who respect McCain are proven two-faced douchebags. The same goes for all the people who attack Trump
People around the world knew and respected McCain.
People around the world know Trump but have zero respect for Trump. They recognized how incompetent Trump is, long before Jong Un and Putin made him look like a fool.

Trump is "incompetent" now? Don't get out of your mom's and dad's basement much, do you?

Do you really have no idea of what Trump has accomplished in the short period of two years?

The response to Trump’s incompetence was loud and clear today. I wonder how many of his advisors it took to get Mr Incompetent to finally “get it”.
Yeah Trump has a great job according to his easily manipulated tools.
But, a huge majority of economists acknowledge that Trump inherited a growing economy. But you no- minds just suck up the bullshit.
God! Thank you so much, I am not JGalt
Yes! The stock market went wild! Any idea why? McCain never did shit about the unfair trade! Suck on that!
People around the world knew and respected McCain.
People around the world know Trump but have zero respect for Trump. They recognized how incompetent Trump is, long before Jong Un and Putin made him look like a fool.

Trump is "incompetent" now? Don't get out of your mom's and dad's basement much, do you?

Do you really have no idea of what Trump has accomplished in the short period of two years?

The response to Trump’s incompetence was loud and clear today. I wonder how many of his advisors it took to get Mr Incompetent to finally “get it”.
Yeah Trump has a great job according to his easily manipulated tools.
But, a huge majority of economists acknowledge that Trump inherited a growing economy. But you no- minds just suck up the bullshit.
God! Thank you so much, I am not JGalt

Congratulations: Both you and I have no clue as to what you're talking about. What was "loud and clear" today? The fact that he ended NAFTA and brokered a more favorable deal with Mexico?

What "huge majority" of economists are you referring to? Vague generalities are just vague generalities, and nothing more.
McCain was a racist connected to George Wallace and may have been implicated in the Birmingham church bombings.
John Lewis, invoking George Wallace, says McCain and Palin 'playing with fire' - - POLITICO.com

McCain is compared favorably to Hitler.
Madonna Compares John McCain To Hitler At Tour Opener; Campaign Calls Slam 'Outrageous'

McCain hated women and abused them every chance he got.
Leslie Savan: John McCain's history of sexist comments

How soon the left forgets what they said to begin with.
McCain was a racist connected to George Wallace and may have been implicated in the Birmingham church bombings.
John Lewis, invoking George Wallace, says McCain and Palin 'playing with fire' - - POLITICO.com

McCain is compared favorably to Hitler.
Madonna Compares John McCain To Hitler At Tour Opener; Campaign Calls Slam 'Outrageous'

McCain hated women and abused them every chance he got.
Leslie Savan: John McCain's history of sexist comments

How soon the left forgets what they said to begin with.

Seems to me that the left has an affinity with dead people, especially when those dead people can be used to shore up their rickety narrative.

Dead people often vote for Democrats in elections, as everyone knows. And what about school shootings? Those are pure gold for the left: They always waste no time in dancing on the backs of the dead children, just to whip up anti-gun sentiment.

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