Ok Democrats...LET'S 'GO THERE'!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
According to the Democrats in their witch hunt pursuit of Kavanaugh, if you do not demand an FBI investigation of yourself when there are accusations against you then you MUST be GUILTY!

Let's buy for a second that this insane BS from the TDS-infected Left is 'True'.... THAT MEANS:

...Diane Feinstein is GUILTY of being a Chinese Spy, betraying her country for over 20 years.

-- "Sen. Dianne Feinstein, why aren’t you calling for a more complete FBI investigation into the alleged Chinese spy in your San Francisco office who served as your driver as well as a liaison to the Asian-American community in California? You say the FBI never informed you of any compromise of national security information, and that the staffer “never had access” to classified or sensitive information. But how could they know that without interviewing you and all the members of your staff? YOu have yet to call for an investigation into your own behavior, so obviously, you're guilty."

...Dick Durbin is GUILTY of promoting giving federal funding to clients his wife lobbied for, despite claiming he had nothing to do with it.

-- Durbin's 'office announced the grants, but you claimed you did “nothing in terms of securing the money.” So, how about a full investigation to get to the bottom of the matter?'

...Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is GUILTY of receiving a gift worth nearly $500,000 from her husband’s British parents but refuse to say why they were given the money or what they did with it.

-- 'That was more than the gross income of you and your husband that year. Your spokesperson declined to say why your in-laws gave the money or what you did with it. So, how about it? Full FBI investigation or you’re guilty of something nefarious, right?'

...Sen. Richard Blumenthal Is GUILTY of being a perjurer and lying about EVERYTHING!
-- 'You asked Judge Kavanaugh whether he knew the legal term “falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” – false on one thing, false on all. Well, senator, you’ve stated that you served in Vietnam despite the fact that you sought multiple deferments and then signed up for the Marine Reserve to avoid going to war. That seems rather dishonest. How about the FBI checks into your comments? You know, for the sake of honesty.'

...Senator Corey 'Spartacus' Booker is GUILTY of sexual assault, attempted rape, etc...
-- Admitting to attacking / groping a female student without her consent. Time to send in the FBI!

...Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse is GUILTY of Insider Trading.

-- 'As lawmakers closed in on a deal over a bill called the 21st Century Cures Act, you bought shares in pharmaceutical companies. You were sitting on a Senate committee overseeing health care at the time. The day president Obama signed the bill, you started selling your pharmaceutical stock. How about we have the FBI check out your phone logs?'

These are just a few of the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee...THERE ARE MANY MORE WHO NEED TO BE INVESTIGATED BY THE FBI BASED ON THIS NEW 'RULE' BY DEMOCRATS....

...DNC Vice Chairman Keith Ellison is GUILTY of multiple counts of sexual assault, assault, battery, etc....
-- Multiple accusers have come out - with evidence - to accuse Ellison of assault...and Ellison himself would not rule out there may be more. Here's another MANDATORY FBI investigation that needs to happen.

Hillary Clinton is GUILTY of taking $145 Million in Bribes from the KGB Bank / Putin...

Robert Mueller if GUILTY for collaborating with Putin / Russia, hiding evidence of Russian crime associated with their attempt to purchase Uranium One...

Barak Obama is GUILTY of Treason & War Crimes for helping Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - take over their own country (Libya) and for invading Syria, a sovereign country without the permission of Syria's President, without being asked to send troops into Syria by al-Assad, and without Congressional authorization to start his 2nd Illegal war to help terrorists...

Barak Obama is GUILTY of treason for telling Medvedev to pass on to Putin in 2012 that he would be more flexible after his re-election then in 2014 giving Putin / Russia 20% of the US supply of Uranium, giving them Crimea, giving them TOP SECRET data off of Hillary's illegal server he knew about, and gave them approval to interfere / hack out electrical grid / run a counter-intelligence operation in the US for the next 2 years in exchange for approval to illegally invade Syria...



So, Democrats: What are you hiding from the FBI?


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According to the Democrats in their witch hunt pursuit of Kavanaugh, if you do not demand an FBI investigation of yourself when there are accusations against you then you MUST be GUILTY!

Let's buy for a second that this insane BS from the TDS-infected Left is 'True'.... THAT MEANS:

...Diane Feinstein is GUILTY of being a Chinese Spy, betraying her country for over 20 years.

-- "Sen. Dianne Feinstein, why aren’t you calling for a more complete FBI investigation into the alleged Chinese spy in your San Francisco office who served as your driver as well as a liaison to the Asian-American community in California? You say the FBI never informed you of any compromise of national security information, and that the staffer “never had access” to classified or sensitive information. But how could they know that without interviewing you and all the members of your staff? YOu have yet to call for an investigation into your own behavior, so obviously, you're guilty."

...Dick Durbin is GUILTY of promoting giving federal funding to clients his wife lobbied for, despite claiming he had nothing to do with it.

-- Durbin's 'office announced the grants, but you claimed you did “nothing in terms of securing the money.” So, how about a full investigation to get to the bottom of the matter?'

...Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is GUILTY of receiving a gift worth nearly $500,000 from her husband’s British parents but refuse to say why they were given the money or what they did with it.

-- 'That was more than the gross income of you and your husband that year. Your spokesperson declined to say why your in-laws gave the money or what you did with it. So, how about it? Full FBI investigation or you’re guilty of something nefarious, right?'

...Sen. Richard Blumenthal Is GUILTY of being a perjurer and lying about EVERYTHING!
-- 'You asked Judge Kavanaugh whether he knew the legal term “falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” – false on one thing, false on all. Well, senator, you’ve stated that you served in Vietnam despite the fact that you sought multiple deferments and then signed up for the Marine Reserve to avoid going to war. That seems rather dishonest. How about the FBI checks into your comments? You know, for the sake of honesty.'

...Senator Corey 'Spartacus' Booker is GUILTY of sexual assault, attempted rape, etc...
-- Admitting to attacking / groping a female student without her consent. Time to send in the FBI!

...Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse is GUILTY of Insider Trading.

-- 'As lawmakers closed in on a deal over a bill called the 21st Century Cures Act, you bought shares in pharmaceutical companies. You were sitting on a Senate committee overseeing health care at the time. The day president Obama signed the bill, you started selling your pharmaceutical stock. How about we have the FBI check out your phone logs?'

These are just a few of the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee...THERE ARE MANY MORE WHO NEED TO BE INVESTIGATED BY THE FBI BASED ON THIS NEW 'RULE' BY DEMOCRATS....

...DNC Vice Chairman Keith Ellison is GUILTY of multiple counts of sexual assault, assault, battery, etc....
-- Multiple accusers have come out - with evidence - to accuse Ellison of assault...and Ellison himself would not rule out there may be more. Here's another MANDATORY FBI investigation that needs to happen.

Hillary Clinton is GUILTY of taking $145 Million in Bribes by the KGB Bank / Putin...

Robert Mueller if GUILTY for collaborating with Putin / Russia, hiding evidence of Russian crime associated with their attempt to purchase Uranium One...



So, Democrats: What are you hiding from the FBI?


Man...you either need to switch to decaf...or get laid once in awhile...or both.

**Deflection alert**
Man...you either need to switch to decaf...or get laid once in awhile...or both.

Your lack of anything worthwhile / factual to say in response to the article which absolutely FLAMES the hypocritical, despicable POS Democrats is duly noted.
According to the Democrats in their witch hunt pursuit of Kavanaugh, if you do not demand an FBI investigation of yourself when there are accusations against you then you MUST be GUILTY!

Let's buy for a second that this insane BS from the TDS-infected Left is 'True'.... THAT MEANS:

...Diane Feinstein is GUILTY of being a Chinese Spy, betraying her country for over 20 years.

-- "Sen. Dianne Feinstein, why aren’t you calling for a more complete FBI investigation into the alleged Chinese spy in your San Francisco office who served as your driver as well as a liaison to the Asian-American community in California? You say the FBI never informed you of any compromise of national security information, and that the staffer “never had access” to classified or sensitive information. But how could they know that without interviewing you and all the members of your staff? YOu have yet to call for an investigation into your own behavior, so obviously, you're guilty."

...Dick Durbin is GUILTY of promoting giving federal funding to clients his wife lobbied for, despite claiming he had nothing to do with it.

-- Durbin's 'office announced the grants, but you claimed you did “nothing in terms of securing the money.” So, how about a full investigation to get to the bottom of the matter?'

...Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is GUILTY of receiving a gift worth nearly $500,000 from her husband’s British parents but refuse to say why they were given the money or what they did with it.

-- 'That was more than the gross income of you and your husband that year. Your spokesperson declined to say why your in-laws gave the money or what you did with it. So, how about it? Full FBI investigation or you’re guilty of something nefarious, right?'

...Sen. Richard Blumenthal Is GUILTY of being a perjurer and lying about EVERYTHING!
-- 'You asked Judge Kavanaugh whether he knew the legal term “falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” – false on one thing, false on all. Well, senator, you’ve stated that you served in Vietnam despite the fact that you sought multiple deferments and then signed up for the Marine Reserve to avoid going to war. That seems rather dishonest. How about the FBI checks into your comments? You know, for the sake of honesty.'

...Senator Corey 'Spartacus' Booker is GUILTY of sexual assault, attempted rape, etc...
-- Admitting to attacking / groping a female student without her consent. Time to send in the FBI!

...Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse is GUILTY of Insider Trading.

-- 'As lawmakers closed in on a deal over a bill called the 21st Century Cures Act, you bought shares in pharmaceutical companies. You were sitting on a Senate committee overseeing health care at the time. The day president Obama signed the bill, you started selling your pharmaceutical stock. How about we have the FBI check out your phone logs?'

These are just a few of the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee...THERE ARE MANY MORE WHO NEED TO BE INVESTIGATED BY THE FBI BASED ON THIS NEW 'RULE' BY DEMOCRATS....

...DNC Vice Chairman Keith Ellison is GUILTY of multiple counts of sexual assault, assault, battery, etc....
-- Multiple accusers have come out - with evidence - to accuse Ellison of assault...and Ellison himself would not rule out there may be more. Here's another MANDATORY FBI investigation that needs to happen.

Hillary Clinton is GUILTY of taking $145 Million in Bribes by the KGB Bank / Putin...

Robert Mueller if GUILTY for collaborating with Putin / Russia, hiding evidence of Russian crime associated with their attempt to purchase Uranium One...



So, Democrats: What are you hiding from the FBI?


Man...you either need to switch to decaf...or get laid once in awhile...or both.

Attack the messenger. You little libtardo.

Why don't you follow the rules of this zone.

The Senators have no high ground to judge Kav when they're guilty of what they can only claim about him.
According to the Democrats in their witch hunt pursuit of Kavanaugh, if you do not demand an FBI investigation of yourself when there are accusations against you then you MUST be GUILTY!

Let's buy for a second that this insane BS from the TDS-infected Left is 'True'.... THAT MEANS:

...Diane Feinstein is GUILTY of being a Chinese Spy, betraying her country for over 20 years.

-- "Sen. Dianne Feinstein, why aren’t you calling for a more complete FBI investigation into the alleged Chinese spy in your San Francisco office who served as your driver as well as a liaison to the Asian-American community in California? You say the FBI never informed you of any compromise of national security information, and that the staffer “never had access” to classified or sensitive information. But how could they know that without interviewing you and all the members of your staff? YOu have yet to call for an investigation into your own behavior, so obviously, you're guilty."

...Dick Durbin is GUILTY of promoting giving federal funding to clients his wife lobbied for, despite claiming he had nothing to do with it.

-- Durbin's 'office announced the grants, but you claimed you did “nothing in terms of securing the money.” So, how about a full investigation to get to the bottom of the matter?'

...Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is GUILTY of receiving a gift worth nearly $500,000 from her husband’s British parents but refuse to say why they were given the money or what they did with it.

-- 'That was more than the gross income of you and your husband that year. Your spokesperson declined to say why your in-laws gave the money or what you did with it. So, how about it? Full FBI investigation or you’re guilty of something nefarious, right?'

...Sen. Richard Blumenthal Is GUILTY of being a perjurer and lying about EVERYTHING!
-- 'You asked Judge Kavanaugh whether he knew the legal term “falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” – false on one thing, false on all. Well, senator, you’ve stated that you served in Vietnam despite the fact that you sought multiple deferments and then signed up for the Marine Reserve to avoid going to war. That seems rather dishonest. How about the FBI checks into your comments? You know, for the sake of honesty.'

...Senator Corey 'Spartacus' Booker is GUILTY of sexual assault, attempted rape, etc...
-- Admitting to attacking / groping a female student without her consent. Time to send in the FBI!

...Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse is GUILTY of Insider Trading.

-- 'As lawmakers closed in on a deal over a bill called the 21st Century Cures Act, you bought shares in pharmaceutical companies. You were sitting on a Senate committee overseeing health care at the time. The day president Obama signed the bill, you started selling your pharmaceutical stock. How about we have the FBI check out your phone logs?'

These are just a few of the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee...THERE ARE MANY MORE WHO NEED TO BE INVESTIGATED BY THE FBI BASED ON THIS NEW 'RULE' BY DEMOCRATS....

...DNC Vice Chairman Keith Ellison is GUILTY of multiple counts of sexual assault, assault, battery, etc....
-- Multiple accusers have come out - with evidence - to accuse Ellison of assault...and Ellison himself would not rule out there may be more. Here's another MANDATORY FBI investigation that needs to happen.

Hillary Clinton is GUILTY of taking $145 Million in Bribes by the KGB Bank / Putin...

Robert Mueller if GUILTY for collaborating with Putin / Russia, hiding evidence of Russian crime associated with their attempt to purchase Uranium One...



So, Democrats: What are you hiding from the FBI?

Man...you either need to switch to decaf...or get laid once in awhile...or both.

McCrotchet and the Left, what a laughable, pathetic, predictable lot. As usual, apoplectic over the slightest detail --- --- that is, until the arrow POINTS AT THEM. :auiqs.jpg:
Stupid Liberals either DO NOT THINK before they open their mouths, not thinking about what they say being so criminally hypocritical...

..or they are secure in their hypocrisy, knowing they are protected from the same rules being applied to them and knowing easily emotionally-manipulated snowflakes will just slurp up what is being fed to them without stopping to think and notice the glaring hypocrisy.
Feinstein should get the Michael Cohen treatment and have all her cellphones and emails seized
Judge Pervy Frat Boy is not under criminal investigation. It’s a background check.

By the way . Sworn testimony is evidence.
Feinstein should get the Michael Cohen treatment and have all her cellphones and emails seized

None of this 'Hillary' bullshit where they REQUEST in writing that she turn over all of her potentially damaging/ criminal activity-revealing information in 30-60 days...after she has had the chance to delete files and bleachbit her servers, destroy devices, remove the sim cards on others, etc...

Kick the damn doors down and seize everything!
People like The Clintons, Feinstein, Schummer, Pelosi and Waters have been selling out America to The Chinese, Russians and anyone else with a was of cash for decades. Nobody has bothered to bust them yet, because these people put corrupt like minded individuals in positions of power who would investigate them if anything were exposed. Just like the multitude of scandals in The Obama Administration. Every single one of them were swept under the rug because the system was rigged by corrupt politicians to conceal corruption, not expose it, not shed light on it.

The Most Transparent Administration in history, used aliases and unofficial email accounts, secret servers, burner phones, and destroyed thousands of Government documents and a multitude of hard drives, cell phones, laptops, and laundered millions of dollars through Fake Charities all to conceal the fact that they were bought and paid for by Foreign Governments.

Feinstein's Chinese spy ring will be swept under the rug, just like Clinton & Obama's collusion with Putin and The KGB in the last election and with Uranium One.
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Feinstein should get the Michael Cohen treatment and have all her cellphones and emails seized

None of this 'Hillary' bullshit where they REQUEST in writing that she turn over all of her potentially damaging/ criminal activity-revealing information in 30-60 days...after she has had the chance to delete files and bleachbit her servers, destroy devices, remove the sim cards on others, etc...

Kick the damn doors down and seize everything!

How about a Pre-Dawn raid on her attorney's home? Ever think The FBI would do something like that to Hillary Clinton or Podesta, or Schultz, or Donna Brazille or anyone who worked for Fusion GPS, or COIE Lawfirm or The Clinton Foundation?
Judge Pervy Frat Boy is not under criminal investigation. It’s a background check.By the way . Sworn testimony is evidence.

1. Sorry, your premise is rejected based on the Democrats' declarations that 'Burden of Proof is on the ACCUSED' & 2 'They are GUILTY until Proven Innocent', which is exactly what Democrats said / say about Kavanaugh.

2. Sworn testimony that you claim something happened is just THAT - a CLAIM under oath. EVIDENCE is the proof that supports the CLAIM, The claim itself is not evidence of anything other than the fact that 'you' say something happened.

(Your ignorance of the difference between the 2 explains a lot about why it was so easy for Democrats to manipulate you and convince you Kavanaugh is guilty of anything when there is no evidence to support that.)
It sounds great, but if Republicans do that, the left (with the help of the media) will saturate the 24 hour news cycle with accusations of Republicans being the party of investigations until it starts to stick. Better to not give them that ammo (as much as I'd love to see them forced to drink their own medicine). I would prefer to get Republican voters off their asses on election day, increase their majority in Congress, then start indicting the fuckers in January. Fire Sessions, Rosenstein, and anybody else who has done anything improper, and get new ones confirmed right away. Put Comey and Strzok in prison, and indict Hillary. Who knows, maybe we can even nail the ringleader.

Feinstein should get the Michael Cohen treatment and have all her cellphones and emails seized

None of this 'Hillary' bullshit where they REQUEST in writing that she turn over all of her potentially damaging/ criminal activity-revealing information in 30-60 days...after she has had the chance to delete files and bleachbit her servers, destroy devices, remove the sim cards on others, etc...

Kick the damn doors down and seize everything!

Yup. Just knock down the door and have NSA back up all the electrons
It sounds great, but if Republicans do that, the left (with the help of the media) will saturate the 24 hour news cycle with accusations of Republicans being the party of investigations until it starts to stick. Better to not give them that ammo (as much as I'd love to see them forced to drink their own medicine). I would prefer to get Republican voters off their asses on election day, increase their majority in Congress, then start indicting the fuckers in January. Fire Sessions, Rosenstein, and anybody else who has done anything improper, and get new ones confirmed right away. Put Comey and Strzok in prison, and indict Hillary. Who knows, maybe we can even nail the ringleader.

That's the best way. I agree
Pack all of it up in suitcases / duffel bags.

FREEZE all of Feinstein and her husband's assets and accounts while investigating their criminal finances / espionage / getting millions for working with the ChiComms.

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