"Oil and gas revenues of Moscow empire fell by almost half in February compared to last year"


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
"Everything is going according to plan."
-Saddam Putsein

Oil and gas revenues of Moscow empire fell by almost half in February compared to last year, — Bloomberg. with other words - God Bless the USA !

still, Guys, any of you still think that " putin is a genius " ?

U.S. is the largest exporter of LNG and one of the largest exporters of oil. The U.S. story is part of a larger remapping of world energy,” said Daniel Yergin, vice chairman of S&P Global. “What we’re seeing now is a continuing redrawing of world energy that began with the shale revolution in the United States. ... In 2003, the U.S. expected to be the largest importer of LNG....

U.S. is building out more capacity. “In gas, we’re going to be a very real player. We’re trustworthy. We have rule of law. We have significant resources, and our projects are reasonably quick, compared to a lot of other potential projects around the world,” said Pickering. “My guess is we will go from [capacity of] 12 [billion cubic feet] of exports a day to close to 20, and we will be a big supplier to Europe.”

Pickering said U.S. exports are currently around 10 Bcf a day.

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To compensate for these losses, the Ministry of Finance of the Moscow empire sells yuan and gold from the National Welfare Fund.
But sanctions don’t work. say our Moscow lovers :auiqs.jpg: . Oil and gas revenues of the Moscow budget collapsed by half February brought no relief to the Moscow budget, which began the year with a record 25-year deficit. At the end of the month treasury received 521 billion rubles in oil and gas taxes - 46% less than in February 2022.

"Everything is going according to plan."

-Saddam Putsein


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