Olympians: You didn't make it. Somebody else made that happen.


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
If you're an Olympian that has made it to London, you didn't get there on your own__ You didn't get there on your own! I'm always struck by Olympians that think well it must be because I was so great. There are a lot of great people out there! It must be because I worked harder than everybody else__ Let me tell you something; there are a whole bunch of hard working athletes out there. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great coach somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable Olympic system that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in sports arenas, equipment and nutritional supplements. So if you're an Olympian, you didn't make it. Somebody else made that happen. London didn't get invented on its own.
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And Olympians, don't forget to pay your income Taxes on the cash rewards you receive for winning a Medal.
If you're an Olympian that has made it to London, you didn't get there on your own__ You didn't get there on your own! I'm always struck by Olympians that think well it must be because I was so great. There are a lot of great people out there! It must be because I worked harder than everybody else__ Let me tell you something; there are a whole bunch of hard working athletes out there. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great coach somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable Olympic system that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in sports arenas, equipment and nutritional supplements. So if you're an Olympian, you didn't make it. Somebody else made that happen. London didn't get invented on its own.

Its actually true, though. None of those athletes would be there if they didn't have a coach to help them train. Therefore, they really didn't 'get there' on their own.
If you're an Olympian that has made it to London, you didn't get there on your own__ You didn't get there on your own! I'm always struck by Olympians that think well it must be because I was so great. There are a lot of great people out there! It must be because I worked harder than everybody else__ Let me tell you something; there are a whole bunch of hard working athletes out there. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great coach somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable Olympic system that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in sports arenas, equipment and nutritional supplements. So if you're an Olympian, you didn't make it. Somebody else made that happen. London didn't get invented on its own.

Its actually true, though. None of those athletes would be there if they didn't have a coach to help them train. Therefore, they really didn't 'get there' on their own.

Actually, the Ugandan marathon runner that won the gold had no coach and he did make it happen. Nobody gave him anything. The rebels killed 8 of his 10 brothers and sisters and they enslaved him for a period.

It is true that there's an existential argument that nobody does anything without help somewhere__ but I think it's a slap in the face to downgrade individual accomplishment in the name of some utopian nonsense.
If you're an Olympian that has made it to London, you didn't get there on your own__ You didn't get there on your own! I'm always struck by Olympians that think well it must be because I was so great. There are a lot of great people out there! It must be because I worked harder than everybody else__ Let me tell you something; there are a whole bunch of hard working athletes out there. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great coach somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable Olympic system that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in sports arenas, equipment and nutritional supplements. So if you're an Olympian, you didn't make it. Somebody else made that happen. London didn't get invented on its own.

Its actually true, though. None of those athletes would be there if they didn't have a coach to help them train. Therefore, they really didn't 'get there' on their own.

Actually, the Ugandan marathon runner that won the gold had no coach and he did make it happen. Nobody gave him anything. The rebels killed 8 of his 10 brothers and sisters and they enslaved him for a period.

It is true that there's an existential argument that nobody does anything without help somewhere__ but I think it's a slap in the face to downgrade individual accomplishment in the name of some utopian nonsense.

It's also to a slap in the face to question someone's birthplace when you have no proof.
Its actually true, though. None of those athletes would be there if they didn't have a coach to help them train. Therefore, they really didn't 'get there' on their own.

Actually, the Ugandan marathon runner that won the gold had no coach and he did make it happen. Nobody gave him anything. The rebels killed 8 of his 10 brothers and sisters and they enslaved him for a period.

It is true that there's an existential argument that nobody does anything without help somewhere__ but I think it's a slap in the face to downgrade individual accomplishment in the name of some utopian nonsense.

It's also to a slap in the face to question someone's birthplace when you have no proof.

What does that Kenyan Barry Soetoro have to do with whether Olympians make it on their own, or not?:D
Actually, the Ugandan marathon runner that won the gold had no coach and he did make it happen. Nobody gave him anything. The rebels killed 8 of his 10 brothers and sisters and they enslaved him for a period.

It is true that there's an existential argument that nobody does anything without help somewhere__ but I think it's a slap in the face to downgrade individual accomplishment in the name of some utopian nonsense.

It's also to a slap in the face to question someone's birthplace when you have no proof.

What does that Kenyan Barry Soetoro have to do with whether Olympians make it on their own, or not?:D

Not sure who that is.

Not sure why the Gasbag has to inject Politics into a sports forum but he does...too bad he's ignoring me...LOL
Actually, the Ugandan marathon runner that won the gold had no coach and he did make it happen. Nobody gave him anything. The rebels killed 8 of his 10 brothers and sisters and they enslaved him for a period.

It is true that there's an existential argument that nobody does anything without help somewhere__ but I think it's a slap in the face to downgrade individual accomplishment in the name of some utopian nonsense.

It's also to a slap in the face to question someone's birthplace when you have no proof.

What does that Kenyan Barry Soetoro have to do with whether Olympians make it on their own, or not?:D

Don't worry about her. She's just trolling. That's why she's on my ignore list. She loves to make every discussion about that. I think she has some sort of mental affliction that she has to do it. Hopefully, she'll get help.
If you're an Olympian that has made it to London, you didn't get there on your own__ You didn't get there on your own! I'm always struck by Olympians that think well it must be because I was so great. There are a lot of great people out there! It must be because I worked harder than everybody else__ Let me tell you something; there are a whole bunch of hard working athletes out there. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great coach somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable Olympic system that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in sports arenas, equipment and nutritional supplements. So if you're an Olympian, you didn't make it. Somebody else made that happen. London didn't get invented on its own.

Its actually true, though. None of those athletes would be there if they didn't have a coach to help them train. Therefore, they really didn't 'get there' on their own.

Actually, the Ugandan marathon runner that won the gold had no coach and he did make it happen. Nobody gave him anything. The rebels killed 8 of his 10 brothers and sisters and they enslaved him for a period.

It is true that there's an existential argument that nobody does anything without help somewhere__ but I think it's a slap in the face to downgrade individual accomplishment in the name of some utopian nonsense.

just like you B.S. atetmpts to twist a statement and misuse it.
Its actually true, though. None of those athletes would be there if they didn't have a coach to help them train. Therefore, they really didn't 'get there' on their own.

Actually, the Ugandan marathon runner that won the gold had no coach and he did make it happen. Nobody gave him anything. The rebels killed 8 of his 10 brothers and sisters and they enslaved him for a period.

It is true that there's an existential argument that nobody does anything without help somewhere__ but I think it's a slap in the face to downgrade individual accomplishment in the name of some utopian nonsense.

just like you B.S. atetmpts to twist a statement and misuse it.

What are you jibber jabbering about? C'mon; at least put some thought into your trolling.
This doees not belong in sports, since you have made it a political issue

There's no politics in sports? That's news to me. I guess the IOC is a perfect organization after all.

And next time someone starts a thread in the sports forum; that complains about a bill to fund a football stadium or to keep a team in their town; I'll be sure to tell them how dare they!

If you're an Olympian that has made it to London, you didn't get there on your own__ You didn't get there on your own! I'm always struck by Olympians that think well it must be because I was so great. There are a lot of great people out there! It must be because I worked harder than everybody else__ Let me tell you something; there are a whole bunch of hard working athletes out there. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great coach somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable Olympic system that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in sports arenas, equipment and nutritional supplements. So if you're an Olympian, you didn't make it. Somebody else made that happen. London didn't get invented on its own.

Its actually true, though. None of those athletes would be there if they didn't have a coach to help them train. Therefore, they really didn't 'get there' on their own.

They also wouldn't be there without advancements in sports technology and sports medicine, the buidling of the tracks and equipment, venues they use, without coaches and sponsorships and on and on and on. They of course, owe themselves a HUGE pat on the back for their extremely hard work and dedication without which they wouldn't be there. But it is a team effort behind the scenes also.
If you're an Olympian that has made it to London, you didn't get there on your own__ You didn't get there on your own! I'm always struck by Olympians that think well it must be because I was so great. There are a lot of great people out there! It must be because I worked harder than everybody else__ Let me tell you something; there are a whole bunch of hard working athletes out there. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great coach somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable Olympic system that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in sports arenas, equipment and nutritional supplements. So if you're an Olympian, you didn't make it. Somebody else made that happen. London didn't get invented on its own.

Its actually true, though. None of those athletes would be there if they didn't have a coach to help them train. Therefore, they really didn't 'get there' on their own.

They also wouldn't be there without advancements in sports technology and sports medicine, the buidling of the tracks and equipment, venues they use, without coaches and sponsorships and on and on and on. They of course, owe themselves a HUGE pat on the back for their extremely hard work and dedication without which they wouldn't be there. But it is a team effort behind the scenes also.

There'd be no Olympics without those things? All those things are what we like to call life. The Olympians themselves deserve 100 percent of the credit for their accomplishments. If they choose to share it with others then more power to them. But I for one am not going to condescend to them.
If you're an Olympian that has made it to London, you didn't get there on your own__ You didn't get there on your own! I'm always struck by Olympians that think well it must be because I was so great. There are a lot of great people out there! It must be because I worked harder than everybody else__ Let me tell you something; there are a whole bunch of hard working athletes out there. If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great coach somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable Olympic system that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in sports arenas, equipment and nutritional supplements. So if you're an Olympian, you didn't make it. Somebody else made that happen. London didn't get invented on its own.

Its actually true, though. None of those athletes would be there if they didn't have a coach to help them train. Therefore, they really didn't 'get there' on their own.

Actually, the Ugandan marathon runner that won the gold had no coach and he did make it happen. Nobody gave him anything. The rebels killed 8 of his 10 brothers and sisters and they enslaved him for a period.

It is true that there's an existential argument that nobody does anything without help somewhere__ but I think it's a slap in the face to downgrade individual accomplishment in the name of some utopian nonsense.

Actually they did, he was assisted by A Running Start.
Yes, his accomplishment is amazing and mostly due to what he did, but he did receive help along the way.
Read what Obama said, it isnt some utopian non sense, it is the truth.

What about the PG commercial? Where they claimed athletes got there with the help of their mom's. Where is the outrage on that one?

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