On Obama's Hatred of Religion

The faith-based program is expanded.

Tough, PC. BHO is a better Christian than you.
A white flag, huh?

No, but I did realize what I was trying to explain to you would go right over your head.

You do realize that no one is reading your long dissertation of crazy, right? I mean, I hope that registers somewhere with you.

As someone who writes for a living, my advice. - Write as though you are being paid by the point and penalized by the word.
8. And so, we see, for the Anti-Religion President, there is no freedom of religion outside of a church....and sometimes, not even there if said church wished to decide who it's minister should be.

It is telling that more often than not, Obama declines to use the phrase "religious freedom," and uses the far more restrictive "freedom of worship."

Okay, I'm going to try to address this bit of crazy.

The argument you nuts are making is that you should be allowed to disobey laws you don't like because the conflict with your religion. This actually does not comport with 200 years of American Juris Prudence. It didn't apply to the Mormons when they wanted to practice Polygamy in violation of american law, it didn't apply to Peyote smokers and Rastifarians who wanted to violate drug laws, it didn't apply to Quakers or other religious groups who wanted to avoid the draft in war time.

When someone made the argument that they were wrongly fired for smoking Peyote, the Supreme Court ruled 9-0 that the employer was in his rights to do so.
A white flag, huh?

No, but I did realize what I was trying to explain to you would go right over your head.

You do realize that no one is reading your long dissertation of crazy, right? I mean, I hope that registers somewhere with you.

As someone who writes for a living, my advice. - Write as though you are being paid by the point and penalized by the word.

So....you're still attempting to hide the fact you are unable to deny the specifics of any of my posts?

See what I mean about your beginning to 'think' is long overdue.
8. And so, we see, for the Anti-Religion President, there is no freedom of religion outside of a church....and sometimes, not even there if said church wished to decide who it's minister should be.

It is telling that more often than not, Obama declines to use the phrase "religious freedom," and uses the far more restrictive "freedom of worship."

Okay, I'm going to try to address this bit of crazy.

The argument you nuts are making is that you should be allowed to disobey laws you don't like because the conflict with your religion. This actually does not comport with 200 years of American Juris Prudence. It didn't apply to the Mormons when they wanted to practice Polygamy in violation of american law, it didn't apply to Peyote smokers and Rastifarians who wanted to violate drug laws, it didn't apply to Quakers or other religious groups who wanted to avoid the draft in war time.

When someone made the argument that they were wrongly fired for smoking Peyote, the Supreme Court ruled 9-0 that the employer was in his rights to do so.

Oh....so this is why you try to avoid addressing my specific point.....'cause it's so easy to rip you to shreds.

1. The Constitution is the overriding law of the land.
No other laws surpass it.

2. "The First Amendment has two provisions concerning religion: the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause. The Establishment clause prohibits the government from "establishing" a religion.

3. The Free Exercise Clause protects citizens' right to practice their religion as they please, so long as the practice does not run afoul of a "public morals" or a "compelling" governmental interest."
First Amendment and Religion

It's becoming cleat that thought is not one of your skills.

OK...go back to avoiding the facts that I post.
"On Obama's Hatred of Religion"

No, it's on the OP's unwarranted animosity toward the president, and the lies she seeks to propagate about Obama as a consequence of that unwarranted animosity.

Well...where are any lies?

Oh....your post is the fount of lies....I see.

Great job, C_Chamber-Pot!
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The specifics of your post do nothing to tear down BHO as a Christian faith-based president whose admin is expanding programs.

When faced with her lies, PC points in the other direction.

Hon, this is why your number of listeners peaked at 16 two years ago.
There is only the faith-based programs Christian president.

"Obama administration deletes religious service for student loan forgiveness
The federal government will no longer forgive student loans in exchange for public service if that service is related to religion, according to a new Education Department rule from the Obama administration."
Obama administration deletes religious service for student loan forgiveness Human Events

Bush Administration Excommunicated Clergy and Religion Instructors from Student Loan Forgiveness Program

(CNSNews.com) - The U.S. Education Department under President George W. Bush issued a regulation on Oct. 23, 2008 effectively disqualifying clergy and religion instructors from a student-loan forgiveness program enacted to help people who had dedicated their lives to jobs in the service of others.

The regulation has drawn some attention in recent days because the Obama Education department issued a guideline on Jan. 31 reiterating the regulatory policy of the Bush administration.

The actual law, enacted in 2007, did not exclude clergy and religion instructors from the student loan forgiveness program.

The Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program was enacted as part of the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007. The law was approved by Democrat-controlled Congress and signed by President George W. Bush.

Under the law, a person could be forgiven the balance of their student loan if they had made 10 years of payments (120 months) while working in a “public service job.” The law defined “public service job” as, among other things, a full-time job in such professions as law enforcement, public education, social work, public interest law services, “or at an organization that is described in section 501 (c )( 3) of the internal revenue code." Like other non-profits, churches and religious schools fall under 501(c )( 3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

There was no language anywhere in the law that someone engaging in religious services of any kind would be excluded from the loan-forgiveness provision.

On Oct. 23, 2008, the Bush Education Department, then led by Education Secretary Margaret Spellings issued a regulation implementing the law that did exclude people involved in religious activities. Under the Bush regulation, a person would not qualify for loan forgiveness if they worked at “a business organized for profit, a labor union, a partisan political organization, or an organization engaged in religious activities, unless the qualifying activities are unrelated to religious instruction, worship services, or any form of proselytizing.”

Bush Administration Excommunicated Clergy and Religion Instructors from Student Loan Forgiveness Program
The Cardinal so correctly stated " The state is making itself into a church. "

And guess on whom it's rock was founded.

9. When Congressman Obama ran for the presidency, many of his supporters described him in terms normally reserved for God.

While his voters could be counted on to march lock-step, no matter the absurdity to which they marched....
...who could have thought that Obama was actually so warped as to have believed himself in exactly that light?

"...this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth."
Obama, June 3, 2008

Yet...Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York revealed in March 2012 that Obama's aides had actually lectured him, and other bishops, as to what Catholicism should be.

" At a recent meeting between staff of the bishops’ conference and the White House staff, our staff members asked directly whether the broader concerns of religious freedom—that is, revisiting the straight-jacketing mandates, or broadening the maligned exemption—are all off the table. They were informed that they are. So much for “working out the wrinkles.”

Instead, they advised the bishops’ conference that we should listen to the “enlightened” voices of accommodation, such as the recent, hardly surprising yet terribly unfortunate editorial in America. The White House seems to think we bishops simply do not know or understand Catholic teaching and so, taking a cue from its own definition of religious freedom, now has nominated its own handpicked official Catholic teachers."

QED the title of this thread.
10. Let's review what the Obama administration, the regime of the Anti-Religion President, believed and attempted to do, vis-a-vis the meeting with the bishops.

" 1. This meeting was prompted because the White House decided to curtail and violate the religious freedom of the Catholic Church and individual Catholics.

2. The White House refused to consult with Catholic bishops while originally formulating and issuing this mandate. President Obama misled Cardinal Dolan when he promised the Cardinal he would be happy with the White House’s final decision.

3. The White House has continually lied about and misrepresented the opinion and position of the U.S. Bishops in this process (claiming, for instance, that they were always against Obamacare and that Catholic Charities USA supported their false accomodation). They have continued to act in bad faith.

4. The White House has also chosen to ally itself with liberal, left-wing Catholic dissenters like Sr. Carol Keehan throughout this process, thereby snubbing the U.S. Bishops and all faithful Catholics.

(Are you still there? Because now it getsreallygood….)

5. Afterall of this, when the White House finally gets around to inviting staff authorized by the USCCB to negotiate on behalf of them, the White House says what to them?! First, they issue an ultimatum saying all compromise is off the table.So what on earth are they supposed to talk about if the White House refuses from the outset to compromise in any way, shape, or form? The cynical answer is the White House, once again, simply wanted to establish the appearance of dialogue while offering zero substance.

6.Then, the White House proceeds to lecture the USCCB staff about how to interpret Catholic teaching!Can you imagine anything more offensive? Telling Catholics how to be Catholic? They show them a copy of theAmericaeditorial as if a) the staff has not already read it and b) the U.S. Bishops give a fig what the editors ofAmericathink.

7. Let’s read Cardinal Dolan’s line again:

The White House seems to think we bishops simply do not know or understand Catholic teaching and so, taking a cue from its own definition of religious freedom, now has nominated its own handpicked official Catholic teachers.

In other words, what we have here is NOT a failure to communicate. What we have here is an Administration and White House officials who believe they know Catholic teaching better than us. And who have the hubris to lecture us about what our faith teaches."
Cardinal Dolan White House Lectured My USCCB Staff On How to Interpret Catholic Teaching CatholicVote.org
Faith based programs have grown under Obama and people were punished under Bush.

PC fail as usual.
Even Catholics don't know how to be Catholic, it is very evident.....The whole shebang is a cluster fuck of deceit and greed.....

"Even Catholics don't know how to be Catholic,..."

Well, then....you must be pleased that Barack Obama is available to teach 'em the correct way....

...just as he has led the way in improving race relations, huh?
Even Catholics don't know how to be Catholic, it is very evident.....The whole shebang is a cluster fuck of deceit and greed.....

"Even Catholics don't know how to be Catholic,..."

Well, then....you must be pleased that Barack Obama is available to teach 'em the correct way....

...just as he has led the way in improving race relations, huh?
The race relations are about par for the course, and Catholics need to be told since it is a passive/aggressive religion...
11. Earlier in the thread, I made reference to Lenin, Marx, and Diderot of the French Revolution fame.....all , analogous, to greater or lesser degrees with Obama's view of religion.

Upon viewing the notes of Cardinals George and Dolan, it brings to mind Joseph Stalin's behavior vis-a-vis the Orthodox clergy, turning bishops and priests into stooges useful for state propaganda.

And that is exactly the goal Obama has for American's priests, pastors and rabbis: they can either bow to his secularism, or simply shut up.

It's known as caesaropapism.

a. "Caesaropapismis the idea of combining the power ofseculargovernment with the religious power, or making it superior to the spiritual authority of the Church; especially concerning the connection of the Church with government....defined byMax Weberas "a secular, caesaropapist ruler... exercises supreme authority in ecclesiastic matters by virtue of his autonomous legitimacy"

According to Weber's political sociology, caesaropapism entails "the complete subordination of priests to secular power."
Caesaropapism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It's the religion of Leftism....secular federalism.

12. In 2008, Obama came complete with a pagan temple:


Now Even Liberals Mock Obama s Self-Obsession

"Obama is still suffering from the Speech Illusion, the idea that he can come down from the mountain, read from a Teleprompter, cast a magic spell with his words and climb back up the mountain, while we scurry around and do what he proclaimed."
Maureen Dowd

Liberals, Progressives, Democrats....bow low to your new god.....if you know what's good for you!
Man, if you could stretch it any further you still couldn't cover you r ass with the lies being told here today, the biggest lie is that you think there is a religious test for president, sorry, there is none and it is afforded in the Constitution, so that would make you, anti-Constitutional...nothing new for a tool...
Article I,Section 9, Clause 8 of theUnited States Constitution, forbids 'titles' of a certain kind...but there are other kinds of titles that are wll earned.

Our current Presidents earned 'the Food Stamp President,' .....and 'the Anti-Religion President,' as well.

1. History provides pertinent examples of other leaders who hated religion.

a. "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
"The Black Book of Communism," p.123-124.

b. "Karl Marx famously belittled religion as an 'opiate for the masses,' a drug that the spread of worldwide socialism would one day make undesirable."

Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists.

2. Not only is respect for religion lacking in contemporary society, but large parts of it have been co-opted by the Left; it comes out as Marxism's recitation of Christianity.
Today the view, sometimes described as "liberation theology,"makes the blanket appraisal that God is on the side of the poor. Period.
If one self-identifies as poor, one need simply sit back and receive what are called "entitlements," but are actually the redistribution of the nation's wealth.

a. "Take control of and redistribute assets....A heavy progressive or graduated Income Tax....Abolition of all rights of inheritance"
Chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto

3. Then, there was this restatement of Marx's view of religion: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Like Marx, Obama views traditional religion as a temporary opiate for the poor, confused, and jobless- a drug that will dissipate, he hopes,, as the federal government assumes more God-like powers..."
Schlafly, "No Higher Power"

4. For a totalitarian secularist, as Obama is, the revolution he brings with the aim of 'fundamentally transforming' America is not the God-fearing American Revolution of the Founders, but, rather, the deeply hate-filled, death-draped anti-religion tradition of the French Revolution, summarized in the words of Denis Diderot:
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

a. “The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America Are they complementary The Mandate

b. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century." French Revolution - Robespierre and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

"he was a handsome man and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death"
e e cummings
Religion, faith, and worship is by personal choice. Also, since he was elected not once, but twice, should speak to whether his beliefs or non-beliefs bother the majority of voters. Shouldn't we be more concerned about whether or not he loves America, believes in true justice, real freedom, and whether or not he's interested in a prosperous self-supporting nation and citizenry? Shouldn't we be more concerned with, and critical of his damaging presidency?

You had me right up till the last sentence. What exactly has Obama damaged? I hear it a lot yet have seen no evidence of it in my life.
Even Catholics don't know how to be Catholic, it is very evident.....The whole shebang is a cluster fuck of deceit and greed.....

"Even Catholics don't know how to be Catholic,..."

Well, then....you must be pleased that Barack Obama is available to teach 'em the correct way....

...just as he has led the way in improving race relations, huh?
The race relations are about par for the course, and Catholics need to be told since it is a passive/aggressive religion...

Maybe you have a better memory than I.....

...I can't recall the last time you were right about anything.

"A new poll shows that nearly half of Americans believe race relations have worsened over the course of the presidency of Barack Obama, the first half-black man elected to the White House.

The CNN poll found 39 percent believe relations between blacks and whites have gotten worse, not better, since Mr. Obama took office in January 2009. Just 15 percent say relations have improved. In an interesting finding, 45 percent of whites think relations have worsened while just 26 percent of blacks think so."
POLL Race Relations Worse Under Obama Truth Revolt

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