O’Keefe Exposes Google’s Plan to Stop the Next Trump

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Rush Limbaugh.com ^ | June 24, 2019 | Rush Limbaugh

RUSH: James O’Keefe, Project Veritas, found a Google insider to spill the beans. The Google insider said, “The reason why I came to Project Veritas is that you’re the only one I trust to be able to be a real investigative journalist. Investigative journalist is a dead career option, but somehow, you’ve been able to make it work.”

Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent "Trump situation" in 2020 on Hidden Cam

BACKUP VIDEO AVAILABLE: 2019 – Project Veritas...

Some of the things that the Google insider said on video, Google is hell-bent on never letting somebody like Donald Trump come to power again. They’re going to make sure at Google in 2020 that the Trump situation doesn’t happen again. The insider talked about various conservative sites that are targeted, suppressed, and blocked. It’s quite the treasure trove of admissions from what’s going on inside Google, which a lot of people have figured anyway, but this is proof positive icing on the cake.


I keep hearing them bitch about hate and unfairness, but the only hate I see is Trump-Hatred and the only unfairness I see is that directed at Trump and his supporters.

It is a classic example of “projection”.

Jen Genni shound not be allowed any power, whatsoever. She is totally unable to wield it, responsibly.
Is that why when you Google.....

It comes up Trump
YouTube took the video down, due to privacy claim from a third party.
No surprise, though. It’s sickening.
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Microsoft, etc have all been outed as Far Left Progressives that want one party Democrat rule to Fundamentally Transform America. They want to further consolidate power and wealth. GREED.
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Microsoft, etc have all been outed and Far Left Progressives that want one party Democrat rule to Fundamentally Transform America. They want to further consolidate power and wealth. GREED.
Poor, poor snowflake
Poor, poor snowflake
You aren't bothered at all that Big Tech wants to be Big Brother, are you?
When fascism comes to this country it will be sponsored by the democrat party and you will smile and laugh
nodding your approval. Fucking quisling clown.
An apology for my previous post: I didn't mean to imply that you would be happy to see a left wing authoritarian government come to power erasing all our civil liberties and rights. I meant someone exactly like you in every conceivable way.
Poor, poor snowflake
You aren't bothered at all that Big Tech wants to be Big Brother, are you?
When fascism comes to this country it will be sponsored by the democrat party and you will smile and laugh
nodding your approval. Fucking quisling clown.
Drama Queen

Youtube has pulled the video...guess who owns Youtube

Let’s see....Soros?

Dumbass, you can't even troll properly

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