Oklahoma Republican Is Cool With Stoning Gay People To Death

The Oklahoma GOP is giving people some real options when it comes to voting. The taliban must be open mouthed in admiration. They would never get away with this shit.

Do the GOP have any normal people ?

I don't know who would support what you assert in this thread title but I do know that they would be in the extreme if they did make a suggestion.

Let us not forget the side you support, even some now considered "mainstream". One very famous representative in the name of AOC for instance. She suggested having a "list" of Trump supporters after the 2020 election, seemingly for re-education camps, prison, or a drone strike perhaps?

She also promoted her Green New Deal which called for the banning of farting cows.

She is a representative that many in media suggest could be president someday. You see how this works mate?
Why do idiots like the OP believe that a single example of something is indicative of something which permeates an entire political party?

I don't know a single member of the GOP (and I know a shit-ton of them) who would condone such a thing...
Where do you drag up this garbage??
Once again - you do realize 1000s of obscure weirdos "run for office" and get maybe 20 votes.
This guy is not endorsed by the GOP.
Just like the garbage thread you made yesterday,

Tommy Troll thread #12,345
Nope. I think Israel could do better. Peace with justice is possible.

You can't just hold Israel accountable for a lack of peace in a region that hasn't seen peace in 3,000 years.

The day people hold Israel's neighbors equally accountable for events in the region is the day I will start to believe that their motivation springs for a desire for peace of everyone in the region and not just a hatred of Jews.
You can't just hold Israel accountable for a lack of peace in a region that hasn't seen peace in 3,000 years.

The day people hold Israel's neighbors equally accountable for events in the region is the day I will start to believe that their motivation springs for a desire for peace of everyone in the region and not just a hatred of Jews.

Palestine and most of the Middle East was sleepy and apolitical. They didn't know anything about Marx or Lenin, socialism or communism or nationalism.

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