Old Testament Prophesy...LOL Post a verse you think was a prophesy and I will explain why it BS.


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
God, how anyone can think the evil, racist Jewish Bible (and the idiotic New Testament) is somehow unfulfilled reality is just mindboggling. First I want to know if you graduated high school and attended college. If you do not meet those minimal standards, then yes I can understand you being brainwashed and believing what the TV evangelical scam artists spew. Be sure to buy the "holy water" so you can get your bills paid! :p
God, how anyone can think the evil, racist Jewish Bible (and the idiotic New Testament) is somehow unfulfilled reality is just mindboggling. First I want to know if you graduated high school and attended college. If you do not meet those minimal standards, then yes I can understand you being brainwashed and believing what the TV evangelical scam artists spew. Be sure to buy the "holy water" so you can get your bills paid! :p
It's ok to own slaves, but you have to free the Jewish ones after six years. Deuteronomy 15:6
God, how anyone can think the evil, racist Jewish Bible (and the idiotic New Testament) is somehow unfulfilled reality is just mindboggling. First I want to know if you graduated high school and attended college. If you do not meet those minimal standards, then yes I can understand you being brainwashed and believing what the TV evangelical scam artists spew. Be sure to buy the "holy water" so you can get your bills paid! :p
This Bible verse clearly foretold 2008:

Don't charge exorbitant interest rates on loans to fellow Jews. Commit usury against others, however, and God will help you get their land. Deuteronomy 23:20
God, how anyone can think the evil, racist Jewish Bible (and the idiotic New Testament) is somehow unfulfilled reality is just mindboggling. First I want to know if you graduated high school and attended college. If you do not meet those minimal standards, then yes I can understand you being brainwashed and believing what the TV evangelical scam artists spew. Be sure to buy the "holy water" so you can get your bills paid! :p
It's ok to own slaves, but you have to free the Jewish ones after six years. Deuteronomy 15:6

Sounds good to me. You have a problem with it?
God, how anyone can think the evil, racist Jewish Bible (and the idiotic New Testament) is somehow unfulfilled reality is just mindboggling. First I want to know if you graduated high school and attended college. If you do not meet those minimal standards, then yes I can understand you being brainwashed and believing what the TV evangelical scam artists spew. Be sure to buy the "holy water" so you can get your bills paid! :p
And this prophesy has arguably been fulfilled:

For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee.

Deuteronomy 28:13
God, how anyone can think the evil, racist Jewish Bible (and the idiotic New Testament) is somehow unfulfilled reality is just mindboggling. First I want to know if you graduated high school and attended college. If you do not meet those minimal standards, then yes I can understand you being brainwashed and believing what the TV evangelical scam artists spew. Be sure to buy the "holy water" so you can get your bills paid! :p
It's ok to own slaves, but you have to free the Jewish ones after six years. Deuteronomy 15:6

Sounds good to me. You have a problem with it?
No, pumpkin. It gives me chills.
God, how anyone can think the evil, racist Jewish Bible (and the idiotic New Testament) is somehow unfulfilled reality is just mindboggling. First I want to know if you graduated high school and attended college. If you do not meet those minimal standards, then yes I can understand you being brainwashed and believing what the TV evangelical scam artists spew. Be sure to buy the "holy water" so you can get your bills paid! :p
It's ok to own slaves, but you have to free the Jewish ones after six years. Deuteronomy 15:6

Sounds good to me. You have a problem with it?
No, pumpkin. It gives me chills.

Try a hot water bottle
God, how anyone can think the evil, racist Jewish Bible (and the idiotic New Testament) is somehow unfulfilled reality is just mindboggling. First I want to know if you graduated high school and attended college. If you do not meet those minimal standards, then yes I can understand you being brainwashed and believing what the TV evangelical scam artists spew. Be sure to buy the "holy water" so you can get your bills paid! :p
And I'd say this pretty much predicted the American Statue of Liberty mythos:

Tell foreigners you come in peace. If they respond peacefully and welcome you, enslave them. If they don't, kill all the males, enslave the women and children, take everything valuable for yourself, and feast on it as God's gift to you.

When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it. And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee. And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it: And when the LORD thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the LORD thy God hath given thee.

Deuteronomy 20:11
God, how anyone can think the evil, racist Jewish Bible (and the idiotic New Testament) is somehow unfulfilled reality is just mindboggling. First I want to know if you graduated high school and attended college. If you do not meet those minimal standards, then yes I can understand you being brainwashed and believing what the TV evangelical scam artists spew. Be sure to buy the "holy water" so you can get your bills paid! :p
It's ok to own slaves, but you have to free the Jewish ones after six years. Deuteronomy 15:6

Sounds good to me. You have a problem with it?
No, pumpkin. It gives me chills.

Try a hot water bottle
You are clever. You must be from New York City.
God, how anyone can think the evil, racist Jewish Bible (and the idiotic New Testament) is somehow unfulfilled reality is just mindboggling. First I want to know if you graduated high school and attended college. If you do not meet those minimal standards, then yes I can understand you being brainwashed and believing what the TV evangelical scam artists spew. Be sure to buy the "holy water" so you can get your bills paid! :p
It's ok to own slaves, but you have to free the Jewish ones after six years. Deuteronomy 15:6

Sounds good to me. You have a problem with it?
No, pumpkin. It gives me chills.

Try a hot water bottle
You are clever. You must be from New York City.

Los Angeles. I just worked in New York.
The Dead Sea Scrolls
(4Q266 -7 fr 5) warned us of a rule they had back then about not listening to leaders/teachers who had been politically imprisoned as we see why through history, if only we had obeyed the simple rule.
List of Political prisoners who came out with a lust for blood and hate for humanity as they turned into psychopathic murderers who caused attrocities and were the cause of wars and more murders:
Paul of Tarsus, & Jesus (both caused thousands of wars and over 50 Million murders forcing people into submitting to an idol masking the Baal seed harvest scam).
Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam, Arafat, Castro, Zarquawi, Turkey's tyrant Erodagan and I think that Islamic radical guy in Africa Mokhtar Belmokhtar who started many wars and attrocities there (the guy with one eye) might have been a political prisoner, he seems hell bent on that subject himself regarding radicals imprisoned and breaking them out of prisons or he broke out of prison.
All political prisoners before they massacred.

Idi Amin might be another qualifying for that list: he had similarities to Saddam: Deserted by his father at an early age, he was brought up by his mother like Saddam and came from a small Islamic tribe.
President Obote put Amin under house arrest so technically he was also a political prisoner before he declared himself president and did a number on the people mainly ' hunting down Obote's supporters' much like Saddam hunted down kurds and Shiites, & his opposition supporters.

The greatest murderers were political prisoners and Judaism tried to save us while the church supressed those rules allowed the sins to flourish and they influenced many of those attrocities since the Nazis learned their hate from the synods and mimicked them as did the Jihadist who learned them from the nazis.

Yeshu, Yehuda, Theudas all making up the image of Jesus were all political prisoners.
The myth of Jesus caused over thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in his new icon name.

So the most accurate description of this false prophet as the son of perdition can be found in Ezekiel 28.
Ezekiel 28 warns that Lucifer (Jesus) would be a "Created Image"(icon) of a man, one that walked the Garden of Eden (ancient Persia) the place the Mithraic (man on cross) image did stem from.
On Ezekiel 28 We are told this fallen one would die by the hands of "The seas"(i.e. "Rome" in Bible era slang).
We are told this image would be fallaciously deemed perfect(sinless) until we saw the iniquities in these claims(information age exposes the iniquities in the stories) and that this son of *perdition(*meaning fall to the pit which the character did do 1 Peter 3:19, Acts 2:27) would be called:Ezekiel 28:14 says
the anointed(Christ) cherub(guardian in Hebrew= Nazarene)-Ezekiel 28:15 says he'd be deemed perfect (sinless).
We are warned of this first fallen messiah (Lucifer) idol all over the Bible.
The Temple Scroll:
(IIQT=IIQ19,20, 4Q365a)
Column II (The Covenant)
You must not bring any abominable idol into your house and come under the ban together with it.
You shall detest and abominate it for it is under the ban.
The rest talks about taking care not to make a covenant with the people who whore after their idol gods and sacrifice to it inviting them to do the same.
Metal idols
Leviticus 19:4
"`Do not turn to idols or make gods of cast metal for yourselves. I am the LORD your God.
1 Kings 14:9
Isaiah 48:5
Isaiah 44:10
Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?
One of the things that G0D forbids is idols, worship using images gods or even of G0D himself (Exodus 20:4 and Leviticus 26:1). Man, as it is written, was created as an image of G0D (Genesis 1:27). And, so, worshipping a man as G0D is idolatry.
After all, G0D himself says that "G0D is not a man" (in Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9).
In Isiah44;9 It states they that make a graven image are all of them vanity and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses;(christians) they see not; nor know; that they may be ashamed. Still confused well here is some more. Isaiah44;13(notice it is 13) The carpenter(Who is that was Jesus not considered a carpenter) strecheth out his rule(over the world)he marketh it out with a line;he fitteth it with planes and he marketh it out with a compass, and maketh it after the fiqure of a man(JESUS);according to the beauty of a man;that it mat remain in the house(Maybe over your bed?) One more passage Isiah44;17 And the residue thereof he maketh a god(JESUS)Even his graven image(AGAIN JESUS);He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my god(forbidden JESUS).

In conclusion Snouter, you yourself validate Hebrew scripture and legends by admiting Jesus as an image myth of a false prophet who 1/3 the fish did die for.
You've been schooled!
God, how anyone can think the evil, racist Jewish Bible (and the idiotic New Testament) is somehow unfulfilled reality is just mindboggling. First I want to know if you graduated high school and attended college. If you do not meet those minimal standards, then yes I can understand you being brainwashed and believing what the TV evangelical scam artists spew. Be sure to buy the "holy water" so you can get your bills paid! :p
Dude, do you REALLY want to go around this with me again?
The Dead Sea Scrolls
(4Q266 -7 fr 5) warned us of a rule they had back then about not listening to leaders/teachers who had been politically imprisoned as we see why through history, if only we had obeyed the simple rule.
List of Political prisoners who came out with a lust for blood and hate for humanity as they turned into psychopathic murderers who caused attrocities and were the cause of wars and more murders:
Paul of Tarsus, & Jesus (both caused thousands of wars and over 50 Million murders forcing people into submitting to an idol masking the Baal seed harvest scam).
Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam, Arafat, Castro, Zarquawi, Turkey's tyrant Erodagan and I think that Islamic radical guy in Africa Mokhtar Belmokhtar who started many wars and attrocities there (the guy with one eye) might have been a political prisoner, he seems hell bent on that subject himself regarding radicals imprisoned and breaking them out of prisons or he broke out of prison.
All political prisoners before they massacred.

Idi Amin might be another qualifying for that list: he had similarities to Saddam: Deserted by his father at an early age, he was brought up by his mother like Saddam and came from a small Islamic tribe.
President Obote put Amin under house arrest so technically he was also a political prisoner before he declared himself president and did a number on the people mainly ' hunting down Obote's supporters' much like Saddam hunted down kurds and Shiites, & his opposition supporters.

The greatest murderers were political prisoners and Judaism tried to save us while the church supressed those rules allowed the sins to flourish and they influenced many of those attrocities since the Nazis learned their hate from the synods and mimicked them as did the Jihadist who learned them from the nazis.

Yeshu, Yehuda, Theudas all making up the image of Jesus were all political prisoners.
The myth of Jesus caused over thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in his new icon name.

So the most accurate description of this false prophet as the son of perdition can be found in Ezekiel 28.
Ezekiel 28 warns that Lucifer (Jesus) would be a "Created Image"(icon) of a man, one that walked the Garden of Eden (ancient Persia) the place the Mithraic (man on cross) image did stem from.
On Ezekiel 28 We are told this fallen one would die by the hands of "The seas"(i.e. "Rome" in Bible era slang).
We are told this image would be fallaciously deemed perfect(sinless) until we saw the iniquities in these claims(information age exposes the iniquities in the stories) and that this son of *perdition(*meaning fall to the pit which the character did do 1 Peter 3:19, Acts 2:27) would be called:Ezekiel 28:14 says
the anointed(Christ) cherub(guardian in Hebrew= Nazarene)-Ezekiel 28:15 says he'd be deemed perfect (sinless).
We are warned of this first fallen messiah (Lucifer) idol all over the Bible.
The Temple Scroll:
(IIQT=IIQ19,20, 4Q365a)
Column II (The Covenant)
You must not bring any abominable idol into your house and come under the ban together with it.
You shall detest and abominate it for it is under the ban.
The rest talks about taking care not to make a covenant with the people who whore after their idol gods and sacrifice to it inviting them to do the same.
Metal idols
Leviticus 19:4
"`Do not turn to idols or make gods of cast metal for yourselves. I am the LORD your God.
1 Kings 14:9
Isaiah 48:5
Isaiah 44:10
Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?
One of the things that G0D forbids is idols, worship using images gods or even of G0D himself (Exodus 20:4 and Leviticus 26:1). Man, as it is written, was created as an image of G0D (Genesis 1:27). And, so, worshipping a man as G0D is idolatry.
After all, G0D himself says that "G0D is not a man" (in Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9).
In Isiah44;9 It states they that make a graven image are all of them vanity and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses;(christians) they see not; nor know; that they may be ashamed. Still confused well here is some more. Isaiah44;13(notice it is 13) The carpenter(Who is that was Jesus not considered a carpenter) strecheth out his rule(over the world)he marketh it out with a line;he fitteth it with planes and he marketh it out with a compass, and maketh it after the fiqure of a man(JESUS);according to the beauty of a man;that it mat remain in the house(Maybe over your bed?) One more passage Isiah44;17 And the residue thereof he maketh a god(JESUS)Even his graven image(AGAIN JESUS);He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my god(forbidden JESUS).

In conclusion Snouter, you yourself validate Hebrew scripture and legends by admiting Jesus as an image myth of a false prophet who 1/3 the fish did die for.
You've been schooled!
So let me see if I got all this: you are saying Muslims learned to hate the Jews from the Nazis?
The Dead Sea Scrolls
(4Q266 -7 fr 5) warned us of a rule they had back then about not listening to leaders/teachers who had been politically imprisoned as we see why through history, if only we had obeyed the simple rule.
List of Political prisoners who came out with a lust for blood and hate for humanity as they turned into psychopathic murderers who caused attrocities and were the cause of wars and more murders:
Paul of Tarsus, & Jesus (both caused thousands of wars and over 50 Million murders forcing people into submitting to an idol masking the Baal seed harvest scam).
Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam, Arafat, Castro, Zarquawi, Turkey's tyrant Erodagan and I think that Islamic radical guy in Africa Mokhtar Belmokhtar who started many wars and attrocities there (the guy with one eye) might have been a political prisoner, he seems hell bent on that subject himself regarding radicals imprisoned and breaking them out of prisons or he broke out of prison.
All political prisoners before they massacred.

Idi Amin might be another qualifying for that list: he had similarities to Saddam: Deserted by his father at an early age, he was brought up by his mother like Saddam and came from a small Islamic tribe.
President Obote put Amin under house arrest so technically he was also a political prisoner before he declared himself president and did a number on the people mainly ' hunting down Obote's supporters' much like Saddam hunted down kurds and Shiites, & his opposition supporters.

The greatest murderers were political prisoners and Judaism tried to save us while the church supressed those rules allowed the sins to flourish and they influenced many of those attrocities since the Nazis learned their hate from the synods and mimicked them as did the Jihadist who learned them from the nazis.

Yeshu, Yehuda, Theudas all making up the image of Jesus were all political prisoners.
The myth of Jesus caused over thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in his new icon name.

So the most accurate description of this false prophet as the son of perdition can be found in Ezekiel 28.
Ezekiel 28 warns that Lucifer (Jesus) would be a "Created Image"(icon) of a man, one that walked the Garden of Eden (ancient Persia) the place the Mithraic (man on cross) image did stem from.
On Ezekiel 28 We are told this fallen one would die by the hands of "The seas"(i.e. "Rome" in Bible era slang).
We are told this image would be fallaciously deemed perfect(sinless) until we saw the iniquities in these claims(information age exposes the iniquities in the stories) and that this son of *perdition(*meaning fall to the pit which the character did do 1 Peter 3:19, Acts 2:27) would be called:Ezekiel 28:14 says
the anointed(Christ) cherub(guardian in Hebrew= Nazarene)-Ezekiel 28:15 says he'd be deemed perfect (sinless).
We are warned of this first fallen messiah (Lucifer) idol all over the Bible.
The Temple Scroll:
(IIQT=IIQ19,20, 4Q365a)
Column II (The Covenant)
You must not bring any abominable idol into your house and come under the ban together with it.
You shall detest and abominate it for it is under the ban.
The rest talks about taking care not to make a covenant with the people who whore after their idol gods and sacrifice to it inviting them to do the same.
Metal idols
Leviticus 19:4
"`Do not turn to idols or make gods of cast metal for yourselves. I am the LORD your God.
1 Kings 14:9
Isaiah 48:5
Isaiah 44:10
Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?
One of the things that G0D forbids is idols, worship using images gods or even of G0D himself (Exodus 20:4 and Leviticus 26:1). Man, as it is written, was created as an image of G0D (Genesis 1:27). And, so, worshipping a man as G0D is idolatry.
After all, G0D himself says that "G0D is not a man" (in Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9).
In Isiah44;9 It states they that make a graven image are all of them vanity and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses;(christians) they see not; nor know; that they may be ashamed. Still confused well here is some more. Isaiah44;13(notice it is 13) The carpenter(Who is that was Jesus not considered a carpenter) strecheth out his rule(over the world)he marketh it out with a line;he fitteth it with planes and he marketh it out with a compass, and maketh it after the fiqure of a man(JESUS);according to the beauty of a man;that it mat remain in the house(Maybe over your bed?) One more passage Isiah44;17 And the residue thereof he maketh a god(JESUS)Even his graven image(AGAIN JESUS);He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my god(forbidden JESUS).

In conclusion Snouter, you yourself validate Hebrew scripture and legends by admiting Jesus as an image myth of a false prophet who 1/3 the fish did die for.
You've been schooled!
So let me see if I got all this: you are saying Muslims learned to hate the Jews from the Nazis?

One of the root causes.
It's the RCC's antisemitic synods and decrees that influenced the Nazis antisemitic rules and acts. And it was where the head Palestinian Cleric (said to be Arafats Uncle),
Mulla Haj Amin Al-Husseini,
fled to Berlin to learn the propaganda of hate which influenced the Jihaadist propaganda, mentality of violence and hate=RCC IS EVEN RESPONSIBLE FOR TODAY'S RADICALISM & GLOBAL DECAY.
They are responsible by both inluence and affects of their past actions.
Furthermore the world is held back by this imposter temple as it prevents the rightful spiritual platform to have equal rights to outreach humanity with proper reflections and teachings of righteousness.
There ends up no proper judgement, council, mediation, teaching, proper rational influences, problem solving, etc...and thus we live in this bizzarro world of our own design never to know what could and should be, because the spiritual authority has made us blind and expecting that this is the way it is and always will be.
Blame it on the RCC !!!, Jews created their own anti-Semitism and still do. Secular Jews do not like the orthodox ones , the orthodox who dress like Russians , all in black, creepy. Also Hitler's Germany were mainly evangelicals. It was the EO Church in Russia , not the RCC.

Yevsektsiyas (alternative spelling: Evsektsiyas), Russian: Евсекция, the abbreviation of the phrase "Еврейская секция" or "Hebrew Section") were the Jewish sections of the Soviet Communist Party. These sections were established in fall of 1918 with consent of Vladimir Lenin to carry communist revolution to the Jewish masses.[1] The stated mission of these sections was "destruction of traditional Jewish life, the Zionist movement, and Hebrew culture".[2] The sections were staffed mostly by Jewish ex-members of the Bund, which joined Soviet Communist Party in 1921.[1] According to Richard Pipes, "in time, every Jewish cultural and social organization came under assault". However, main emphasis of Yevsektsii was the assault on Jewish religion. Acting together with local Soviet authorities, Evsektsii organized seizures of synagogues in Gomel, Minsk and Kharkov, which were subsequently converted to clubs or Communist centers.[1]

The Yevsektsii were disbanded as no longer needed in 1929. Many leading members perished in the Great Purge. The Chairman, Semyon Dimanstein was arrested in 1938 and executed.[1] He was rehabilitated posthumously in 1955, 2 years after the death of Joseph Stalin.

Yevsektsiya - Wikipedia
The Dead Sea Scrolls
(4Q266 -7 fr 5) warned us of a rule they had back then about not listening to leaders/teachers who had been politically imprisoned as we see why through history, if only we had obeyed the simple rule.
List of Political prisoners who came out with a lust for blood and hate for humanity as they turned into psychopathic murderers who caused attrocities and were the cause of wars and more murders:
Paul of Tarsus, & Jesus (both caused thousands of wars and over 50 Million murders forcing people into submitting to an idol masking the Baal seed harvest scam).
Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam, Arafat, Castro, Zarquawi, Turkey's tyrant Erodagan and I think that Islamic radical guy in Africa Mokhtar Belmokhtar who started many wars and attrocities there (the guy with one eye) might have been a political prisoner, he seems hell bent on that subject himself regarding radicals imprisoned and breaking them out of prisons or he broke out of prison.
All political prisoners before they massacred.

Idi Amin might be another qualifying for that list: he had similarities to Saddam: Deserted by his father at an early age, he was brought up by his mother like Saddam and came from a small Islamic tribe.
President Obote put Amin under house arrest so technically he was also a political prisoner before he declared himself president and did a number on the people mainly ' hunting down Obote's supporters' much like Saddam hunted down kurds and Shiites, & his opposition supporters.

The greatest murderers were political prisoners and Judaism tried to save us while the church supressed those rules allowed the sins to flourish and they influenced many of those attrocities since the Nazis learned their hate from the synods and mimicked them as did the Jihadist who learned them from the nazis.

Yeshu, Yehuda, Theudas all making up the image of Jesus were all political prisoners.
The myth of Jesus caused over thousands of wars and over 50 million murders in his new icon name.

So the most accurate description of this false prophet as the son of perdition can be found in Ezekiel 28.
Ezekiel 28 warns that Lucifer (Jesus) would be a "Created Image"(icon) of a man, one that walked the Garden of Eden (ancient Persia) the place the Mithraic (man on cross) image did stem from.
On Ezekiel 28 We are told this fallen one would die by the hands of "The seas"(i.e. "Rome" in Bible era slang).
We are told this image would be fallaciously deemed perfect(sinless) until we saw the iniquities in these claims(information age exposes the iniquities in the stories) and that this son of *perdition(*meaning fall to the pit which the character did do 1 Peter 3:19, Acts 2:27) would be called:Ezekiel 28:14 says
the anointed(Christ) cherub(guardian in Hebrew= Nazarene)-Ezekiel 28:15 says he'd be deemed perfect (sinless).
We are warned of this first fallen messiah (Lucifer) idol all over the Bible.
The Temple Scroll:
(IIQT=IIQ19,20, 4Q365a)
Column II (The Covenant)
You must not bring any abominable idol into your house and come under the ban together with it.
You shall detest and abominate it for it is under the ban.
The rest talks about taking care not to make a covenant with the people who whore after their idol gods and sacrifice to it inviting them to do the same.
Metal idols
Leviticus 19:4
"`Do not turn to idols or make gods of cast metal for yourselves. I am the LORD your God.
1 Kings 14:9
Isaiah 48:5
Isaiah 44:10
Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?
One of the things that G0D forbids is idols, worship using images gods or even of G0D himself (Exodus 20:4 and Leviticus 26:1). Man, as it is written, was created as an image of G0D (Genesis 1:27). And, so, worshipping a man as G0D is idolatry.
After all, G0D himself says that "G0D is not a man" (in Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9).
In Isiah44;9 It states they that make a graven image are all of them vanity and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses;(christians) they see not; nor know; that they may be ashamed. Still confused well here is some more. Isaiah44;13(notice it is 13) The carpenter(Who is that was Jesus not considered a carpenter) strecheth out his rule(over the world)he marketh it out with a line;he fitteth it with planes and he marketh it out with a compass, and maketh it after the fiqure of a man(JESUS);according to the beauty of a man;that it mat remain in the house(Maybe over your bed?) One more passage Isiah44;17 And the residue thereof he maketh a god(JESUS)Even his graven image(AGAIN JESUS);He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my god(forbidden JESUS).

In conclusion Snouter, you yourself validate Hebrew scripture and legends by admiting Jesus as an image myth of a false prophet who 1/3 the fish did die for.
You've been schooled!
So let me see if I got all this: you are saying Muslims learned to hate the Jews from the Nazis?

One of the root causes.
It's the RCC's antisemitic synods and decrees that influenced the Nazis antisemitic rules and acts. And it was where the head Palestinian Cleric (said to be Arafats Uncle),
Mulla Haj Amin Al-Husseini,
fled to Berlin to learn the propaganda of hate which influenced the Jihaadist propaganda, mentality of violence and hate=RCC IS EVEN RESPONSIBLE FOR TODAY'S RADICALISM & GLOBAL DECAY.
They are responsible by both inluence and affects of their past actions.
Furthermore the world is held back by this imposter temple as it prevents the rightful spiritual platform to have equal rights to outreach humanity with proper reflections and teachings of righteousness.
There ends up no proper judgement, council, mediation, teaching, proper rational influences, problem solving, etc...and thus we live in this bizzarro world of our own design never to know what could and should be, because the spiritual authority has made us blind and expecting that this is the way it is and always will be.
Ok, well, clearly the drummer you march to is on another planet entirely. But, regarding the link about Ferguson, MO in your signature: here is the real story: What's the deal with the New York Times on race?
Blame it on the RCC !!!, Jews created their own anti-Semitism and still do. Secular Jews do not like the orthodox ones , the orthodox who dress like Russians , all in black, creepy. Also Hitler's Germany were mainly evangelicals. It was the EO Church in Russia , not the RCC.

Yevsektsiyas (alternative spelling: Evsektsiyas), Russian: Евсекция, the abbreviation of the phrase "Еврейская секция" or "Hebrew Section") were the Jewish sections of the Soviet Communist Party. These sections were established in fall of 1918 with consent of Vladimir Lenin to carry communist revolution to the Jewish masses.[1] The stated mission of these sections was "destruction of traditional Jewish life, the Zionist movement, and Hebrew culture".[2] The sections were staffed mostly by Jewish ex-members of the Bund, which joined Soviet Communist Party in 1921.[1] According to Richard Pipes, "in time, every Jewish cultural and social organization came under assault". However, main emphasis of Yevsektsii was the assault on Jewish religion. Acting together with local Soviet authorities, Evsektsii organized seizures of synagogues in Gomel, Minsk and Kharkov, which were subsequently converted to clubs or Communist centers.[1]

The Yevsektsii were disbanded as no longer needed in 1929. Many leading members perished in the Great Purge. The Chairman, Semyon Dimanstein was arrested in 1938 and executed.[1] He was rehabilitated posthumously in 1955, 2 years after the death of Joseph Stalin.

Yevsektsiya - Wikipedia

You just validated my previous post and then this last one.
Previous: because the PREDATED scrolls warn not to listen to Stalin.=STRIKE 1
Because Stalin was Catholic=strike2
and your hate mongering was through your RCC upbringing proves the influence I mentioned especially when you sode with terrorists and use their propaganda all the time=strike 3.
Maybe you should try T-Ball to train your swing at me.
or in your case T- Baal. :)
Blame it on the RCC !!!, Jews created their own anti-Semitism and still do. Secular Jews do not like the orthodox ones , the orthodox who dress like Russians , all in black, creepy. Also Hitler's Germany were mainly evangelicals. It was the EO Church in Russia , not the RCC.

Yevsektsiyas (alternative spelling: Evsektsiyas), Russian: Евсекция, the abbreviation of the phrase "Еврейская секция" or "Hebrew Section") were the Jewish sections of the Soviet Communist Party. These sections were established in fall of 1918 with consent of Vladimir Lenin to carry communist revolution to the Jewish masses.[1] The stated mission of these sections was "destruction of traditional Jewish life, the Zionist movement, and Hebrew culture".[2] The sections were staffed mostly by Jewish ex-members of the Bund, which joined Soviet Communist Party in 1921.[1] According to Richard Pipes, "in time, every Jewish cultural and social organization came under assault". However, main emphasis of Yevsektsii was the assault on Jewish religion. Acting together with local Soviet authorities, Evsektsii organized seizures of synagogues in Gomel, Minsk and Kharkov, which were subsequently converted to clubs or Communist centers.[1]

The Yevsektsii were disbanded as no longer needed in 1929. Many leading members perished in the Great Purge. The Chairman, Semyon Dimanstein was arrested in 1938 and executed.[1] He was rehabilitated posthumously in 1955, 2 years after the death of Joseph Stalin.

Yevsektsiya - Wikipedia

You just validated my previous post and then this last one.
Previous: because the PREDATED scrolls warn not to listen to Stalin.=STRIKE 1
Because Stalin was Catholic=strike2
and your hate mongering was through your RCC upbringing proves the influence I mentioned especially when you sode with terrorists and use their propaganda all the time=strike 3.
Maybe you should try T-Ball to train your swing at me.
or in your case T- Baal. :)

From my post
The stated mission of these sections was "destruction of traditional Jewish life, the Zionist movement, and Hebrew culture".[2] The sections were staffed mostly by Jewish ex-members of the Bund, which joined Soviet Communist Party in 1921.[1] According to Richard Pipes, "in time, every Jewish cultural and social organization came under assault". However, main emphasis of Yevsektsii was the assault on Jewish religion.

I don't believe in bible prophecy. Also Jesus was a common name in the first half of the 1AD. Barabbas was Jesus Barabbas. (Jesus son of the father) and that is the one the Jews wanted to let go, according to the story , as he was a rebel.

Rome stepped in Judea due the civil war between zealot jews and Hellenistic jews. Galilee was a major trade route . Now if the character of Jesus was based on a walking rabbi , we shall never know.
Emperor Titus and his right hand man , Tiberius Alexander (a jew) from a rich jew non observant family in Alexandria (that helped put Vespasian in office) led the destruction of the Temple. The zealot Jews had already started fires and burnt the food supply inside the gates of Herods temple.

You bring on your own destruction and well its seems you are doing very well money wise, lots of rich jews in the US, so it cant be so bad. I do not worship jews or a jew. Most today are not even true jews.

Over 65-75 million died in WWII, and only a small amount were jews.

You reap what you sow, and what you sow is money. That is why there are so many rich jews and jews involved in white collar crimes.
Quote:"Barabbas was Jesus Barabbas."
As I responed to you in a former post,
most likely Barabbas story is about the 2 Yehudas confused for each other.
1)the tax revolter christ Yehuda of Galilee who died in 6bc.
2)the thief murderer used for the Jesus Barabbas story was the confused FOR the christ figure similarly named as
Yehuda the GALIONITE -WHO ransacked the temple thus used also for the turning the tables story. Josephus says that Yehuda was a thief & murderer. In the age of lacking comnunication that similar term for the Yehuda's Galilean-Galuonite are easily confused like the Jesus Bar Abba &
Jesus BarAbbas story or like how you miss BarJesus as Pauls maggis friend in the
Sergius Paulus called Paul story in Acts.

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