"Ohio ministers’ sermons to support same-sex marriage"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Ohio ministers sermons to support same-sex marriage The Columbus Dispatch

"In her 12 years as an ordained minister, the Rev. Sarah Reed has concentrated on a core message, one that she preaches 50 different ways a year.

She said that message — about God’s love and inclusiveness — won’t change when she takes the pulpit next weekend to participate in Sermon Sunday sponsored by Why Marriage Matters Ohio.

Reed will preach at the Downtown First Congregational Church United Church of Christ, joining more than 200 other clergy members around the state who are expected to speak to congregations in support of same-sex marriage."
This is what happens when the church does not hold its ground - when did the church first begin to lose ground? When their sermons went from preaching about Christ crucified, holiness, obedience, fasting and prayer, God's wrath and the reality of hell to the Gospel of love, love, love. God is holy and He is a God of judgment. This woman is not a minister of the Gospel but a wolf in sheep's clothing / a false teacher teaching a false Gospel that denies the Word of God.

First the churches stopped preaching the truth, then they ordained preachers (not called to be preachers) who preached a false gospel - the money gospel, the only preach God's love message, and refused to preach against sin. Now we are seeing the full on apostasy of the church in that they are inviting the sin in the front door.

The atmosphere is so sin friendly in most churches today that the world feels very comfortable sitting in their "services". Sad but true.
This is the god I learned about as a kid - inclusive and loving. Now I realize I was lied to. God is actually vicious and hateful, a petulant child who, if you believe he exists, loves to create just so he can destroy.

Who would worship a god who, on a whim, killed millions and, when the mood strikes him, continues to kill. Who would worship a god who killed his own child?


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