Ohio Town Tries Left Coast Homeless Approach, Gets Same Result

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Ohio Town Tries Left Coast Homeless Approach, Gets Same Result
Rolling out the red carpet for vagrants has worked so well in Left Coast moonbat dystopias like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Portland that Middletown, Ohio (2016 pop. 48,813) followed suit. It got the same results.

Via PJ Media:

There is everything from soup kitchens and shelters that allow you to be high and drunk to rehab facilities to sober up.

And that’s the problem. You can come to Middletown to stay drunk and high and get three hots and a cot without having to do much.

Now the homeless are swamping the town. Residents who call Middletown home are shocked that “about 75%” of the homeless are from someplace else, according to the former police chief.

At least someone benefits. No, it isn’t the drug-addled and mentally ill derelicts descending on Middletown; enabling their dysfunction does them no favors. It is other towns, which have found a place to dump them. Some new Middletown residents may come from as far away as New York, compliments of taxpayers.

Kansas City is getting fed up. It recently disbanded a vagrant camp. This made a derelict named Scott Hays “very angry.” He had something to say that the moonbats running Middletown need to hear:

“I’ve done so many programs and drugs treatment and all that,” Hays said. “Like, what’s the point if I’m not ready to stop?”

There is no point, other than to keep taxpayer money pouring into the voracious maw of the Homeless Industrial Complex.

On tips from Steve T.

Solutions brought to you by caring left wing bureaucrats,politicians, and dumber than dirt "activists" .

Ya know the people who are never right about anything and think the yaknow how you should live your lives , from what you should eat to ,what you can say ,to everything else in between

Progressive nazi freaks
Hey, it can be a beautiful world if you’re willing to work at it a teeny bit like the loser-idiot-likely-liberal couple’s cross-country odessy looking for a life-long hookup to a nice big juicy Homeless Teat, all thanks the sucker taxpayers. Offer free shit, attract freeloader drug addicts and all manner of other scum to come on down!

Road maintenance money diverted to pay for such parasitic invasions is just the tip of the iceberg the locals had best revolt over now, assuming it’s not already too late.

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