Ohio&Pa- HIGHEST jobless rates in nation- LIBRUL UTOPIA!

Lol, the black man has let himself down, that's what you get when elect a community organizer as president. Our financial mess lays at the feet of the people that voted for him.

said the person who has been here 2+ yrs w/ 153 posts :eusa_eh:

Just think i've made more sense in a little over 150 post, than you have made in over 11,000 post in a year. Sheesh don't you have a life?
He's an old geeze, literally.. and totally senile. Try to overlook him.

LGS made 153 posts in a day or two PRE-ELECTION :razz: Not that way now huh? :( :lol:

Wow, you're starting to seriously freak me out.. You're so obsessed with me that you look for my post count daily????? REALLY?? Who the fuck does shit like that?? HONESTLY??? Dude, back the fuck off.. you're overboard .. Get a fucking life.. I'm not it.

Jillyidiot likes to use that line of attack as well. As if it's anyone's business but one's own... how much they choose to post.

they were links to a nyt article that had nothing to do with the topic, and an investor's daily blog that may or may not be true.

i'll check it out on my own, but give him credit for providing links
How is having a failing business model going to help in any of the areas you've pointed out? They need the reorganization to address the problems with their model. If they don't change, we are just kicking the can down the road and those companies will be lost to other companies who can do what needs to be done for a profit.

Other companies, even foreign ones, don't have the problems producing Vehicles in the US that those involved in the bail out did and still do. Why do you think that is?

When it fails, ya'll be real sure and let me know. K?
Don't assume that the people of OH and PA wanted jobs. What they wanted was more benefits. That's what they voted for.

No, not really. I live in PA, and I didn't want Obama back in office. If you look at the state map, almost every county is red. It's Philly and Pittsburgh that overrode the rest of the state. All the rest of us are just stuck with their choices. My county went red, as did the majority of them.

2012 Election Results Map by State - Live Voting Updates - POLITICO.com

damn democracy

Is that what you call it when people's votes are bought with everyone else's tax dollars? Funny shit. :lol:
All communities contain a range of income earners, from the destitute to the rich. Prices within that community are based on supply and demand. When a disportionate percentage of community members are at the higher end of the income scale, they drive prices higher, and those at the lower end of the income scale suffer in their ability to maintain their own standard of living.

Perhaps you have noted that prices in wealthy communities are higher, in just about every regard, than nearby communities that do not have that wealth.

This is not necessarily a bad thing for the community, if the community economy is thriving and jobs are available for those at the lower end, because the thriving economy lifts all boats, and even those at the lower end benefit to some degree.

If the federal government steps in and aids the union workers with the high paid jobs, in a non-thriving economy, those unaffected workers, and those on fixed incomes in the community suffer because of prices being held up by those workers saved by the government. There is no free lunch.

In the auto industry bailout, union workers won, while most non union workers were thrown under the bus. Do you really believe they benefitted from the bail out?

That's not economic principles. It's meaningless rhetoric.

Do you know what economics is? Have you studied it, read anything, or have the slightest grasp?

If not, ask questions. I'll school you, with ease, since talking about stuff we know is ... well ... easy.

you hi-jack the board w/ your pre-election endzone dance threads and call me obsessed? Puhlease.

Now I hi-jacked the forum??????????? You're seriously really fucked in the head.. MAJORLY and I mean that. I had a job to get the vote out.. with positive feedback to encourage our base.. I did that here and elsewhere.. It's really none of your fuckin biznez what I do , when I do it.. or where. You're bordering serious stalker material.. NO ONE I KNOW makes threads on someone, stalks every thread that person makes with nothing but insults, then counts the number of times they post daily. FUCK THIS and fuck you, you old fucking pervert.. You're on ignore.
said the person who has been here 2+ yrs w/ 153 posts :eusa_eh:

Thank you for making my last point. Your response added nothing to the conversation. What does his post count have to do with anything he said?

think about it dummy. Why would an unused rw acct suddenly become active after the rw's took a beating at the polls and there was a mass "run away from the forum" by rw's? :eusa_eh:

Glad to help. :)

no need to think about it. It's still not revelant to the conversation. It still doesnt address anything he has said. You keep making my point stronger.
LGS made 153 posts in a day or two PRE-ELECTION :razz: Not that way now huh? :( :lol:

Wow, you're starting to seriously freak me out.. You're so obsessed with me that you look for my post count daily????? REALLY?? Who the fuck does shit like that?? HONESTLY??? Dude, back the fuck off.. you're overboard .. Get a fucking life.. I'm not it.

Jillyidiot likes to use that line of attack as well. As if it's anyone's business but one's own... how much they choose to post.

Wow.. fucking loons, literally. I've never once looked up anyone's post count.. Why the hell would I?? I don't give a shit how many times someone posts here or anyfuckingwhere else for that matter..
No, not really. I live in PA, and I didn't want Obama back in office. If you look at the state map, almost every county is red. It's Philly and Pittsburgh that overrode the rest of the state. All the rest of us are just stuck with their choices. My county went red, as did the majority of them.

2012 Election Results Map by State - Live Voting Updates - POLITICO.com

damn democracy

Is that what you call it when people's votes are bought with everyone else's tax dollars? Funny shit. :lol:

Wow, you're starting to seriously freak me out.. You're so obsessed with me that you look for my post count daily????? REALLY?? Who the fuck does shit like that?? HONESTLY??? Dude, back the fuck off.. you're overboard .. Get a fucking life.. I'm not it.

Jillyidiot likes to use that line of attack as well. As if it's anyone's business but one's own... how much they choose to post.

Wow.. fucking loons, literally. I've never once looked up anyone's post count.. Why the hell would I?? I don't give a shit how many times someone posts here or anyfuckingwhere else for that matter..

Yes, I thought the post counting was odd, the reason I got just over 150 post. I joined a couple years ago and forgot about it. I just started posting a few months back. Also having a job cuts down on my time here. Onething I have learned, is when you prove a liberal wrong all they can do is insult.
You morons in those swing states asked for it and you're getting it.. More news comes out every single day.. You IDIOTS were sold a bunch of snake oil and lapped it up like good little gubmint addicted doggies.. Now it's time to lie in the bed you BEGGED for.

Surprise! Jobless Claims Up 78,000 Week After Election; PA, OH Worst Hit

I think threads with outright lies in the title should be moved to the rubber room.

Where is the lie?
Yes, I thought the post counting was odd, the reason I got just over 150 post. I joined a couple years ago and forgot about it. I just started posting a few months back. Also having a job cuts down on my time here. Onething I have learned, is when you prove a liberal wrong all they can do is insult.

Unfortunately, that's not a liberal failing, that is a human failing. Conservatives, Libertarians and everyone else are just as good at throwing insults as the liberals.

Still offering tissues from the sock that you stuffed in the crotch of your pants.

^ still projecting

I know you don't care since you seem to have no self-respect but there's slightly over 31,000 posters here. Although your sophomoric humor might appeal to all of 3 people, the rest view you as merely a fucking annoying childish asshole who lacks originality even in your piss poor attempts at humor.

You're as significant here as a wart on a frog's ass, yet you persist in making yourself look like an ignorant, arrogant, lifeless jerkoff...to what end I don't know.

But carry on since you're too stupid to take some advice that might actually make you worth something here.

I know you're pathetic enough that you can't resist a comeback so take your shot. You're as predictable as yesterday's weather and just as boring.
Emphasis added:

Other companies, even foreign ones, don't have the problems producing Vehicles in the US that those involved in the bail out did and still do. Why do you think that is?

No one was having trouble producing vehicles. The market changed in the US, dramatically and suddenly. So vehicles we excelled at making since they were highly-profitable and popular in our domestic market, were suddenly non-starters.

Foriegn makers, who excelled at making products for their domestic markets, where gas prices have been high for decades, suddenly had products that went from being significant players into market leaders. Everything trended their way, here, putting our domestic makers in a terrible position, that normally takes many years to change, in design, re-tooling and marketing of new product brands. Friggin' nightmare.

And yet, they turned it around, with our help, which is nothing new (we have for decades made SBA Loans the lifeblood of small business start-ups; we subsidize crude exploration; we fund medical research that is a windfall to bio-techs; we subsidize crops; we pay Commerce to go overseas and encourage new markets for ranges of industries; we spawn salmon vital to our fishing industries ...). And it was a winner, for our critical auto industry, for the communities and small businesses that depend on it, for the states whose revenues depend on it, for the country whose need for foreign trade depends on it ... and ... to the shagrin of the Rightie Minions ... Obama. He was a lock for winning OH, MI and WI when the auto industry rebounded.

So my sincere apologies to the Rightie Obama-haters. This one slipped past Congress, without them realizing it would make things better and insure an Obama re-election. Seems they, and not merely Romney, bet against American Know-how and got spanked for it.

So get over it, and try to do better next time. You lost, but America won. So there's that.
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