Old Left Media Proves Palin Tops!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"Experts from across political lines came together today to rule Sarah Palin the greatest person to ever have existed in human history. After constant political harassment, 24,000 emails were released from her time as governor of Alaska. These emails were mainly written long before her nomination for Vice President, and were intended to be private emails about her work as governor.

Yet, even after the media actually solicited everyday people to scour the emails for something to “investigate”, scientists were baffled when political enemies and opposition researched produced exactly zero interesting material proving her supposed Satan-like private persona.

“Not only does it prove that the negative descriptions of her time in Alaska were completely dishonest, it disprove a long held scientific consensus,” said Harvard astrophysicist Barry Ibuprofen. ”The scientific community has long believed that it was physically impossible for any human being to have written private emails in that quantity without including something objectionable. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if gravity reversed itself today.”

“Seriously, nothing?” Said MIT microbiologist Timothy Eleventeen. “No crass forwards? No jokes about fat kids? No plans to murder wolves or minorities from helicopters? Impossible. I can’t believe it. But as a scientist, I must.”

Amazingly, not only did the opposition attempt to discredit Palin fail say experts, it may have actually improved her image. emails showing Palin praising the experience of parenting a child with down syndrome, maintaining a completely consistent private and public persona, may cause a tear in the space time continuum, according to experts.

Not everyone was convinced. DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz said while it’s clear that Palin is the greatest human being on the planet known as Earth–it is quote “not immediately clear whether someone on another planet, or in another galaxy all together could edge her out.”

(Real experts were not interviewed for this article. All quotes are fictional. But seriously – these e-mails show she’s a really great person. Nice work media!)
Experts: Sarah Palin ‘best person in world history’ – Glenn Beck

I sure as hell would not vote for her, but I am not at all surprised that they failed to find a 'smoking gun' with which to hang Palin.

Better still, it clearly demonstrates just how desperate the left are to be trawling through 24,000 emails in a pathetic bid to destroy her.
The emails proved that not counting her idiotic religious fundamentalism, Palin was a pragmatic moderate,

and only became the rightwing's political equivalent of arm candy AFTER she was nominated for VP.
Likewise with Cali - I wouldn't vote for her, but what I do see is an absolute avalanche of mud in the face on left-wing media in their unforgivable attempt to besmirch her...again and again.
I imagine LOTS of choice words were exchanged in numerous editorial meetings today expressed for their crushing disappointment that nothing of dirt value was found.
This should be an eye opener for all of America as to just how despicable and unprofessional MSM is.
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The emails proved that not counting her idiotic religious fundamentalism, Palin was a pragmatic moderate,

and only became the rightwing's political equivalent of arm candy AFTER she was nominated for VP.

Idiotic religious fundamentalism.
Speaking of religion, what was preached in the now-resigned Reverend Wright's church that "turned on" Obama for 20+ years?
The emails proved that not counting her idiotic religious fundamentalism, Palin was a pragmatic moderate,

and only became the rightwing's political equivalent of arm candy AFTER she was nominated for VP.

Idiotic religious fundamentalism.
Speaking of religion, what was preached in the now-resigned Reverend Wright's church that "turned on" Obama for 20+ years?

1. Obama spent some 20 years in the anti-American and anti-Semitic Trinity United Church of Christ, with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Never heard a thing.

a. “Wright was a former Muslim and black nationalist who had studied at Howard and Chicago, and Trinity's guiding principles--what the church calls the "Black Value System"--included a "Disavowal of the Pursuit of Middleclassness.”… Wright became not only Obama's pastor, but his mentor. The title of Obama's recent book, The Audacity of Hope, is based on a sermon by Wright. " Barack Obama's Unlikely Political Education | The New Republic

b. The brand of Christianity taught at Trinity United Church of Christ, black-liberation theology, is of the far-Left variety that focuses on a few features of Christianity plus the racial anger that is the hallmark of that particularly American brand of Islam, the Nation of Islam. Geller, “The Post-American Presidency,” p. 77.

2. “In a now-famous 2003 sermon, Wright charged that an ingrained, abiding racism in American society is at fault for many of the troubles African-Americans face, and he thundered, "No, no, no, not God bless America! God damn America — that's in the Bible — for killing innocent people." Black Liberation Theology, in its Founder's Words : NPR Of course, Barack never heard a thing.

3. “Black liberation Theology is even more extreme. This theology was used by Marxist regimes to take over churches in Africa and Central America. They use “Christian” terminology they promote violence to overthrow governments and populations. It especially became popular in Nicaragua in the 1980’s with the pro-sandanista dictatorship. It used Marxist strategies to be an impetus for the people to rebel where violent revolution was used. In some churches Jesus was represented as Sandinista soldier identifying with the oppressed….Black Liberation theology describes Jesus as a poor black man who lived in oppression under “rich white people” which makes this particular view racially based, accentuating the tensions of being Black….Authentic Christianity transcends race and ethnicity.” The Oppression of Black Liberation Theology
The emails proved that not counting her idiotic religious fundamentalism, Palin was a pragmatic moderate,

and only became the rightwing's political equivalent of arm candy AFTER she was nominated for VP.

Idiotic religious fundamentalism.
Speaking of religion, what was preached in the now-resigned Reverend Wright's church that "turned on" Obama for 20+ years?

you CAN'T bring that up, don't ya know.
The emails proved that not counting her idiotic religious fundamentalism, Palin was a pragmatic moderate,

and only became the rightwing's political equivalent of arm candy AFTER she was nominated for VP.

"...her idiotic religious fundamentalism,..."

And another of the hallmarks of what passes for thinking from the Left!

Funny how you made this comment on the same day as the new executive editor at The New York Times, Jill Abramson.

"That’s certainly the case with Jill Abramson’s suggestion on Thursday that her elevation to the position of executive editor at The New York Times amounted to a transfiguration and apotheosis, as well as the sacred fulfillment of the family faith that guided her childhood.

Not only did she compare her new appointment to “ascending to Valhalla,” but in the original versions of a Times report by Jeremy W. Peters, she flatly declared: “In my house growing up, The Times substituted for religion.”
Jill Abramson

The religion of the Left is Liberalism! No wonder you guys annointed Obama as the Messiah!

...you guys should check out Daniel 2:33
The emails proved that not counting her idiotic religious fundamentalism, Palin was a pragmatic moderate,

and only became the rightwing's political equivalent of arm candy AFTER she was nominated for VP.

Idiotic religious fundamentalism.
Speaking of religion, what was preached in the now-resigned Reverend Wright's church that "turned on" Obama for 20+ years?

1. Obama spent some 20 years in the anti-American and anti-Semitic Trinity United Church of Christ, with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Never heard a thing.

a. “Wright was a former Muslim and black nationalist who had studied at Howard and Chicago, and Trinity's guiding principles--what the church calls the "Black Value System"--included a "Disavowal of the Pursuit of Middleclassness.”… Wright became not only Obama's pastor, but his mentor. The title of Obama's recent book, The Audacity of Hope, is based on a sermon by Wright. " Barack Obama's Unlikely Political Education | The New Republic

b. The brand of Christianity taught at Trinity United Church of Christ, black-liberation theology, is of the far-Left variety that focuses on a few features of Christianity plus the racial anger that is the hallmark of that particularly American brand of Islam, the Nation of Islam. Geller, “The Post-American Presidency,” p. 77.

2. “In a now-famous 2003 sermon, Wright charged that an ingrained, abiding racism in American society is at fault for many of the troubles African-Americans face, and he thundered, "No, no, no, not God bless America! God damn America — that's in the Bible — for killing innocent people." Black Liberation Theology, in its Founder's Words : NPR Of course, Barack never heard a thing.

3. “Black liberation Theology is even more extreme. This theology was used by Marxist regimes to take over churches in Africa and Central America. They use “Christian” terminology they promote violence to overthrow governments and populations. It especially became popular in Nicaragua in the 1980’s with the pro-sandanista dictatorship. It used Marxist strategies to be an impetus for the people to rebel where violent revolution was used. In some churches Jesus was represented as Sandinista soldier identifying with the oppressed….Black Liberation theology describes Jesus as a poor black man who lived in oppression under “rich white people” which makes this particular view racially based, accentuating the tensions of being Black….Authentic Christianity transcends race and ethnicity.” The Oppression of Black Liberation Theology

I don't see anything radical in that...:eusa_shhh:*shrugs*:lol:
The emails proved that not counting her idiotic religious fundamentalism, Palin was a pragmatic moderate,

and only became the rightwing's political equivalent of arm candy AFTER she was nominated for VP.

Idiotic religious fundamentalism.
Speaking of religion, what was preached in the now-resigned Reverend Wright's church that "turned on" Obama for 20+ years?

you CAN'T bring that up, don't ya know.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xnNhzgcWTk]YouTube - ‪Fawlty Towers - Don't mention the war.mpg‬‏[/ame]

8,000 pages redacted, missing or not forwarded......Duh.

Yeah, she was probably hiding the Weiner emails!

And those campaign contributions from Gaza!

And the pics of her curtsying to the King of Saudi Arabia!

And, I'll bet the she hid the emails from Rezko, you know, offering to
buy her an igloo!

And the government funds she shovelled to his boss to get Todd a raise from $121,900 to $316,962.

And...and...I'll bet you're right, and she hid all kinds of emails to and from terrorists, folks who bombed the Pentagon, and probably even wrote her book!

You betcha!
The emails proved that not counting her idiotic religious fundamentalism, Palin was a pragmatic moderate,

and only became the rightwing's political equivalent of arm candy AFTER she was nominated for VP.

"...her idiotic religious fundamentalism,..."

And another of the hallmarks of what passes for thinking from the Left!

Funny how you made this comment on the same day as the new executive editor at The New York Times, Jill Abramson.

"That’s certainly the case with Jill Abramson’s suggestion on Thursday that her elevation to the position of executive editor at The New York Times amounted to a transfiguration and apotheosis, as well as the sacred fulfillment of the family faith that guided her childhood.

Not only did she compare her new appointment to “ascending to Valhalla,” but in the original versions of a Times report by Jeremy W. Peters, she flatly declared: “In my house growing up, The Times substituted for religion.”
Jill Abramson

The religion of the Left is Liberalism! No wonder you guys annointed Obama as the Messiah!

...you guys should check out Daniel 2:33

You don't think that believing the Earth is 6000 years old is 'idiotic'?

Then, please, put your wordsmithing talents to worthwhile use and tell me what word would more precisely describe that.
The emails proved that not counting her idiotic religious fundamentalism, Palin was a pragmatic moderate,

and only became the rightwing's political equivalent of arm candy AFTER she was nominated for VP.

Idiotic religious fundamentalism.
Speaking of religion, what was preached in the now-resigned Reverend Wright's church that "turned on" Obama for 20+ years?

Is Obama a fundie?
The emails proved that not counting her idiotic religious fundamentalism, Palin was a pragmatic moderate,

and only became the rightwing's political equivalent of arm candy AFTER she was nominated for VP.

"...her idiotic religious fundamentalism,..."

And another of the hallmarks of what passes for thinking from the Left!

Funny how you made this comment on the same day as the new executive editor at The New York Times, Jill Abramson.

"That’s certainly the case with Jill Abramson’s suggestion on Thursday that her elevation to the position of executive editor at The New York Times amounted to a transfiguration and apotheosis, as well as the sacred fulfillment of the family faith that guided her childhood.

Not only did she compare her new appointment to “ascending to Valhalla,” but in the original versions of a Times report by Jeremy W. Peters, she flatly declared: “In my house growing up, The Times substituted for religion.”
Jill Abramson

The religion of the Left is Liberalism! No wonder you guys annointed Obama as the Messiah!

...you guys should check out Daniel 2:33

You don't think that believing the Earth is 6000 years old is 'idiotic'?

Then, please, put your wordsmithing talents to worthwhile use and tell me what word would more precisely describe that.

President Obama claims we have 57 states

Idiotic much? Or are you onboard with that.
The emails proved that not counting her idiotic religious fundamentalism, Palin was a pragmatic moderate,

and only became the rightwing's political equivalent of arm candy AFTER she was nominated for VP.

Idiotic religious fundamentalism.
Speaking of religion, what was preached in the now-resigned Reverend Wright's church that "turned on" Obama for 20+ years?

Is Obama a fundie?

Is your Google broke?

Look it up yourself and get educated.
Sarah Palin was a Republican Moderate in Alaska whose single biggest accomplishment in her entire tenure was to join Alaska DEMOCRATS in pushing through a windfall profits tax on Alaska oil producers.

She had an 80% approval up there because of widespread support from DEMOCRATS.

Now she's a uber-partisan cartoon character who isn't even liked in own state.
Sarah Palin was a Republican Moderate in Alaska whose single biggest accomplishment in her entire tenure was to join Alaska DEMOCRATS in pushing through a windfall profits tax on Alaska oil producers.

She had an 80% approval up there because of widespread support from DEMOCRATS.

Now she's a uber-partisan cartoon character who isn't even liked in own state.

Glad she continues to distract and bother you. Seems like her strategy to annoy the ignorant is working.

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