OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'

So if the middle class taxes are so low now, single digit percentages? what happens when the GOP cuts them further?
They go even lower.

Which means even more pay no tax? Isn't that a standard conservative complaint?
No, it isn't.

We don't need to pay more taxes. We need to spend less money.

You should tell that to the Republican congress, and to Donald Trump.
So if the middle class taxes are so low now, single digit percentages? what happens when the GOP cuts them further?
They go even lower.

Which means even more pay no tax? Isn't that a standard conservative complaint?
No, it isn't.

We don't need to pay more taxes. We need to spend less money.

I said NO tax. Remember 2012? All the conservatives complaining about the infamous 47% who pay no federal income tax?

Now the GOP wants to increase that number.
No one's taxes (Those who do pay taxes) is being cut to zero. Those who pay no taxes can't have their taxes cut. You do understand that, right?
I agree with the Socialist Regressives that the rich aren't paying their fair share. They are paying way too much and it's time to lower the tax rates.

OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'

You want to shift the tax burden down the economic ladder?

No, it is time to lessen the TOTAL tax burden!

And balloon the deficit?
Doesn't balloon the deficit, but so what if it does! Let me ask YOU a question----------> if the deficit is going to be 1 trillion dollars a year that WE have to pay back, who would you rather spend the government!
So if the middle class taxes are so low now, single digit percentages? what happens when the GOP cuts them further?
They go even lower.

Which means even more pay no tax? Isn't that a standard conservative complaint?
No, it isn't.

We don't need to pay more taxes. We need to spend less money.

You should tell that to the Republican congress.
I have. I've said to My Congressman, I've said it to My Senator. I've written Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump.

I have remained consistent through all the decades. No tax rate should be discussed or voted on until there is an agreed-upon spending policy and budget. Then you set tax policy to fit that budget.
So if the middle class taxes are so low now, single digit percentages? what happens when the GOP cuts them further?
They go even lower.

Which means even more pay no tax? Isn't that a standard conservative complaint?
No, it isn't.

We don't need to pay more taxes. We need to spend less money.

I said NO tax. Remember 2012? All the conservatives complaining about the infamous 47% who pay no federal income tax?

Now the GOP wants to increase that number.
No one's taxes (Those who do pay taxes) is being cut to zero. Those who pay no taxes can't have their taxes cut. You do understand that, right?

I understand that if a household is paying a fairly low amount right now, and you increase the standard deduction, and you increase the child tax credit,

their taxes could go down to zero. They might even get money back they never paid in.
So if the middle class taxes are so low now, single digit percentages? what happens when the GOP cuts them further?
They go even lower.

Which means even more pay no tax? Isn't that a standard conservative complaint?
No, it isn't.

We don't need to pay more taxes. We need to spend less money.

You should tell that to the Republican congress.
I have. I've said to My Congressman, I've said it to My Senator. I've written Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump.

I have remained consistent through all the decades. No tax rate should be discussed or voted on until there is an agreed-upon spending policy and budget. Then you set tax policy to fit that budget.

It doesn't appear that they're listening to you.
I agree with the Socialist Regressives that the rich aren't paying their fair share. They are paying way too much and it's time to lower the tax rates.

OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'

You want to shift the tax burden down the economic ladder?

No, it is time to lessen the TOTAL tax burden!

And balloon the deficit?
Doesn't balloon the deficit, but so what if it does! Let me ask YOU a question----------> if the deficit is going to be 1 trillion dollars a year that WE have to pay back, who would you rather spend the government!

So you're sure the GOP tax bill will be revenue neutral. How are you sure of that?
I agree with the Socialist Regressives that the rich aren't paying their fair share. They are paying way too much and it's time to lower the tax rates.

OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'
Since the bottom 40% own less than 1% of the wealth, the top 20% would own more than 99% of it. They should be paying over 99% of the taxes. And before you accuse me of wanting your money, know that I'm in the top 10%.

OK, lets all agree with this person. The top 20% SHOULD pay more. So now, how much money by extra VOLUNTARY taxes was paid in to the treasury? Last I seen which was for 2013 I believe, it was LESS than 50 million.

And so, if the leftists believe this, why aren't the rich ones paying in more, voluntarily?

I will tell you why-------->because they are full of baloney, macaroni, and cheese! They have their carve outs, and they aren't going to let them go. And if the U.S. really decided to clamp down, they would just offshore their money!

And then------>I would like to now where everyone THINKS money comes from for capital investment so the economy can grow? Do you think people just keep their money in mattresses? The banks are LOANING money out from people that have MONEY in the bank! So even if they do not reinvest the money in their business, the money IS reinvested into other businesses at a lower rate, because the banks MUST get it out to MAKE money.

How dumb are leftists? Pretty dumb! Money flowing around causes taxable events that INCREASE revenue flow to the treasury, regardless of in a bank, or in the stockmarket. If someone handed YOU 50,000 dollars today, what would YOU do with it? Use it all to pay bills? (more money at a cheap rate for people to borrow because you paid off your cards) Invest it? (more money for company's to buy ne machinery) Buy a new car? (another job in a factory)

Unless money is put in a mattress or a lock box, it moves! NOBODY gives you a return on your money by holding it, and looking at it! They MOVE it to higher interest paying vehicles, so they can pay YOU, your return, and make a profit.

There is only ONE place that your money makes NOTHING or loses, and that is sitting in the governments treasury, as you wait for them to send you a refund.

I want to know what makes ANYONE think the government is smarter than they are! They don't make a profit, constantly run up debt, then try and convince you that because someone is smarter than they are and makes a profit with their own money, they are somehow..........EVIIIIIIIL!

Yes, leftists really are dumb, and from some of these posters in here, obviously excessively lazy too!

If American workers wage had stayed commensurate with costs, wouldn't American workers be better economic wise?
So if the middle class taxes are so low now, single digit percentages? what happens when the GOP cuts them further?
They go even lower.

Which means even more pay no tax? Isn't that a standard conservative complaint?
No, it isn't.

We don't need to pay more taxes. We need to spend less money.

You should tell that to the Republican congress.
I have. I've said to My Congressman, I've said it to My Senator. I've written Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump.

I have remained consistent through all the decades. No tax rate should be discussed or voted on until there is an agreed-upon spending policy and budget. Then you set tax policy to fit that budget.

And you from experience that the GOP will never do that.
They go even lower.

Which means even more pay no tax? Isn't that a standard conservative complaint?
No, it isn't.

We don't need to pay more taxes. We need to spend less money.

I said NO tax. Remember 2012? All the conservatives complaining about the infamous 47% who pay no federal income tax?

Now the GOP wants to increase that number.
No one's taxes (Those who do pay taxes) is being cut to zero. Those who pay no taxes can't have their taxes cut. You do understand that, right?

I understand that if a household is paying a fairly low amount right now, and you increase the standard deduction, and you increase the child tax credit,

their taxes could go down to zero. They might even get money back they never paid in.
But we're talking about the middle class.
They go even lower.

Which means even more pay no tax? Isn't that a standard conservative complaint?
No, it isn't.

We don't need to pay more taxes. We need to spend less money.

You should tell that to the Republican congress.
I have. I've said to My Congressman, I've said it to My Senator. I've written Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump.

I have remained consistent through all the decades. No tax rate should be discussed or voted on until there is an agreed-upon spending policy and budget. Then you set tax policy to fit that budget.

It doesn't appear that they're listening to you.
Correct. All the more reason to remove them from office.
So if the middle class taxes are so low now, single digit percentages? what happens when the GOP cuts them further?
They go even lower.

Which means even more pay no tax? Isn't that a standard conservative complaint?
No, it isn't.

We don't need to pay more taxes. We need to spend less money.

Where and how much?
Everywhere and 25%.

The fire department should be hit with a 25% budget decrease?

I got it.....You're a Canadian hack.....
They go even lower.

Which means even more pay no tax? Isn't that a standard conservative complaint?
No, it isn't.

We don't need to pay more taxes. We need to spend less money.

You should tell that to the Republican congress.
I have. I've said to My Congressman, I've said it to My Senator. I've written Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump.

I have remained consistent through all the decades. No tax rate should be discussed or voted on until there is an agreed-upon spending policy and budget. Then you set tax policy to fit that budget.

And you from experience that the GOP will never do that.
Which is why I left the Republican party years ago.
I agree with the Socialist Regressives that the rich aren't paying their fair share. They are paying way too much and it's time to lower the tax rates.

OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'
Since the bottom 40% own less than 1% of the wealth, the top 20% would own more than 99% of it. They should be paying over 99% of the taxes. And before you accuse me of wanting your money, know that I'm in the top 10%.

OK, lets all agree with this person. The top 20% SHOULD pay more. So now, how much money by extra VOLUNTARY taxes was paid in to the treasury? Last I seen which was for 2013 I believe, it was LESS than 50 million.

And so, if the leftists believe this, why aren't the rich ones paying in more, voluntarily?

I will tell you why-------->because they are full of baloney, macaroni, and cheese! They have their carve outs, and they aren't going to let them go. And if the U.S. really decided to clamp down, they would just offshore their money!

And then------>I would like to now where everyone THINKS money comes from for capital investment so the economy can grow? Do you think people just keep their money in mattresses? The banks are LOANING money out from people that have MONEY in the bank! So even if they do not reinvest the money in their business, the money IS reinvested into other businesses at a lower rate, because the banks MUST get it out to MAKE money.

How dumb are leftists? Pretty dumb! Money flowing around causes taxable events that INCREASE revenue flow to the treasury, regardless of in a bank, or in the stockmarket. If someone handed YOU 50,000 dollars today, what would YOU do with it? Use it all to pay bills? (more money at a cheap rate for people to borrow because you paid off your cards) Invest it? (more money for company's to buy ne machinery) Buy a new car? (another job in a factory)

Unless money is put in a mattress or a lock box, it moves! NOBODY gives you a return on your money by holding it, and looking at it! They MOVE it to higher interest paying vehicles, so they can pay YOU, your return, and make a profit.

There is only ONE place that your money makes NOTHING or loses, and that is sitting in the governments treasury, as you wait for them to send you a refund.

I want to know what makes ANYONE think the government is smarter than they are! They don't make a profit, constantly run up debt, then try and convince you that because someone is smarter than they are and makes a profit with their own money, they are somehow..........EVIIIIIIIL!

Yes, leftists really are dumb, and from some of these posters in here, obviously excessively lazy too!

If American workers wage had stayed commensurate with costs, wouldn't American workers be better economic wise?

Sure they would. What is your point?
Which means even more pay no tax? Isn't that a standard conservative complaint?
No, it isn't.

We don't need to pay more taxes. We need to spend less money.

You should tell that to the Republican congress.
I have. I've said to My Congressman, I've said it to My Senator. I've written Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump.

I have remained consistent through all the decades. No tax rate should be discussed or voted on until there is an agreed-upon spending policy and budget. Then you set tax policy to fit that budget.

It doesn't appear that they're listening to you.
Correct. All the more reason to remove them from office.

That doesn't seem to work either.

Wasn't Donald Trump supposed to fix this?
They go even lower.

Which means even more pay no tax? Isn't that a standard conservative complaint?
No, it isn't.

We don't need to pay more taxes. We need to spend less money.

Where and how much?
Everywhere and 25%.

The fire department should be hit with a 25% budget decrease?

I got it.....You're a Canadian hack.....
The Fire Department is paid by local taxes. Wow, just wow. We are talking about the federal government.

Run along and play.
Which means even more pay no tax? Isn't that a standard conservative complaint?
No, it isn't.

We don't need to pay more taxes. We need to spend less money.

I said NO tax. Remember 2012? All the conservatives complaining about the infamous 47% who pay no federal income tax?

Now the GOP wants to increase that number.
No one's taxes (Those who do pay taxes) is being cut to zero. Those who pay no taxes can't have their taxes cut. You do understand that, right?

I understand that if a household is paying a fairly low amount right now, and you increase the standard deduction, and you increase the child tax credit,

their taxes could go down to zero. They might even get money back they never paid in.
But we're talking about the middle class.

Top 25%-15% = what we refer to as the "Middle Class".
So if the middle class taxes are so low now, single digit percentages? what happens when the GOP cuts them further?
They go even lower.

Which means even more pay no tax? Isn't that a standard conservative complaint?
No, it isn't.

We don't need to pay more taxes. We need to spend less money.

I said NO tax. Remember 2012? All the conservatives complaining about the infamous 47% who pay no federal income tax?

Now the GOP wants to increase that number.
No one's taxes (Those who do pay taxes) is being cut to zero. Those who pay no taxes can't have their taxes cut. You do understand that, right?

Everyone pays taxes, even Canadian visitors.
No, it isn't.

We don't need to pay more taxes. We need to spend less money.

You should tell that to the Republican congress.
I have. I've said to My Congressman, I've said it to My Senator. I've written Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump.

I have remained consistent through all the decades. No tax rate should be discussed or voted on until there is an agreed-upon spending policy and budget. Then you set tax policy to fit that budget.

It doesn't appear that they're listening to you.
Correct. All the more reason to remove them from office.

That doesn't seem to work either.

Wasn't Donald Trump supposed to fix this?
No. He was supposed to just talk tough with Democrats. I didn't vote for him.
Which means even more pay no tax? Isn't that a standard conservative complaint?
No, it isn't.

We don't need to pay more taxes. We need to spend less money.

I said NO tax. Remember 2012? All the conservatives complaining about the infamous 47% who pay no federal income tax?

Now the GOP wants to increase that number.
No one's taxes (Those who do pay taxes) is being cut to zero. Those who pay no taxes can't have their taxes cut. You do understand that, right?

I understand that if a household is paying a fairly low amount right now, and you increase the standard deduction, and you increase the child tax credit,

their taxes could go down to zero. They might even get money back they never paid in.
But we're talking about the middle class.

The GOP and Trump are promising an average tax cut of $4000. You don't think there's any household in the so-called middle class that currently pays less than $4000?

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