Ohio Student Suspended for Staying in Class During Walkout

So they say he was suspended because he couldn’t be left unsupervised... in his classroom, where the teacher should have been instead of out participating in this stupid walk out/ demonstration.
So you wanted the teacher to stay and supervise one instead of the 30 odd others......
Fuck the 30 others. They left class and therefore forfeit any supervision duties from the school. The teacher gets paid tax dollars to have their ass in class and teach those that show up. They aren’t paid to baby sit them during a walkout.
No...as long as it's school hours, the school, ergo the teachers are responsible for them. Legally.
And they should have done their job and told them they were not dismissed from class to have an SJW pity party.
It all just goes to show how desperate the left is today. Immediately they came up with the idea that children should be given the right to vote, and immediately they started counting heads to see just how many they would be able to add to the voter roles (if could actually pull it off). They undoubtedly think that their brainwashing has been successful, and that the children would automatically vote Demon-crat.

If true, then the swamp staff in the public school system needs to be drained immediately. It's time to put everything to an honest vote anymore, and vote the swamp creatures out. It's time to target their power, and begin to break it down. If the people want their children back, and they want better schools and education in this country for them, then there best be some swamp draining going on big time.
It all just goes to show how desperate the left is today. Immediately they came up with the idea that children should be given the right to vote, and immediately they started counting heads to see just how many they would be able to add to the voter roles (if could actually pull it off). They undoubtedly think that their brainwashing has been successful, and that the children would automatically vote Demon-crat.

If true, then the swamp staff in the public school system needs to be drained immediately. It's time to put everything to an honest vote anymore, and vote the swamp creatures out. It's time to target their power, and begin to break it down. If the people want their children back, and they want better schools and education in this country for them, then there best be some swamp draining going on big time.
If we want to get the schools back to being schools we only need to do one thing. Destroy the teachers unions.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

Education is not what schools are for.

Driving leftist agenda and having the parents pay for it... it's the way.

All children should be privately educated, if the parents cannot afford private education then they and the Grandparents etc should educate their children. Children should not be put in the vulnerable position of being subjected to teachers who are part of the Leftist Teaching Unions who push The Leftist Agenda into impressionistic young minds and end up perverting them with all the SJW crap and the general insanity of Leftism.
That option is available...has always been available. Feel free to tell parents what they SHOULD do about the education of their children. Rather Ironic of you, tho.

Remember that public school is the default position....having to please across the board....and pick up the slack for parents who can't parent.

I think many American parents probably will begin thinking to have their children privately educated, including in Charter Schools, especially if these SJW Teachers keep pushing their children as political pawns instead of teaching them normal educational topics teaching them SJW Politics.

Parents who can't parent have no right to be parents to begin with, if you have no intention or cannot be bothered to take care of your children you should not be having children to begin with, schools etc are not supposed to be Proxy Parenting Centres for people who cannot parent their own children.

This is a big problem today in schools is exactly that.
It all just goes to show how desperate the left is today. Immediately they came up with the idea that children should be given the right to vote, and immediately they started counting heads to see just how many they would be able to add to the voter roles (if could actually pull it off). They undoubtedly think that their brainwashing has been successful, and that the children would automatically vote Demon-crat.

If true, then the swamp staff in the public school system needs to be drained immediately. It's time to put everything to an honest vote anymore, and vote the swamp creatures out. It's time to target their power, and begin to break it down. If the people want their children back, and they want better schools and education in this country for them, then there best be some swamp draining going on big time.
If we want to get the schools back to being schools we only need to do one thing. Destroy the teachers unions.
Yep. On the day teachers unionized they stopped working for the benefit of children as their priority.
Why did the teacher walk out of class? Teachers sign a contract to teach, not walk out of class to support student complaints. His father should contact an honest lawyer.
Teachers are hired to teach. Unlike you, they have working minds. There is nothing that says they need to be in class to teach. Really stupid thought, dipshit. Really stupid.
outside the class is my business.
How about the teachers who left the classroom with students without parents permission or them even knowing where their kids are also pay a price for breaking rules?

SOB'S want to crush America and use kids for their political beliefs. What if a kid was hit by a car or hurt in some other way? Who is going to cover the lawsuit and insurance costs when the school allowed these kids to be useless wannabe activists?

These kids are walking around protesting the 2nd Amendment while kids in China are kicking the Wests ass in math and science. Get back in school. You earn the right to leave when you are top of the class!
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Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

The phony excuse used by the school district is just a cover for left wing radical political correctness.
One teacher or guidance counselor could have stayed with the student.

The kid was given a choice. He refused to follow instructions. You apparently could not get that from the article. He was probably being a defiant little shit about it and THAT will get you suspended. The kids don't get to make the rules for themselves.

We are quickly becoming a nation of dumbasses that cannot think!

How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

Retarded thread.

It says in the very first paragraph that he was suspended for not being in one of the two places he was supposed to be.

From your link, dope.

"HILLIARD, Ohio — An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall."

It had not a thing to do with the protest.

He's supposed to be in the classroom, as is his retarded teacher. Why was he supposed to be a at a political protest? That shit has no business being foisted on schoolchildren.

He wasn't where he was supposed to be, dope. Regardless of the reason.

He was supposed to be in the class, along with the other students and the teacher. There was no reason this protest couldn't have been done after school hours.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

Ah yes!

Another thread dedicated to proving that none of you assholes can read!

Directly from the linked article:

"An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall."

He was given a choice. He refused to do either. Even when those kids walk out, they have to be supervised or the school is liable. Staying alone is NOT an option.

What would happen if items were stolen from other students while he was left alone? What if vandalism occurred in the classroom? Students are supervised at all times.

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